Causticum has a few other names depending on the context:
- Kali causticum: This is the chemical name for potassium hydroxide, the main substance used to prepare Causticum.
- Hahnemannian Causticum: This refers to Causticum prepared according to the methods of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy.
Less Common Names:
- Tinctura acris sine: This is a historical name for Causticum.
Informal Context (avoid in medical settings):
- Causticum Hahnemanni: This is a combination of the chemical and Hahnemannian names, but not commonly used.
Choosing the Right Name:
- Medical Context: Avoid using Causticum as a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment.
- Homeopathic Context: "Causticum" or "Kali causticum" are appropriate for discussing the homeopathic remedy.
Important Note:
- Causticum is a substance with various uses. When referring to Causticum, be mindful of the context to avoid confusion. If discussing the homeopathic remedy, distinguish it from its use in other contexts (e.g., as a chemical).
Causations (Mental):
Suppression of skin eruption from Zn. ointment
Emotions, exertion (mental) (Clarke)
Grief (long lasting)
Ailments from pleasurable surprise (Coffea.)
Bad-effect of disappointment of love.
a) Master Kent said injurious effects of fear, vexation.
b) Tired from vexation of business, prolonged vexations (K).
c) Suppression of skin eruption by Zn. (Abuse of Merc. & Sulph. in scabies) ointment resulting mental exhaustion, hopelessness, despair etc.
d) Any attempt to mental exertion-symptoms viz. stiches in temples, tension in head & scalp, forehead to temples.
Anticipation, Apprehensive of any impending misfortune:
Master Kent said always anticipating dreadful events in broken down mental cases after prolonged anxiety.
At every turn there is fear that something is going to happen (K).
Inclined to take everything in bad part. (Ant.t., Cina, lod., Sil.) (Cw.)
The equilibrium of the mind is so disturbed that peace is no-where to be found. Additionally, they are apprehensive of some impending calamity.
Under scalp emptiness (as if sensation):
There is a sensation, as if there is an empty place between the cranium and brain >by warmth (CI)
Boericke said emptiness between forehead and brain.
Sympathy (intense) for the suffering of others
Sympathy (intense) for the suffering of others
That dread-hour of the evening, we call twilight, when shadows grow larger and the vanishing light of the day mingles with the darkness of the night (NMC).
Full of fearful fancies in the evening esp. <in twilight when shadows grow longer and fancies more rife.
The child is afraid to go bed in dark (F).
(I1) Irritability: –
Dr. CW. said peevish, fretful (Chamo., Cina., Calc. P.) (CW).
N.M.C. said peevishness and irritability of temperament.
2 Insanity: –
Insanity after suppression of skin eruptions. Caust. has cured insanity but not acute mania with violent delirium, but mental aberration of passive kind (K).
Conscience Strike:
Conscience-strike, as if the pt. had commited a crime. (CI).
Undue fear of darkness., fear of death:
Fear of darkness is an important feature of Caust. (Can. Ind1, Stramo1, Acon 2, Calc 2, Carbo Veg 2, Caust 2, Lyco 2, Medo 2, Phos 2, Puls.2), fear of death, Caust.2.
M1 -Melancholia:
Master Kent said, great stiffness of the joints, while this is going on pt. is growing weaker: is running into a state of melancholia, hopelessness, anxiety and fear.
2 M
Most characteristic according to Dr. N.M.C. is redness of the face during anxiety with a frequent desire to pass stool.
3 M
Mental paralysis, weakness of memory.
4 M-Modality.
<by thinking of complaints (K) (Ox. ac. Helon, Gels. Baryta, Medo, Calc. Phos.). (1)
Paralysis of single parts, vocal organs, tongue, eyelids, face, extremities, bladder, generally of right side; from expo sure to cold wind or draft, after typhoid, typhus or diphtheria, gradually appearing.
Drooping of the upper eyelid, due to ocular muscles paralysis, can’t keep them open (Caulo, Gels., Graph-of both lids, Sep.), Usually flexor muscles are paralyzed (opp. Plumb.), Causticum antidotes paralysis from lead poisoning (Plumb., Alum., Petrol.).
