Aconitum Napellus

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Aconitum Napellus


Aconitum napellus, commonly known by various names such as Aconite, Monkshood, and Wolf’s bane, is a beautiful but deadly flowering plant. Its hood-shaped flowers, resembling a monk’s cowl or a helmet, give it its distinct names.

  • Aconite: This name is derived from the Greek word "akoniton," meaning "without dust" or "without struggle," perhaps referencing its rapid and potent effects.
  • Monkshood: This name is inspired by the resemblance of the flower’s upper sepal to a monk’s hood.
  • Wolf’s bane: This name refers to the plant’s historical use as a poison for wolves and other large predators.
  • Angustifolium: This is a botanical term meaning "narrow-leaved," referring to the shape of the plant’s leaves.
  • Friar’s Cap: Similar to Monkshood, this name refers to the flower’s resemblance to a friar’s headwear.
  • Helmet flower: Also referencing the flower’s shape, this name highlights the protective helmet-like structure.
  • Leopard’s bane: This name refers to the plant’s use as a poison for leopards in some regions.
  • Devil’s helmet: This name reflects the plant’s toxicity and potential danger.
  • Blue rocket: This name is given to certain cultivars of Aconitum napellus with blue flowers due to their tall, upright growth and striking blue color.

All parts of Aconitum napellus are highly poisonous due to the presence of alkaloids, particularly aconitine. Despite its toxicity, it has been used in traditional medicine for various purposes, and in homeopathy, a highly diluted preparation of Aconitum napellus is used as a remedy for various ailments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

It is a highly diluted and potentized remedy in homeopathy, making it safe when used under the guidance of a qualified homeopathic practitioner. However, the raw plant is toxic and should never be ingested directly.

Aconite for the congestive stage of inflammation before localisation takes place. 

Tension’ is the key-note of Aconite. 

The countinance is expressive of fear. The face represents the great fear and anxiety of mind. On rising from a recumbent position, the red face becomes deathly pale.

Individuals experiencing sudden and intense physical or emotional symptoms, particularly those triggered by cold, shock, or fright, may find relief with Aconitum Napellus.

FAQ Related to Symptoms of Medicine

i) Monkshood,

ii) Wolfs bane, 

iii) Helmet flower.


Mental Symptoms 

i) Introduction-

Mental symptoms are characterized by acute onset. 

ii) Fear

Great fear of death; fear to go out; to go into a crowd; to go into where there are many people or excitement to cross the street: fear of death during pregnancy: fear of darkness; fear of ghost.

iii) Prediction

Predicts the day & time of death. 

iv) Restlessness

Constant restlessness both physically and mentally. Must change position often; everything startles him.

v) Anxiety

Great anxiety of mind; does everything in great haste.

vi) Agony

Tosses about in agony with great nervous excitability.

vii) Over sensitiveness

Mentally oversensitive.  

viii) Relation with music

Music is unbearable and makes her sad. 

Remedy Differentiate 


Fear of death predicts the day even the time or moment of death. Patient thinks that unless proper medicine is taken, he would die, therefore wants the doctor to be called at once. 

Arsenic alb.

Fear of death but never predicts the time of death. He thinks that his sease is incurable. Therefore, no use of taking medicine and doctor need not be called. 

Constant concomitants

i) Firstly, Mental anxiety.

ii) Secondly, Worry

iii) Thirdly, Fear- these accompanies the most trivial ailment.

Cough Symptoms 

a) Causation i.e.: –

i) Firstly, Exposure to dry cold air,

ii) Secondly, Dry north or west winds.

iii) Thirdly, Exposure to draught of cold air,

iv) Fourthly, After checked perspiration.

b) Character of the cough i.e.:
  • It is croupy, dry, hoarse, suffocating, rough, loud, croaking, hard, ringing & whistling.
c) Modalities i.e.: –

Agg. i) Firstly, On expiration, ii) Secondly, Towards evening & night.

Amel. i) In open air.

d) Concomitants i.e.: –

i) Firstly, Constant mental & physical restlessness., ii) Secondly, Thirst for large quantities of cold water.


a) Causation i.e.:

i) Firstly, From fear,

ii) Secondly, From fright, from shock excitement.

iii) Thirdly, From checked perspiration,

iv) Fourthly, From heat of the sun, etc.

b) Mode of onset i.e.:

Sudden and violent.

c) Ch. of stool i.e.: 

i) Firstly, Severe vomiting and purging in profuse quantity.

ii) Secondly, Rice watery stool, contains bright-red blood.

iii) Thirdly, Frequent desire for stool & vomiting.

d) Modalities i.e.: –

Agg. in evening and towards night.

e) Concomitants i.e.:
  • Severe precordial pain
  • Great fear of death, even predicts the day and moment of death.
  • Intense nervousness and restlessness with great anxiety.
  • Thirst for large quantities of cold water.

Paralaytic Symptoms 

a) Causation i.e.: –

 i) Firstly, Due to exposure of cold air, ii) Secondly, Due to draught of north, west wind etc.

 b) Onset i.e.: – Sudden and violent.
c) Ch. symptoms i.e.:

i) Firstly, Paralysis accompanied by coldness, ii) Secondly, Numbness and tingling of the parts.

