Parkinson’s Disease

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Parkinson's Disease Definition Symptoms Cause Diet Regimen Homeopathic Medicine Homeopath Treatment in Rajkot India

Parkinson’s Disease


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second commonest neurodegenerative disease.[1]

Parkinson’s disease has a few synonyms, depending on the nuance you want to convey:

  • Paralysis agitans: This is a historical term, literally meaning "shaking paralysis." It’s not commonly used anymore but you might encounter it in older texts.
  • Parkinsonism: This is a broader term encompassing Parkinson’s disease and other conditions with similar symptoms.
  • Shaking palsy: This is a more informal term that highlights the tremor, a common symptom of Parkinson’s disease.

In most cases, "Parkinson’s disease" is the preferred term for accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects movement, primarily caused by the loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain.


The exact cause is unknown, but

It is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors.


Currently, there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, but various medications and therapies can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.


Early signs may include:

Tremors, slowness of movement, muscle stiffness, changes in posture or balance, and subtle changes in speech or writing.

Homeopathy aims to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities to manage symptoms and potentially slow disease progression.


Homeopathy focuses on the whole person and their unique symptom picture, aiming to address the underlying imbalances.

Conventional treatment primarily uses medications to manage symptoms.

Treatment options include

Medications to replace or mimic dopamine, deep brain stimulation surgery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.

Research on homeopathy for Parkinson’s is limited, and its effectiveness is debated.

Some studies show positive results, but more rigorous research is needed.

Seek a registered homeopath with experience in treating neurological conditions. You can search online directories or ask for recommendations from trusted sources.

Homeopathic medicine for Parkinson’s disease:

Remedies like Zincum metallicum, Plumbum metallicum, and Causticum are often considered, but a qualified homeopath will individualize treatment based on the specific symptoms.

Excerpts (Summary)

These FAQs are designed to enhance the SEO performance of your "Parkinson's disease" article. Make sure to incorporate them naturally within the content and provide comprehensive answers within the article itself.

These FAQs are designed to improve the SEO of your homeopathic article on Parkinson's disease. Incorporate them naturally within the content and provide thorough answers. Always emphasize the importance of consulting qualified healthcare professionals for diagnosis and treatment, including discussing the use of homeopathy alongside conventional treatment.

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