Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana has a few synonyms, but some caution is advised:
Common names:
- Mountain arnica – Straightforward and descriptive.
- Leopard’s bane – Be careful with this one! It’s also a name for the highly toxic Aconitum plant.
- Wolf’s bane – Similar caution as leopard’s bane, this is also used for Aconitum.
- Mountain tobacco – Not actually related to tobacco and not for smoking!
Less common:
- Fallweed
Important: When referring to Arnica Montana, it’s best to stick with the established and unambiguous name "Arnica Montana" or "Mountain Arnica" to avoid confusion with other potentially dangerous plants.
Excessive Sensitivity
Excessive sensitiveness of the mind; extreme disposition to agreeable as well as disagreeable emotions, without weakness or excessive sensitiveness of the body. [5]
Absent minded
Absent minded thoughts wonder from their object and dwell on images and fancies.
Confusion of head, changing to pressive right-sided headache.
Delirium, low murmuring. [6]
Over-excitement and excessive moral sensibility.
Great sensitiveness of the mind with anxiety and restlessness.
Tendency to be frightened.
Combative, quarrelsome humour.
Tears. Shedding of tears and exclamations of rage.
Foolish gaiety, levity, and mischievousness. [7]
Sore, stiff, bruished feeling all through the body, as if beaten; caused by traumatic affection of the muscles.
Everything hard:
Everything on which he lies seems too hard (Pyrogen), complaints constantly of it and keeps moving from place to place in search of a soft spot (-Dr. Nash compared with Bapt., feels as if lying on a board, changes position, bed feels so hard, makes him feel sore and bruised-Phyto. feels sore on first beginning to move-Ruta., all parts of the body on which he lies are painful as if bruised-Staph. and China, sore all over).
Master Kent said extreme sensitiveness runs throughout the remedy, esp. felt in the abdominal viscera, in the uterus and pelvic region, sensitiveness to the motion of the foetus.
sore and bruised.
This oversensitiveness is characterized by soreness. Children has an aversion of being touched, and screams out everytime the mother takes hold of the leg or arm. on looking the history the soreness is discovered.
Chronic cases of gout has soreness of joints And oversensitiveness Master Kent delightfully detalled "you will see the old grand-father sit off in a corner of the room, and if he sees little Johnnie running towards him, he will say. ‘Oh, do keep away, keep away give him a dose of Arnica and he will let Johnnie run all over him"! He does not want to be touched or approached due to extreme sensitiveness.
Painful boils:
Arnica has tendency to produce and cure the small, painful boils, appears one after another, extremely sore (small boils in crops, Sulph.).
Dr. Clarke said, many small boils, painful, one after another, extremely sore.
After injury medicine:
Master Kent rightly emphasized that Arnica is a very important remedy in injuries, bruises and shocks, injuries of joints, injury of the back with lameness and soreness.
Arnica will very often take all the soreness out of a sprained ankle and permit him in a few days to go walking about, to the surprise of everybody.
Retention of urine:
Retention or incontinence of urine after labor (Opium) is a strong feature of Arnica.
Deathly coldness:
Master Kent said, a general feature of this remedy is that the body is cold and the head hot the whole body and the extremities are cold but the head feels hot.
Dr. Clarke said an odd symptom of Arnica is coldness of the nose.
Dr. Allen reported, in hydrocephalus, deathly coldness in forearm of children (-in diarrhoea, Brom.).
Says nothing the matter with him:
Master personalities always explains such symptoms in masterly fashion, thus Master Kent said, pt. would think he was almost going to die, look up and say, I am not sick, – sends the doctor back; yet when in a state of health, he was friendly. kind-hearted, knew the doctor well, such a case finds its similimum in Arnica Montana, the drug of choice.
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Arnica Montana
Common name:
- Mountain tobacco [1]
- Leopard’s bane [1]
Family / Group / Class / Order:
- Compositae [1]
Habit and habitat / Description:
- It is found in Europe, Russia and Siberia.
- It is a perennial creeping plant.
- Roots are 2-5 cms long and 5 mm thick.
- Stem is 25-30 cms in length.
- The stem and leaves are hairy.
- Flowers are yellowish in colour. [1]
Name of prover:
- Dr Hahnemann in 1805[1]
Introduction and history:
- It is popularly known as the injury remedy.