Adaptability, and <and>:
Adaptability: It is adapted to those persons with dark hair & rigid fibre, chilly pt. Dr. Tyler said dark hair, dark eyed and of darkest mood and temper is over Causticum. There is no suspicion of brightness or gaity here (Tyler).
Farrington said esp. suited to pt. who are timid, nervous and anxious, full of fearful fancies. Dr. N. M. Chowdhury said. mostly suited to melancholic, anxious particularly who dread of that hour i.e., twilight.
<In clear fine weather.
<Coming from the air into a worm room.
<Cold air.
<From getting wet or bathing
>In damp wet weather (Hep., Nux Vom., Medo.).
>Warm air.
Rawness–> Soreness: Rheumatic symptoms with contracture:
Rawness & soreness runs through the Causticum, esp.in chest & throat with aphonia.
Rheumatic affections, with contraction of the flexors and stiffness of the joints: tension and shortening of muscles (Am. M., Cimex, Guaiac, Nat. Mur.).
Anal Symptoms:
The peculiar uncommon symptoms of Causticum are stool passes better when person is standing esp. in the time of constipation.
N. M. Chowdhury said this reminds us of Alumina, where too the pt. prefers the standing posture.
(-In Medo, like to lean backward to be able to pass stool.)
Late learning to walk:
Child late in learning to walk (Calc.P., Sil., Bar. C., Calc. C.) due to nerve power weakness, unsteady walking and easy falling.
[Late learning to walk-due to dwarfism of mind & brain (Bar. C.).
-due to bony disturbances, altered Ca. & P. metabolism. (Calc. C.).
-due to deficiency of bone-forming substances (Calc.-P).
-due to deficient nutrition & defective assimilation, weak ankles (Sil.)
Yellowish Ness of face:
Persons of hydrogenoid constitution (Thuja, Ant. tart. Arg. N., Nat.S., Nux.M., Medo.) with excessively yellow, sallow complexion.
Physically very much weak, emaciated and anaemic.
Skin prone to intertrigo:
Skin prone to intertrigo (Lyco.) during dentition, or convulsion with eruption of teeth (Stannum Met.).
“I have never been well since that burn":
Cicatrices especially after burns, scalds, -freshen up, becomes sore, old injuries re-open.
Guernsey comments Causticum in the after effects of burns & scalds. Patient says "I have never been well since that burn".
Note i.e.: Suppressed skin eruptions resulting insanity (not in. acute stages but in chronic stages are cured by Caust.).
Sympathy for the suffering of others:
The patient is sympathetic, melancholic, hopeless, sad. despondent, pessimistic (Aur.M.), Fearful fancies esp. towards evening. Weeps easily.
Great sympathy for the suffering of others.
Note. 1: Craving i.e.:
Craving for salt (Nat. M., Phos., Arg.N.)
Bread Causes pressure in the stomach.
Note 2 i.e.:
It is a wonderful remedy for epilepsy when fit occurs during sleep and urine escapes involuntarily due to paralysis of sphincter urethrae even when coughing (Puls., Squil., Ver.). (2)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Causticum
Common name of Causticum i.e.:
- Potassium hydrate, Tincture acris sine kali is common name for Causticum.
Family / Group / Class / Order of Causticum i.e.:
- Mineral kingdom
Habit and habitat / Description of Cauticum i.e. :
- It is a mixture of caustic lime and bisulphate of potash. Available in the medical shop.
Formula / Symbols of Causticum i.e.:
Name of prover of Causticum i.e.:
- Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
Introduction and history of Causticum i.e.:
- Causticum is a great Polychrest, Anti psoric, Anti sycotic, Deep and Long-acting remedy.
- It is one of the greatest monuments of Hahnemann’s work.
- Caust. is a unique remedy and is one of those without which we cannot practice.
- Herring’s Guiding Symptoms say, ‘Whatever diversity of opinion may exist theoretically, Causticum remains stamped by our best practitioners as a polychrest of the highest order.’
- Nash too says, ‘If Hahnemann had never given to the homeopathic school any remedy but Causticum, the world would still owe him everlasting obligation.’
