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Pulsatilla Homeopathy Medicine Memory Tip Symptoms Constitution Use Disease Dose Potency Repetition Drug Picture Mann Homoeopathic Clinic Rajkot



Puls. doesn’t have any true synonyms in the world of homeopathy. However, it does have some common names it’s referred to by herbalists including:

  • Puls.,
  • Pulsatilla Pratensis,
  • Pulsatilla nigricans
  • Windflower
  • Meadow anemone
  • Pasque flower

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Clinical Of Puls.

Amenorrhoea, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Conjunctivitis, Cough, Cystitis, Dementia, Depression, Dysmenorrhoea, Eczema, Endometriosis, Food allergy, Gastritis, Menstrual disorders, Menopause, Metrorrhagia, Migraine, Mumps, Orchitis, Otitis media, Premenstrual syndrome, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Urethral stricture, Urethritis, Uterine prolapse, Varicose veins, Vertigo. (3)

Doctrine Of Signature for Puls.

Puls. is prepared from Wind flower and its doctrine of signature is as follows:  

  • As the plant grows in the desert, patient has a dry mouth.  
  • The plant needs less water to grow; likewise, the patient is thirstless. 
  • As the flowers of the plant droop downwards, the patient is very shy.  
  • As the flowers are so delicate, they change their direction by a draft of wind, changeability of signs and symptoms is marked. 
  • Since the flowers are always present in a group, the patient also likes to be in a group (likes company), does not want to be alone.  
  • As the stem of the plant is delicate and covered by small hair-like structures to protect it from the wind during the chilly phase, the patient likes to go into open air after putting on coverings. (1) 

Diarrhoea of Puls.

a) Causation:
  • After taking fatty foods, pork etc.  
  • After taking fruits. 
  • After taking cold food or drinks, ice-cream etc. 
  • After taking rich foods. 
  • After meals-soon as they eat". 
 b) Time:
  • Only or usually at night. 
 c) Character of stool:
  • Stool is watery, greenish-yellowish. 
  • Very changeable, no two stools are alike. 
  • The stools constantly change in its colour. they are green, yellow, white, watery or slimy. This is also found in cholera infantum or entero-colitis of children occurring in hot weather. (Ref. Nash) iv) Kent says, diarrhoea alternating with constipation with frequent unsuccessful urging for stool is a keynote (Ref. Kent). 
  • Kent says, anus remains wide open like Apis and Phosphorus, vi) Dysenteric stool clear yellow or stools of deep green mucus. (Ref. Kent). 
 d) Modalities:

Agg. i) At night 

ii) After taking fatty foods, ice-creams,

iii) The diarrhoea and bowel symptoms are aggravated in the evening, during night; from keeping perfectly still.  

Amel. i) From gentle motion. 

 e) Concomitants:
  • Dry tongue with thirstlessness.  
  • Changeability of every symptoms-no two symptoms are alike. You never know, what you will find the next. (Ref. Kent) 
  • Mentally very calm and quiet-mental calmness indicates Pulsatilla. 
  • Dr. Nash refers, increased inclination to micturate.

Abortion of Puls.

  • Threatened abortion-appearance of show.  
  • Flow ceases and then returns with increased force-intermittent. 
  • Pains are spasmodic, excites suffocation and fainting.  
  • Must have fresh air.  

Labour Pain Of Puls.

  • Irregular, spasmodic, sluggish pain. 
  • During the labour pain, patient wants door and windows open. 
  • Cannot bear a stuffy room-feels suffocated. 
  • When given during last month of pregnancy. shortens labour, if symptoms correspond (Caulophyllum, Actea Racemosa). 

 i) Apis Mel, ii) Natrum Mur, iii) Pulsatilla. 

Three Women’s Remedy

i) Graphites, ii) Ignatia, iii) Pulsatilla. 

