Synonyms for Sulphur in homeopathic medicine include:
- Brimstone
- Flowers of Sulphur
- Sublimed Sulphur
- Milk of Sulphur
- Sulph.
These terms are often used interchangeably in homeopathic practice.
Sulphur is suited for: Lean, stoop-shouldered persons, who walk and sit stooped: standing is the most uncomfortable position. Every standing position is uncomfortable, unbearable and intolerable.
Persons of nervous temperament, quick-motioned, quick-tempered, plethoric, skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes. (Hep.S., Kali Carb., Psor.)
Dirty, filthy people, with greasy skin and long, straight, matted hair, prone to skin affections (Ref. Dr. Clarke).
This type of patients has redness of all the external orifices’., nostrils, lips, anus, ears, eyelids, vulva, -due to active venous congestion.
Scrofulous diathesis, chronic diseases result from suppressed skin eruptions by external application e.g., lotions, ointments etc.
It is one of the greatest "Polychrest"-is "Hahnemann’s prince of anti-psoric". (-Dr. Hahnemann’s trio of antipsorics are Sulphur, Lyco, Calc. Carb.).
When well selected remedies fail to bring favorable effect esp. in acute diseases, Sulph. tally with the vital force. rouse the reactive power of the bodily system and clears up the case (-in chronic diseases, Psor.).
Uncommon peculiarity is though a hot patient yet aversion to bath:
Sulphur patients are very much sensitive to atmospheric changes (Hepar, Kali.C., Psor.). It is remarkably a hot patient: Though a hot patient yet persistently refuses to take bath.
Leading burner:
Sensation of burning is violently present in Sulphur patient. Burning anywhere and everywhere on the body, general or local, "burning is for Sulphur and Sulphur is for burning".
Burning on vertex, and smarting the eyes, of vesicles, in mouth and dryness of throat, first right then left, in stomach. in rectum, in anus and itching piles, and scalding urine, like fire in ripples (Ars), in chest rising to face, of skin, of whole body with hot flushes: in spots, between scapulae, burning soles, must find a cool place for them at night.
Nash’s trio of burners are Sulph. Ars, Phos Amongst this-Sulph, is the leader. The burning of Ars, is violent and acute,>by heat, with marked prostration and restlessness. Burning esp. in acute diseases (-Rev. Sulph.) and mid-day and mid-night aggravation and has fear of death.
The burning of Phos is found in every organ e.g. internal organs, in spots, along spine, in the palms and soles, but generally in diseases of nervous system which is<in the evening.
Philosophical mania:
Hering called the Sulphur patient, the ragged philosopher"-dirty-looking person who are always speculating on religious or philosophical subjects.
Kent says, "the Sulphur scholar, inventor, works day and night in thread bare clothes and battered hat; has uncut hair and dirty face, his study is uncleanly.-untidy, books piled indiscriminately, no order. Sulphur seems to produce this state of disorder, uncleanliness". "Don’t care how things go and a state of selfishness". He becomes a false philosopher: disappointed because the world doesn’t consider him the greatest man on earth.
Rags seems beautiful. Ecstacies over things in which typical person can see nothing to admire (Tyler).
Kent said philosophical mania is a prominent feature. Monomania over the study of strange and abstract things, occult things, things that are beyond knowledge, studying different things without any basis to figure upon, dwelling upon strange and peculiar things. The Sulph. patient is a sort of inventive genius."
Hungry at 11, A.M.:
Feeling of emptiness. There is no medicine which has this symptom in a more extreme degree than Sulph. and there is no single symptom that is of greater value to homoeopathic prescriber than, "faint, sinking, all gone sensation at 11 A.M." (Clare) (Sep, Chel.. Puls. Phos, Anac) (-12 Noon, Zinc Met) Can’t wait for lunch.
Upper part hot, lower cold:
Clarke said hot head and cold feet; cold fest in daytime with burning soles at night. Wants to find a cool place for them (Sang, Sanic), puts them out of bed to cool them off (Medo).
Rush of blood to head:
A key to many of the Sulph. conditions are to be found in an irregular distribution of the circulation: flushes of heat. rush of blood to head, chest, heart: plethora from suddenly suppressed eruptions, piles. discharges: heat and burning sensation of all parts or coldness, sweating of many parts (Clarke).
Complaints relapses; Congestion.:
that are always relapsing (menses, leucorrhoea): patient seems to get almost well when the disease returns again and again.
Congestion in single parts: eye, nose, chest, abdomen, ovaries, arms, legs, or any organ of the body, marking the onset of tumours or malignant growths, especially at climacteric (Clarke).
Discharges, desires and aversion:
All the discharges, e.g., leucorrhoea. catarrhal discharges etc., are acrid and offensive.
There is intense craving for sweet (Lyco. Arg N. Cina) alcohol, acid, beer, whisky, milk (Phos, Phos. Acid, Rhus Tox, Staph.).
Aversion to meat (Calc. C., Graph, Alum, Puls, Muriatic Acid., Nitric Acid), to business.
Craves fat (Sulphur is the only warm drug that craves fat) (Dr. Tyler,).(6)
Philosophical mania:
It was our Dr. C. Hering who called the Sulphur pt.-the ragged philosopher.
The typical Sulphur scholar, the inventor, works day and night in thread bare cloths and battered hat, with long uncut hair and a dirty face. Thus, Master Kent said he becomes a false philosopher. Pt, dresses himself with most filthy rags seems beautiful, he ignorantly wears paper crown and think himself His Majesty’-the king such a Philosophical mania characterizes our Sulphur pt. and the more he goes on in this state the more he is disappointed because the world does not consider him the greatest man on the earth.
Master Kent said monomania over the study of strange and abstract things, occult things, things that are beyond knowledge.
In Sulphur behaviour it is not that kind of philosophy that has a basis and which can be followed up, reasoning in a series, reasoning on things that are true but a fanatical kind of philosophy that has no basis- an aversion to systematic work -i. e., pt. is a sort of inventive genius.
