Apis Mellifica

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Apis Mellifica


Apis Mellifica itself is the scientific name for the Western honey bee, so there aren’t any synonyms in the strict sense of the word. However, there are some common names you might encounter:

  • Honey bee

  • Western honey bee

  • European honey bee

These terms all refer to the same species.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


In Homeopathy Apis Mellifica medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions:

  • Abortions, Angioneurotic oedema, Arthritis, Cystitis, Herpes zoster, Meningitis, Nephritis, Pharyngitis, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Pyelonephritis, Urticaria.(6)

From poison of the honey bee. 

Increased flow of urine shows that it is producing a favourable effect. 

Skin Symptoms 

1) Causation: –

Due to imperfectly developed or suppressed acute exanthema, such as measles, urticaria, scarlatina etc. 

2) Look of the skin: – 

i) White and almost transparent-waxy, pale.

ii) Oedematous.

iii) Alternate sweat & dryness of the skin (Nash). 

3) Urticaria:-

i) Looks like bee stings, red, swollen and

ii) Great sensitiveness to touch and Urticaria esp. during chill (Kent).

iii) Intolerable itching agg. at night amel. by cold.  

iv) Rash of rosy colour (Kent).

v) Urticaria esp. after violent exercise (Apis., Calc. sulph., Nat. mur.). 

4) Oedema:-

Oedematous condition of the face. [1] 

 It’s an old term and denotes any enlargements, characterized by scrofulous swelling

i) Apis mel. ii) Natrum mur. iii) Bovista. 

Medicine of suppressed exanthema

 i) Apis mel. ii) Bryonia. iii) Helleboru

Medicines for Oedema

i) Oedema under the eyes: –

ii) Oedema around the eyes-Phosphorus.

Medicine of extreme sensitiveness to touch

 i) Apis mel. ii) Belladonna. iii) Lachesis.

ii) Ammon. carb.

ii) Apis mel.

iii) Causticum 

iv) Lycopodium. 

v) Podophyllum. 

Medicine of craving for cold milk

 i) Apis mel.

ii) Rhus tox. 

Uncommon Peculiar

i) Constipation, sensation in abdomen as if something tight would break if much effort were used.

ii) Intermittent fever, chill at 3 P.M. always with thirst.

) Onset: –

ii) Character: -a) Burning. b) Stinging.

iii) Radiation-Suddenly migrate from one part to another.  

iv) Modalities: –

  • Agg. from sleep, in warm room, moistening the part with cold water. 
  • Amel. in open air. 

v) Concomitant-

Soreness of the affected part.

Tongue symptoms of Apis

i) Fiery red tongue.

ii) Swollen and sore feeling.

iii) Tongue feels scalded. 

iv) Some author suggests-clean tongue (Cina, Ipecac.). 

Child symptoms

i) Sudden shrill, piercing screams from children while wake or during sleep.

ii) Children awake suddenly, screaming and grasping sides of cradle, without apparent

iii) Irritable; nervous fidgety; hard to please. 

iv) Weeping disposition; cannot help crying.

v) Children who though generally careful, become awkward, and let things, fall while handling them.

3 medicines

i) Arg. nit. ii) Apis mel. iii) Puls. 

Medicine of agglutinated eyes in the morning 

i) Arg. nit. ii) Aps mel. iii) Rhus tox. 

Medicines of patient awakens often from cold limbs and suffers from coldness at night

i) Apis mel. ii) Carbo veg. 

5 medicines

i) Apis mel. ii) Calc. carb. iii) Hep. sulph. iv) Nat. mur. v) Urtica Urens. 


i)Oedema: bag like puffy swelling, under the eyes.  

ii) Oedema of hands & feets; without thirst. 

iii) Dropsy after scarlatina (Hell, Lach.). 

iv) Dropsy from suppressed exanthemata (Hell., Zinc.). 

v) Note: Colchicum often cures in dropsy after Apis. and Arsenic alb. has failed.

a) Causation:

i) After suppression of eruptive diseases. 

ii) From taking alcohols.

iii) From jealousy, rage and vexation etc. 

 b) Character of the stool: 

i) Stool is watery, greenish, yellowish, offensive.

ii) Stool slimy, contains bloody mucus. Involuntary with every motion, as if anus remains wide open.

 c) Before stool: -Sudden darting pain in rectum, with rumbling of flatus. 

 d) During stool: Gripping tenesmus and rawness & soreness in the anus.

 e) After stool: -Burning & stinging pain in rectum.

f) Concomitants:

i) Thirstlessness.

ii) Craving for cold milk.

iii) Bag like swelling on the lower eye-lids. 

iv) Burning, stinging pain in the rectum

Excerpts (Summary)

Apis Mel: A Natural Remedy for Swelling, Pain, and Allergies

Discover the healing power of Apis Mel, a homeopathic medicine derived from honeybees. Explore its uses for conditions like allergies, insect bites, hives, and skin rashes. Learn about its safety, dosage, and where to buy it.

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