Carbo Vegetabilis
Carbo Vegetabilis: This is the Latin name for the homeopathic remedy made from vegetable charcoal. It’s often shortened to "Carbo Veg."
Concentration hampered
- Concentration difficult, dullness.
- Confusion in the head, thinking difficult.
- Slowness of thoughts and weakness of memory.
- Ideas flow slowly; stupor, collapse.
Agg. by darkness
- Fear of ghosts; of darkness, of accidents, of people.
- Sees frightful images in the dark. (6)
- Easily frightened or startled. Fear of ghosts; of darkness, of accidents, of people.
Remembering capacity low
- Sudden loss of memory.
- Slowness of thoughts and weakness of memory.
Bossy nature
Inflexible, he will not change his opinion for anyone.
nO fear of death
Haughtiness. Anxiety in the evening accompanied by shuddering. Anxiety on closing eyes but no fear of death.
Emotional indifference
Great IRRITABILITY, especially directed at the family.
Emotional indifference
INDIFFERENCE hears everything without feeling about it. Indifference to music which he loves.
Great sluggishness of mind
Mentally as well as physically much SLUGGISHNESS, laziness, slowness of thoughts.
Coldness with collapsed condition
- Master Kent said external coldness is marked in Carbo Veg. Coldness with feeble circulation-icy coldness; Kent said, hands and feet esp. from knees down to feet are cold, cold nose, cold ears, cold tongue. Covered all over with cold sweat; collapse state with cold breath, cold face, -looks like a cadaver.
- Dr. Clarke said, this coldness is characteristic. Dr. Allen said, awakens often from cold limbs and suffers from cold knees at night (Apis). (2)
A/F loss of vital fluids
Ailments from the bad-effect of exhausting diseases whether in young or old (China., Phos., Psor., Sil.), ailments from bad effect of quinine (first know the tips LACH, through this tip you can easily remember at least four medicines having the same causation, those are. L-Lach. A-Ars. C-China., H-Hepar., others, Ipec, Nat. Mur.), abuse, of mercury (Again the tips LACH., L-Lach., A-Aurum, C-Carbo Veg. H-Hepar., others, Sulph, Nit. Ac.). Aliments from spoiled fish, meat, fat, from getting overheated (Ant.C., Bry.). (2)
Rapidly fanned
Dr. E. B. Nash elucidated in a lucid way: pt. says, fan me! The fan me! Pt desires to be constantly fanned-rapidly and from a close distance (Medo-slowly and at a distance. Lach) (2)
Master Kent said, running through the remedy there is burning Burning in veins, in capillaries, in inflamed parts -internal burning with external coldness (Kent).
Dr. Harvey Farrington said burning in the larynx and trachea, in chest like coals of fire ulcers or cancerous growths, burning on the vertex during change of life, burning of the palms and soles during menses, burning even in the bones. (2)
Oxidation imperfect
Here in Carbo Veg., we find imperfect oxidation resulting manifestation of different types of symptoms. (2)
Vitality weakened
- Dr. E. B. Nash classically explained that our Carbo Veg. also ranges alongside China for debilitated cases. The weakness of Carbo Veg is not surpassed by any other remedy. This is one of the Nash’s trios of debilitated medicine (others, Ars. Alb., Mur. Ac.)- those can snatch many patients from the very jaws of death.
- Dr. John Henry Clarke said, great debility as soon as he makes the least effort. Dr. Guernsey considers Carbo Veg. esp. suited to cachectic individuals, whose vital powers have become weakened. (2)
Excessive bleeding
- Carbo Veg is one of the leading haemorrhagic medicine and can be bracketed with first grade haemorrhagic medicines like, Arn.. Bell, China. Crot. hor, Erig, Fer., Hamamelis, Ip., Lach. Merc., Mill, Nat. Mur. Nux Vom, Phos. Puls., Sabina., Sec.. Sepia, Sulph. Acon2, Elaps.2, Trill.2.