- Arnica is the king of traumatic remedies. It is very well known to the world since ancient times.
- This drug is very beneficial in the most severe wounds; by bullets and blunt weapons; also, trauma and injuries due to falls.
- The name ‘arnica’ is derived from the Latin word which means lambskin – the appearance of its leaves is like a lambskin that is, wooly; montana means mountains, from the place where it grows.[1]
Parts used:
- The whole plant is used in the preparation of the mother tincture. Higher potencies are prepared from the mother tincture.[1]
Active principles:
- The main alkaloid is arnicin which is bitter in taste and acrid, having a yellowish colour.
- It also contains arnicinic acid, tannin and insulin, betaine, cnoline, scopoletin, eupatofolin and Arnifolin.[1]
- The whole plant is used in the preparation of the mother tincture.
- Higher potencies are prepared from the mother tincture.[1]
Constitution of Arnica Montana
Physical make up :
- Nervous, sanguine, plethoric persons with a very red face.[1]
Temperament :
- Nervous [1]
Diathesis :
- Haemorrhagic[1]
Relation with heat & cold:
- Very chilly patient[1]
Miasm :
- Psora [1]
Clinical conditions Arnica Montana
- Haematemesis, Haematuria, Headache, Heart affections, Injury from blunt instrument, Meningitis, Paralysis, Post-partum haemorrhage, Rheumatic fever [1]
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics :
- Blood vessels and capillaries, muscles, blood, nerves, hair, skin, digestive organs, etc. [1]
Causation (Causes / Ailments from):
- Fall or blow, mechanical injury, inhaling charcoal vapours, anger, fright, confusion, doing hard work, from spirituous liquors, etc. [1]
Physiological action:
Arnica probably has some direct action on the heart and blood. It is also said to be the ‘homeopathic asprine’, as it helps in stopping platelet aggregation. Hence, it can be used in thrombosis.
- Arnica is an irritant, stimulant, depressant, antipyretic, diuretic and vulnerary.
- It irritates the gastrointestinal tract.
- In some cases the alcoholic preparation of the flowers has excited the erysipelatous fly which sometimes infests the blossoms. Small doses internally increase the action of the heart, raise arterial tension and stimulate the action of the skin and kidneys.
In large doses,
Arnica produces a transient excitement followed by depression of circulation, respiration and nerve centers.
- It has produced headache, unconsciousness and even convulsions with lowering of body temperature, dilatation of pupils and muscular paresis. A poisonous dose paralyses the sympathetic nervous system, causing collapse and death.
- It acts upon venous capillaries and stimulates the absorption of exudates at the site of blunt injury.
- It also stimulates the terminal ends of sensory and motor nerves, and muscular fibres at the junction of tendons, and may result in paresis and myalgia.
- It also acts on cardio inhibitory centers, serous membranes and skin.[1]
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis :
- It acts on the cerebrospinal nervous system. It acts on the skin producing vesicular and erysipelatous inflammation.
- It acts on the venous system and stimulates absorption of extravasated blood and prevents sepsis, thus helping in the part to recover.
- It acts on the muscular system and tendons producing paresis and myalgia.
- It acts on digestive organs and produces gastrointestinal inflammation.
- It acts on serous membranes and produces inflammation with effusion.
- It acts on circulation and accelerates it with high temperature.
- Due to its action on blood, it produces haemorrhage and anaemia.[1]
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology)
- Patient is forgetful and absentminded.
- Patient is in a state of consciousness, delirium and stupor but the patient answers correctly when aroused and then again relapses.
- Fear of being touched or struck by people coming towards him.
- Low muttering type of delirium; patient is irritable, sad and despondent.
- Feels he is all right and nothing has happened to him.
- Wants to be alone, greatly depressed and gloomy.
- Patient is fearful, easily frightened.[1]
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding symptoms of Arnica Montana
1. Generalities
- Bruised feeling of the flesh everywhere.
- Stitches in various parts.
- General weakness with sluggishness.
- General aggravation from touch or motion; ameliorated in clear, cold, stimulating weather. General aggravation evenings and nights. [4]
2. Head:
- Vertigo on rising and on moving.
- Confusion.
- Heaviness.
- Feeling as if brain were shattered.
- Head hot, rest of body cool.
- Pressing pain in the forehead, aggravated after eating.