  • Calcarea Carb,
  • Graphites,
  • Pulsatilla. 
  • Never been well since the effects of mechanical injuries: -Arnica 
  • Never been well since the effects of typhoid fever: Carbo Veg 
  • Never been well since the effects of haemorrhage: Cinchona. 
  • Never been well since that burn: Causticum 
  • Never been well since climaxis-Graphitis, Lachesis, 
  • Never been well since puberty: -Pulsatilla.  
  • Menorrhagia, has not been well since her last miscarriage: Sulphur. 
  • Never been well since abortion-Secale Cor (Ref. Kent).  
  • Chronic headache, never been well since some severe disease of youth: -Silicea. 

i) Cina: 

  • Face is pale, sickly white and bluish appearance around mouth; sickly, v with dark ring under the eyes; one cheek red, the other pale.

ii) Cinchona:

  • Broken down constitution, face pale, Hippocratic, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins; pale, sickly expression after excesses profuse haemorrhage or sexual excess. 

iii) Pulsatilla: 

  • Anaemia; the first serious impairment of health is referred to puberio age, have never been well since that time Patients: anaemic or chlorotic, who have taken much iron, quinine and tonics, even years before. 

Five medicines of Pulsatilla

  • Aethusa cynapium,  
  • Apis Mel. (Except the chill stage of intermittent fever). 
  • Gelsemium 
  • Ignatia (except the chill stage of intermittent fever). 
  • Pulsatilla.

i) Graphites. ii) Pulsatilla. 

Feels crying all the time but crying makes her worse: -Natum Mur, Pulsatilla. 

i) Antim Crud., ii) Ipecac, iii) Pulsatilla. 

Three medicines for Shifting pain

1) Kali Bi., 2) Pulsatilla, 3) Phytolacca. 

 i) Apis Mel, ii) Argentum Nitricum, iii) Pulsatilla.  

 A) Argentum Nitricum, B) Pulsatilla., C) Sulphur.  

 i) Chamomilla., ii) Pulsatilla. ,iii) Sulphur.

1) China, 2) Ipecac, 3) Pulsatilla.  

 a) Lycopodium., b) Pulsatilla., c) Lac Can.

  • Bryonia.,
  • Nux Vomica.,
  • Pulsatilla. 

 i) Causticum.,

ii) Natrum Mur.,

iii) Pulsatilla.,

iv) Veratrum Album,

v) Squilla, 

Two medicines for Vertigo from Looking up

 i) Pulsatilla,

ii) Silicea. 

General of Puls.: 

  • From fatty and starchy foods.  
  • Ice-cream, tea, coffee, pork, pastry.  
  • Abuse of Mercury, Quinine, Sulphur, Chamomilla.  
  • Chill. 
  • Getting feet wet. 
  • Badly treated measles. 
  • Ailments after grief, mortification and sorrow (Ref. Dr. N.M. Chowdhury) 

Female Of Puls.:

  • Abortion. 
  • Irregular menses. ovarian and uterine troubles from suppression or getting the feet wet. 
  • Suppressed menstruation. 

Children Of Puls.:

  • Worm affection.  
  • Indigestion. 

Eye symptoms of Puls.

i) Styes
  • Location: Especially on upper eye-lid. 
  • Causation: From eating fat, greasy, rich food or pork, 
  • Character:  i) Recurrent styes (Ref. Kent).

ii) Styes prior to menses, in young girls (Ref. Kent).

ii) Lachrymation discharge
  • Every time patient catches cold it settles in the eye and nose-with profuse thick, yellowish green, bland discharge and lachrymation from eyes and nose. 

GI complaints of Puls.

a) Tongue- Dry, parched, yet no thirst.

b) Taste- Loss of taste (Ref. Nash), Sour and bitter taste.

c) Teeth- Toothache, Agg. from warm water and warm foods, from heat of the warm room; and Amel. by holding cold water in the mouth.

d) Stomach complaints:

Causation: From rich and fatty foods, cake, pastry, from taking fruits, ice-creams etc.  

Note: 1) Dr. Nash categorically refers-fat-meat", resulting disorder of stomach. 