- Causticum is an indispensable polychrest remedy. (3)
Preparation of Causticum i.e.:
- The mixture is soluble in spirit. Higher potencies are prepared from the mother tincture. (3)
Physical make up of Causticum i.e.:
- Hydrogenoid constitution with shallow complexion, dark hair and rigid muscular fibers. Physically very weak, emaciated and anaemic.
- Children slow to learning and walk. (3)
Temperament of Causticum i.e.:
- Melancholic 3, Choleric 2, Nervous 2 (8)
Diathesis of Causticum i.e.:
- Rheumatic diathesis
Relation with heat & cold :
- Chilly
Miasm of Causticum i.e. :
- Psora and sycosis (3)
Clinical conditions in which we can think for Causticum
In Homeopathy Causticum medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
- Acne rosacea, Arthritis deformans, Bronchitis, Burns, Convulsions, Diphtheritic paralysis, Enuresis, Epilepsy, Facial paralysis, Fistula, Herpes zoster, Impotence, Influenza, Intermittent fever, Intertrigo, Lead poisoning, Leucorrhoea, Locomotor ataxia, Neuralgia, Pemphigus, Prostatitis, Ptosis, Rheumatism, Scabies, Small-pox, Stammering, Tongue paralysis, Ulcers. Urethritis. Urine, disordered. Varicose veins. Voice, lost. Warts. Whooping-cough.(10)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
- Brain, nerves, muscles of bladder and respiration, larynx, mucous membrane, face, skin, right side, medulla oblongata and vagus nerve, flexor tendons and skin. (3)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
- Long standing grief or sorrow, loss of sleep, night watching, lead poisoning, bathing in cold water, vexation of business, scalds and febrile conditions, exposure to cold, burns, suppression of skin eruptions, fright, joy, from sudden emotions, fear etc. (3)
Physiological action
- This agent produces congestion and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea, together with a paresis or paralysis of the vocal organs.
- There is paresis or paralysis of the sphincter vesicae. There is an increase of the urinary solids. (4)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- The general keynote of its action is paralysis, slow pulse, low temperature and general paralytic weakness.
- It acts on the vocal cords and produces paralysis.
- It acts on the mucous membranes of different hollow organs, producing an irritant action with increased secretions.
- Acts on muscles and tendons producing contraction. This is a striking characteristic phenomenon.
- Acts on the urinary bladder producing paralysis, leading to retention of urine or incontinence of urine.
- It has an action on the respiratory system. (3)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental symptoms (psychology)
- Sad, Melancholy mood, hopeless from CARE, GRIEF, SORROW.
- Weepy, the least thing makes the child cry.
- Intensely SYMPATHETIC, great sympathy for the sufferings of others.
- Children slow in learning to walk. Unsteady walking and easy falling of little children.
- Insanity after suppressed skin eruptions.
- Anxious forebodings (felt in head) < twilight.
- Fear that something bad will happen. Fears dark, dogs or other animals, ghosts.
- CANNOT STAND INJUSTICE, sensitive to authority, ANARCHIST, opposition or idealistic fight for a better world. REBELLIOUS even to the point of violent political extremism.
- Suspicious, mistrustful absentminded, looks on the dark side. Lacks control of balance. Compulsive neurosis, checks and rechecks for dangerous mental lapses.
- Serious, intense, idealistic and sensitive.
- Stammering, especially when excited.
- Hurriedness, eats fast, rushes in tasks.
- History of sexual abuse or violence in the family. (5)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
1) Generalities of Causticum
- Manifests its action mainly in chronic rheumatic, arthritic also paralytic affections, indicated by the tearing, drawing pains in the muscular and fibrous tissues, with deformities about the joints; progressive loss of muscular strength, tendinous contractures.
- In catarrhal affections of the air passages, and seems to choose preferable dark- complexioned also rigid-fibered persons.
- Restlessness at night, with tearing pains in joints and bones, and faint-like sinking of strength. This weakness progresses until we have gradually appeared paralysis.
- Local paralysis, vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, face, bladder also extremities. Children are slow to walk.
- The skin of a Causticum person is of a DIRTY WHITE sallow, with warts, especially on the face.