- Haemorrhage from any broken-down condition of mucous membranes (China, Phos), from any mucous outlet, blood oozes from weakened tissues-Kent said passive capillary oozing (active gushing flow, Acon, Beil, Ip., Secale) (2)
Dr. E. B. Nash again masterly explained that the most marked and valuable place for this remedy is in its power to relieve complaints from excessive flatulence in the stomach, sensation as if stomach would burst. Great accumulation of gas in stomach as from weak digestion-simplest food disagrees. It is one of the Nash’s trios of tympanitic and flatulent remedies (Carbo Veg. gas in the upper abdomen: -Lyco. gas in the lower abdomen; -China, gas in the entire abdomen–these three consisting the trio). (2)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Carbo Vegetabilis
Common name: Wood charcoal, Vegetable charcoal (1)
Family / Group / Class / Order: Mineral kingdom (1)
Formula: C (Impure) (1)
Habit and habitat / Description: It is prepared from wood by burning. Wood charcoal is a black, porous and brittle substance. It is odourless, tasteless and when heated in air it is converted into carbon dioxide. When burning, it gives no smoke. (1)
Name of prover : Dr Hahnemann (1)
Introduction and history:
- It is a lifesaving drug and useful in the last stages of some fatal diseases; in collapse condition with coldness and sweating.
- It is mainly indicated during childhood and old age.
- It is a very chronic, deep, long acting, anti- psoric medicine.
- It maintains the vitality and integrity of all the organs and tissues.
- This is a desperate remedy for a desperate condition, a condition where the vitality has been drained to the very bottom. (1)
Doctrine of signature :
- When charcoal burns, the fumes go upwards; likewise, the gas accumulates in the upper side of the abdomen of the patient.
- Vegetable charcoal is blackish in colour; likewise, the patient looks bluish and blackish due to cyanosis.
- Ash is collected on the outer surface; externally it looks cold but heat is present internally, likewise patient is cold externally but there is intense heat internally.
- Vegetable charcoal requires fanning from very close distance to ignite; likewise, patient wants to be fanned from a close distance.
- While preparing charcoal the burning wood is devoid of oxygen, likewise patients do not get a good supply of oxygen and are hence, cyanosed. (1)
Preparation & Parts used:
- The wood is thoroughly heated to redness.
- Triturations are prepared from wood ash with sugar of milk to third trituration from which higher potencies are prepared. (1)
Constitution of Carbo Vegetabilis
Physical make up:
- It is best adapted to debilitated women at climacteric age and cachectic people.
- The face is puffy, bluish, pale and hippocratic. Vital power is weakened. (1)
Temperament: Phlegmatic 3, Nervous 2, Choleric 1 (7)
Diathesis: Haemorrhagic (1)
Relation with heat & cold: Very hot (1)
Miasm: Psora (1)
Clinical conditions of Carbo Vegetabilis
Asthma, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Collapse, Coma, Congestive heart failure, Cyanosis, Fainting, Gangrene, Gastritis, Obesity, Pneumonia, Post-surgical, Syncope, Varicose veins and ulcers. (6)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
Mucous membranes, digestive tract, stomach, heart, circulation, blood, veins, capillary, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, vascular system, etc. (1)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
Bad effects of quinine, suppressed malaria, loss of vital fluids, bad effects of an old injury, abuse of salt, meat or fish, abuse of mercury, getting overheated, alcohol, ice water, bad food, eggs, wine, butter, strains, change of weather, overheating, etc. (1)
Physiological action
- This agent has the property of absorbing gases which it does to an extent varying with the grade of charcoal and the gas absorbed.
- Generally speaking, 1 volume of charcoal will absorb 10 volumes of oxygen, 35 volumes of carbonic acid gas, 55 volumes of hydrogen sulphide and 100 volumes of ammonia.
- Lethal doses cause a precordial distress, suffocation, Hippocratic countenance, icy coldness of the body, blueness, collapse and death.
- The blood is disorganized and a sepsis result that is similar to a low grade of ulceration and inflammation.
- The lymphatics are inactive and the glands are enlarged and degeneration resulting in ulceration and suppuration follows.
- There is a general torpor, chilly creeping sensation and finally an icy coldness with cyanosis; the natural secretions are deteriorated, with nervous forces are lowered, and there is a general sinking of the energies.
- The secretions of the mucous surfaces are increased with marked acidity and fermentation.
- The bronchial secretions are also increased. (5)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- It acts upon the nervous system producing vasomotor paralysis.
- Acts on the head; the head feels full and the limbs feel dull and puffy.
- Acts on different parts of the body, causes sluggishness, turbidity and swelling of parts.
- Acts on veins, blood and capillaries causing haemorrhage and debility.
- It acts on the mucous surface of the vegetative system causing excessive acidity and excessive accumulation of gas in the stomach or abdomen. (1)
Mental Symptoms
Mental Symptoms of Carbo Vegetabilis
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology)
- Confusion in the head, thinking difficult.
- Very irritable, excitable and inclined to anger.
- Fear of ghosts at night time.
- Patient is very restless, anxious from 4 to 6 pm.
- Slowness of thoughts and weakness of memory.
