Apis Mellifica
Apis Mellifica itself is the scientific name for the Western honey bee, so there aren’t any synonyms in the strict sense of the word. However, there are some common names you might encounter:
Honey bee
Western honey bee
European honey bee
These terms all refer to the same species.
Ailments from :
Ailments from jealousy, fright, rage, vexation, bad-news. grief (Ref. Clarke).
Bad effects of acute exanthema –imperfectly developed or suppressed (Zinc.), from measles, scarlatina, urticaria, etc. [1]
Pains :
Dr. E. B. Nash said, ‘It seems to me that in this remedy also the leading characteristic is to be found in its sensation -burning, stinging pains.
They are sharp and quick, like the sting of the bee.
These pains are characteristic of this remedy.
The pains may shift suddenly from one part to another and may be associated with remedies such as Kali Bichromicum, Kali Sulphuricum, Magnesium Phosphoricum, Lac Caninum, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla and Manganum Aceticum. These pains may have a burning quality and may worsen with heat, as seen with Sulphur.[1]
Incontinence of urine :
Apis Mellifica is associated with urinary incontinence and significant irritation of the urinary tract. The individual may have difficulty retaining urine and may experience a severe burning sensation when urinating. Urination may be frequent, painful, and scanty, and may contain blood.
Master Kent said much straining before the urine will start, and then only a few drops, -strangury, agony in voiding urine; retention of urine in nursing infants.
Note: Increased flow of urine shows it is having a favourable effect (Ref. Clarke). [1]
Sensitiveness :
Extreme sensitiveness to touch (Apis. ¹, Bell.’, China.’, Hep.’, Lach., Merc., Petrol.’, Phos Ac., Plb., Sil.’, Sulph.’).
Dr. Clarke said, general soreness – every pain is painful to contact.
This sensitiveness and sorness is also manifested as an aversion to tight things like Lach. [1]
Most jealous :
Dr. Clarke said as the queen bee is the most jealous thing in nature thus our Apis pt. is also jealous.
Apis is also a very valuable remedy for ailments resulting from jealousy.
Master Kent said foolishly suspicious and jealous. [1]
Extremities are dropsical:
Master Kent said, in the extremities we have a marked dropsy, swelling with pitting upon pressure.
A general anasarca may appear. The face is greatly swollen, puffy or oedema, bag like swelling under the eyes (- over the eyes, Kali Carb: – around the eyes or Nash said whole face, Phos), of the hands and feet, dropsy without thirst (-with thirst, Acet. ac., Apoc. and Dr. Nash said Ars.).
Dr. Kent explained that this general puffiness may be present in any inflammatory state. [1]
Lack of thirst:
Our Apis is a thirstless remedy and can be bracketed with, Aethusa., Gels., Puls., Nux Mos.
Dr. E. B. Nash said this particular symptom which helps to choose between it and other remedies in dropsy, is the almost absence of thirst. [1]
Mentally the Apis personality is quite like a bee – busy and active constantly. May be a workaholic, "task oriented". [1]
Awkward, lets things fall from her hands and laughs sillily at the mishaps. [1]
Busy & Restless:
Busy and active constantly. May be a workaholic, "task oriented". [1]
Great restlessness:
Great restlessness and fidgetiness. [1]
Foolishy Suspicious
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Apis Mellifica
Common name :
Honeybee poison
Synonyms :
Madhu Makhi
Family / Group / Class / Order :
Habit and habitat / Description :
Oedematous, puffy, bag-like swelling under the eyes) Dropsy without thirst, and fever with thirst) Sensation as though anus was wide open in diarrhoea
Name of prover :
Dr Frederick Humphries in 1852.
It is also proved by Brauns and introduced by E.E. Marey to homeopathy
Introduction and history :
Apis is an invaluable acquisition to our materia medica.
The genus Apis is of European origin and is widely distributed all over the world.
Female bees are distinguished from the males by their shorter abdomen.