- Aching, aggravated by walking. [4]
- Sensation as if brains were rolled up into a lump, aggravated near stove.
- Stitching and tearing in the temples. [4]
3. Eye:
- Inflammation of conjunctiva, dryness and soreness between ball and lid on moving eyes.
- Lachrymation burning.
- Dizzy on closing them.
- Feel tired and weary after sight-seeing, moving pictures, etc. [3]
4. Ears:
- Dullness of hearing after concussion.
- Pain in cartilages of ears as if bruised.
- Noises in ear caused by rush of blood to the head.
- Shooting in and around ears.
- Blood from ears. [3]
5. Nose:
- Bleeding after every fit of coughing, dark fluid blood.
- Nose feels sore; COLD.
- Epistaxis of dark, thin blood.
- Pain as from a bruise, from above downward. [3]
6. Face:
- SUNKEN; very red.
- Heat in lips.
- Herpes in face.
- Pale, sunken.
- One-sided heat and redness or heat of face and head; rest of body cool.
- Lips chapped, burning.
- Trembling of lower lip. [3]
7. Mouth:
- Dry and thirsty.
- Bitter taste.
- Soreness of gums after teeth extraction.
- Empyema of maxillary sinus. [4]
8. Throat:
- Swallowing prevented by a kind of nausea.
- Swallowing noisy.[4]
9. Stomach:
- Repugnance to food.
- Craving for vinegar.
- Thirst.
- Eructations, fetid, like bad eggs, of bitter mucus.
- Nausea.
- Empty retching.
- Vomiting of food, mixed with blood, of dark, clotted blood.
- Cramps in the stomach, pinching, stitches, pressure extending to the spine.
- Constriction extending into the chest. [4]
10. Abdomen:
- Distention, hard.
- Stitches in the region of the spleen, taking away the breath.
- Pains (after lifting).
- Colic, with retention of urine.
- Bruised pains in the sides of the abdomen.
- Flatulence, extremely foul. [4]
11. Rectum & Anus:
- Tenesmus.
- Undigested evacuations. [3]
12. Stool:
- Stool loose, diarrhoea very putrid, like brown yeast; involuntary, especially at night during sleep.[3]
- worse lying on left side.
- Dysenteric stools with muscular pains.[3]
13. Urinary Organ:
- Tenesmus, with ineffectual straining.
- Tenesmus associated with a diarrhoea.
- Retention of urine with dull pain in the bladder.
- Involuntary micturition nights in bed or or when running during the day.
- Urine brownish-red, with brick-dust sediment.
- Bloody urine. [3]
14. Sexual Organ:
- Bruised parts after labor.
- Violent after-pains.
- Uterine haemorrhage from mechanical injury after coition.
- Sore nipples.
- Mastitis from injury.
- Feeling as if foetus were lying crosswise.[3]
15. Respiratory System:
- Coughs depending on cardiac lesion, paroxysmal, at night, during sleep, worse exercise. Acute tonsillitis, swelling of soft palate and uvula.
- Pneumonia; approaching paralysis.
- Hoarseness from overuse of voice.
- Raw, sore feeling in morning.
- Cough produced by weeping and lamenting.
- Dry, from tickling low down in trachea.
- Bloody expectoration.
- Dyspnoea with haemoptysis.
- All bones and cartilages of chest painful.
- Whooping cough, child cries before coughing.
- Pleurodynia [4]
16. Heart & Pulse:
- ANGINA PECTORIS; pain especially severe in elbow of left arm.
- Stitches in heart.
- Pulse feeble and irregular.
- Cardiac dropsy with distressing dyspnoea.
- Extremities distended, feel bruised and sore.
- Fatty heart and hypertrophy. [3]
17. Neck & Back:
- Pains in the cervical vertebrae, with tension on bending the head.
- Pains in the back as from long stooping.
- Feeling as if the spine were too weak to support the body. [4]
18. Extremities:
- General bruised, paralytic feeling.
- The arms feel strained or wrenched.
- The veins on the hands are distended.
- The hips feel sprained.
- Weariness and tension in the thighs.
- Arthritic pains in the toe joints; the feet become hot and inflamed.
- Cannot bear to have one approach for fear of being hurt.[4]
19. Skin:
- Numerous boils.
- Small, hot, tense swellings.