- Ideas flow slowly; stupor, collapse.
- Indifference, listens without any feeling of pleasure or displeasure.
- Vertigo, when stooping from flatulence. (1)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Carbo Vegetabilis:
- C- Collapsed state: copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost – as a last aid.
- A- Aliments from: quinine, abuse of mercury, salt meat, spoiled fish, getting overheated, loss of vital fluids.
- R- Rapid fanning desire.
- B- Broken down constitution: haemorrhagic diathesis.
- O- Oxidation imperfect: symptoms of imperfect oxidation
- V- Venous bleeding: diseases of venous system predominate.
- E- Easily bleeding gums.
- G- Gas simplest food disagrees: Member of Nash’s trio of tympanitic and flatulent. (2)
- Weakness in the morning, and stretching of the limbs; after a short walk in the open air; mostly in arms when writing; (<) walking, (>) sitting.
- Sudden attacks of faint-like weakness. General exhaustion towards noon.
- Tearing pains in various parts of the body. Rheumatic drawing pains, with coldness in the hands and feet Paralytic tearing in limbs, with flatulent symptoms.
- Burning pains in the limbs, bones and in ulcers. The limbs feel bruised in the morning after rising from bed. (8)
- ACHES FROM ANY OVER-INDULGENCE. Hair feels sore, FALLS OFF EASILY; scalp itches when getting warm in bed.
- Hat pressed upon head like a heavy weight. Head feels heavy, constricted. Vertigo with nausea and tinnitus.
Pimples on forehead and face. (4)
- Vision of black floating spots. Asthenopia.
- Burning in eyes. (4)
- Muscles pain.
- Otorrhoea following exanthemata diseases. Ears dry.
- Malformation of cerumen with exfoliation of dermoid layer of meatus. (4)
- Bleeding after straining, with pale face; tip of nose red and scabby, itching around nostrils. Varicose veins on nose.
- Eruption in corner of alae nasi.
- Coryza with cough, especially in moist, warm weather. Ineffectual efforts to sneeze. (4)
- Puffy, cyanotic.
- Pale, Hippocratic, cold with cold sweat; blue. [Cup.; Opium.] Mottled cheeks and red nose. (4)
- Tongue coated white or yellow brown, COVERED WITH APHTHAE.
- Teeth very sensitive where chewing; gums retracted and bleed easily.
- Blood oozing from gums when cleaning teeth. Pyorrhoea. (4)
- A feeling of constriction in the throat, which hinders swallowing.
- Much mucus in the throat, which is easily brought up on hawking. (4)
- ERUCTATIONS, HEAVINESS, FULLNESS, AND SLEEPINESS; tense from flatulence, with pain; worse lying down.
- Eructation after eating and drinking. Temporary relief from belching. Rancid, sour, or putrid eructation.
- Waterbrash, asthmatic breathing from flatulence.
- Nausea in the morning. Burning in stomach, extending to back and along spine.
- Faint gone feeling in stomach, not relieved by eating. Crampy pains forcing patient to bend double.
- Distress comes on a half-hour after eating. Sensitiveness of epigastric region.
- Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence. sour, rancid belching. Aversion to milk, meat, and FAT THINGS.
- THE SIMPLEST FOOD DISTRESSES. Epigastric region very sensitive. (4)
- Pain as from lifting a weight; colic from riding in a carriage; excessive discharge of fetid flatus.
- Cannot bear tight clothing around waist and abdomen.
- Ailments accompanying intestinal fistulae.
- ABDOMEN GREATLY DISTENDED; better, passing wind.
- FLATULENT COLIC. Pain in liver. (4)
Rectum & Anus
- Flatus hot, moist, offensive. Itching, gnawing and burning in rectum.
- A musty, glutinous moisture exudes.
- Soreness, itching, moisture of perineum at night.
- Discharge of blood from rectum. Burning at anus, burning varices. [Mur. ac.] (4)
- Painful diarrhoea of old people.
- Frequent, involuntary cadaverous-smelling stools, followed by burning.
- White haemorrhoids; excoriation of anus.
- BLUISH, burning piles, PAIN after stool. (4)
Urinary Organ
- Frequent, anxious desire to urinate, day and night.
- Incontinence of urine at night.
- Urine red, dark-coloured, turbid; deposits a red sediment. (8)
Sexual Organ
- Male: Discharge of prostatic fluid at stool. Itching and moisture at thigh near scrotum. (4)
- Female: Premature and too copious menses; pale blood. Vulva swollen; aphthae; varies on pudenda. Leucorrhoea before menses, thick, greenish, milky, excoriating. [Kreos.] During menstruation, burning in hands and soles. (4)
Respiratory System
- Cough with itching in larynx; spasmodic with gagging and vomiting of mucus. Whooping cough, especially in beginning.