Only the female bees have poisonous stings.
In males, the mouth parts are well developed.
Honey bees are found in India and other parts of the world.
Parts used :
Live honey bees are used for preparation of the drug.
Bees are put into a bottle and irritated by shaking.
Dilute alcohol is poured five times and this is kept closed for a week.
The bottle should be shaken two times a day.
The tincture is then poured off and from this mother tincture, potentized medicine is prepared.
Active principles :
Honey bee poison contains toxalbumin and the effects are similar to those of other animal poisons, such as the toxalbumin of snakes, spiders and lizards.
The following table includes the active principles and their respective actions.
Haemolytic enzyme- It causes destruction of the haemoglobin part of RBC’s causing anaemia.
Zinc oxide- It affects peripheral nerves causing paralysis of the organs. [2]
Formic acid- It causes burning, so there is a burning sensation in the patient.
Toxalbumin -It has a toxic effect on the albuminous parts of the body; albuminuria.
Preparation :
Live honey bees are used for preparation of the drug.
Bees are put into a bottle and irritated by shaking.
Dilute alcohol is poured five times and this is kept closed for a week.
The bottle should be shaken two times a day.
The tincture is then poured off and from this mother tincture, potentized medicine is prepared. [2]
Constitution of Apis Mellifica
Physical make up:
- Scrofulous constitution.
- It is characterized by oedematous swelling of the face, especially under the lower eyelids.
- The face is pale and waxy.
- Women, especially widows are very adaptable to this remedy.
Temperament :
Sanguine 2, Choleric 2 , Nervous 1,Phlegmatic 1
Relation with heat & cold:
Hot patient
Miasm :
Psora [2]
Apis is suited to constitutions with:
- Right-sided affections
- Swelling, redness, with stinging pains
- Aggravation from heat, touch, and pressure
- Amelioration from cold applications and open air
Jealousy, suspicion, weeping, and ailments from fright or rage.
Hydrocephalus; headaches with throbbing and sensation of fullness.
Inflammation of the eyes with burning, stinging pains, swelling, and photophobia. Styes.
Otitis media with stinging pains and swelling.
Hay fever with watery discharge and burning, stinging sensations.
Tonsillitis with swelling, redness, and stinging pains. Difficulty swallowing.
Asthma with suffocative feeling and oedema.
Hives, erysipelas, and other skin conditions with burning, stinging, and oedema.
Cystitis with burning, stinging pains during urination. Retention of urine.
Ovarian cysts, menstrual problems with swelling and stinging pains.
Worse: Heat, touch, pressure, afternoon, after sleep, closed room.
Better: Cold applications, open air, uncovering.
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic mental symptoms (psychology) of Apis Mellifica
- Patient is absentminded with impaired memory.
- Moaning and whining; weeping disposition, cannot help crying; discouraged and despondent.
- Patient is very restless, constantly changes his occupation.
- The patient is very nervous and irritable. They are fidgety and very hard to please. They are also sad and melancholic.
- Patient is very awkward, drops things while handling them.
- Very jealous, especially widows. Apathetic, listless, fault-finding, joyless.
- Indolent and suspicious.
- There is a kind of constricted feeling. Stretched, ‘tight feeling’; sensation in abdomen as if something is tight.
- Dreams full of care and toil, of flying through the air [2]
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Apis Mellifica
- The well-known effects of a bee sting; burning, stinging, smarting, prickling, lancinating pain, with excessive swelling; are the leading symptoms for the selection of this remedy.
- The well-known effects of a bee sting include burning, stinging, smarting, prickling, and lancinating pain with excessive swelling. These are the leading symptoms for the selection of this remedy.
- It acts on Cellular Tissue esp. of eyes, face, throat, ovaries, causing oedema of skin and mucus membranes.
- In the SEROUS MEMBRANES of heart, brain, pleura etc. it produces inflammation with effusion.
