Argentum Nitricum

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Argentum Nitricum


Argentum nitricum is a homeopathic medicine prepared from silver nitrate. It is also known by the following synonyms and common names:

  • Silver nitrate: This is the chemical name for the compound from which Argentum nitricum is made.
  • Lunar caustic: This is an older name for silver nitrate, referring to its use in medicine.
  • Caustic silver: This is another older name for silver nitrate.

Please note that these are just some of the synonyms and common names for Argentum nitricum. There may be other names used in different contextsor regions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 Argentum Nitricum use for

In Homeopathy Argentum Nitricum medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions

  • Anticipation, anxiety, panic attacks, fear, eye complaints, headache, acidity, stomach ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, laryngitis, incoordination, locomotor ataxia, and warts.

Another Name of Argentum Nitricum

  • Nitrate of Silver
  • Lunar Caustic

Nervous System Of Argentum Nitricum

i) Firstly, Great weakness of lower extremities with trembling.

ii) SecondlyCannot walk with the eyes closed.

iii) Thirdly, Walks and stands unsteadily esp. when he thinks himself unobserved.

iv) Fourthly, Convulsion preceded by great restlessness and dilatation of pupils.

v) After that, Epilepsy caused by fright or occurring at menstrual period.

vi) Lastly, Tottering and falling when closing the eyes.

a) Character of stool i.e.:

i) Firstly, Green mucus, yellowish stool turns green after remaining on diaper.

ii) Secondly, Stool like chopped spinach in flakes.

iii) Thirdly, Masses of muco-lymph in shreddy strips or lumps with much noisy flatus.

b)Modalities i.e.:


  • After every eating also drinking.
  • From taking sugar, salt, etc.
  • While eating or nursing.

c) Concomitants & associated symptoms i.e.:

  • Belching accompanies most gastric ailments.
  • Stomach full of wind, as if it would burst.
  • Desire especially for sugar, sweets etc.

Eye Symptoms of Argentum Nitricum

a) Ophthalmia neonatorum.

b) Profuse, purulent discharge.

c) Cornea opaque, ulcerated.

d) Lids sore also thick, swollen.

e) Lids agglutinated in the morning (Apis, Merc. sol., Rhus tox.).

f) Acute granular conjunctivitis.

g) Looks like raw beef, scarlet-red, profuse muco-purulent discharge.

h) Eye strain especially from sewing. Agg. in warm room; amel. in open air.

i) Disease due to defective accommodation.

j)Tottering also falling when closing the eyes.

On seeing i.e.:

  • i) Firstly, Withered,
  • ii) Secondly, Dried up,
  • iii) Thirdly, Old looking patient,
  • iv) Fourthly, With emaciation progressing every year, most marked in the lower extremities; marasmus. Thus Arg. nit. can be spotted out.

Five Medicines For Craving for Sugar

 i) Firstly, Arg. Nit,

ii) Secondly, Cina,

iii) Thirdly, Lycopodium,

iv) Fourthly, Rhus tox,

v) Lastly, Sulphur.

Four Medicines for Splinter Sensation in the Affected parts

i) Firstly, Arg. Nit,

ii) Secondly, Nitric acid,

iii) Thirdly, Hepar sulph,

iv) Fourthly, Silicea.

Four Medicines for Craving for salt

 i) Firstly, Arg. Nit,

ii) Secondly, Natrum mur,

iii) Thirdly, Carbo veg,

iv) Fourthly, Phosphorus.

Four medicines for bad effects from intaking ice-cream

 i) Firstly, Arg. Nit,

ii) Secondly, Arsenic. Alb,

iii) Thirdly, Bryonia,

iv) Fourthly, Pulsatilla.

Medicine required for bad effects of cauterizing with nitrate of silver

 Natrum mur. removes such bad-effects.

Three medicines where there is aphonia from singing

i) Firstly, Arg. nit.

ii) Secondly, Causticum.

iii) Thirdly, Phosphorus.

Headache of Argentum Nitricum

a) Suitability i.e.:

Gastric & nervous headache of sedentary persons (Bry. Nux vom.)

b) Causation i.e.: –

i) Firstly, From literary works,

ii) Secondly, From gastric complaints,

iii) Thirdly, From dancing,

iv) Fourthly, From too much thinking, too close application or attention.

c) Location i.e.: –

i) Frontal or temporal. One sided headache (hemicrania).

d) Sensation i.e.: –

i) Firstly, Of fullness and heaviness of head,

ii) Secondly, Of expansion of head.

e) Ch. of pain i.e.:

i) Firstly, Pressing: screwing pain in the effected parts,

ii) Secondly, Congestive headache.

f) Modality i.e.:

-Agg. from mental exertion of any kind, Amel. by pressure or tight bandaging, in open air.

g) Concomitants i.e.:

i) Firstly, Headache with coldness,

ii) Secondly, Headache with general trembling,

iii) Thirdly, Tottering and falling when closing the eyes,

iv) Fourthly, Headache ends in bilious vomiting.