When he gets an idea in his mind, he is unable to get rid of it. He follows it and follows it, until finally accidentally he drops it.
Note: 1. Dr. Talcott in his book ‘Mental diseases’ said that this indulgence in philosophical speculations is followed by abnormal mental exhaustion.
Happy dreams, wakes up singing:
This is an uncommon peculiar symptom that characterizes our Sulphur mentality.
dreams happy visions and suddenly wakes up at mid. night and sings loudly-thence Sulphur will be the drug of choice.
Master Kent in his repertory classed Sulphur in the following sub-rubrics:
i) Anxious dreams (Acon., Am.C., Arn., Ars. Baryta., C.C., Graph., Lyco , Nat.M.,Ac., N.V., Phos , Puls , R.T., Sil, S., Thuja.).
ii) Unpleasant dreams (Sulph., Gels.).
Our Sulphur pt. is indifferent; with sometimes have another phase of mentality characterized by aversion to work, to business.
He will sit around and do nothing. Nothings appeals him, nothing affords him pleasure.
N. M. Chowdhury compares the indifference of Sulphur with Phosphorus and Sepia. Sulphur has not the indifference that is manifested chiefly towards one’s own relations and beloved (Phos. Sepia) but it has a disgust for everything mundane as he calls it.
Our Sulphur pt. is indifferent; with sometimes have another phase of mentality characterized by aversion to work, to business.
He will sit around and do nothing. Nothings appeals him, nothing affords him pleasure.
N. M. Chowdhury compares the indifference of Sulphur with Phosphorus and Sepia. Sulphur has not the indifference that is manifested chiefly towards one’s own relations and beloved (Phos. Sepia) but it has a disgust for everything mundane as he calls it.
Opposite of fastidious:
- It is again our lamented tiger prescriber and master teacher Tyler Kent who has compared the reverse order of Sulphur so far, the fastidiousness of Arsenicum is considered. These two remedies are the extremes of each other in this feature.
- Arsenicum, wants his clothing clean, wants everything in tip-top manner whereas in our Sulphur pt. cleanliness is not a great idea, he thinks it is not necessary.
- He is dirty but it does not worry him. He is totally untidy, the Sulphur student will leave the books piled up in an indiscriminate manner, there is no order – state of untidiness and uncleanliness. He put on a shirt that has worn many weeks, he would wear his shirt until it fell off from him.
- Note: 1.
- Master Kent said, Sulphur is seldom indicated in a cleanly people but it is commonly indicated in those who are not disturbed by uncleanliness.
- Note: 2.
- Dr. Kent said, after medication with Sulphur an individual begins to take notice of himself and puts on a clean shirt, whereas his early appearances were in the one same old shirt.
- Sulphur vitiates his affections, driving him to a most Marked state, of selfishness. He has no thoughts of any body’s wishes or desires. Everything that he contemplates is for the benefit of himself. There is absence of gratitude. This state of selfishness runs through the Sulphur patient.
- Master Kent reported that Sulphur pt. is oversensitive to filthy odor. But he eats filthy substances, the child is subjected to catarrhal discharges and he often eats the nasal discharge.
- The over sensitiveness to filthy odor is marked as he becomes nauseated even from the odor of his own body. The odor of the stool is so offensive that it will follow him around all day.
- There is a feeling of movement in abdomen as of a child (Corc., Nux. Mos., Thuja. )- this is a feature of false pregnancy i.e. Pseudocyesis
- Patient is hypochondriacal in nature with nervous disposition.
- C. Hering said, hypochondriac mood throughout the day: merry in the evening.
- Sulphur is egoistic in his disposition, everything that he contemplates is for the benefit of himself.
- N. M. Chowdhury said, if there is anything to which he attaches any importance, it is the question of his own salvation.
- Constantine Hering reported. -great obstinacy, dislike to have anyone near him-this also characterizes his egoistic mood.
Religious mania:
- This is characterized by religious melancholy not meditating upon the rational religion, but on foolish ideas-viz, pt. meditates on ‘who made God’? She could never be con tended until she found out the man who made it, and then she wanted to know who was his father. That is a feature of religious maniacal melancholia of Sulphur.
- She also prays constantly and uninterruptedly without going out from her room, moaning with despair and thinks that she has sinned away her day of grace.(5)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Common name :
- Flowers of sulphur, Brimstone
Family / Group / Class / Order :
- Mineral Kingdom
Habit and habitat / Description :
- Sulphur is a non-metallic, yellow, brittle substance.
- It is found plentifully in Sicily and Italy.
- In the organic world we meet with Sulphur everywhere, as this element forms an essential component of the albutamenoids, a class of compounds contained in all vegetable and animal structures.
- Of organic materials rich in sulphur, we may mention animal hair and the essential oil of onion, garlic and mustard.
Formula / Symbols :
- S
Name of prover :
- Dr Hahnemann
Introduction and history :
- Sulphur as a remedy was known to the world as early as 2000 years ago, almost at the very dawn of medical science.
- It is Hahnemann who developed it’s latent medicinal virtues by the process of potentization and thereby revealed its true sphere of action on the human organism in sickness.
- It is the leading antipsoric remedy.
- In fact, it is the king of antipsoric remedies. It is one of the greatest polychrest remedies of materia medica.
- The first proving of Sulphur contained 151 symptoms in Materia Medica Pura of Dr Hahnemann.
- Allen’s Encyclopaedia contains 4083 symptoms. It is a deep acting, antipsoric, constitutional and specific remedy.
Preparation & Parts used :
- Triturations of ‘flowers of sulphur’ are prepared with sugar of milk and higher potencies are prepared from 3c, a saturated solution of sulphur in absolute alcohol constitutes the mother tincture. (1)
Physical make up :
- Sulphur is especially adapted to lean, thin, slender persons with stoop shoulders; they walk and sit stooped, are nervous, plethoric, active and quick tempered.