- Various parts are swollen, PUFFED UP; become oedematous and of shiny, red-rosy colour. The burning is like hot needles.
- There is great debility, as if he had worked hard; is compelled to lie down.
- Symptoms develop rapidly.
2.Head :
- Brain feels very tired.
- Vertigo, with sneezing worse lying or closing eyes.
- Sudden stabbing in head, or as of a blow worse occiput, with occasional Sharp Shrieks.
- Numb, tired headache better pressure.
- Flow of tears, with headache.
- Rolling of the head from side to side in hydrocephalus; boring of the head backward in pillow in meningitis.
- Fontanelles sunken Painful hair.
- Musty head sweat. Inability to hold the head, in meningitis.
- Head feels swollen.
- Hair falls out; bald spots. [3]
3.Eye :
- Puffy; lids or conjunctiva red; oedematous like water‐bags, red, chemosed.
- Hot lachrymation.
- Eyes brilliant.
- Burning, stinging, shooting pain in.
- Staphyloma of cornea.
- Bag like swelling under eyes.
- Photophobia, yet covering intolerable.
- Blindness better stool.
- Squint.
- Myopia.
- Puffy or red about eyes.
- Cannot look fixedly at any object; or cannot read in artificial light.
- Cornea opaque.
- Styes prevents their recurrence.
- Perforating corneal ulcer. [3]
- External ear red and inflamed.
- Raises the hand to the back of ear with each scream.
- Scarlatinal otitis.
5.Nose :
- Swollen, red and oedematous.
- Nose and tip cold. Boils in nostril better cold.
- Coryza, with feeling of swelling in nose. [4]
6.Face :
- Expression; happy, terror stricken or apathetic.
- Face red, hot, swollen and oedematous with piercing pains; or waxy pale and oedematous.
- lips; bluish, oedematous, upper.
- Jaws stiff, with stiffness of tongue.
- Paralysis of right side, with right eye closed.
- Desire for washing face with cold water.
- Formication and prickling in face. [4]
7.Mouth :
- Tongue; red or vesicles on edge; swelled, raw; feels, as if burnt; as if wooden; sore; stiff.
- Grinding of the teeth.
- Mouth glossy as if varnished.
- Tongue hangs out; or cannot be protruded.
- Sudden involuntary biting teeth together.[3]
8.Throat :
- Sandy, glossy or translucent amel.
- Cold, swollen inside and outside, Throat purple.
- Tonsils; swollen, fiery red, stinging pain, while swallowing, amel.
- Cold drinks.
- Angina.
- Diphtheria with early prostration; dirty membrane, oedema of uvula.
- Throat sore, swallowing painful agg.
- Solids, sour or hot substances.[3]
- Thristless, with dropsy, Craving; from sour things, for milk, which amel.
- Child nurses by day, refuses at night.
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Soreness in the pit of stomach when touched.
- Neither eats nor drinks; for weeks.
- Eructation; tasting of ingesta agg.
- Drinking water; flow of water [4]
10.Abdomen :
- Feels tight as if to break, straining at stool.
- Sore; bruised on pressure, when sneezing.
- Dropsy.
- Peritonitis.
- Diarrhoea; watery yellow, orange yellow or tomato-sauce like stools.
- Stools; odourless, or offensive, involuntary agg.
- Motion.
- Anus; sore, swelled, profuse haemorrhage from; remains open; prolapsus ani.
- Electric shocks in rectum before urging to stool.
- Burning, pain and tenderness in epigastrium.
- Pains from below ribs going upwards.
- Burning or soreness below ribs. [3]
11.Rectum & Anus :
- Anus seems open.
- Anus is sore, swollen with profuse hemorrhage.
- Anus feels raw, remains open.
- Prolapsed anus.
- Hemorrhoids with stinging pain after confinement.
- Cholera infantum.
- Cannot urinate without a stool Constipation, feels as if something would break on straining.