- Deep, rough voice, failing on slight exertion.
- HOARSENESS; WORSE, EVENINGS, talking; evening oppression of breathing, sore and raw chest Wheezing and rattling of mucus in chest. Occasional spells of long coughing attacks.
- COUGH, WITH BURNING IN CHEST; worse in evening, in open air, after eating and talking.
- Spasmodic cough, bluish face, offensive expectoration, neglected pneumonia.
- Breath cold; MUST BE FANNED. Haemorrhage from lungs. ASTHMA IN AGED WITH BLUE SKIN. (4)
Heart & Pulse
- Weak pulse.
- Useful in weak heart with fatty degeneration with cold sweat, desire to be fanned, tendency to haemorrhages. (8)
Neck & Back
- Tearing pains in the muscles. Cervical glands swollen.
- Drawing pains in the nape, extending up into the neck, with nausea and rush of water from the mouth.
- Drawing pains in the back, (<) sitting or stooping. Pinching pain near the lowest part of the spine.
- Pain across the loins, as from a plug; cannot sit, must put pillow under it. Sore pain beneath the coccyx. (8)
- Heavy, stiff; feel paralyzed; LIMBS, GO TO SLEEP; want of muscular energy; joints weak. Pain in shins.
- Cramp in soles; feet numb and sweaty.
- COLD FROM KNEES DOWN. Toes red, swollen.
- Burning pain in bones and limbs. (4)
- BLUE, COLD ECCHYMOSED. Marbled with venous over distension.
- Itching; worse on evening, when warm in bed.
- Moist skin; HOT PERSPIRATION; gangrene beginning in toes; bed sores; bleed easily.
- Falling out of hair, from a general weakened condition. Indolent ulcers, burning pain.
- Ichorous, offensive discharge; tendency to gangrene of the margins. Purpura.
- VARICOSE ULCERS, carbuncles. [Ars.; Anthrac.]. (4)
- Sleepiness during the day, (>) moving about. Falls asleep late.
- Loss of sleep at night on account of restlessness.
- Frequent waking at night, with cold knees and limbs. (8)
- Coldness, with thirst. Chill begins in forearm.
- Burning in various places.
- Perspiration on eating.
- Hectic fever, exhausting sweats. (4)
Charecteristic of Carbo Vegetabilis
Important characteristic features
Keynotes / Redline
- Craves things which make him sick.
- > rapid fanning wants to be fanned.
- Hoarseness in the evening.
- Coldness of the body especially the legs. (6)
- Prostration: Great debility and prostration from least exertion; sudden prostration. Great debility from nursing, exhausted vitality from loss of vital fluids.
- Air hunger: Wants to be constantly fanned rapidly and from a close distance in all complaints.
- Bleeding: Haemorrhage from any mucous outlet; blood oozes from weakened tissues; vital force exhausted. Haemorrhage may be from nose, gums, stomach, bowels, bladder, etc.
- Sweat: Profuse perspiration, cold sweat, exhausting night sweats. Sweat may be putrid or sour.
- Sluggishness: Patient is mentally as well as physically sluggish, weak digestion.
- Coldness: Body is very cold to touch; cold surface, particularly below the knees up to the feet. Copious cold sweat, cold tongue, cold breath; fingertips are icy cold.
- Flatulence: Weak digestion, simplest food disagrees, excessive accumulation of gas in the stomach and intestines; sensation as if stomach would burst, eructation gives temporary relief.
- Burning: Burning pains, burning heat in some internal part. Itching and burning of skin, burning in gangrene, burning in head, lungs, sides of chest, etc.
- Putridity: Discharges of the body are putrid; cadaverous smelling stools, foetid sputa.
- Desires: Craving for whisky, brandy or things which make the patient sick; desire for coffee.
- Ulceration: Tendency for ulceration, humid gangrene in cachectic persons; great foulness of secretions. Ulceration everywhere which does not heal.
- Soreness: Soreness and rawness in throat when coughing; acrid, corrosive moisture from rectum; leucorrhoea milky, greenish-yellow and excoriating.
- Blueness; Blueness of skin due to stagnation of blood in the capillaries. Desire to be fanned constantly; symptoms of imperfect oxidation.
- Hoarseness: Loss of voice, hoarseness, aggravated in the evening, from warm wet weather.