- Standing is the most uncomfortable position.
- Suited to those who are dirty, filthy and prone to skin affections.
Temperament :
- Sanguine3, Phlegmatic 3, Nervous1, Choleric 1, Melancholic 1
Diathesis :
- Scrofulous diathesis
Relation with heat & cold :
- Hot
Miasm :
- Psora it is the king of antipsoric remedies. (1)
Clinical conditions
In Homeopathy Sulphur medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
- Shortness of breath.
- Allergies
- Swelling of the back of the throat (pharyngitis).
- Clogged arteries.
- Menopausal symptoms.
- Lice
- Cold sores.
- Warts
- Scaly and red skin patches (seborrheic dermatitis).
- Poison oaky, ivy, and sumac infections.
- Acne
- Hay fever, common cold
- High cholesterol
- Dandruff
- Scabies.
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
- Circulation, nutrition, mucous membranes, joints, serous membranes, rectum, skin, glands, vertex, portal system, urethra, soles. (1)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
- Heat of the sun, alcohol, overexertion, suppression of skin disease. (1)
Physiological action
- Sulphur is a mild laxative and a diaphoretic.
- In full doses, it is an irritant to the stomach and intestines; increases the secretions of the intestinal glands and promotes peristaltic action.
- Its repeated ingestion for any length of time causes anaemia, emaciation, tremor and great debility.
- It is eliminated through the skin, producing roughness and exfoliation, vesicular, eczematous, furuncular and other forms of eruptions.
- Symptoms of poisoning are those of asphyxia and muscular tremors followed by convulsions and death. (1)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- It acts specially upon the nervous system affecting primarily the venous capillary system and through it affecting profoundly the entire vegetative sphere.
- Acts upon the venous circulation, producing a sort of plethora; it is the result of irregularities in the distribution of blood by which certain parts of the body are congested. Blood is darker in colour and richer in white corpuscles.
- Its action is centrifugal, from within outwards.
- Has a great affinity for the skin, producing various forms of eruptions mostly papular and resembling scabies with itching and burning.
- Produces venous plethora. It has portal stasis manifesting as redness at the muco-cutaneous junctions like, nostrils, lips, anus, etc.
- Acts on the rectum producing diarrhoea or constipation. Also produces haemorrhoids.
- It affects the brain, producing some alterations in the functions of that organ. It also acts on the spine producing irritation.
- Sexual organs are always excited by Sulphur. It also particularly affects the lymphatic glandular system.
- Acts upon mucous membranes of the eyes, bronchi, urethra and rectum.
- Sulphur has been reputed as a capillary stimulant to the circulation of the skin and mucous membranes, and to the venous system of the pelvis. (1)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology)
- Very forgetful; great weakness of memory for proper names.
- Very selfish, no regard for others.
- Dwells on religious or philosophical speculations.
- Strong tendency to weep. Timidity and great tendency to be frightened. Strong suicidal tendency.
- Everything looks pretty which the patient takes a fancy to; even rags seem beautiful.
- Difficult thinking. Delusions; that he is immensely wealthy.
- Busy all the time. Childish peevishness in grown up people, irritable.
- Averse to business, imagines giving wrong things to people, causing their death.
- The patient wears a paper crown, thinking he is his majesty, the king.
- Sensation of movement in the abdomen, as of a child.
- Nervous temperament and hypochondriacal nature.
- Happy dreams wake him up singing at night.
- Great obstinacy, dislikes having anyone near him.
- Dullness; misplaces or cannot find proper words when talking or writing.
- Vertigo while sitting or standing. (1)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
1. Generalities of Sulphur
- This is the great Hahnemannian anti-psoric.
- Its action is centrifugal-from within outward-having an elective affinity for the skin, where it produces heat and BURNING, with itching; made worse by heat of bed.
- Inertia and relaxation of fiber; hence feebleness of tone characterizes its symptoms.
- STANDING IS the worse position for sulphur patients, it is always uncomfortable.
- Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections. Aversion to being washed.
- WHEN CAREFULLY- SELECTED REMEDIES FAIL TO ACT, ESPECIALLY IN ACUTE DISEASES; it frequently arouses the reactionary powers of the organism.
- Very red lips and face, flushing easily. Often great use in beginning the treatment of chronic cases and in finishing acute ones.
2. Head of Sulphur
- Constant HEAT ON TOP OF HEAD. [CUP. SULPH.; GRAPH. Heaviness and fullness, pressure in temples.
- Beating headache; worse, stooping, and with vertigo.
- Sick headache recurring periodically.
- Tinea capitis, dry form. SCALP DRY, falling of hair; worse, washing. ITCHING; SCRATCHING CAUSES BURNING.
3. Eye of Sulphur
- BURNING ulceration of margin of lids. Halo around lamp-light.
- Heat and BURNING IN EYES. [ARS.; BELL.] Black motes before eyes.
- First stage of ulceration of cornea.
- Chronic ophthalmia, with much burning and itching.
- Parenchymatous keratitis. Cornea like ground glass.
4. Ears of Sulphur
- Whizzing in ears. Bad effects from the suppression of an otorrhoea.
- Oversensitive to odor.
- Deafness, preceded by exceedingly sensitive hearing; catarrhal deafness.
5. Nose of Sulphur
- Herpes across the nose.
- Nose stuffed indoors. Imaginary foul smells.
- Polypus and adenoids.
6. Mouth of Sulphur
- Lips dry, BRIGHT RED, burning. BITTER TASTE in morning.
- Jerks through teeth. Swelling of gums; throbbing pain.
- Tongue white, with red tip and borders.
7. Throat of Sulphur
- Pressure as from a lump, as from a splinter, as of a hair. Burning, redness and dryness.
- Ball seems to rise and close pharynx.
8. Stomach of Sulphur
- Complete loss of, or excessive appetite. Putrid eructation. Food tastes too salty.