- Ecchymoses.
- Soreness of parts on which one lies.
- Inflammations of a dark.
- bluish colour.
- Erysipelas. [4]
20. Sleep:
- Sleepless and restless when overtired.
- Comatose drowsiness; awakens with hot head; dreams of death, mutilated bodies, anxious and terrible.
- Horrors in the night.
- Involuntary stools during sleep. [3]
21. Fever:
- Febrile symptoms closely related to typhoid.
- Shivering over whole body.
- Heat and redness of head, with coolness of rest of body.
- Internal heat; feet and hands cold.
- Nightly sour sweats.[3]
Important characteristic features of Arnica Montana
Keynotes / Redline:
- Hot head with cold body. Icy coldness of nose.
- Putrid foul discharges.
- Dysentery with long interval between stools.
- Symmetrical eruptions.
- Ribbon like stools due to enlarged prostate or retroverted uterus.
- Fears being struck by those coming near him.
- Many boils painful one after another. [2]
- Soreness
- Oversensitiveness
- Haemorrhage
- Prostration
- Putridity
- Relaxation
- Hot and cold
- Constipation
- Hair fall
- Boils
- Injury
- Gases. [1]
- Injury: Arnica is very useful when the injury is from blunt instruments, falls, blow, trauma, contusion, etc. It is also useful for recent or remote mechanical injuries even if received years ago. Sore, stiff, bruised feeling all over the body as if beaten.
- Fever: It is generally indicated with the onset of fever. Typhoid fever is slow and gradual; shivering over the whole body. Heat and redness of head with coldness of rest of the body. Sore, stiff, bruised feeling all over the body. Internal heat.
- Oversensitive: Extreme sensitiveness runs throughout the remedy; especially felt in the abdominal viscera, in the uterus and pelvic region; sensitiveness to the motion of the foetus; sore and bruised. This oversensitiveness is characterized by soreness.
- Abortion: It is a very good remedy for threatened abortion. In cases of shocks, falls, bruises or concussions, a pregnant women should always take Arnica at once, more particularly if she commences to flow, with or without pain, or to have pains without flow. She has a bruised feeling, so that it hurts her to move. [1]
- Ribbon like stools due to enlarged prostate or retroverted uterus.
- Many boils painful one after another.
- Hot head with cold body.
- Icy coldness of nose.
- Symmetrical eruptions.
- Putrid foul discharges. [2]
Nucleus symptoms:
- Trauma- mental or physical with extravasation of blood.
- Sore, stiff , bruised sensation.
- Black and blue spots.
- Foul discharges. [2]
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic value of Arnica Montana
- Abscessess, Apoplexy, Boils, Bronchitis, Diabetes, Dysentery, Fever, Haematemesis, Haematuria, Headache, Heart affections, Injury from blunt instrument, Meningitis, Paralysis, Post-partum haemorrhage, Rheumatic fever, Skin diseases, Trauma, Typhoid, Urinary affections.[1]
Modality of Arnica Montana
- From motion, exertion, rest, touch, damp cold weather, wine and a flowing nose.
- Better by lying down and lying with head low, open air, Uncovering.[1]
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Arnica Montana
- Hep, Acon, Ip, Rhus-t, Verat.[1]
Follows Well:
- Ip, Apis, Acon, Verat.[1]
- Acon, Am-c, Ars, Bapt, Bell, Bry, Calen, Cham, Chin, Croto-t, Euphr, Ham, Hep, Hyper, Ip, Led, Merc, Puls, Ran-s, Rhod, Ruta, Sil, Staph, Sul-ac, Sulph, Symph, Verat.[1]
Antidoted By:
- Acon, Ars, Camph, Chin, Ign, Ip.[1]
It Antidotes:
- Am-c, Chin, Cic, Ferr, Ign, Ip, Seneg.[1]
Comparison :
- Abrot, Absin, Calen, Cham, Cina, Gnaph.[1]
Dose of Arnica Montana
- In all recent affections it may be given in lower potencies, but for the remote effects of injury we must ascend the region of infinitesimal (Hughes).
- In lower potencies, Arnica is a tonic and stimulant for the depressed, apathetic, rheumatic, gouty, maniacal and melancholic states.