- Feels tight as if to break, on straining at stool.
- Electric shocks in rectum before urging to stool. [5]
12.Stool :
- Profuse haemorrhage from anus. Dark, fetid stool, worse after eating.
- Bloody, painless stools.
- Stools odourless. Stools, blackish-brown, green or whitish.
- Stools, odourless or offensive involuntary worse motion.
- Diarrhea, watery yellow orange-yellow or tomato-sauce like stools.
- Stools, olive-green, slimy.[5]
13.Urinary Organ :
- Burning urination.
- Dysuria with stinging pains.
- Urine, scanty foul, high coloured; last drops burn and smart; milky in hydrocephalus.
- Albuminuria.
- Urine profuse, more than he drinks.
- Coffee ground sediment.
- Incontinence of urine worse night, coughing.
- Cannot urinate without a stool.
- Nephritis.
- Cystitis.
- Retention of urine in new born
- Difficult, frequent or slow urination, must press to pass urine, in prostatic affections. [3]
14.Sexual Organ :
- Dropsy of the scrotum.
- Hydrocele, in multilocular cysts.
- Affections of prostate gland
- Amenorrhoea of puberty.
- Ovaries; numb, or congested, with suppressed menses. Ovarian cysts.
- Oedema of labia.
- Burning, stinging pains in ovaries or uterus.
- Dysmenorrhoea, with scanty discharge of slimy blood or with ovarian pains.
- Menorrhagia, with abortion.
- Leucorrhoea; profuse, acrid, green.
- Stinging burning pains in mammae.
- Tumour or open cancer of mammae.
- Abortion, during early months.
- Dropsy in later parts of pregnancy, with puerperal
- convulsions. Mania in women from sexual excesses or suppressed menses. Pain in ovaries agg. coition.
- Menses last a day or appear at intervals of one day.
- Ulceration of navel in new born [4]
15.Respiratory System :
- Panting breathing, feels every breath would be his last.
- Air hunger.
- Oedema of larynx.
- Burning stinging pains throughout entire front of the chest.
- Hydrothorax, after pleurisy.
- Chest feels as if beaten or bruised.
- Painful shock in head and chest from every cough.
- Asthma, from hives amel. small quantity of expectoration.
- Larynx drawn in.
- Hoarseness.
- Expectoration sweetish [3]
16.Heart & Pulse :
- Beats, shake the whole body.
- Heart stitches backward from apex.
- Palpitation of heart from scanty secretion of urine.
- Pulse; hard small, intermittent, and quick, weak.
- Insufficient of mitral vales.
- Organic heart disease [3]
17.Neck & Back :
- Back of the neck stiff.
- Rheumatic pain in back.
- Burning pressing in coccyx worse when sitting down.
- Back tired and bruised.
- Vascular goitre. [4]
18.Extremities :
- Numbness of hands and tips of fingers.
- Palms hot.
- Oedema of hands.
- Person who has been incarcerated. in the beginning, with burning stinging throbbing pains. Limbs; immovable, heavy, numb.
- Feet numb and stiff.
- Legs and feet waxy, pale swollen oedematous.
- Trembling of hands and feet.
- Nails feel loose.
- Hemiplegia from severe mental shock.
- Staggers when eyes are shut.[3]
19.Skin :
- Rosy red, sensitive, sore.
- Rough eruptions or stinging‐like spots on skin.
- Large urticaria.
- Skin dry; hot, alternating with gushes of sweat.
- Oedematous swellings.
- Erysipelas.
- Scarlatina.
- Carbuncles. [4]
- Great Inclination to Sleep; but cannot sleep from nervous restlessness.
- Drowsiness during fever.
- Dreams, during sleep and suddenly starts from sleep.
- Kicks off covers during sleep.
- Dreams full of care and toil. [3]
21.Fever :
- Chill; anticipating, with dyspnoea, urticaria, desire to uncover; alternate with heat.