- Stools: Frequent, involuntary, cadaverous smelling stools, soft but voided with difficulty followed by burning.
- Life saving: It is a lifesaving drug in the last stages of diseases, with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost. (1)
- Disintegration and imperfect oxidation. General venous stasis.
- Coldness (but aversion to being covered), blueness, burnings (internal burning with external coldness, with desire for fanning rapidly and closely) with prostration.
- Collapse. Fainting from indigestion, flatus, sunstroke, infection, etc.
- Weak, exhausted with haemorrhages of dark blood.
- Flatulent dyspepsia in upper abdomen with all complaints. (6)
- Internal burning with external coldness, with desire for fanning rapidly.
- Flatulence in upper abdomen with temporary relief from eructation.
- Great debility and decompositions. (6)
Nucleus symptoms
- Useful in the old or prematurely old; debilitated, broken down persons, with lack of reaction who have never been well since a previous exhaustive illness.
- Disintegration and imperfect oxidation are the cause of most of the symptoms.
- General venous stasis.
- Much coldness, blueness, burnings and prostration in late stages of disease with decomposition.
- Weak, exhausted, with haemorrhages of dark blood.
- Flatulent dyspepsia in upper abdomen with all complaints. (6)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Carbo Vegetabilis
Acidity, Angina pectoris, Aphonia, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cholera, Constipation, Cough, Debility, Disorders of pregnancy, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Emphysema, Epistaxis, Eructation, Fevers, Flatulence, Gangrene, Headache, Heart affections, Measles, Mumps, Orchitis, Otorrhoea, Skin affections, Stomach disorders, etc. (1)
Modality of Carbo Vegetabilis
- Aggravation: Morning, evening, fatty food, warmth, night, open air, from cold, butter, milk, alcohol, coffee, reading aloud, during eating, etc.
- Amelioration: Sitting up, fresh air, from eructation, cold application, from fanning. (1)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Carbo Vegetabilis
1. Complimentary:
Chin, Dros, Kali-c. (6)
2. Follows Well:
Ars, Bell, Bry, Dros, Kali-c, Nux-v, Ph-ac, Sep, Sulph. (6)
3. Antidoted By:
Ars, Camph, Coff, Ferr, Lach, Nit-s-d. (6)
4. It Antidotes:
Chin, Lach, Merc. (6)
5. Comparison:
Graph, Other carbons. (6)
1 Dose:
- Low Triturations in intestinal disorders.
- Mid potencies in specific conditions.
- High and highest potencies in constitutional and miasmatic condition. (1)
2. Potency: 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000. (1)
3. Repetition:
- Low and mid potencies are to be repeated.
- High and highest potencies are given in single doses. (1)
4. Duration of Action: Up to 60 days (1)
1. J.D. Patil MM 2001, Section-II, Chap > Carbo veg
2. Synoptic Memorizer of MM by Dr. S.K. Banerjea Vol- I, Chap-2 > Carbo veg
3. MM by W. Boericke Chap > Carbo veg.
4. Manual of MM,Therapeutics and pharmacology by Blackwood, Alexander Leslie, Chap <Carbo veg
5. Zomeo Line Chap <Carbo veg
7. Tempraz MM by Dr, Parinaz Humranwala Chap <Carbo veg
8. Primer MM by Dr.T.F.Allen Chap <Carbo veg
Here are some common terminologies used in homeopathic articles about Carbo Veg, along with their meanings:
Carbo Vegetabilis:
This is the Latin name for the homeopathic remedy made from vegetable charcoal. It’s often shortened to "Carbo Veg."
The process of grinding a substance to a fine powder, often with lactose (milk sugar), to prepare it for homeopathic dilutions.
The process of repeatedly diluting a substance in water or alcohol, with succussion (vigorous shaking) between each dilution. This is a core principle in homeopathy.
Indicates the number of times a substance has been diluted and succussed. Common potencies include 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, and 10M. Higher numbers indicate greater dilution.
Materia Medica:
A collection of information about the symptoms and conditions that homeopathic remedies are believed to address.
Experiments in which healthy individuals take a substance and record the symptoms they experience. These symptoms are then used to create the Materia Medica for that remedy.
Constitutional Remedy:
A remedy that matches the overall physical, mental, and emotional characteristics of an individual.
Acute Prescribing:
Using a remedy to address a specific, temporary condition, such as a cold or flu.
In homeopathy, a miasm is a predisposition to certain patterns of illness. Carbo Veg is often associated with the "Psoric" and "Sycotic" miasms.