- Higher potencies are found useful in nausea and vomiting with disgust for food, diarrhoea and dysentery.[1]
Potency of Arnica Montana :
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000. [1]
Duration of Action of Arnica Montana :
- 6 to 10 days [1]
Reference of Arnica Montana
- Textbook of homoeopathic materia medica by Dr. J. D. Patil
- Zomeo lane chapter > Arnica montana
- Materia Medica By Boericke W.
- A Primer Of Materia Medica by T. F. Allen.
- Encyclopedia Of Pure Materia Medica, Vol.1 By Allen T.F.
- The Guiding Symptoms Of Our Materia Medica (All 10 Vols.) By Hering C.
- Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.
Here’s a breakdown of the key terms in the homeopathic article about Arnica Montana:
Plant Names and Synonyms
- Arnica Montana: The official scientific name of the plant used in homeopathy.
- Mountain Arnica: A common and descriptive name for the plant.
- Leopard’s Bane & Wolf’s Bane: Alternative names for Arnica, BUT also the names of a highly toxic plant (Aconitum). This is why it’s important to be very specific when using the name Arnica Montana.
- Mountain Tobacco: Another alternative name, though it’s not related to tobacco and not for smoking.
- Fallweed: A less common name for the plant.
Mental Symptoms (Memory Tips Using "FEAR")
- Fears touch: An aversion to being touched or approached.
- Easily startled: A heightened sensitivity to sudden noises or movements.
- Absent-minded: Difficulty focusing or concentrating.
- Restlessness: An inability to relax or settle down.
Guiding Symptoms (Memory Tips Using "LEOPARDS")
- Lameness: A feeling of stiffness, soreness, or bruising in the muscles.
- Everything hard: Sensitivity to pressure, finding it difficult to get comfortable.
- Oversensitive: Heightened sensitivity to pain, touch, or other sensations.
- Painful boils: The tendency to develop small, painful boils.
- After injury medicine: Arnica’s primary use is for treating injuries, bruises, and shock.
- Retention of urine: Difficulty urinating or involuntary urination.
- Deathly coldness: Feeling very cold, especially in the extremities.
- Says nothing the matter with him: A tendency to deny or downplay the severity of injuries.
Other Key Terms
- Homeopathic: A system of medicine based on the principle of "like cures like." Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted substances meant to stimulate the body’s healing response.
- Mother tincture: The original, undiluted preparation of a homeopathic remedy.
- Potency: The degree of dilution of a homeopathic remedy (e.g., 3x, 6x, 30c, 200c).
- Prover: A person who takes a homeopathic substance to record its effects, helping to understand the remedy’s potential uses.
- Haemorrhage: Bleeding, either internal or external.
- Myalgia: Muscle pain.
- Typhoid: A serious bacterial infection (Note: Arnica is not a cure for typhoid, but it may address some associated symptoms).
- PQRS: Stands for Provers (people who test the remedy), Keynotes (characteristic symptoms), Remedies (similar remedies), and System (the body system affected).
Also Search As
Also search as
- Arn: Common abbreviation for Arnica montana
- Leopard’s bane: Alternative name for the Arnica montana plant
- Mountain daisy: Another alternative name for the plant
- Fallkraut: German name for Arnica montana, meaning "fall herb"
- Trauma: A key indication for Arnica
- Bruises: A common use for Arnica
- Muscle soreness: Another frequent application
- Shock: Arnica can be helpful in cases of shock
- Overexertion: Arnica may be indicated after physical overexertion
- Surgery: Arnica is sometimes used for postoperative recovery
- Pain relief: Arnica is often used to alleviate pain
- Inflammation: Arnica may help reduce inflammation
People can search for this article in several ways, using the different terms and keywords it contains:
Specific Terms:
- Arnica Montana: This is the most direct and accurate search term.
- Mountain Arnica: A common name for the plant, also suitable for searching.
- Homeopathy: Since this is a homeopathic article, using this term will narrow down results.
- Materia Medica: This refers to the body of knowledge about homeopathic remedies, so it can be used in searches.
- Symptoms of Arnica: People looking for information on the symptoms Arnica addresses might use this phrase.
Alternative Names (Use with Caution):
- Leopard’s Bane: Be careful as this is also the name of a toxic plant.
- Wolf’s Bane: Similar caution applies here.
- Mountain Tobacco: Less likely to be used in searches, but still relevant.