- Emaciation due to disease, worry, etc., also of long standing. BURNING, RAWNESS, AND SORENESS is characteristic.
2) Head of Causticum
- Sensation of empty space between forehead also brain. Pain in right frontal eminence.
3) Eye of Causticum
- Cataract with motor disturbances. Inflammation of eyelids; ulceration. Sparks also dark spots before eyes. Ptosis. [Gels.]
- Vision impaired, as if film were before eyes. Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold.
4) Ears of Causticum
- Ringing, roaring, pulsating, with deafness; words and steps re- echo; chronic middle-ear catarrh; accumulation of ear-wax.
5) Nose of Causticum
- CORYZA, WITH HOARSENESS. Scaly nose. Nostrils ulcerated. PIMPLES AND WARTS.
6) Face of Causticum
- Paralysis of right side. Warts. Pain in facial bones.
- Dental fistula. Pain in jaws, with difficulty in opening mouth.
7) Mouth of Causticum
- Bites inside of cheek from chewing.
- Paralysis of tongue, with indistinct speech.
- Rheumatism of articulation of lower jaw. Gums bleed easily.
8) Throat of Causticum
- Mucus, must be swallowed; moist eruption on external throat; pain in pit on hawking mucus; pressing in pit as of a foreign body. (L): Ineffectual disposition to hawk pain on stooping;
- additionally,
- constant disposition to swallow from thick mucus; tension and stiffness of right side externally.
- Back part dry.
9) Stomach of Causticum
- Greasy taste. Aversion to sweets.
- Feels as if lime were burned in stomach.
- Worse after eating fresh meat; smoked meat agrees.
- Sensation of ball rising in throat. Acid dyspepsia.
10) Abdomen of Causticum
- Cutting pain in abdomen. Incarcerated flatulence.[11]
11) Rectum & Anus of Causticum
12) Stool of Caust.
- Soft and small, size of goose-quill. [Phos.]
- Hard, tough, covered with mucus; shines like grease; small-shaped; additionally, expelled with much straining, or only on standing up. Pruritus.
13) Urinary Organ of Causticum
- Involuntary when coughing, sneezing. [Puls.]
- Expelled very slowly, and sometimes retained.
- Involuntary during first sleep at night; also, from slightest excitement.
- RETENTION after surgical operations. Loss of sensibility on passing urine.
14) Sexual Organ of Caust.
- Female- UTERINE INERTIA DURING LABOR. Menses cease at night; FLOW ONLY DURING DAY. [Cycl.; Puls.] Leucorrhoea especially at night, with great weakness. [Nat. mur.] Menses delay, late. [Con.; Graph.; Puls.].
15) Respiratory System of Causticum
- Expectoration scanty; MUST BE SWALLOWED.
- Cough WITH PAIN IN HIP, especially left worse in evening.
- BETTER, DRINKING COLD WATER; worse, warmth of bed.
- Sore streak down trachea.
- Mucus under sternum, which he cannot QUITE REACH.
- Pain in chest, with palpitation.
- Cannot lie down especially at night.
- Voice re- echoes.
- Own voice roars in ears also distresses. Difficulty of voice of singers also public speakers (Royal).
16) Heart & Pulse of Causticum
- Palpitation; stitches in heart region. Pulse irregular, weak.[11]
17) Neck & Back of Causticum
- Back Stiffness between shoulders. Dull pain especially in nape of neck.
18) Extremities of Causticum
- Left-sided sciatica, with numbness. Paralysis especially of single parts.
- Dull, tearing pain in hands also arms. Heaviness also weakness.
- Tearing joints.
- Unsteadiness of MUSCLES OF FOREARM and hand. Numbness; loss of sensation in hands.
- Cannot walk without suffering.
- Burning in joints. Slow in learning to walk. Unsteady walking also easily falling.
- Cracking also tension in knees; stiffness in hollow of knee. Additionally, Itching on dorsum of feet.
19) Skin of Causticum
- Soreness in folds of skin, back of ears, between thighs. Warts large, jagged, bleeding easily, on tips of fingers and nose.
- Old burns that do not get well, also ill effects from burns.
- Pains of burns. Cicatrices freshen up; old injuries reopen.
