Veratrum Album
Overview of Verartrum Album:
Veratrum album, also known as white hellebore, is a homeopathic remedy derived from the plant of the same name. It is primarily used for conditions characterized by sudden and violent symptoms, especially those involving collapse, coldness, and excessive discharges.
Violent mania in Veratrum Album:
- Due to cerebral congestion, we find in our Veratrum Alb.pt. there is an outburst of violent mania like Belladonna.
- Master Kent said, the mental symptoms are marked by violence and destructiveness; he wants to destroy, to tear the clothes from the body.
- Pt. strikes those around him (Bell., Stramo.) a state of violency.
Note. 1: Pt. always wants to be busy, to carry on this daily work.
Note. 2: Master Kent said, those blowed down by great grief and despair are likely to go into a state of violent mania
Excitement-Lascivious-Nymphomaniac in Veratrum Album:
- There is violent sexual mania characterized by Lascivious ness (Hyos.1, Lach.1, Lil. Tig.1, Phos.1, Platina.1, Staph.1 resulting either nymphomania (in females) or satyriasis (In males).
- Dr. Kent said, pt. howls, sings obscene songs, exposes to the persons. Lewdness and lascivious talks. Dr. Kent also recommended a state of loquacity.
- Dr. Clarke said, abusive language on slightest provocation. Lechery and obscene talks, kisses everybody. Pt. exhibits immodesty, exposes his private parts, kicks the clothes and becomes naked such a disordered state can be brought into order by our Veratrum., provided totality corroborates.
- Dr. Hering said ‘kisses everybody’ this disposition comes esp. before menses.
Religious mania in Veratrum Album:
Pt. is praying and beseeching all the time without respite. Master Kent classically explained this exalted state of religious frenzy. Master Kent said, praying for hours, thinks he is ‘risen Christ’.
Anxiety-Attempts to suicide in Veratrum Album:
- Master Kent in his Repertory classed it in first grade under the rubric anxiety (Acon.1, Arg.N.1, Ars.1, Aur.1, Bell 1, Bry.1, C.Veg.1, Caust.1, Nit.Ac.1, Puls.1, Phos.1, Rhus tox 1, Secale.1, Sulph.1, V.A.1). ‘Anxiety about salvation’ (Ars.1, Lach.1, Lil.Tig 1, V.A.1). This anxiety of mind leads to fear of death whence pt. attempt to suicide. Suicidal disposition through windows (Aur.1, Aeth.2, Glon.2, V.A.3) Dr. Kent explained despair of his recovery leads him to this suicidal disposition. Dr. Clarke said, tired of life, but fear to die. Dr. Clarke said suicidal tendency from religious despair.
- Dr. Constantine Hering explained that, despair of his position in society, feels very unlucky-despair of salvation.
Thinks pregnant in Veratrum Album:
- Pt. thinks she is pregnant (Thuja., Sabad.) and will soon be delivered. This is characterized by puerperal mania (Cimicifuga).
- Dr. Talcott said, even lady of 80-90 years of age fancies herself pregnant.
Unbearable, if left alone in Veratrum Album:
- Dr. Clarke said, unbearable if left alone. Does not want to be alone, yet persistently refuses to talk. If he talks, he scolds.
- Dr. E. B. Nash said, dispose to talk about fault of others or becomes silent.
- Dr. Talcott said, sometimes pt. inclined to gossip but find out faults of others, scolds them.
Melancholia in Veratrum Album:
- A state of brooding is also a characteristic feature. Pt. is full of despair and hopelessness. Master Kent said, sits and broods in silence with head hangs down. There is sullen indifference.
- Pt. thinks he was a man of great importance proud of his position, but now despair of his position in the society hence profound melancholia results. Dr. Clarke said, pt. never smiles-such a melancholic state characterizes our Veratrum Alb. pt.
- Dr. Clarke said, melancholy, dejection, sadness with inclination to weep. Inconsolable affliction, with howlings and cries on account of imaginary misfortunes.
Vitality exhausted in Veratrum Album :
Adapted to diseases with rapid sinking of the vital-force; complete prostration; collapse.