Convulsion of Aconite

a) Adoptability i.e.: –

i) Firstly, Acon. is esp. suitable for rosy, chubby and plethoric baby.

ii) Secondly, Convulsion esp. of teething children.

 b) Convulsive symptoms i.e.: –

i) Firstly, Jerks and twitches of single muscle with heat,

ii) Secondly, Child gnaws its fist.

iii) Thirdly, Frets and screams-restlessness,

iv) Fourthly, Skin dry and hot esp. with high fever.


Fever Condition 

a) Mode of onset i.e.:

Acute onset; sudden and violent like storm.

b) Causation i.e.: –

i) Firstly, From exposure to dry cold air,

ii) Secondly, From exposure to draught of cold air.

iii) Thirdly, From bad effect of checked perspiration, iv) From fear, fright, shock.

v) Fourthly, From heat of the sun.

c) Period of prodrome i.e.:
  • High rise of temperature, whole body burning hot
d) Period of progress i.e.:
  • High fever but of short and sharp attack.
  • Severe chill in the evening
e) Period of decline i.e.:
  • There is no periodicity, recovery is quick.
f) Physical symptoms i.e.:

i) Firstly, Skin i.e.: – Dry and hot.

ii) Secondly, Sweat i.e.: -Drenching sweat on the parts laid on, which ameliorates the complaints.

iii) Thirdly, Thirst i.e.: -Burning thirst for large quantity of cold water.

iv) Fourthly, Pulse i.e.: -Full, frequent, both tense and hard.

v) Lastly, Face: –

  • Face red or pale also red alternately
  • On rising from a recumbent position, the red face becomes deathly pale or he becomes faint or giddy and falls and he fears to rise again; often accompanied by vanishing of sight also unconsciousness.
  • The countenance is expressive of fear.
g) Mental symptoms i.e.:

i) Firstly, Fear-Great fear of death; predicts the day and moment of death.

ii) Secondly, Restlessness-Intense nervous restlessness; tossing about in agony.

iii) Thirdly, Anxiety-Anxiety with nervous excitability.

 h) Modalities i.e.:

Agg.:  In evening and towards night; in warm room.

Amel: In open air; by perspiration.

 i) Cautions i.e.:
  •  Acon, should never be given simply to control the fever, never alternated with other drugs for that purpose. If it be a case requiring Acon. no other medicine is needed; Acon. will cure the case.
  • Rarely indicated in eruptive fever.
  • Unless indicated by the exciting cause, is nearly always injurious in first stages of typhoid fever.


Master Hahnemann says about Aconitum Napellus

"Whenever Aconite is chosen homeopathically, you must. above all. observe the moral symptoms, also be careful that it closely resembles them: the anguish of mind also body: the restlessness; the disquiet not to be allayed."

Arranged in grade/order 

  • Is generally indicated in acute or recent cases which starts suddenly also violently.
  • ‘Tension’ is the key-note of Acon.
  • It is one of the members of the trios of ‘restless family’ of Dr. Nash. The anxiety also impatience make the patient mentally restless.
  • Great fear also anxiety of mind. Fear of death with prediction of day also moment of death.
  • It is one of the members of the ‘trios of pain remedy of Dr. Nash. Pains are intolerable also is often associated with numbness.
  • Either Unquenchable thirst or burning thirst for large quantities of cold water.(7)

Menstrual symptoms 

Amenorrhoea- suppression of menses after fright.(1)

Note i.e.

1. Firstly, Aconite is the acute of Sulphur.

2. Secondly, Sulphur is the chronic of Aconite.(7)

FAQ Realated to Trio of Medicine



Hepar sulph. 

A B C of Clarke’s nurseries






Hepar sulph. 

Rhus tox.



Calc. carb. 





Aconite nap.  



  1. Aconite.
  2. Aloe soc
  3. Nux vom. 



Ranunculus bulb.




Restlessness Trio

i) Firstly, Aconite.

ii) Secondly, Ars. alb.

iii) Thirdly, Rhus tox.

  • Aconite-Aconite is mentally restless
  • alb.-Ars. alb. is restless both physically and mentally.
  • Rhus tox is physically restless.

i) Firstly, Aconite.

ii) Secondly, Arsenic. alb.

iii) Thirdly, Arg. Nitricum.

iv) Fourthly, Gelsemium.

Nash’s trio

 i) Firstly, Aconite-Pains are intolerable and makes the patient restless esp. at night. Pain is often associated with numbness.

ii) Secondly, Chamomilla-Pain is accompanied by intense irritability.

iii) Thirdly, Coffea-Pain is accompanied by excitement.

Aconite-Music is unbearable -makes the patient sad. 

Graphites-Music makes her weep. 

Thuja-Music makes her weep. 

i) Firstly- Aconite.

ii) Secondly-Hepar sulph.

i) Firstly, Aconite

ii) Secondly, Opium

iii) Thirdly, Hyoscyamus.

Excerpts (Summary)

Aconitum Napellus, also known as Monkshood, is a powerful homeopathic remedy renowned for its effectiveness in acute conditions with sudden onset. Characterized by intense fear, anxiety, and restlessness, this remedy is often indicated for conditions arising from exposure to cold, shock, or fright. Key symptoms include a rapid pulse, dry skin, intense thirst, and a feeling of impending doom. Aconite is a valuable tool in the homeopathic arsenal for addressing a wide range of ailments, from fevers and inflammations to panic attacks and croup.

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