Characteristic symptoms that are particularly indicative of a specific remedy. Keynotes for Carbo Veg include:
- Collapse, vital exhaustion
- Coldness, desire for fresh air
- Flatulence, bloating, indigestion
- Slow circulation, bluish discoloration
- Weakness, faintness
Where to Find More Information:
- Homeopathic Materia Medicas: These books provide detailed information about remedies, including Carbo Veg. Some well-known Materia Medicas include those by Boericke, Kent, and Murphy.
- Homeopathic Repertories: These are indexes of symptoms that list the remedies associated with each symptom.
- Online Resources: Websites like homeopathyplus.com and abchomeopathy.com offer articles and information about homeopathy.
Important Note: Homeopathy is a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) system. It’s essential to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner before using any homeopathic remedies, especially for chronic or serious health conditions.
Also Search As
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It’s great you’re interested in learning more about Carbo Veg! Here’s how you can find reliable information about this homeopathic remedy:
1. Online Resources:
- Reputable Homeopathic Websites: Websites like homeopathyplus.com and abchomeopathy.com offer comprehensive articles and Materia Medica information on various remedies, including Carbo Veg. These sites often have search functions to help you find specific information.
- Homeopathic Journals: Online journals like Simillimum and The Homeopath publish articles and research related to homeopathy. You can search their archives using keywords like "Carbo Veg" or specific symptoms.
- Databases: Databases like PubMed (for medical literature) may have some articles on homeopathic research, though it might not be their primary focus.
2. Books:
- Materia Medicas: Classic texts like those by Boericke, Kent, and Murphy provide detailed descriptions of remedies and their indications. Look for these in libraries or bookstores specializing in homeopathy.
- Repertories: These books are essentially symptom indexes that list remedies associated with each symptom. Kent’s Repertory and Synthesis Repertory are widely used.
3. Homeopathic Practitioners:
- Consultations: The best way to understand how Carbo Veg might apply to your specific situation is to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner. They can assess your symptoms and provide personalized advice.
Tips for Effective Searching:
- Use Specific Keywords: Instead of just "Carbo Veg," try searching for "Carbo Veg indigestion," "Carbo Veg collapse," or "Carbo Veg flatulence" to narrow down your results.
- Combine Terms: Use a combination of keywords to refine your search, such as "Carbo Veg respiratory problems."
- Check the Source: Ensure the information you find comes from reputable sources with expertise in homeopathy.
Remember, homeopathy is a complementary system of medicine. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, including homeopathic remedies.
You’re right to ask about different search approaches! Here’s a breakdown of how to find varied and useful information on Carbo Veg:
1. By Symptom:
- Focus on Keynotes: Use terms like "Carbo Veg exhaustion," "Carbo Veg cold extremities," "Carbo Veg bloating," or "Carbo Veg indigestion." This targets the remedy’s strengths.
- Broaden with Related Symptoms: If you have less specific issues, try "Carbo Veg weak digestion," "Carbo Veg low energy," or "Carbo Veg slow recovery from illness."
- Use Repertories: Homeopathic repertories (like Kent’s Repertory) are symptom dictionaries. Look up your symptoms, and Carbo Veg will be listed if it’s known to help.
2. By Condition:
- Specific Ailments: Search for "Carbo Veg in pneumonia," "Carbo Veg for COPD," or "Carbo Veg post-surgical recovery." This is useful if you have a diagnosed condition.
- Constitutional Types: Explore "Carbo Veg for the gas," "Carbo Veg for those with weak vitality," or "Carbo Veg for individuals prone to collapse." This matches the remedy to overall tendencies.
3. By Materia Medica:
- Author-Specific: Search for "Carbo Veg in Boericke’s Materia Medica" or "Carbo Veg Kent." Each author has their own emphasis.
- Online Materia Medica: Websites like homeopathyplus.com have searchable Materia Medicas, allowing you to quickly find Carbo Veg’s profile.
4. By Research:
- PubMed: Use keywords like "Carbo Vegetabilis clinical trials" or "Carbo Vegetabilis research" to find scientific studies, though these may be limited.
- Homeopathic Journals: Search journals like Simillimum or The Homeopath for articles on Carbo Veg, often with case studies or specific applications.
5. By Practitioner:
- Find a Homeopath: Many homeopaths have websites or online profiles. Search for practitioners in your area and see if they mention Carbo Veg expertise.
- Online Forums: Some homeopathic forums have discussions on specific remedies. Search within the forum for Carbo Veg to see others’ experiences.
Important Notes:
- Combine Approaches: The most effective search uses multiple methods. Start with symptoms, then explore Materia Medica and research to deepen your understanding.