- Drinks much, eats little. MILK DISAGREES.
- Great desire for sweets. [ARG. NIT.]
- GREAT ACIDITY, sour eructation.
- Burning, painful, weight-like pressure. VERY WEAK AND FAINT ABOUT 11 a.m.; must have something to eat.
- Nausea during gestation. Water fills the patient up.
9. Abdomen of Sulphur
- Very sensitive to pressure; internal feeling of rawness and soreness.
- Movements as of something alive. [CROC.; THUJ.]
- Pain and soreness of liver. Colic after drinking.
10 Rectum & Anus of Sulphur
- Itching and burning of anus; piles dependent upon abdominal plethora. Child afraid on account of pain.
- REDNESS AROUND THE ANUS, with itching.
- Haemorrhoids, oozing and belching.
11. Stool of Sulphur
- Frequent, unsuccessful desire; hard, knotty, insufficient.
12. Urinary Organ of Sulphur
- Frequent micturition, especially at night.
- ENURESIS, especially in scrofulous, untidy children.
- Burning in urethra during micturition, lasts long after.
- Mucus and pus in urine; PARTS SORE OVER WHICH IT PASSES.
13. Sexual Organ of Sulphur
- Male: Stitches in penis. Involuntary emissions. Itching of genitals when going to bed. Organs cold, relaxed and powerless.
- Female: Pudenda ITCHES. VAGINA BURNS. Much offensive perspiration. Menses too late, short, scanty, and difficult; thick, black, ACRID, MAKING PARTS SORE. Menses preceded especially by headache or suddenly stopped. Leucorrhoea, burning, excoriating. Nipples cracked; smart and burn.
14. Respiratory System of Sulphur
- Oppression and burning sensation in chest. DIFFICULT RESPIRATION; WANTS WINDOWS OPEN.
- Heat, throughout chest.
- Red, brown spots all over chest. Loose cough; worse talking, morning, greenish, purulent, sweetish expectoration.
- MUCH RATTLING OF MUCUS. Chest feels heavy; stitches, with heart feeling too large also palpitating.
- PLEURITIC EXUDATIONS. Use Tincture sulphuris.
- Stitching pains shooting through to the back, worse lying on back or breathing deeply.
- Flushes of heat in chest rising to head. OPPRESSION, AS OF A LOAD ON CHEST.
- DYSPNOEA in middle of night, relieved especially by sitting up.
- PULSE MORE RAPID IN MORNING than in evening.
15. Neck & Back of Sulphur
- Drawing pain between shoulders.
- Stiffness of nape.
- Sensation as if vertebrae glided over each other.
16. Extremities of Sulphur
- Trembling of hands. HOT, SWEATY HANDS. Rheumatic pain in left shoulder. Heaviness; paretic feeling. Rheumatic gout, with itching.
- Furthermore, Sweat in armpits, smelling like garlic.
- Drawing and tearing in arms also hands.
- Stiffness of knees also ankles.
- Cannot walk erect; STOOP- SHOULDERED. Ganglion.
17. Skin of Sulphur
- Pimply eruption, pustules, rhagades, hang-nails.
- Excoriation, especially in folds. [LYC.]
- Feeling of a band around bones.
- Besides this, Skin affections after local medication.
- PRURITUS, especially from warmth, in evening, often recurs in spring-time, in damp weather.
18. Sleep of Sulphur
- Talks, jerks, and twitches during sleep. Vivid dreams.
- Wakes up singing. Wakes frequently, also becomes wide awake suddenly.
- CATNAPS; slightest noise awakens. Cannot sleep between 2 and 5 a.m.
19. Fever of Sulphur
- FREQUENT FLASHES OF HEAT. VIOLENT EBULLITIONS OF HEAT THROUGHOUT ENTIRE BODY. Dry skin and great thirst. Night sweat, on nape and occiput. Perspiration of single parts. Disgusting sweats. Remittent type. (2)
Keynotes / Redline symptoms of Sulphur:
Heat in the soles of the feet, or cold feet, with burning soles; wishes to find a cool place for them, or puts them out of bed.
Child dislikes to be washed.
Heat on top of head; flushes in face; feet cold.
Hot flushes with spells of faintness, or passing off with a little moisture also faintness or debility.
Irresistible drowsiness in the daytime, and wakefulness the whole night. She feels suffocated; she wants doors also windows open.
Burning in the vagina; patient is scarcely able to keep still.
Very red lips, particularly with children.
Both the flow of urine and the discharge of feces are painful to the parts over which they pass. Diarrhea some hours after midnight, or driving out of bed early in the morning.
Weakness in the chest during the evening while lying down. Comedones; black pores of the skin, particularly in the face.
Sick headache periodically; once a week, or two weeks; heat on vertex.
Voluptuous itching; scratching relieves; burning afterward.
Does not walk erect; stoops or bends forward in walking and sitting.
Gone, empty feeling in stomach about eleven A.M. Hemorrhoids, with itching.
One of our best remedies for scrofulous persons.
Guiding symptoms of Sulphur:
Scrofulous, plethoric persons with very red lips; subject to skin eruptions esp. acne; hasty in temper also motion; often untidy and dirty- "ragged philosopher"-spare, stoop-shouldered, slack, shiftless, sensitive, sedentary. Emaciated children with big bellies, intolerant of bathing also covering; often dirty habits.
Mental also physical inertia; selfish, self-important, obstinate; chronic grumbler; melancholy yet often full of daydreams (even illusions) producing a foolish kind of happiness; lack of concentration; weak memory esp. for names and recent events; oversensitiveness to bad odour.
Burnings everywhere, esp. vertex, palms and soles at night; puts feet out of bed; (>) cold.
Furthermore, All discharges burnings, excoriating also generally offensive.
Local congestion esp. at climaxis; flashes of heat, faintness followed by sweating (Sepia, Lach.); often assoc. with sinking, all-gone sensation in the forenoon (Phos., Sepia.).