- Burning Heat, but chilly when moved.
- Thirstless during fever.
- Heat of one part with coldness of another.
- Sweat in gushes, partial.
- Sweat breaks out and dries frequently.
- Thirst during chill.[3]
Characteristic of Apis Mellifica
Keynotes / Redline:
Oedematous, puffy bag like swelling under the eyes.
Dropsy without thirst, and fever with thirst. Sensation as though anus was wide open in diarrhoea.
All complaints aggravated by heat and better by cold application.
Pains-burning, stinging lancinating, with excessive swelling, with redness and swelling and pain in eyes, eyelids, ears, face, lips, tongue, anus, throat, testicles.
Trembling jerking and twitching of one half of the body. Hemiplegia.
Most often the RIGHT side is affected. Symptoms proceed from right to left.
Great SENSITIVENESS to touch with a general soreness, even the touch of hair is painful.
Anasarca with thirstlessness. But intermittent chill at 3 p.m. with thirst.
Head-Menopausal flushings of heat.
Herpes zoster of face, especially of the left side.
Angioneurotic oedema with tense swelling of the face, lips, tongue and larynx.
Eyes-Recurrent suppurating styes.
Swelling around the eyes.
Conjunctival swelling.
Throat-Pharyngitis > cold drinks.
Pharyngitis with bag-like swelling of the uvula.
Throat pain extends to ears.
Angioneurotic oedema.
Particulars charecteristics
G.I.T.-Constipation as if something would break on straining.
Diarrhoea with involuntary stools on every motion.
Anus seems wide open.
Cholera infantum, Prolapsus ani.
Haemorrhoids with burning, stinging pains with profuse bleeding.
Chest-Pneumonia, Pleurisy.
Extreme pain on inspiration.
Feels he cannot take another breath.
Clinical symptoms
Female genitalia-Ovarian cysts (right) in women,
especially widows with specific pains.
Female complaints with soreness and stinging pains.
Oedema of labia > cold water.
Dysmenorrhoea with scanty, slimy blood, sensation of tightness in abdomen.
Leucorrhoea profuse, acrid, green.
tumours or open cancer of mammae.
Abortion in early months.
Eczema, urticaria, carbuncles with burning, stinging pains.
Urticaria with burning pains.
Eczema with marked swelling > cold applications.
Sleep-Great drowsiness with all complaints.
C.N.S.-Hydrocephalus, meningitis. < heat. [6]
1) Cellular tissue: Apis produces oedema & It produces irritation which leads to inflammation. dropsy.
2) Skin: It has irritant action on skin lead to carbuncle, urticarious inflammation, erysipelas.
3) Serous membrane: Apis affects the serous mem brane of the brain, chest, abdomen & testes results meningitis. hydrocephalus, pleurisy, hydrothorax, ascites & hydrocele.
4) Mucous Membrane: It affects the throat which causes diphtheritic infiltration, congestion i.e., inflammation & oedema of the uterus & ovary.
5) Glandular System: It produces enlargement & induration of the gland & causes hypertrophy.
6) Uro-genital Organs: It produces acute inflammation of the kidney & bladder.
7) Nervous System: It acts on motor nerves & produces weak & wearied condition. In the sensory nerves produce irritability & hypersensitiveness. [1]
Hot patient
Right sided
Oedematous, dropsical states
Burning and stinging pains > cold [6]
Nucleus symptoms:
Jealous, suspicious, awkward, intense women especially widows with A/F rage, vexation, bad news, jealousy.
Burning, stinging, sore pains > cold water.
Pains migrating. [6]
Oedematous puffiness, swellings local or general, without thirst, but fever with thirst – 3 p.m.
Associated strangury or urinary complaints.