- Skin prone to intertrigo especially during dentition.
20) Sleep of Causticum
- Very drowsy; can hardly keep awake.
- Nocturnal sleeplessness, with dry heat, inquietude. (7)
21) Fever of Causticum
- Chilly, with internal heat. Evening fever, with night sweat.[11]
Keynotes / Redline symptoms of Causticum:
- < Clear fine weather > damp wet weather.
- Rawness, soreness also burning are features of Causticum.
- Children slow in learning to walk.
- Constipation, stool passes only when standing.
- Great sympathy especially for the sufferings of others. (5)
Guiding symptoms of Causticum:
- Dark-haired persons of rigid fibre and yellow, sallow complexion.
- Melancholy mood; esp. after long-lasting grief or sorrow; with easy weeping particularly in children; or peevishness and pessimism; no disposition or ability for physical also mental exertion; intense sympathy for the sufferings of others.
- Faint-like sinking of strength with internal trembling (Gels.).
- Paralysis conditions of single parts; gen. right-sided; of rectum, resulting in constipation with constant ineffectual desire and tendency to stand during stool; also, gradually appearing general paralysis.
- Rheumatic affections with feeling of tension also shortening of muscles; tearing, drawing pains; more in limbs than in joints.
- Great rawness soreness in various parts; Additionally, sometimes described as burning.
- Cough, hollow, spasmodic; often with hoarseness or aphonia; (<) on expiration, (>) cold drink; accompanied by spurt of urine; tough stringy mucus difficult to expectorate.
- Unhealthy skin; great tendency to warts; ailments from suppressed chronic skin troubles.
- Great restlessness especially at night; unable to find easy position to lie in.
- Patient chilly; (<) in clear, fine weather, (>) damp, wet weather (i.e., mild, soft air) yet (<) from bathing or getting wet. (6)
PQRS symptoms of Causticum:
- P: Great weakness and trembling, especially in the morning.
- Q: Rheumatic pains, worse in cold, damp weather and from uncovering.
- R: Hoarseness, worse in the evening and from cold air.
- S: Paralytic affections, especially of the vocal cords and bladder.[11]
Confirmatory symptoms of Causticum:
- Never well since those bad effects of burns also scalds.
- Rawness, soreness also burning.
- Paralysis of single parts.
- Urine involuntary when coughing, sneezing, blowing nose, etc.
- < Clear fine weather > damp wet weather. (5)
Nucleus symptoms of Causticum:
- Adapted to dark haired persons of rigid fibre with yellow, sallow, complexion.
- Conditions have a slow progress, gradual insidious onset.
- Timid, nervous, anxious, full of fearful fancies, especially in the evening.
- Paralytic weakness, paralysis of single parts.
- Contraction of tendons.
- Rawness also soreness.
- < clear fine weather > damp wet weather. (5)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value
- Abdominal affections
- Bladder affections
- Bronchitis, Burns
- Chorea, Constipation
- Convulsion
- Cough, Ear affections
- Epilepsy
- Eye affections
- Facial paralysis
- Fevers
- Fistula, Haemorrhoids
- Headache
- Heart affections
- Laryngitis, Leucorrhoea
- Locomotor ataxia
- Menstrual disorder
- Neuralgia, Paralysis
- Pregnancy disorders
- Respiratory affections
- Rheumatism
- Throat affections, Ulcers
- Urinary disorders
- Warts, Whooping cough, etc. (3)
- Morning, evening, open air, draft, fine weather, motion of carriage, heat, cold, expectoration, dry cold or raw air, suppressed eruption, stooping, change of weather, after stool, twilight, darkness,especially while perspiring, new moon.
- Warm air, damp wet weather, especially stooping low, passing of flatus, heat of bed, washing, gentle motion. (3)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship
- Merc-c, Petros
Follows Well
- Ant-t, Arum-t, Coloc, Calc, Guaiac, Kali-I, Lyc, Nux, Puls, Rhus, Ruta, Sep, Sil, Stann, Sulph.
- Acids, Coff, Phos
Antidoted By
- Asaf, Coff, Coloc, Dulc, Guaiac, Nit-s-d, Nux-v
It Antidotes
- Asaf, Chin, Coloc, Euphr, Plb
- Calc, Nit-ac, Phos (5)
- Low potencies are given in acute diseases.