Other characteristics
Gastro-intestinal disorders; marked hunger and thirst yet says thin; or drinks much, eats little; much flatulence with borborygmus and emissions of gas; (<) milk; liking for sweet things; usually constipation with piles; in detail, stools large also painful (makes child afraid to go to stool); acute attacks of diarrhoea esp. in the morning; urgent, driving out of bed (Aloe.).
Skin dirty, diseased; every injury suppurates; eruptions of every kind esp. pustular; (<) warmth, esp. of bed at night, washing; must scratch but leaves burning; boils in crops; chronic ailments with history of suppressed eruptions.
Besides this, Catnap sleep; slightest noise awakens then difficulty in getting to sleep again; sleepy yet always wakes up unrefreshed.
Complaints constantly relapsing; also arouses defective reaction esp. in acute diseases; facilitates absorption of serous and inflammatory exudations; when paucity of symptoms often serves to bring out the true drug picture.
Modalities; (<) heat (except h/a) must have air yet may be sensitive to cold; (<) warmth of bed; slightest change of temperature esp. skin symptoms; midday also midnight; standing still bathing.
PQRS Symptoms of Sulphur:
Stooped, old look. Unwashed. Chronicity. Burning. Congestion. Redness. Itch.
Ascending effects.
Early morning diarrhoea. Suffocative air hunger.
Burning soles, sticks feet out of bed, at night.
Confirmatory Symptoms of Sulphur:
Generally, Standing is the worst position.
Moreover, Weak empty gone feeling.
Lastly, Pain in the stomach at about 11 a.m.
Nucleus Symptoms of Sulphur:
Lean, stoop shouldered persons, who walk sit stooped. In detail, Standing is the most uncomfortable position.
Furthermore, Nervous temperament, quick motioned quick tempered, plethoric skin, excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes (Hep, Kali-c, Psor).
Dirty people with greasy skin. Long, straight, matted hair. In detail, Prone to skin affections with history of suppression. Additionally Children who cannot bear to be washed or bathed, emaciated; big-bellied, restless. Hot.
CONGESTIONS especially of portal system.
Full blooded persons with great irritability, restlessness.
People with hot, sweaty palms. "Ragged philosophers" who are always speculating on religious or philosophical subjects.
Besides this, Ebullitions of heat, dislike of water. Dry hard hair.
Sinking feeling at stomach at 11 a.m.
CATNAP sleep. (3)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value
- Acne, Anaemia, Asthma, Biliousness, Boils, Catarrh, Cough, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Eczema, Emaciation, Enuresis, Epilepsy Eructation, Eye affections, Feet burning, Fever, Gout, Haemorrhoids, Headache, Lung affections, Menstrual disorders, Neuralgia, Pleurisy, Pregnancy disorders, Rheumatism, Skin affections, Throat affections, Vertigo, Worms, etc. (1)
- When standing, at rest, warmth of bed, washing, bathing, changeable weather.
- Dry warm weather, lying on the right side, open air, motion. (1)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship
- Acon, Aeth, Aloe, Ant-t, Aster, Bov, Cic, Croto-t, Ip, Kreos, Lob, Merc, Merc-c, Nux-v, Psor, Puls, Rat, Sil.
Follows Well
- Calc, Calc-p, Lyc, Merc, Puls, Sars, Sep.
Antidoted By
- Acon, Camph, Cham, Cinch, Merc, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Thuj.
It Antidotes
- Acon, Aloe, Cinch, Iod, Merc, Nit-ac, Olnd, Rhus-t, Sep, Thuj.
- Acon, Adren, Alum, Ambr, Aml-n, Ant-c, Anthr, Apis, Arg-n, Ars, Aur, Bapt, Bar-c, Bell, Berb, Brom, Bruc, Bry, Calc, Cann-s, Carb-v, Caul, Cham, Chin-s, Cinch, Clem, Croc, Cupr, Cur, Dios, Dros, Dulc, Gels, Gins, Glon, Goss, Graph, Ham, Hep, Ign, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lach, Laur, Led, Lept, Lil-t, Lyc, Maland, Med, Merc, Mosch, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nat-s, Nit- ac, Nit-ac, Nux-m, Nux-v, Olnd, Phos, Pic-ac, Podo, Psor, Puls, Ran-b, Rhus-t, Rumx, Sang, Sanic, Scir, Sec, Selen, Sep, Sil, Spig, Stry, Sul-ac, Sulph, Thuj, Ust, Valer, Verat, Vib.(3)
- 12c potency is a good one to begin treatment with, going higher and higher when the symptoms again call for it.
- Acts in all potencies from lowest to highest potency according to the susceptibility of each patient. 200c or higher potencies in chronic diseases.
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000, 10M
- Bears repetition well in certain specific diseases. Single dose of high potency in chronic conditions or suppressions.
- Homeopathic Matria Medica by Dr. J.D.Patil Edition 2013, Chap >Sulphur
- Boerieke MM Chap > Sulphur
- Zomeo lane > Materia Medica > Keynotes> Chap Sulphur
- https://www.rxlist.com/sulfur/supplements.htm
- Synoptic memorizer of MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea Vol I,Chap-1 >Sulphur
- Synoptic memorizer of MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea Vol I,Chap-2 >Sulphur
- Synoptic memorizer of MM by Dr. S.K.Banerjea Vol II,Part -1, >Sulphur
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- PubMed: A free resource provided by the National Institutes of Health, PubMed includes a vast collection of medical literature, including many articles on homeopathy. You can search using keywords like "Sulphur homeopathy," "homeopathic Sulphur," or specific conditions you’re interested in, such as "Sulphur eczema" or "Sulphur arthritis."
- Google Scholar: Another comprehensive search engine for scholarly literature, Google Scholar can help you find articles, theses, and other research materials on homeopathic Sulphur.