2) The sight or even thought of food causes disgust. 


i) Felt in the throat, as if worms are crawling.

ii) Kent says, nausea associated with vomiting

Flatulence and Distension:

i) Master Kent says, hours after eating, patient eructation mouthfuls of sour, rancid, bitter fluid.

ii) Eating does not satisfy. 

iii) Always bilious. 

iv) Kent says, Pulsatilla stomach is slow to digest. Hours after eating, there is a sense of fullness in the stomach, a lump in the stomach, ameliorated by slow walking in open air.

v) Abdomen Bloated, distended, with colicky pain; whole abdomen, stomach, pelvic organs are sensitive to touch.

vi) Bloating especially after fat, and rich foods, general venous stasis. 

Vii) Bloating of abdomen, has a stuffed feeling, has to throw off her clothes, wants to get into a loose dress extremely puffed, feet also puffed, so cannot wear her shoes. (Ref. Kent). 

 Desire and Aversions

  • Kent says, desire for sour. 
  • Refreshing things. 
  • Highly seasoned foods.  
  • Dr. Nash says, whilst Nux Vom, agrees warm food best; but Pulsatilla prefers cold things. Kent says, cold foods are digested, while hot foods make the body warm, from which symptoms are worse. (Ref. Kent). 
  • Butter. 
  • Fat and rich foods (Ref. Kent). 
  • Milk. 

Abdominal colic of Puls.

a) Causation:
  • From taking fatty foods. 
  • From taking starchy foods. 
  • From ice-cream, tea, coffee. 
  • From irregular and protracted menstruation. 
  • From taking pork, cake, etc. 
 b) Character of pain:
  • Pains are drawing, tearing, erratic. 
  • Rapidly shifts from one part to another. 
  • Pains are accompanied by constant chilliness.  
  • More severe the pain, the more severe the chill. 
  • Pain appears suddenly, leaves gradually, or tension much increases until very acute and then "lets up with a snap"; on first motion. 
 c) Modalities:

Agg. From warmth in general. ii) in the evening, at twilight. 

iii) From taking pork or fat-meats, or from fatty foods. 

Amel. By cold food and drinks. 

d) Concomitants:
  • Pain with constant chilliness. 
  • Thirstlessness with dry tongue.  
  • Changeability of the symptoms-no two symptoms are alike. 
  • A weak, empty feeling in the stomach, especially in tea-drinkers. 

Menstruation of Puls.

a) Introduction:
  • Delayed menses in young girls at the age of puberty. Delayed first menstruation. 
  • Patient refers, she is never been well since puberty. 
 b) Causation:
  • From getting the feet wet.  
  • From cold. 

Note: – Suppression of menstrual flow getting feet wet. (Ref. Kent) 

 c) Time:
  • Delayed menses, menses comes too late. 
  • Irregular. 
d) Duration:
  • Too short.
e) Quantity:
f) Character of blood:
  • Thick, dark and coagulated. (Ref. Boericke)  
  • Slimy, mixed with clots. 
  • Intermittent flow stops and starts again. 
 g) Before menstruation:
  • Weeping mood, sadness and melancholic disposition. 
  • Great nervousness, chilliness.  
  • Severe abdominal colic with fainting. 
  • Paleness of the face. 
  • Dr. Clarke refers, fits occurring before and during menstruation. 
 h) During menstruation:
  • Sadness, melancholy, weeping mood accompanies.  
  • She cannot breathe well in a warm room. 
  • Violent spasmodic menstrual colic with pain in the abdomen and small of back, causing her to bend double (Ref Kent). 
  • Pain with great restlessness and tossing about, more the pain more the chill. Master Kent refers, when the menstrual flow is present, there is milk in the breast of non-pregnant women, girls at puberty. (Ref. Kent) 
  • Dr. N.M. Chowdhury refers. Pulsatilla is prone to menstrual irregularities and particularly at this time her mental phenomena undergo strange transformations. She becomes gloomy and morose. A sort of dread pervades her whole being-the dread of eternal damnation. (Ref. N.M. Chowdhury) Dr. N. M. Chowdhury refers at night the world seems to be on fire and the devil dances all around-as the bright light of hope has been extinguished during menstruation.  
  • Feet red and swollen at the menstrual period, ameliorated by the menstrual flow. 
 i) After menstruation:
  • Milky, thick, white acrid leucorrhoea. 
  • Contractive pain in the left side of the uterus, obliging her to bend double. 
  • Piles occurring during and after menses, (Ref. Clarke). 
  • Diarrhoea during and after menses (Ref. Boericke). 
 j) Modalities:

Agg. i) Flow is more during the day time. 