Dr. Clarke reports, "the discharges drain the tissues like cholera, in which disease its pathogenetic effects render it one of the first remedies, ranking with Camph., Cupr. in Hahnemann’s trio. The discharges exhaust the vitality as well as the tissue and cause vertigo, blackness before the sight, fainting, collapse, rapid sinking of forces: complete prostration.
Dr. N. M. Chowdhury recommended that the prostration is overwhelming and the collapse is sudden. There is a very virulent type of cholera known as cholera-sicca or the dry cholera to which this remedy is particularly adaptable, because of the suddenness of the attack and the great and rapid sinking of strength of the patient.
Excessive discharges in Veratrum Album:
"Violent vomiting with profuse diarrhoea" is a characteristic of Verat. Alb. (Ref: Clarke).
Dr. N. M. Chowdhury said, some physician regard Verat rum. as a great prophylactic against cholera and advocate its use in the very early stage.
"We prescribe on symptoms and as soon as we find the symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting with the cold sweat on the head, we will have ample justification for its use”.
Profuseness of discharges is the keynote of Veratrum Album viz.: vomiting, diarrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, haemorrhage. Sinking feeling during haemorrhage.
Dr. Harvey Farrington reported in his book "Homoeopathy and homoeopathic prescribing", that vomiting-forcible food, bile or enormous quantities of sour water with profuse, gushing, sometimes painless stools, followed by sinking and emptiness in the abdomen.
Refreshing things desires in Veratrum Album:
Craving for acids or refreshing things (Phos. Ac.). Dr. Clarke narrated that craving for cold food. It is also one of the uncommon peculiarities because craving for cold things though the patient is chilly. Aversion to warm things. Craves ice, fruits (Tyler.).
Master Kent in his Repertory classed Veratrum Alb. under the sub-rubric, desire for refreshing things.
Ailments from in Veratrum Album:
Bad effects of opium eating, tobacco chewing. Dr. Clarke said, causations of the diseases of Verat. are fright, shock or injury, disappointed love, injured pride or honour.
Suppressed exanthema, alcohol etc.
Thirst of Veratrum Album:
The thirst is intense, unquenchable, for large quantities of very cold water and for acid drinks; wants everything cold.
Dr. Clarke reports, that the peculiar sensation of Verat, is, as if cold water running through veins.
Great thirst: with hunger (Ref: Tyler)
Red face while lying in Veratrum Album:
Face pale, blue, collapsed, features sunken, hippocratic, red while lying, becomes pale on rising up (Acon.).
Uncommon peculiar symptom- Cold perspiration in Veratrum Album
Cold perspiration on the forehead (-over entire body, Tab.) with nearly all complaints is the uncommon peculiarity of Verat. Album.
Dr. Clarke comments that, "Coldness of whole body": coldness running over the whole body soon after taking it. "Feeling of internal chill run through him from head to toes of both feet at-once". Very characteristic are, "cold feeling in abdomen", "coldness as of a piece of ice on vertex". "Cold nose" face cold and collapsed, "cold tongue".
Icy coldness of face, tip of nose, feet, legs, hands, arms and many other parts, (Allen’s keynote.).
Manias of Veratrum Album:
Associated with desire to cut and tear everything, especially clothes (Taran.); with lewd, lascivious talk, amorous or religious (Hyos, Stram.).
It has got three types of mania-violent mania (Bell.), lascivious mania (Hyos, Phos.), religious mania (Stram ).
Note: Dr. Kent says insanity is curable if there are no incurable results of disease.
Our immortal Master Hahnemann said of Verat., that it has the power "to promote a cure of almost one-third of the mad, in mental asylums (at all events as a homoeopathic intermediate remedy)". (Ref. Clarke). (5)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Introduction of Verartrum Album:
Hi Friends, Now we describing Drug picture of Verartrum Album
Common name of Verartrum Album:
- White Hellebore
Synonyms of Verartrum Album:
- White flower veratrum
Family / Group / Class / Order of Verartrum Album:
- Vegetable kingdom, Melanthaceae family
Habit and habitat / Description of Verartrum Album:
- It is found in middle and southern Europe, Russia, China, Japan in mountainous regions like Alps of Switzerland.
- It is a deciduous and perineal herb. Stem is 5 feet high.
