Carbo Vegetabilis

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Carbo Vegetabilis


Carbo Vegetabilis, also known as Carbone Vegetali (Latin), has several other names depending on the context:

  • Vegetable Charcoal: This is a common name that highlights the source material used to prepare the homeopathic remedy.
  • Wood Charcoal: Similar to vegetable charcoal, but might emphasize the type of plant material used.
  • Activated Charcoal: This term refers to a specific type of charcoal processed to increase its absorbency, but not necessarily used in homeopathy.

Homeopathic Context:

  • Carbo Veg or Carbo C – These are abbreviations commonly used by homeopaths for brevity.

Choosing the Right Name:

  • Scientific Context: Use "vegetable charcoal" or "wood charcoal" to describe the substance itself.
  • Homeopathic Context: "Carbo Vegetabilis" or "Carbo Veg" are appropriate for discussing the homeopathic remedy.
  • Informal Context: "Vegetable charcoal" might be used in a casual setting, but avoid confusion with activated charcoal.

Important Note:

  • Similar to Calcarea Carbonica, it’s crucial to distinguish between Carbo Vegetabilis as a homeopathic remedy and its use as a general substance (e.g., in water filtration).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Wood charcoal, Vegetable charcoal

Uses of Carbo VegetabliIis

In Homeopathy Carbo Vegetabilis medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions

a) Causation:

i) Due to bad effects of some previous illness, especially typhoid. Have never been well since that time.

ii) From taking quinine or after suppression of intermittent fever especially by taking excess of quinine.

iii) From abuse of mercury.

iv) From salt, salted meats, spoiled either fish or meats, fats etc.

v) From getting over-beated.

vi) From bad effects of loss of vital fluids etc.

vii) Patients crave things that make them old-topers craves either whiskey or brandy.

b) Character of symptoms:

  1. Digestion:

i) Firstly, Weak digestion.

ii) Secondly, Simplest food disagrees.

2.Accumulation of gas:

i) Excessive accumulation of gas in the stomach and intestines.

ii) Gas more in the upper abdomen.

3. Sensation:

i) Sensation as if stomach would burst out.

4. Eructation & flatus:

i) Frequent eructation also passage of flatus, which gives a temporary relief.

5. Dyspepsia:

i) Chronic dyspepsia of old people.

c) Modalities:


i) By lying down.

ii) After either eating or drinking.

iii) After taking rich food, fatty food. butter, milk


i) Firstly, By eructation.

ii) Secondly, By passing of flatus.

d) Concomitants and associated symptoms:

i) Firstly, Tendency of diarrhoea: frequent. involuntary cadaverous smelling stool, followed by burning: soft stool voided with difficulty.

ii) Secondly, Crave things which make them sick.

iii) Thirdly, Want loose clothing around the abdomen.

iv) Fourthly, Patient desires to be fanned rapidly from a close distance.

a) Causation:

i)  Firstly, Dietic errors.

ii) Secondly, From taking excess of salt, salted meats or spoiled fish, meat, fats, etc.

iii) Thirdly, From decomposed foods, fish, meat, egg, etc.

b) Character of stool:

i) Firstly, Frequent, involuntary. cadaverous smelling stool followed especially by burning in the rectum.

ii) Secondly, soft stool voided with difficulty.

c) Character of symptoms:

i) Look-up of the face i.e.:

  • Hippocratic face; eyes also cheeks are sunken: malar bones are prominent; pointed nose, earthly complexion.

ii) Look of the skin i.e.:

  • Deficient capillary circulation, causing blueness of skin also coldness of extremities.

iii) Sweat i.e.:

  • Cold sweat on the forehead with coldness of the whole body, bathed with cold sweat.

iv) Desire of fanning i.e.:

  • Great desire to be constantly fanned; rapidly also from a close distance.

v) Cramp i.e.:

  • In legs also extremities.

 vi) Breath i.e.:

  • Oppression; additionally cold breath.

vii) Flatulence i.e.

  • In upper abdomen; in detail, rumbling sound is heard.

viii) Tongue i.e.: Cold; protrudes with difficulty.

ix) Voice i.e.: Total loss of voice

 x) Pulse i.e.: Feeble, week.

Note: "In the last stage of disease, with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost, this remedy may save a life"

Nash’s Trio

i) Firstly, Carbo veg. ii) Secondly, Arsenicum alb. iii) Thirdly, Muriatic acid.

Bad effects of exhausting diseases

i) Firstly, Arsenicum alb. ii) Secondly, Carbo veg. iii) Thirdly, China. iv) Fourthly, Phosphorus. V) Lastly, Silicea. 

3 medicines

i) Firstly, Carbo veg. ii) Secondly, Lachesis. iii) Thirdly, Secale. Cor.