  1. ii) When she walks about.
 k) Concomitants:
  • Thirstlessness with dry tongue.  
  • Mild, gentle, timid, yielding disposition. 
  • Chilliness: chilly in warm room. 

Leucorrhoea of Puls.

a) Subjects: 
  • Young girls, especially at the time of puberty. 
  • Never been well since puberty. 
 b) Character of leucorrhoea:
  • Painless, thick, milky white. 
  • Acrid, excoriates and corrodes the vulva.  
  • Leucorrhoea with burning pain. 
  • Dr. Nash refers leucorrhoeal discharges is thick, bland, yellowish and green. 
C) Modalities:

Agg : Before and during menses, When lying down. 

 d) Concomitants:
  • Swelling of the labia 
  • Chilliness, sadness, and peevishness.  
  • Cutting pain in the lower abdomen. 
  • Gloomy, melancholy, full of tears: lachrymal disposition. 
  • Pain in back with tired feeling. (Ref. Boericke)  

Mental Symptoms of Puls.

1) Mild: 
  • Very gentle 
  • Yielding disposition. 
  • Mild, timid, affectionate. 
  • Calmness indicates Pulsatilla. 
2) Lachrymal disposition: 
  • Inclination to weep. 
  •  Weeps easily 
  • Almost impossible to describe her ailment without weeping. 
3) Great changeability 
  • Great changeability of all the mental symptoms. 
  • Easily moved from laughter to tears. 
  • One moment happy, miserable the next. 
4) Aversion 
  • Aversion to another sex. 
  • Aversion to marriage. 
5) Fear 
  • Fear of darkness and ghosts. 
6) Modality 
  • Mental symptoms are ameliorated by con solation.  

i) Everchanging character symptoms Of Puls.

  • Symptoms are ever-changing. 
  • No two symptoms are alike, extreme changeability. 
  • No two stools. no two chills, no two attacks are alike. 
  • Very well one hour, very miserable the next apparently contradictory. 

 ii) Thirstlessness

  • Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints. 

iii) Derangement 

  • The first serious impairment of health is referred to puberic age have never been well since puberty’. 

 iv) Mind

  • Very gentle, mild, yielding, weeping disposition. 
  • Mental calmness indicates Pulsatilla. 

 v) Pains

  • Rapidly shifting pain, shifts from one part to another.  
  • Pain with constant chilliness, more the pain more the chill. 
  • Pain appears suddenly, leaves gradually or vice-versa. 
  • Pains are drawing, tearing, erratic. 

 vi) Discharges

  • Secretions from all the mucous membranes are thick, bland and yellowish green, except leucorrhoea which may be acrid. 

vii) Menses 

  • Menses irregular too late, slimy, scanty, protracted, suppressed from getting feet wet.  
  • Flows mostly during day.

viii) All gone sensation 

  • All gone sensation in stomach, especially in tea drinkers. 

 ix) Sleep

  • Wide awake in the evening; does not want to go to bed.  
  • First sleep restless. 
  • Sound sleep, when it is time to get up. 
  • Awakes languid, unfreshed, tired. 

 x) Modalities


  • From warmth in general and Amel. from cold and from open air. 
  •  Master Kent says, the inflammatory symptoms, neuralgias and rheumatism are better by cold, from eating and drinking cold things and cold applications.(4) 

Excerpts (Summary)

Pulsatilla is a homeopathic remedy derived from the pasque flower, traditionally used for various health conditions. It's known for its effectiveness in addressing menstrual irregularities, respiratory issues, digestive problems, and emotional imbalances. This article explores the uses, safety, preparation, and potential benefits of Pulsatilla. If you're considering using Pulsatilla, consult a qualified homeopath for personalized guidance.

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