Three medicines where headache is ameliorated by pressure of tight bandaging

 i)Firstly, Apis mel,

ii) Secondly, Arg. Nit,

iii) Thirdly, Pulsatilla.

Three medicines where diarrhoea results soon after eating or drinking

 i) Firstly, Aloe soc,

ii) Arsenic,

iii) Thirdly, Arg. nit.

constant concomitant with gastric symptom of Argentum Nitricum

Belching accompanies most gastric disorders.

Character Of Diarrhoea of  Argentum Nitricum

i) Firstly, Green mucous: turning green after remaining on diaper.

ii) Secondly, Like chopped spinach in flakes.

iii) Thirdly, Masses of mucolymph in shreddy stripes or lumps.

Gastro-Intestinal symptoms of Argentum Nitricum

a) Causation i.e.:

i) Firstly, From taking sugar, sweet, salt, candy, ice-cream etc.

ii) Secondly, From unusual or long continued mental exertion.

b) Ch. of symptoms:

1) Firstly, Dyspepsia i.e.-Flatulent dyspepsia.

2) Secondly, Abdomen i.e.: –

i) Firstly, Distention: as if stomach would burst with wind,

ii) Secondly, Violent palpitation from incarcerate flatus.

3) Belching i.e.: –

i) Firstly, Belching after every meal,

ii) Secondly, Belching. difficult finally air rushes out with great violence.

iii) Thirdly, Belching accompanies gastric ailments.

Argentum Nit. Diarrhoea

Introduction i.e.: -It has got two types of diarrhoea.

(A) Firstly, Nervous diarrhoea.

(B) Secondly, Diarrhoea due to gastro-intestinal disorders.

   (A) Nervous diarrhoea: –

a) Causation i.e.:

  • Due to any mental emotion, unusual long continued mental exertion.
  • Nervousness etc.
  • Due to great apprehension.

b) Character of stool i.e.:

  • Since the cause is not a gastro-intestinal factor thus no question of any particular type of stool.
  • It may be watery, yellowish or greenish contains mucus.

c) Concomitants i.e.:

  • There is great apprehension to go to church, opera or before going for any engagements.

    (B) Diarrhoea due to gastro-intestinal disorders: –

a) Causation i.e.:

  • After taking sugar, candy, sweets, milk or milked foods. salt etc.
  • After long continued mental exertion.
  • Diarrhoea as soon as he drinks.

Sexual Symptoms Of Argentum Nitricum


i) Firstly, Impotency

ii) Secondly, Erection fails when coition is attempted.

iii) Thirdly, Coition is painful.


i) Firstly, Metrorrhagia esp. in young widow.

ii) Secondly, Sterility

iii) Thirdly, Nervous erythism during climacteric

iv) Fourthly, Coition is painful followed by bleeding per vagina.

Mental Symptoms Of Argentum Nitricum

1) Apprehension i.e.: -Great apprehension with anxiety when ready for church or opera, or any other engagement, diarrhoea sets in.

2) Hurry i.e.:

i) Firstly, Patient is in a hurry; thinks time passes slowly.

ii) Secondly, Wants to do things in a hurry, must walk fast; always hurried.

3) Impulsive i.e.-Impulse to died by suicide.

4) Anxious i.e.: -Very much anxious, irritable, nervous, reserved, sad, introvert type of people.

5) Liar i.e.: – Damn liar. Children esp. never speaks the truth.

6) Fear i.e.

i) Firstly, Fear of projecting buildings and corners which creates a sensation as if it would fall over him.

ii) Secondly, Fear of death, patient predicts the moment he is going to die (Acon, Coffea). (Kent).

Child Of Argentum Nitricum 

a) Constitution i.e.: –

  • Sycotic
  • Old looking face, looks older than he is.
  • Emaciated: progressing emaciation in the lower extremities.

b) Mental symptoms i.e.:

  • Damn liar, never speaks the truth.
  • Nervous, hasty, anxious.
  • Either Psychic or nervous diarrhoea.

c) Physical symptoms i.e.:

1) Eye i.e.:

Ophthalmia neonatorum (neos-new; natalis-relating to birth:- neonates new-born).