- High and highest potencies may be given when the constitutional symptoms call for the remedy.
- Chronic complaints high potencies are recommended once or twice a week.
- It can be used from 30 C potency to 1 M potency.
- In constitutional affections, higher also highest potencies cure.
- Acts best in a single dose but may be repeated when symptoms call for it.
Duration of action
- Up to 50 days (3)
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by S.K. Banerjea,2001, Volume 1, Chap-1,> Causticum
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by S.K. Banerjea, 2001, Volume 1, Chap-2,> Causticum
- D.Patil MM chap >Causticum
- Manual of MM,Therapeutics ,pharmacology by blackwood Alexander Leslie chap >Causticum
- Zomoeo lane chap >Causticum
- Decachords Arranged by Gladstone Clarke chap >Causticum
- MM by W. Boricke chap >Causticum
- Tempraz MM by Dr. Parinaz Humranwala chap > Causticum
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by S.K. Banerjea,2001, Volume 2, Part -I, Chap> Causticum
- MM by Clarke chap >Causticum
- Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory, William Boericke,9th Edition(1927),Publisher: Boericke & Tafel.
Kali causticum:
The chemical name for potassium hydroxide, the active ingredient in Causticum.
Hahnemannian Causticum:
Refers to Causticum prepared according to the methods of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy.
Tinctura acris sine:
A historical name for Causticum.
A homeopathic remedy with a wide range of applications for various ailments.
A remedy that counteracts the psoric miasm, a fundamental disturbance in the body’s energy according to homeopathic theory.
A remedy that counteracts the sycotic miasm, another fundamental disturbance related to overgrowth and excess.
Hydrogenoid constitution:
A constitutional type in homeopathy characterized by sensitivity to dampness and a tendency towards certain health issues.
Drooping of the upper eyelid.
Inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane, causing symptoms like a runny nose and congestion.
Loss of voice.
Uterine inertia:
Weak or ineffective uterine contractions during labor.
Inflammation of the skin folds.
Pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, which runs down one or both legs from the lower back.
Shortening and hardening of muscles, tendons, or other tissues, often leading to deformity and rigidity of joints.
Factors that worsen or improve symptoms.
Symptoms that occur alongside the main complaint.
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- Specific terms:
- Causticum homeopathy
- Causticum remedy
- Homeopathic Causticum
- Causticum uses
- Causticum benefits
- Causticum side effects
- Symptom-based searches:
- Homeopathy for hoarseness
- Homeopathy for arthritis
- Homeopathy for bedwetting
- Homeopathy for anxiety
- Homeopathy for muscle weakness
- Question-based searches:
- What is Causticum used for?
- How does Causticum work?
- Is Causticum safe?
- Who should take Causticum?
- Where can I buy Causticum?
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Discuss the cough of Causticum.
a) Causation i.e.:
- Firstly, From exposure to cold, draught of cold air.
- Secondly, After pertussis.
- Thirdly, Cough during pregnancy.
b) Character of the cough i.e.:
- Firstly, Mostly dry, sometime loose.
- Secondly, Hollow, racking cough. It sounds as if he were coughing into barrel (Kent).
- Thirdly, Inability to expectorate; sputa must be swallowed.
- Fourthly, Expectoration chiefly at night.
c) Modalities:
Agg. i.e.: i) Firstly, On expiration, ii) Secondly, In clear fine weather. iii) Thirdly, On bending forward.
Amel. i.e.: i) Firstly, By drinking cold water, ii) Secondly, In damp, wet weather.
d) Concomitants i.e.:
- Firstly, During cough: pain in hips.
- Secondly, Involuntary urination from coughing.
- Thirdly, Rawness also soreness in the throat & chest.
- Fourthly, Hoarseness and aphonia which agg. in the morning.
- Lastly, At night unable to get an easy position or lie still a moment.
State the toothache of Causticum?
Toothache i.e.: Ameliorated by holding ice-water in the mouth, but returns when water becomes warm. (Bry, Cham Puls.).