- Fallweed: A very uncommon name, less likely to yield results.
Key Symptoms and Uses:
- Trauma: A major use of Arnica, people might search for "Arnica for trauma."
- Bruises: Another common use, leading to searches like "Arnica for bruises."
- Shock: "Arnica for shock" could be a search phrase.
- Soreness: "Arnica for muscle soreness" is a possible search.
- Pain Relief: "Homeopathic pain relief with Arnica" could be used.
- Retention of urine, fetid breath, haemorrhage: More specific symptoms mentioned in the article.
Additional Tips:
- Combine terms: For more focused results, combine terms like "Arnica Montana homeopathy trauma." "Arnica Montana remedy for bruises"
- Search within homeopathic resources: Look for websites or databases dedicated to homeopathy.
- Use quotes for exact phrases: Enclose phrases in quotes (e.g., "Arnica Montana symptoms") to find exact matches.
- Explore the "Also Search As" section: This section at the end of the article suggests additional keywords.
Specific Phrases:
- Arnica Montana homeopathy: A good general search term.
- Arnica Montana for injuries: Focuses on a specific use.
- Arnica Montana mental symptoms: Finds information on psychological effects.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
State the injury of Arnica.
For the bad effects resulting from mechanical injuries; even if received years ago.
- Especially adopted to those who remain long impressed by even slight mechanical injuries.
- Mechanical injuries: esp. with stupor from con- cussion; involuntary faeces and urinal.
- After injuries with blunt instruments.
- Compound fractures and their profuse suppuration.
- Concussion and contusion, results from shock or injury: without laceration of soft parts.
State the rheumatism of Arnica.
Rheumatism of Arnica Montana
- Ascending type of rheumatism of Arnica.
- Great fear of being touched or struck.
- Can’t walk erect on account of bruised pain in pelvic organs.
- Agg. from touch and amel. by lying down.
Describe the constipation of Arnica.
Constipation of Arnica Montana
- Causation: -Due to enlarged prostate or retro- verted uterus.
- Sensation: -As if rectum is loaded; faeces will not come out.
- Character of the stool: -Ribbon like stool.
Describe the eye symptoms of Arnica.
- Causation: -From injuries; from violent paroxysms of cough.
- Character: – Conjuctival or retinal haemorrhage.
- Extravasation of blood.
Is Arnica a member of any trio of Nash?
Nash trio of Arnica Montana
Yes, Arnica. is one of the member of Nash’s trio of restless medicines, during typhoid fever.
- Arnica mont. Everything on which the patient lies seems too hard; so searches for soft place
- Rhus. tox.: Movement ameliorates symptoms.
- Baptisia: Soreness, lameness and bruised feeling on the part he rested upon. So changes position to obtain relief.
Mention the gastric symptoms of Arnica.
Gastric Symptoms
- Belching.
- Eructation-foul and putrid like rotten eggs.
Discuss the puerperal symptoms of Arnica.
- Soreness of part after labor.
- Prevents post-partum haemorrhage.
- Prevent puerperal complications.
- Retention or incontinence of urine after labor.
What is the character of belching of Arnica?
- Eructations: foul, putrid, like rotten eggs.
Name three medicines where bed feels hard.
- Arnica.
- Bryonia.
- Pyrogen.
Name three medicines for left-sided paralysis
Three Left sided Paralysis Medicine
- Arnica mont.
- Lachesis.
- Thuja.
Mention the peculiar uncommon symptoms of Arnica mont.
Uncommon Symptoms of Arnica Montana
- For the bad effects of mechanical injuries, even if veb received years ago; especially adapted to those who remain long impressed by even slightest mechanical injuries.
- Everything on which he lies seems too hard; complains constantly of it and keeps moving from place to place in scarch of a soft spot.
- Heat of upper part of the body, coldness of the lower.
- The face or head and face alone is hot, but the body is cold.
- Unconsciousness: when spoken to answers correctly but unconsciousness and delirium at once return.
- Says there is nothing the matter with him.
Name two medicines where ailments from charcoal Vapours.
- Arnica mont.
- Ammon. Carb.
Mention two medicines for nose-bleed when washing the face.
- Ammon, carb.
- Arnica mont.
Name two medicines, where patient says nothing the matter with him.
- Arnica mont.
- Hyoscyamus.