- Critical Evaluation: Be discerning with online information. Favor reputable sites and cross-reference information.
- Professional Guidance: Always consult a qualified homeopath for personalized advice, especially for chronic or serious conditions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is another name of Carbo Vegetabilis ?
Wood charcoal, Vegetable charcoal
State the use of Carbo Vegetabilis ?
Uses of Carbo VegetabliIis
In Homeopathy Carbo Vegetabilis medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
Write gastric symptoms of Carbo Vegetabilis?
a) Causation:
i) Due to bad effects of some previous illness, especially typhoid. Have never been well since that time.
ii) From taking quinine or after suppression of intermittent fever especially by taking excess of quinine.
iii) From abuse of mercury.
iv) From salt, salted meats, spoiled either fish or meats, fats etc.
v) From getting over-beated.
vi) From bad effects of loss of vital fluids etc.
vii) Patients crave things that make them old-topers craves either whiskey or brandy.
b) Character of symptoms:
1. Digestion:
i) Firstly, Weak digestion.
ii) Secondly, Simplest food disagrees.
2.Accumulation of gas:
i) Excessive accumulation of gas in the stomach and intestines.
ii) Gas more in the upper abdomen.
3. Sensation:
i) Sensation as if stomach would burst out.
4. Eructation & flatus:
i) Frequent eructation also passage of flatus, which gives a temporary relief.
5. Dyspepsia:
i) Chronic dyspepsia of old people.
c) Modalities:
i) By lying down.
ii) After either eating or drinking.
iii) After taking rich food, fatty food. butter, milk
i) Firstly, By eructation.
ii) Secondly, By passing of flatus.
d) Concomitants and associated symptoms:
i) Firstly, Tendency of diarrhoea: frequent. involuntary cadaverous smelling stool, followed by burning: soft stool voided with difficulty.
ii) Secondly, Crave things which make them sick.
iii) Thirdly, Want loose clothing around the abdomen.
iv) Fourthly, Patient desires to be fanned rapidly from a close distance.
Discuss the cholera of Carbo Vegetabilis
a) Causation:
i) Firstly, Dietic errors.
ii) Secondly, From taking excess of salt, salted meats or spoiled fish, meat, fats, etc.
iii) Thirdly, From decomposed foods, fish, meat, egg, etc.
b) Character of stool:
i) Firstly, Frequent, involuntary. cadaverous smelling stool followed especially by burning in the rectum.
ii) Secondly, soft stool voided with difficulty.
c) Character of symptoms:
i) Look-up of the face i.e.:
- Hippocratic face; eyes also cheeks are sunken: malar bones are prominent; pointed nose, earthly complexion.
ii) Look of the skin i.e.:
- Deficient capillary circulation, causing blueness of skin also coldness of extremities.
iii) Sweat i.e.:
- Cold sweat on the forehead with coldness of the whole body, bathed with cold sweat.
iv) Desire of fanning i.e.:
- Great desire to be constantly fanned; rapidly also from a close distance.
v) Cramp i.e.:
- In legs also extremities.
vi) Breath i.e.:
- Oppression; additionally cold breath.
vii) Flatulence i.e.
- In upper abdomen; in detail, rumbling sound is heard.
viii) Tongue i.e.: Cold; protrudes with difficulty.
ix) Voice i.e.: Total loss of voice
x) Pulse i.e.: Feeble, week.
Note: "In the last stage of disease, with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost, this remedy may save a life"
Name Nash’s trio of last-aid-which can snatch many patients from the jaws of death.
Nash’s Trio
i) Firstly, Carbo veg. ii) Secondly, Arsenicum alb. iii) Thirdly, Muriatic acid.
Mention five medicines for the bad effects of exhausting diseases.
Bad effects of exhausting diseases
i) Firstly, Arsenicum alb. ii) Secondly, Carbo veg. iii) Thirdly, China. iv) Fourthly, Phosphorus. V) Lastly, Silicea.
Name three medicines suitable for cachectic persons.
3 medicines
i) Firstly, Carbo veg. ii) Secondly, Lachesis. iii) Thirdly, Secale. Cor.
Name five medicines for ailments resulting from loss of vital fluids.
Ailments from loss of vital fluids
i) Firstly, Causticum iii) Secondly, Cinchona. iii) Thirdly, Phosphorus iv) Fourthly, Carbo veg. v) Lastly, Natrum mur.
Mention five medicines those wants the clothing loose around the abdomen.