Ailments from loss of vital fluids

i) Firstly, Causticum iii) Secondly, Cinchona. iii) Thirdly, Phosphorus iv) Fourthly, Carbo veg. v) Lastly, Natrum mur.

5 medicines

i) Firstly, Apis mel. ii) Secondly, Calcarea carb iii) Thirdly, Carbo veg. iv) Fourthly, Lachesis, v) Lastly, Sulphur.

Medicines for weak digestion

i) Firstly, Arg. nit. ii). Secondly, Carbo veg. iii) Thirdly, Lycopodium.

Medicines for weakness of memory

i) Firstly, Aethusa.

ii) Secondly, Argentum nitricum.

iii) Thirdly, Carbo veg.

Factors responsible

i) Exhausting effects of some previous illness.

ii) Indigestion especially from drunken debauch.

iii) Bad effects of long-ago injury.

iv) Bad effects of typhoid-has never been well since typhoid fever.

v) Asthma specifically from measles or whooping cough.

vi) Bad effects of quinine.

vii) Abuse of mercury, salt. salted meat, spoiled fish, meats or fats.

viii) From getting overheated.

ix) From loss of vital-fluids.

I. Introduction: –

Haemorrhages from any mucus outlet: in systems broken down, debilitated; blood oozes from weakened tissues: vital force exhausted.

II. Type: –

i) Diseases of the venous system predominates.

ii) Symptoms of imperfect oxidation.

Ill. Character:

i) Bad effects from loss of vital fluids.

ii) Hemorrhage from any broken-down condition of mucus membranes.

iii) Epistaxis: in daily attacks. for weeks, works from exertion. Face pale before and after hemorrhage. Additionally, Bright red blood.

iv) Hippocratic face, very pale, cold, with cold swear after hemorrhage.

v) Deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of skin also coldness of extremities. In detail, Vital powers nearly exhausted: desire to be constantly fanned.

vi) Profound prostration, collapsed; surface pale also bathed in cold-sweat.

vii) Circulation feeble, stagnated also vital heat sinks to a minimum. Cyanosis.

Note: The homoeopathic last-aid; in the last stage of diseases, with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost; this remedy may save a life.

Facies of Carbo Vegetabilis

i) Hippocratic face: a pinched expression of the face, with sunken eyes. hollow cheeks and temples, relaxed lips and leaden complexion generally observed in one dying after exhausting disease.

ii) Face very pale, greyish-yellow, greenish.

iii) Face cold. covered with cold sweat. 

Respiratory symptoms of Carbo Vegetabilis

i) Causation of asthma: asthma from measles or whooping-cough

ii) Cough with tingling and itching in larynx.

iii) Spasmodic cough with gaging and vomiting.

iv) Hoarseness worse in the evening, damp evening air; warm wet weather: fails when exerted.

v) Cough is agg. in the evening, till midnight. from movement, when walking in the open air. from cold, wet weather from going from a warm to a cold place. (Ref. Clarke).

vi) Epistaxis in daily attacks. for weeks, worse from exertion.

i) Arg. met. ii) Carbo veg.

Female sexual symptoms of Carbo Vegetabilis

i) Firstly, Menstruation: Acrid-smelling menstrual flow. Additionally, Pre-mature and too copious, with pale blood.

ii) Secondly, Leucorrhoea: Before menses.

iii) Thirdly, Mammae: Erysipelas of mammae.

i) Coldness i.e.: Coldness is characteristic (Ref. Clarke). Furthermore, Deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of skin and coldness of extremities; awakens from cold limbs and suffers from cold knees at night. Surface pale and bathed in cold sweat. 

ii) Ailments from i.e.:For the bad effects of exhausting diseases: bad effects from loss of vital fluids, etc.

iii) Rapid fanning i.e.: Patient desires to be constantly fanned, rapidly and from a close distance; which is a constant concomitant accompanying most of the ailments

iv) Burning i.e.: Kent says, burning runs through the medicine. Additionally, Burning in veins, in capillaries, in inflamed parts; internal burning with external coldness.

v) Haemorrhagic diathesis i.e.: Hemorrhage from any mucus outlet; in systems broken down, debilitated; blood oozes from weakened tissues. In detail, Diseases of the venous system predominate.

vi) Last-aid i.e.: In the last stages of disease, with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost; this remedy may save a life. (3)

Excerpts (Summary)

Discover the power of Carbo Vegetabilis, a homeopathic remedy renowned for its ability to restore vitality, improve circulation, and address digestive complaints. This comprehensive FAQ guide answers your questions about its uses, benefits, symptoms, and safety.
Discover the revitalizing power of Carbo Vegetabilis, a homeopathic remedy for exhaustion, digestive issues like gas and bloating, poor circulation, and coldness. Learn about its key symptoms, benefits, safety, and how it can help you regain vitality.

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