State the child symptoms of Causticum.
i) Constitution i.e.:
Children with dark hair and eyes, delicate, sensitive; weakly, yellow, shallow complexion with psora in the back-ground.
ii) Character of symptoms:
a) Mile-stones i.e.:
- Firstly, Children slow in learning to walk.
- Secondly, Unsteady walking and easy falling of little children.
- Thirdly, Disturbed functional activity of brain and spinal cord, from exhausting disease or severe mental shock.
b) Skin i.e.:
- Firstly, Skin prone to intertrigo during dentition (Lyco).
- Secondly, Warts: large, jagged, often pedunculated, bleeding easily: exuding moisture; small, all over the body on eyelids; face; on the nose.
c) Stool i.e.:
- Constipation in children, stool tough and shining, like grease.
d) Urine i.e.:
- Firstly, Urine involuntary, when coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose.
- Secondly, Urine passes unconsciously day and night.
- Thirdly, Nocturnal enuresis in children.
e) Mental i.e.:
- Firstly, The least thing makes the child cry.
- Secondly, Melancholic mood.
- Thirdly, Sadness, weeping of children.
Modalities i.e.:
- Firstly, in clear fine weather.
- Secondly, in damp, wet weather.
Indicate five medicines for night watching.
5 Homeopathic medicines for night watching.
i) Firstly, Causticum,
ii) Secondly, Colchicum,
iii) Thirdly, Ignatia,
iv) Fourthly, Nitric acid,
v) Lastly, Nux vomica
What is the common name of Causticum?
Hahnemann’s Tinctura acris sine Kali.
Describe the skin symptoms of Causticum.
1) Look of the skin i.e.:
- especially burns and scalds; freshen up, becomes sore again.
- Warts, large, jagged, often pedunculated, bleeding easily, exuding moisture small all over the body; on eyelids, face; on the nose.
- Skin prone to intertrigo, especially during dentition.
2) Burns and scalds i.e.:
- Bad effects of burns also scalds. They freshen up. become sore again; old injuries re-open; patients say, ‘they never been well since that burn."
3) Soreness i.e.:
- Soreness in folds of skin, back of ears, between thighs etc. with rawness.
4) Warts and condylomata i.e.:
- All over the body; large, jagged, often pedunculated especially on eyelids, face, on nose etc, which bleeds easily (Nit. acid).
5) Cicatrices i.e.:
- Cicatrices freshen up. Old injuries re-open.
6) Vein i.e.:
- Vericose vein.
7) Modalities i.e.:
- Skin diseases agg. in clear fine weather also amel in damp, wet weather.
Discuss the paralytic symptoms of Causticum.
a) Causation i.e.:
- Firstly, From exposure to cold wind.
- Secondly, From draft of air.
- Thirdly, After typhoid fever or typhus or diphtheria etc.
- Fourthly, Bad effects of lead-poisoning (bad-effects of holding type in mouth of compositors).
b) Type i.e.:
Chronic variety. Disturbed functional activity of brain also spinal cord, from exhausting disease or severe mental shock, resulting in paralysis.
c) Side i.e.:
Mainly right-sided paralysis.
d) Onset i.e.:
Slow insidious: gradually appearing.
e) Character of symptoms i.e.:
- Paralysis of single parts, i.e., in vocal organs, tongue, eyelids, face, extremities, bladder, etc.
- Paralysis of single nerve (Ref. Clarke).
- Neuralgia of the right cheek-bones to mastoid process aggravation especially at night.
- Drooping of upper eye-lids; can’t keep them open.
- Faint-like sinking of strength; weakness also trembling.
f) Sensation i.e.:
- Sensation of rawness also soreness in the affected parts.
g) Modalities i.e.:
- Firstly, in clear fine weather.
- Secondly, in damp wet, weather.
h) Concomitants and associated symptoms i.e.
- Very much sympathetic patient-intense sympathy for the suffering of others.
- Allied to paralysis are convulsion, chorea. cramps, restlessness, etc.
Mention four medicines for aphonia from singing.
i) Firstly, Argentum met, ii) Secondly, Causticum, iii) Thirdly, Argentum Nitricum, iv) Fourthly, Phosphorus.