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Apis Mellifica
- Abscesses
- Anasarca
- Asthma
- Boils
- Bright’s disease
- Cancer
- Constipation
- Convulsions
- Diarrhoea
- Diphtheria
- Dysuria
- Eye troubles
- Gangrene
- Hydrocoele
- Kidney affections
- Malarial fever
- Meningitis
- Menstrual disorders
- Retention of urine in nursing infants
- Rheumatism
- Skin diseases
- Tonsillitis
- Typhoid fever
- Urinary complaints. [6]
Modality of Apis Mellifica
- Aggravation: Worse from heat, hot bath, by lying down, after sleep, afternoon at 3 pm, in a hot and warm room, from touch, pressure, getting wet.
- Amelioration: Cold applications, cold bathing, open air, changing position, uncovering, getting erect, cool open air, expectoration, cold water. [2]
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Apis Mellifica
Ars, Puls, Nat-m
Follows Well
Puls, Ars
Antidoted By
Ip, Lach, Led, Nat-m
It Antidotes
Canth, Chin, Dig, Iod
Acet-ac, Acon, Anac, Apoc, Arn, Ars, Bell, Brom, Bry, Canth, Cinch, Colch, Croto-t, Euphr, Ferr, Graph, Hep, Hyos, Iod, Lach, Lyc, Merc, Nat-a, Nat-m, Puls, Rhus-t, Rumx, Sabin, Sep, Sil, Urt-u, Vesp, Zinc. [2]
Dose of Apis Mellifica
3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000. [2]
It gives good results from 6c to 200c
Reference of Apis Mellifica
- Synoptic Memorizer Materia Medica Part 1⇒ Chap Apis Melifica
- J.D. Patil Materia Medica⇒ chap Apis Melifica
- PHATAK S. R., Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines⇒ Chap Apis Mleifica
- MM of Homeopathy Medicine By pathak ⇒ Chap Apis Melifica
- Nature’s Materia Medica by Robin Murphy, Md ⇒ Chap Apis Melifica
- Zomeo Lan version⇒ Materia medica⇒ chap Apis mellifica ⇒ Keynotes
Reference: Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines by Dr. S.R. Phatak., Edition: Reprint Edition 2017., Publisher: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., Year of Publication: 2017
Terminology of Apis Mellifica
Here’s a breakdown of some key homeopathic terminology found in Apis Mel articles, along with their meanings:
Key Homeopathic Terms and Meanings
Apis Mel/Apis Mellifica:
- The scientific name for the Western honeybee, from which the remedy is derived.
- A systematic process in homeopathy where healthy individuals take a substance and record their symptoms, which are then compiled to create a remedy picture.
- The individual’s overall physical and mental makeup, which helps determine their susceptibility to certain illnesses and their response to remedies.
- A predisposition to certain types of diseases or conditions.
- In homeopathy, a miasm refers to a deep-seated predisposition to certain patterns of illness, inherited from previous generations.
Guiding Symptoms:
- The most characteristic symptoms of a remedy, those that help to differentiate it from other remedies.
Keynotes/Red Line Symptoms:
- The most essential and unique symptoms of a remedy, the ones that strongly suggest its use.
- Factors that make symptoms better or worse (e.g., worse from heat, better from cold applications).
- The worsening or improvement of symptoms under certain conditions.
Complimentary/Follows Well/Inimical/Antidotes:
- The relationships between remedies in terms of how they work together or against each other.
- The degree of dilution of a homeopathic remedy.
- How often a remedy is taken.
- Swelling due to fluid accumulation in the body tissues.
Cellular Tissue: T
- he connective tissue that supports and connects other tissues and organs in the body.
Serous Membranes:
- Thin membranes that line and enclose several body cavities.
- Hives; a skin rash triggered by an allergic reaction.
- A bacterial skin infection.
- Let me know if you’d like any other terms clarified or would like a deeper dive into any of these concepts!
Also Search As
Apis Mellifica Also Search As
People can search for articles on Apis Mellifica homeopathic medicine in several ways:
Online Search Engines:
Use search terms like "Apis Mellifica homeopathic medicine," "homeopathic remedies for bee stings," or "Apis Mellifica uses" in search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, or Bing. This will bring up relevant websites, articles, and research papers.