- Homeopathy Journals: Several peer-reviewed journals specifically focus on homeopathy, such as "Homeopathy," "The European Journal of Homeopathy," and "The International Journal of High Dilution Research." You can search their online archives or browse through issues related to Sulphur.
Homeopathic Organizations and Websites:
- National Center for Homeopathy (NCH): The NCH website offers resources, articles, and information on homeopathy, including potential uses of Sulphur.
- Homeopathic Educational Services: This organization provides a wide range of homeopathic books, journals, and online resources, including materials on Sulphur.
- Faculty of Homeopathy: The website of the Faculty of Homeopathy (UK) may contain articles and research related to Sulphur.
Other Resources:
- Books: Many books on homeopathy discuss Sulphur in detail, including its properties, uses, and related cases. Look for books by renowned homeopaths or general guides to homeopathic remedies.
- Homeopathic Practitioners: Consulting with a qualified homeopathic practitioner can provide personalized information and guidance on the use of Sulphur for specific health concerns.
Tips for Effective Searching:
- Use specific keywords: Include terms like "homeopathy," "Sulphur," and the specific condition or symptom you’re interested in.
- Combine keywords: Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search. For example, "Sulphur AND skin conditions" or "Sulphur NOT arthritis."
- Consider different spellings: Search for both "Sulphur" (British spelling) and "Sulfur" (American spelling).
- Look for reputable sources: Prioritize articles from peer-reviewed journals, reputable organizations, and experienced homeopaths.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Sulphur is used for which diseases?
Sulphur for following disease
Shortness of breath.
Swelling of the back of the throat (pharyngitis).
Clogged arteries.
Menopausal symptoms.
Cold sores.
Scaly and red skin patches (seborrheic dermatitis).
Poison oaky, ivy, and sumac infections.
Hay fever, common cold
High cholesterol
Discuss the skin symptoms of Sulphur.
A) Causations i.e.
Abuse of ointments, lotion, medicated, soaps.
Bad effects of suppressed skin eruptions.
Reprocessed eruptions.
Haemorrhoids that has been suppressed especially by ointments.
Abuse of metals.
B) Clinicals i.e.:
Eruptions of different types.
Furuncles, fistula.
Herpes zoster.
Panaritium i.e.: ulcers of all types
C) Location i.e.:
Sulphur predominantly acts upon the skin eruptions which occurs in the joints. especially flexor surfaces of the joints.
Farrington suggests, "It also has profound affinity to develop eruptions in between the edges of fingers.
D) Character
1) Acne i.e.
Develops in the face, as a result of repurcussed eruptions.
Bad effects especially of ointments. Excessive intake of sugar.
Acne with itching-scratches-good to scratch but bleeds.
2) Boils i.e.
Appears in crops.
Especially during summer season.
As a member of suppurative diathesis it brings forth suppuration also sometimes aborts.
Itching pimples develops surrounding the boils also develops severe itching.
3) Eruptions and Itch i.e.
Occurs all over the body, especially on the aforesaid locations.
There occurs severe itching. Agg. especially by warmth of bed, which results scratching It is good to scratch, but results bleeding.
Sensation – Rawness, soreness also burning occurs in that region.
4) Ulcers i.e.
Ulcers of various type, along with gangrenous ulceration, bed sores, fistulous ulcers etc. are covered especially by Sulphur.
There is raw elevated edge, with discharge of foetid, strong-smelling filthy substances.
E) Appearance of skin i.e.
Farrington suggests, measly, rough, harsh and dry appearance is the criteria of Sulphur.
Dry skin with rare perspiration.
The filthy unwashed appearance with bad (in other words, filthy) odour stands for Sulphur.
F) Associated symptoms i.e.:
Burning all over the body, Nash’s trio of burners.
Redness in the external orifices: looking at lips it seems that blood would burst through it.
Complaints that relapse: when well selected remedy fails.
G) Modality i.e.
especially from warmth in general.
from warmth of bed.
especially at night.
washing with cold water.
putting the extremities out of covering.
especially from scratching the limbs (which ameliorates the soreness of joints).
Describe the characteristic symptoms of Sulphur.
1) Constitution i.e.
Adapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis. subject to venous congestion; especially of portal system.
For lean, stoop-shouldered persons, who walk and sit stooping; additionally walk stooping like old men.
All in all, Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections.
2) Kind of the kingdom of psora i.e.
The king of the antipsoric medicines.
It is one of the members of Hahnemann’s trio of antipsorics (Lyco-and Calc. Carb). (Ref. Tyler)
3) Relapsing complaints i.e.
Complaints that are continually relapsing.
Patient seems to get almost well, when disease returns again and again.
When carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute diseases, it frequently serves to rouse the reactive power of the system, also clears up the case.
4) Burning i.e.
Great burning i.e.: all over the body.
It is one of the Nash’s trio of burners.
All in all, Burning on vertex, smarting in eyes, in face, in anus, rectum, in itching piles, in spots between scapulae, in chest etc. -like fire in ripples, with hot flushes.
5) Standing i.e.
Basically, Standing is the worst position, they cannot stand.
especially after standing.
Lastly, Every standing position is uncomfortable.
6) Aversion of bathing i.e.
Aversion to being washed.
Always Agg. especially after a bath.
Children cannot bear to be either washed or bathed.
7) All gone sensation i.e.
A weak, empty, gone or faint feeling in the stomach especially about 11 A.M.
Cannot wait for lunch.
Frequent, weak faint spells during the day.
8) Congestion i.e.
Congestion to single parts.
Congestion of eyes, nose, chest, abdomen, ovaries etc. or any organ of the body. marking the onset of tumours or malignant growths; especially at climacteric.
Besides this, Redness of all the orifices of the body.
Lastly, Bright redness of lips, as if blood would burst through.
State the pneumonia of Sulphur.
a) Causation i.e.
Due to suppression of skin diseases.
b) Stage i.e.
In delayed or resolution stage.
c) Location i.e.