State the characteristic symptoms of Causticum.
I. Paralysis i.e.:
- Nash’s trio of chronic rheumatism also paralysis, others are Rhus tox and Sulphur.
- Paralysis of single parts; generally, of sight sided: which appears gradually.
II. Rawness and soreness i.e.:
- Rawness also soreness of all the affected parts; of scalp, throat, respiratory tract, rectum, anus, urethra. vagina etc.
III. Delayed mile-stones i.e.:
- Late learning to walk in children, unsteady walking and easy falling of little children due to disturbed functional activity of brain also spinal cord.
IV. ‘I have never been well since’ i.e.
- Cicatrices, especially burns, scald, freshen up, become sore again; old injuries reopen: patients say, or they never have been well since that burn".
V. Sympathetic i.e.:
- Patient is extremely sympathetic i.e.: sympathy for the suffering of others.
VI. Ailments from i.e.:
a) Physical i.e.
- Loss of sleep, night watching.
- Suppressed eruptions.
- They have never been well since that burn.
- Disturbed functional activity of brain also spinal cord, from exhausting diseases.
b) Psychical i.e.
- Long lasting grief also sorrow
- Sudden emotions
- Fear, fright
- Joy
- Anger also vexation. (9)
Causticum medicine is used for which diseases?
Burns, Convulsions, Diphtheritic paralysis, Enuresis, Epilepsy, Facial paralysis, Fistula, Herpes zoster, Impotence, Influenza, Intermittent fever, Lead poisoning, Leucorrhoea, Locomotor ataxia, Neuralgia, Pemphigus, Prostatitis, Ptosis, Rheumatism, Scabies, Small-pox, Stammering, Tongue paralysis, Urethritis, Urine disordered, Varicose veins. Voice lost, Warts, Whooping-cough.(10)
What are the Nash’s trio of ptosis (drooping of eyelids)?
i) Firstly, Causticum, ii) Secondly, Gelsemium, iii) Thirdly, Sepia
Indicate three medicines for warts and corns with their indications.
i) Antim. crud. i.e.: Disposition to abnormal growths of the skin, large horny corns on soles of feet, very sensitive when walking, esp., on stone-pavements.
ii) Causticum i.e.: –Warts: large. jagged, often pedunculated, bleeding easily: exuding moisture small, all over the body: on eyelids, face; on the nose.
iii) Nitric Acid i.e.: -Warts, condylomata: sycotic or syphilitic; large, jagged, pedunculated; bleeding readily on washing; moist, oozing with sticking pain. (Other medicine for warts: a) Thuja: Fig warts, condylomata also wart-like excrescences upon mucous membranes and cutaneous surfaces. Warts: large, seedy, pedunculated).
Name five homeopathic medicines for hoarseness with their aggravation schedule.
Five Homeopathic medicines
i) Argentum met i.e.: Hoarseness of professional singers, public speakers. Agg. when talking, singing. reading aloud.
ii) Calcarea carb i.e.: Painless hoarseness, agg. in the morning.
iii) Carbo veg i.e.: Hoarseness agg. in the evening; damp evening air; warm weather; fails when exerted.
iv) Causticum i.e.: Hoarseness with rawness, and aphonia; agg. In the morning.
v) Phosphorus i.e.: Hoarseness, agg in the evening.
What is Dr. Nash’s remark regarding the immortal proving of Causticum?
Dr. Nash refers, "If Hahnemann had never given to the Homoeopathic school any remedy but Causticum, the world would still be to him under lasting obligations."
What is the Nash’s as well as Farrington’s trio of paralysis, esp. from cold?
i) Firstly, Causticum. ii) Secondly, Rhus tox. iii) Thirdly, Sepia.
What are the systems that comes predominantly under the influence of Causticum?
Causticum is one of the celebrated polychrest. Still then, Dr. Allen refers, "subject to affection of respiratory also urinary tracts."
Mention a medicine which is thought of hydrogenoid constitution, yet feels better in damp weather.
As in general, medicines having hydrogenoid constitution are worse in damp wet weather, yet then the peculiarity of Causticum is it feels better in damp wet weather.