It is characterised by i.e.:

i) Firstly, Profuse, purulent discharge,

ii) Secondly, Cornea opaque, ulcerated,

iii) Thirdly, Lids sore, thick, swollen, agglutinated in the morning,

iv) Fourthly, Amel. in open air also by cold application.

2) Desire i.e.: 

For sugar, candy etc., child is fond of it but diarrhoea results from eating.

3) Face i.e.:

Old looking face.

4) Lower extremity i.e.:

Progressing emaciation; marasmus.

5) Diarrhoea i.e.:

  • From taking sugar.
  • Stool looks like chopped spinach.
  • Stool turns green after remaining diaper, green mucus.
  • Diarrhoea as soon as he drinks.

6) Gastric distension i.e.:   

 Flatulent dyspepsia; belching after every meal.

7) Urine i.e.

Urine passes unconsciously day also night.

8) Nervous system i.e.:

  • Great weakness of lower extremities. Additionally, With trembling, can’t walk with the eyes closed.
  • Walks also stands unsteadily, esp. when he thinks himself unobserved.
  • Convulsion preceded specifically by great restlessness.

Six Characteristic Symptoms Of Argentum Nitricum

  1. Apprehension i.e.: -Great apprehension, especially when getting ready for church or opera; at that time diarrhoea sets in.
  2. Emaciation i.e.: —Progressing emaciation every year, which is more marked in lower extremities. Marasmus in general resulting withered, dried-up appearance.
  3. Desire i.e.: Great desire for sugar, sweets, candy etc., esp. child is fond of it but diarrhoea results from eating.
  4. Open air i.e.: -Great longing for fresh air; opens clothing, removes bed coverings and opens windows in the coldest weather. Chilly when uncovered, yet feels smothered if wrapped up.
  5. Imperfect co-ordination of muscles i.e.: Dr. Clarke says, this imperfect defective or co-ordination of muscles results paralysis of motion -trembling; walks and stands unsteadily esp. When he thinks himself unobserved.
  6. Causation i.e.: -Acute or chronic diseases from un usual long continued mental exertion. (8)

Excerpts (Summary)

Argentum Nitricum: The Homeopathic Remedy for Anxiety, Impulsiveness, and Digestive Issues
Argentum Nitricum, also known as Silver Nitrate or Lunar Caustic, is a prominent homeopathic remedy derived from silver nitrate. It's particularly effective for individuals struggling with anxiety, impulsiveness, and digestive complaints. This remedy addresses a wide range of symptoms, both mental and physical.
Key Mental Symptoms (Memory Tip: "ARGENTUM")
Apprehension and Anxiety: Intense fear, especially before events or engagements. Reserved: Introverted, melancholic, and gloomy. Great Haste: Impulsive, does everything quickly, including eating and walking. Excitable: Easily angered, leading to physical complaints. Notions: Strange fears, such as claustrophobia or fear of heights. Tendency to Suicide: Thoughts of self-harm, especially when crossing bridges or heights. Undue fear of projecting buildings: Feeling that buildings will fall on them. Memory Loss: Forgetfulness and difficulty finding words.
Key Physical Symptoms (Memory Tip: "LUNARCAUSTIC")
Longing for fresh air: Suffocating feeling despite feeling chilly. Urine passes unconsciously: Day and night incontinence. Nervous diarrhea: Diarrhea triggered by stress or anxiety. Apprehension: Fear and anxiety leading to physical symptoms. Right-sided lying brings on palpitation: Rapid heartbeat when lying on the right side. Coition painful: Painful intercourse, especially for women. Aggravation at menstrual period: Worsening of symptoms during menstruation. Ulcers: Tendency to develop ulcers on mucous membranes. Splinter sensation: Feeling of a splinter in the throat when swallowing. Tremor: Trembling and weakness, especially in the legs. Imperfect co-ordination of muscles: Unsteadiness and difficulty walking. Craves sugar: Strong desire for sweets, but can worsen diarrhea.
Who Needs Argentum Nitricum?
This remedy is often indicated for:
Anxious Individuals: Those with anticipatory anxiety, phobias, and panic attacks. Impulsive People: Those acting hastily and without thinking. Digestive Issues: People with nervous diarrhea, flatulence, and stomach ulcers.
Therapeutic Uses
Argentum Nitricum has been successfully used for various conditions, including:
Anxiety disorders Panic attacks Phobias Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Gastric ulcers Eye problems Laryngitis Incoordination Warts
Important Considerations
Dosage: Potency and frequency should be determined by a qualified homeopath. Aggravations/Ameliorations: Symptoms may worsen in warmth, crowds, or emotional stress, and improve with fresh air, cold applications, or pressure. Complementary Remedies: Argentum Nitricum often complements Natrum Muriaticum.

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