Usually upper left lobe of the lung is affected.
d) Sensation i.e.
Chest feels heavy with oppression also burning sensation in chest.
e) Character of cough i.e.
Loose cough with much rattling of mucus.
f) Character of sputa i.e.:
Greenish: purulent, sweetish expectoration.
Generally, no expectoration in the evening also night. But in the morning and day time. patient expectorates darkish or greenish sputum which may also be bloody.
Some times its taste is sour, nauseating or saltfish. (Ref. Dr. N.M. Chowdhury)
g) Character of pain i.e.
There is stitching pain in the chest, shooting through the back.
Sometimes there is a peculiar sensation of coldness in the chest as if a lump of ice is in the chest.
Dyspnoea in the middle of night with difficult respiration, wants windows open.
h) Modalities
Aggravation i.e.: –At night, lying on back.
Amelioration i.e.: -By lying on right side.
Note: -Sulphur should be thought of in late stage of pneumonia, when carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favorable effect.
Mention three lazy remedies with their indications.
Lazy Remedies
i) Aloe i.e.
Indolent, ‘weary’ persons; averse to either mental or physical labor, mental labor fatigues.
ii)Phosphorus i.e.:
Apathetic, unwilling to talk; answers slowly move sluggishly.
iii) Sulphur i.e.
Too lazy to rouse himself, too unhappy to live.
Mention five medicines for scrofulous diathesis.
Subject to venous congestion-indicate three medicines.
i) Aloes.,
ii) Belladonna,
iii) Sulphur.
‘Stoop-shouldered medicines are Sulphur and Phosphorus justify.
i) Phosphorus i.e.
Young people, who grow too rapidly, are inclined to stoop. (Due to tall, rapid growth: stoops).
ii) Sulphur i.e.
For lean, stoop-shouldered persons, who walk and sit stooping: walk stooping like old men (Born stoop)
Aversion to being washed compare Sulphur with Antim Crud.
Antim Crud. i.e.
Aversion to cold bathing.
Aggravation from cold baths.
Child cries when washed or bathed with cold water.
Cold bathing causes violent headache,
causes suppressed menses.
Cold from swimming or falling into water.
Sulphur i.e.:
Aversion to being washed.
Always aggravation after a bath.
Children, can not bear to washed or bathed.
Big-bellied children- mention two medicines.
i) Silicea.
ii) Sulphur.
Mention three medicines suited for worm complaints in children.
i) Cina.,
ii) Calcarea Carb.
iii) Sulphur.
Scrofulous. psoric, chronic diseases that result from suppressed eruptions mention three medicines.
Malignant growths, especially at climacteric-mention three remedies.
i) Graphites.,
ii) Lachesis.,
iii) Sulphur.
Upper part or one part of the body is hot: lower part or another part of the body is cold indicate few remedies with their respective indications?
i) Arnica i.e.
Heat of upper part of the body; coldness of the lower.
The face or head also face alone is hot, the body cool.
ii) Cinchona i.e.
One hand icy cold, the other warm (Ipecac Pulsatilla).
iii) Sulphur i.e.
Constant heat on vertex.
Cold feet in day time with burning soles at night.
Sick headache; with hot vertex also cold-feet.
Mention three medicines for cramps in calves and soles at night?
Weak, empty, all gone sensation-mention four medicines?
i) Ignatia.,
ii) Pulsatilla.,
iii) Phosphorus.,
iv) Sulphur.
State few medicines for morning diarrhoea?
Medicines for Morning diarrhoea
i) Aloe.,
ii) Bryonia,
iii) Nux Vomica.
iv) Phosphorus.,
v) Podophyllum,
vi) Sulphur.
vii) Thuja.
‘Painless diarrhoea’-mention four medicines.
i) Cinchona.,
ii) Graphites.,
iii) Podophyllum.,
iv) Sulphur
Painful constipation’-indicate three medicines.
i) Bryonia.,
ii) Graphites.
iii) Sulphur.
Constipation alternates with diarrhoea-mention three medicines.
Passes large quantities of urine state three medicines.
All the discharges are acrid and excoriating indicate three medicines.
i) Arsenicum Alb.,
ii) Nitric Acid.,
iii) Sulphur.
In a rheumatic patient when Sulphur steps in?
To facilitate the absorption of serous or inflammatory exudates in joints: when Bryonia, Kali Mur, or the best selected remedies fails then Sulphur to be thought of.
State the menstrual symptoms of Sulphur.
Menstrual Symptoms
a) Time i.e.
Too early. Dr. Clarke also refers, that it may be premature.
But Dr. Boericke refers, too late.
J.H. Clarke reports, delay of first menses.
b) Duration i.e.:
Short (Ref. Boericke).
c) Quantity i.e.
Profuse: protracted.
Boericke refers, scanty also difficult.
d) Character of blood i.e.
Pale, thick, black, acrid.
Very much acrid; in detail wherever touches, make the part sore.
Sour smelling.
e) Before menses i.e.
Menses preceded specifically by headache (Ref. Boericke).
Burning, itching in vulva.
f) During menses i.e.
Vagina burns with itching of pudenda.
Furthermore, Pressure in the forehead.
Lastly, Very sleepy in day time.
g) After menses i.e.
Acrid, smarting excoriating leucorrhoea.
Swelling, burning also redness of the vulva.
Numbness of the arms also legs and sick feeling. (Ref. Clarke)
h) Modalities i.e.
Agg. i) Firstly, When standing. ii) Secondly, From warmth of bed.
i) Concomitants i.e.
During menstruation, patient becomes very weak, cannot stand properly.
Fullness also bearing down sensation of pelvis.
Note: –Menorrhagia, has not been well since her last miscarriage.
Aggravation from warmth of bed state three medicines.
State four medicines having amelioration when lying on right side?
i) Bryonia.,
ii) Natrum Mur.,
iii) Phosphorus.,
iv) Sulphur
State the mental symptoms of Sulphur.