5 medicines
i) Firstly, Apis mel. ii) Secondly, Calcarea carb iii) Thirdly, Carbo veg. iv) Fourthly, Lachesis, v) Lastly, Sulphur.
Name three medicines for weak digestion, sensation as if stomach would burst.
Medicines for weak digestion
i) Firstly, Arg. nit. ii). Secondly, Carbo veg. iii) Thirdly, Lycopodium.
Mention three medicines for weakness of memory.
Medicines for weakness of memory
i) Firstly, Aethusa.
ii) Secondly, Argentum nitricum.
iii) Thirdly, Carbo veg.
Mention the factors which are responsible for causative ailments of Carbo veg.
Factors responsible
i) Exhausting effects of some previous illness.
ii) Indigestion especially from drunken debauch.
iii) Bad effects of long-ago injury.
iv) Bad effects of typhoid-has never been well since typhoid fever.
v) Asthma specifically from measles or whooping cough.
vi) Bad effects of quinine.
vii) Abuse of mercury, salt. salted meat, spoiled fish, meats or fats.
viii) From getting overheated.
ix) From loss of vital-fluids.
State the hemorrhage of Carbo veg.
I. Introduction: –
Haemorrhages from any mucus outlet: in systems broken down, debilitated; blood oozes from weakened tissues: vital force exhausted.
II. Type: –
i) Diseases of the venous system predominates.
ii) Symptoms of imperfect oxidation.
Ill. Character:
i) Bad effects from loss of vital fluids.
ii) Hemorrhage from any broken-down condition of mucus membranes.
iii) Epistaxis: in daily attacks. for weeks, works from exertion. Face pale before and after hemorrhage. Additionally, Bright red blood.
iv) Hippocratic face, very pale, cold, with cold swear after hemorrhage.
v) Deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of skin also coldness of extremities. In detail, Vital powers nearly exhausted: desire to be constantly fanned.
vi) Profound prostration, collapsed; surface pale also bathed in cold-sweat.
vii) Circulation feeble, stagnated also vital heat sinks to a minimum. Cyanosis.
Note: The homoeopathic last-aid; in the last stage of diseases, with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost; this remedy may save a life.
State the facies of Carbo veg.
Facies of Carbo Vegetabilis
i) Hippocratic face: a pinched expression of the face, with sunken eyes. hollow cheeks and temples, relaxed lips and leaden complexion generally observed in one dying after exhausting disease.
ii) Face very pale, greyish-yellow, greenish.
iii) Face cold. covered with cold sweat.
State the respiratory symptoms of Carbo veg.
Respiratory symptoms of Carbo Vegetabilis
i) Causation of asthma: asthma from measles or whooping-cough
ii) Cough with tingling and itching in larynx.
iii) Spasmodic cough with gaging and vomiting.
iv) Hoarseness worse in the evening, damp evening air; warm wet weather: fails when exerted.
v) Cough is agg. in the evening, till midnight. from movement, when walking in the open air. from cold, wet weather from going from a warm to a cold place. (Ref. Clarke).
vi) Epistaxis in daily attacks. for weeks, worse from exertion.
Mention two medicines where throat complaints agg. from singing or reading aloud.
i) Arg. met. ii) Carbo veg.
Mention the female sexual symptoms of Carbo veg.
Female sexual symptoms of Carbo Vegetabilis
i) Firstly, Menstruation: Acrid-smelling menstrual flow. Additionally, Pre-mature and too copious, with pale blood.
ii) Secondly, Leucorrhoea: Before menses.
iii) Thirdly, Mammae: Erysipelas of mammae.
Mention six characteristic symptoms of Carbo veg.
i) Coldness i.e.: Coldness is characteristic (Ref. Clarke). Furthermore, Deficient capillary circulation causes blueness of skin and coldness of extremities; awakens from cold limbs and suffers from cold knees at night. Surface pale and bathed in cold sweat.
ii) Ailments from i.e.:For the bad effects of exhausting diseases: bad effects from loss of vital fluids, etc.
iii) Rapid fanning i.e.: Patient desires to be constantly fanned, rapidly and from a close distance; which is a constant concomitant accompanying most of the ailments
iv) Burning i.e.: Kent says, burning runs through the medicine. Additionally, Burning in veins, in capillaries, in inflamed parts; internal burning with external coldness.
v) Haemorrhagic diathesis i.e.: Hemorrhage from any mucus outlet; in systems broken down, debilitated; blood oozes from weakened tissues. In detail, Diseases of the venous system predominate.
vi) Last-aid i.e.: In the last stages of disease, with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost; this remedy may save a life. (3)