Specialized Websites:
Look for information on websites dedicated to homeopathy, such as:
- Boiron USA: They have an article titled "All About Apis Mellifica—The Stinging Homeopathic Medicine" (https://boironusa.com/all-about-apis-mellifica-the-stinging-homeopathic-medicine/)
- National Center for Homeopathy: This website provides information and resources on various homeopathic remedies.
- Health in Hand: This website provides an overview of Apis Mellifica (https://www.healthinhand.org/active-ingredients/apis-mellifica)
Academic Databases:
If you are looking for scientific research or clinical studies, you can search academic databases like PubMed, ResearchGate, or Google Scholar.
Homeopathic Practitioners:
Consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner. They can provide detailed information about Apis Mellifica, its uses, and potential benefits.
Additional Tips:
When searching online, be sure to evaluate the credibility of the sources. Look for information from reputable organizations, healthcare professionals, or academic institutions.
Pay attention to the date of publication. Homeopathic research is ongoing, so newer articles may contain more up-to-date information.
If you have any specific questions or concerns, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional.
To search for articles on Apis Mellifica (Apis mel) homeopathic medicine, you can use the following methods:
Online Search Engines:
Use search terms like "Apis mel homeopathic medicine," "homeopathic remedies for bee stings," or "Apis mel uses" in search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, or Bing. This will bring up relevant websites, articles, and research papers.
Specialized Websites:
Look for information on websites dedicated to homeopathy, such as:
Boiron USA:
They have an article titled "All About Apis Mellifica—The Stinging Homeopathic Medicine" (https://boironusa.com/all-about-apis-mellifica-the-stinging-homeopathic-medicine/).
The School of Homeopathy:
This website provides an overview of Apis Mellifica and its key uses (https://www.homeopathyschool.com/the-clinic/self-help-remedies/apis-mellifica/).
National Center for Homeopathy:
This website provides information and resources on various homeopathic remedies.
Health in Hand:
This website provides an overview of Apis Mellifica (https://www.healthinhand.org/active-ingredients/apis-mellifica).
Academic Databases:
If you are looking for scientific research or clinical studies, you can search academic databases like PubMed, ResearchGate, or Google Scholar.
Homeopathic Pharmacies:
Many homeopathic pharmacies have online resources and articles about the remedies they sell. You can search their websites for information about Apis Mel.
Homeopathic Practitioners:
Consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner. They can provide detailed information about Apis Mel, its uses, and potential benefits.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Apis Melifica is used for which diseases?
In Homeopathy Apis Mellifica medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions:
Abortions, Angioneurotic oedema, Arthritis, Cystitis, Herpes zoster, Meningitis, Nephritis, Pharyngitis, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Pyelonephritis, Urticaria.(6)
From which source the medicine Apis Melifica is prepared?
From poison of the honey bee.
How can you know that Apis. has acted esp. in a urinary case?
Increased flow of urine shows that it is producing a favourable effect.
Discuss the skin symptoms of Apis mel.
Skin Symptoms
1) Causation: –
Due to imperfectly developed or suppressed acute exanthema, such as measles, urticaria, scarlatina etc.
2) Look of the skin: –
i) White and almost transparent-waxy, pale.
ii) Oedematous.
iii) Alternate sweat & dryness of the skin (Nash).
3) Urticaria:-
Looks like bee stings, red, swollen and
iGreat sensitiveness to touch and Urticaria esp. during chill (Kent).
iiIntolerable itching agg. at night amel. by cold.
Rash of rosy colour (Kent).
Urticaria esp. after violent exercise (Apis., Calc. sulph., Nat. mur.).
4) Oedema:-
Oedematous condition of the face. [1]
What is strumous constitution?