Mental Symptoms of sulphur
1) Causations i.e.
Mental symptoms engrafted in a psoric base after suppression of skin diseases.
Over-exertion of body, of mind. (Ref. J.H. Clarke)
2) Ragged Philosopher i.e.
Everything looks pretty which the pattern takes a fancy to.
Even rags seem beautiful
3) Selfishness i.e.
Extremely selfish, no regards for others.
Everything that he contemplates is for the benefit of himself.
4) Dreams i.e.
Happy dreams, wakes up singing.
5) Mania i.e.
Thinks something alive in the abdomen movement in abdomen as of a child.
Religious mania-patient meditates on: ‘who made God’ leading to religious melancholia.
6) Nervous i.e.
Very much nervous.
7) Hypochondrial mood i.e.
Hypochondrial mood.
Hering says. hypochondriacal mood throughout the day; merry in the evening.
Describe the constipation of Sulphur.
a) Causation i.e.:
- From taking alcohol, beer, etc.
- From suppression of skin eruptions.
b) Character of stool i.e.
i) Firstly, Stool: hard knotty, dry as if burnt.
ii) Secondly, Large also painful to pass.
iii) Thirdly, Child is afraid to have the stool on account of pain, or pain compels child to desist on first effort.
c) Modalities i.e.
Agg. i) In the morning (frequent unsuccessful desire).
d) Concomitants i.e.
i) Firstly, Constipation alternates with diarrhoea.
ii) Secondly, Constant heat on vertex.
iii) Thirdly, A weak, empty sensation in abdomen at 11 A.M.
iv) Fourthly, Standing aggravates all troubles.
v) Lastly, Redness around the anal orifice.
State the haemorrhoidal (piles) symptoms of Sulphur.
a) Type i.e.
Either Blind or bleeding piles.
Chronic in nature.
Piles dependent upon abdominal plethora also congestion of portal circulation.
b) Character of piles i.e.:
Very painful.
Constant itching: itching followed especially by severe burning in anus.
Bluish venous blood oozing out with belching
c) Sensation i.e.:
Sensation of fullness also soreness.
Frequent unsuccessful desire especially for stool. (Ref. Boericke),
d) Modalities
Agg. i.e.
After standing.
During stool.
In the evening (itching becomes intense).
Amel. i.e. – From cold applications.
e) Concomitants i.e.
Redness of anal orifice.
Weak, empty, gone feeling in the stomach especially at 11 AM.
Constant heat on vertex; burning of palm also sole.
Aversion to bath.
State the morning diarrhoea of Sulphur.
1) Causation i.e.
Suppression of skin diseases.
From alcohol.
2) Time i.e.
Early in the morning, after midnight, driving out of bed early in the morning.
3) Sensation i.e.
There is lack of power of sphincter Ani. patient runs to the closet, immediately as soon as the desire is felt.
4) Character i.e.
Involuntary, painless diarrhoea.
The stool contains undigested food particles
Whitish, greenish, very offensive, acrid with excoriation of anus.
Stool may be mucus tinged, almost involuntary (Ref. Dunham).\
5) Before stool i.e.
Aching in the abdomen also intestines.
6). During stool i.e.
During defaecation, patient may have prolapsus ani.
Nausea, heavy headache, painful pressure in rectum.
There is tenesmus in diarrhoea (Ref. Bell’s book on Diarrhoea) i.e.: though regarded as painless diarrheic medicine.
7) Modality i.e.
in the early morning, after taking milk. specifically, from alcohol.
8) Concomitant i.e.
Diarrhoea alternates with constipation.
Redness of anal orifices.
Burning in anus. Amel. especially by cold application.
Describe a Sulphur child?
a) Introduction i.e.
Scrofulous, psoric chronic diseases that results from suppressed eruptions.
Complaints that are continually relapsing. When carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favorable effect, especially in acute diseases, it frequently serves to rouse the reactive power of the system; clears up the case.
b) Constitution i.e.
Scrofulous diathesis. subject to venous congestion, especially of portal system.
Lean, thin, emaciated, pot bellied children.
Dirty, filthy look of the body, disposed to skin eruptions.
Nervous temperament, quick motioned quick tempered, plethoric, restless children.
c) Physical symptoms
1) Dislikes bathing i.e.
Child cannot bear to be washed or bathed.
2) Diarrhoea i.e.
Morning diarrhoea.
Painless, watery, involuntary, acrid stool.
Redness of the anal orifice.
3) Desire and Aversion i.e.
Desire for sweets.
Aversion to milk.
4) Skin i.e.
Itching, voluptuous i.e.: which is ameliorated by scratching.
Feels good to scratch.
Scratching causes burning.
Soreness especially in folds.
Skin affections that have been treated by medicated soaps, ointments etc.
Tendency to small, painful summer boils in crops; or a single boil is succeeded by another, as soon as the first is healed.
from washing, from heat of the bed.
5) Hot patient i.e.
Child is very hot.
Cannot tolerate covering especially in night, kicks of clothing, even in coldest weather.
6) Burning i.e.
Burning sensation all over the body, especially in the palm, sole also vertex.
7) Constipation i.e.
Large, hard, knotty stool, as if burnt.
Violent pain, child is afraid to have the stool on account of pain.
8) Stool and Urine i.e.
The discharge, both urine also faeces are painful to parts over which it touches.
All the discharges are acrid also excoriating, wherever they touch.
9) Worm affections i.e.
Have worms; but indicated when best selected remedy fails.
10) Congestion i.e.
Congestion to single parts.
All the orifices of the body are red.
Bright redness of lips, as if blood would burst through.
11) Hunger i.e.
Weak, empty, either gone or faint feeling in the stomach about 11 A.M.
Cannot wait for lunch.
State the effective chain of Sulphur with related remedies.
i) Sulphur –> Calcarea Carb –> Lycopodium.
ii) Sulphur –> Sarsaparilla –> Sepia. (7)