- It is round, almost covered by the sheaths of the leaves. Stem is downy above.
- Leaves are pliated, broad, ovate and blunt; leaves are of green colour, flowers are of greenish-white colour.
- They appear from June to August.
- They are found in erect position.
- Root is fleshy, fusiform and blackish, root fibres are strong. Roots are 2 to 3 inches long and 2 inches in diameter.
- All parts of the plant are extremely acrid and poisonous.
- Root has an offensive smell and a burning, acrid, bitter taste. (1)
Name of prover of Verartrum Album :
- Dr Hahnemann in 1805
Introduction and history of Verartrum Album:
- It was introduced in homeopathy by Dr Hahnemann in 1805. It was known for centuries as one of the great remedies for collapse and pain. (1)
Active principles of Verartrum Album:
- Main constituents are protoveratine, rubijervine, veratramine, germerine, jeruine, fats, chelidonic acid, veratric acid and large amount of sterine alkaloids
Preparation of Verartrum Album :
- Mother tincture is prepared from the roots; stocks are collected in early June before flowering.
- Higher potencies are prepared from the mother tincture. (1)
Physical make up of Veratrum Album:
- It is best suited to children and old people who are habitually cold and deficient in vital reaction.
- For young people and women who are of a nervous, sanguine temperament and are anaemic.
Temperament of Veratrum Album:
- Choleric 3, Phlegmatic 1, Sanguine 1
Relation with heat & cold of Veratrum Album:
- Chilly patient
Miasm of Veratrum Album:
- Psora (1)
Clinical conditions of Veratrum Album:
In Homeopathy Verat. Alb medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
Behavioural disorders, Cholera, Dysmenorrhoea, Gastroenteritis, Hyperactivity, Mania, Neuralgia, Pneumonia, Raynaud’s disease, Schizophrenia, Seizures. (2)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics of Verartrum Album :
Nervous system, vasomotor nerves, capillaries, heart, respiratory system, digestive system, vertex, etc. (1)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from) of Veratrum Album:
- Fright
- Disappointment in love
- Injured pride or honour
- Suppressed exanthema
- Opium, tobacco, alcohol.
Physiological action of Veratrum Album:
- This agent produces violent vomiting and purging, with intense pain in the extremities.
- The temperature is reduced and there is a general coldness, with prostration and collapse.
- The pulse is rapid and feeble.
- The eyes are sunken, the countenance is anxious, and there is a cold, clammy perspiration. (3)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis of Veratrum Album :
- Veratrum Album acts on blood which becomes disorganised and is separated into its constituent elements. The circulation becomes embarrassed and as a result general torpor of the vegetative system occurs.
- Due to the action on the vegetative system, it gives rise to a choleric condition, general coldness, prostration, collapse, copious watery vomiting and purging, spasmodic colic, cramps and spasms.
- Veratrum Album also affects the sensorium causing excitement of cerebral nerves, resulting in delirium and mania.
- Also produces exhaustion of nerve power, even complete exhaustion. It seems to act prominently on the abdominal organs, probably through the splenic nerve. (1)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic mental symptoms (psychology) of Verartrum Album
- Never speaks the truth; does not know herself what she is saying.
- Kissing everybody before menses. Dislikes talking, except in delirium. Nymphomania and satyriasis.
- Delirium, heavy sleep; restlessness, thirst, cramps in legs, cold sweat, tingling; irregular pulse.
- Mania with a desire to cut and tear, especially clothes; with nudeness and lascivious talk.
- Three types of mania that is, the violent mania of Belladonna, the religious mania of Stramonium and the lascivious mania of Hyoscyamus, and each one tries to suppress the other.
- Sensation of a lump of ice on the vertex.
- The patient does not want to be alone, cannot bear to be left alone, yet persistently refuses to talk.
- Thinks she is pregnant and will soon be delivered. State of brooding, full of despair and hopelessness.
- Great despair in young girls at the time of puberty along with, or associated with menstrual or uterine troubles.
- Patient has despair of his recovery and wants to die by suicide.
- Sinking feeling during haemorrhage. (1)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Verartrum Album
- V-Vitality exhausted: rapid sinking, complete position: collapse.