It’s an old term and denotes any enlargements, characterized by scrofulous swelling
In your house your maid is constantly breaking the crockeries as they fall out of her hand: what are the medicines you can think of?
i) Apis mel. ii) Natrum mur. iii) Bovista.
Mention three medicines for bad effects of suppressed exanthema?
Medicine of suppressed exanthema
i) Apis mel. ii) Bryonia. iii) Helleboru
Mention two medicines for oedema.
Medicines for Oedema
i) Oedema under the eyes: –
ii) Oedema around the eyes-Phosphorus.
Mention three medicines for extreme sensitiveness to touch.
Medicine of extreme sensitiveness to touch
i) Apis mel. ii) Belladonna. iii) Lachesis.
Name five right-sided medicines.
Mention two medicines for craving for cold milk.
Medicine of craving for cold milk
i) Apis mel.
ii) Rhus tox.
Mention the uncommon-peculiar symptoms of Apis.
Uncommon Peculiar
i) Constipation, sensation in abdomen as if something tight would break if much effort were used.
ii) Intermittent fever, chill at 3 P.M. always with thirst.
Describe the pain symptoms of Apis.
) Onset: –
ii) Character: -a) Burning. b) Stinging.
iii) Radiation-Suddenly migrate from one part to another.
iv) Modalities: –
- Agg. from sleep, in warm room, moistening the part with cold water.
- Amel. in open air.
v) Concomitant-
Soreness of the affected part.
Mention the tongue symptoms of Apis
Tongue symptoms of Apis
i) Fiery red tongue.
ii) Swollen and sore feeling.
iii) Tongue feels scalded.
iv) Some author suggests-clean tongue (Cina, Ipecac.).
State the child symptoms of Apis mel.
Child symptoms
i) Sudden shrill, piercing screams from children while wake or during sleep.
ii) Children awake suddenly, screaming and grasping sides of cradle, without apparent
iii) Irritable; nervous fidgety; hard to please.
iv) Weeping disposition; cannot help crying.
v) Children who though generally careful, become awkward, and let things, fall while handling them.
Name three medicines where headache is >by pressure or tight bandaging.
3 medicines
i) Arg. nit. ii) Apis mel. iii) Puls.
Name three medicines where eyes are agglutinated in the morning.
Medicine of agglutinated eyes in the morning
i) Arg. nit. ii) Aps mel. iii) Rhus tox.
Mention two medicines where patient awakens often from cold limbs and suffers from coldness at night.
Medicines of patient awakens often from cold limbs and suffers from coldness at night
i) Apis mel. ii) Carbo veg.
Mention five medicines where urticaria results esp. after violent exercise
5 medicines
i) Apis mel. ii) Calc. carb. iii) Hep. sulph. iv) Nat. mur. v) Urtica Urens.
State the oedema of Apis mel.
i)Oedema: bag like puffy swelling, under the eyes.
ii) Oedema of hands & feets; without thirst.
iii) Dropsy after scarlatina (Hell, Lach.).
iv) Dropsy from suppressed exanthemata (Hell., Zinc.).
v) Note: Colchicum often cures in dropsy after Apis. and Arsenic alb. has failed.
State the diarrhoea of Apis mel.
a) Causation:
i) After suppression of eruptive diseases.
ii) From taking alcohols.
iii) From jealousy, rage and vexation etc.
b) Character of the stool:
i) Stool is watery, greenish, yellowish, offensive.
ii) Stool slimy, contains bloody mucus. Involuntary with every motion, as if anus remains wide open.
c) Before stool: -Sudden darting pain in rectum, with rumbling of flatus.
d) During stool: Gripping tenesmus and rawness & soreness in the anus.
e) After stool: -Burning & stinging pain in rectum.
f) Concomitants:
i) Thirstlessness.
ii) Craving for cold milk.
iii) Bag like swelling on the lower eye-lids.
iv) Burning, stinging pain in the rectum