- E-Excessive discharge: violent vomiting, profuse diarrhoea.
- R-Refreshing things desire.
- A-Attacks of fainting from least exertion.
- T-Thirst: intense, unquenchable, for large quantities of very cold water.
- R-Red face while lying, becomes pale on rising up: features sunken: Hippocratic.
- U-Unbearable to be left alone: yet persistently refuses to talk.
- M-Manias: violent: lascivious: religious: these three manias alternate.
1.Generalities of Verartrum Album
- Rapid sinking of strength, as from too great heat in the air; as if paralyzed. Faintness, with trembling.
- Numbness and crawling of the extremities.
- Tonic cramps, especially of the palms and soles, which seem to be hollowed in; tetanic rigidity of the whole body.
- The pains are (<) warmth of the bed as well as in cold wet weather, usually (>) walking about.
2.Head of Verartrum Album
- Contracted features. COLD SWEAT ON FOREHEAD.
- Headache, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, pale face.
- Neck too weak to hold head up.
3.Eye of Verartrum Album
- Surrounded by dark rings.
- Starring: turned upwards, without lustre.
- Lachrymation with redness. Lids dry heavy.
4.Ears of Verartrum Album
- Deaf, as if ears were stopped, one or both.
5.Nose of Verartrum Album
- Icy cold. Dryness. Bleeding.
6.Face of Verartrum Album
- Features sunken.
- Nose grows more pointed.
- Tearing in cheeks, temples, and eyes.
7.Mouth of Verartrum Album
- Tongue pale, cold; cool sensation, as from peppermint.
- Dry in centre not relieved by water. Salty saliva.
- Toothache, teeth feel heavy as if filled with lead.
8.Throat of Verartrum Album
- Dryness in throat, cannot be removed by drinking.
- Scraping or roughness in throat; sensation of dust.
- Sensation of coldness or burning in throat.
- Sensation of constriction of throat; spasmodic, with suffocation.
- Spasmodic affections of oesophagus, resulting in paralysis of tube; nearly all food and drink taken is thrown up, with suffocating sensation, redness and heat of face.
- Chronic catarrh of oesophagus with asthma.
- Feeling of distension of pharynx.
9.Stomach of Verartrum Album
- VORACIOUS appetite.
- Averse to warm food. Hiccough.
- Craves fruit, juicy and cold things, ice, salt. Anguish in pit of stomach. Great weakness after vomiting.
- Gastric irritability with CHRONIC vomiting of food.
10.Abdomen of Verartrum Album
- Sinking and empty feeling. COLD FEELING in stomach and abdomen.
- Pain in abdomen preceding stool.
- Cramps, knotting abdomen and legs.
- Sensation as if hernia would protrude. [NUX.]
- Abdomen sensitive to pressure, swollen with terrible colic.
11.Rectum & Anus of Verartrum Album
- Constipation from inactivity of rectum, with heat and headache.
- Constipation of babies, and when produced by very cold weather.
- Evacuations of cholera morbus and true cholera when vomiting accompanies the purging.
12.Stool of Verartrum Album
- Profuse evacuations, watery, greenish or even black, with faintness and vomiting.
- Constipation; feces hard and large.
13.Urinary Organ of Verartrum Album
- Urine suppressed. Involuntary, or scanty and dark red.
14.Sexual Organ of Verartrum Album
Female of Verartrum Album:
- Menses too early; profuse and exhausting.
- Sexual mania precedes menses.
15.Respiratory System of Verartrum Album
- Hoarse, weak voice. Rattling in chest. Much mucus in bronchial tubes, that cannot be coughed up.
- Coarse rales. Chronic bronchitis in the older people. [HIPPOZAENIN.] Loud, barking, stomach cough, followed by eructation of gas; worse, warm room. Hollow cough, tickling low down, with blue face.
- Cough comes on from drinking, especially cold water; urine escapes when coughing.
- Cough on entering warm room from cold air. [BRYONIA.]
16.Heart & Pulse of Verartrum Album
- Palpitation with anxiety and rapid audible respiration.
- Pulse irregular, feeble. Tobacco heart from chewing.
- Intermittent action of heart in feeble persons with some hepatic obstruction.
- One of the best heart stimulants in homoeopathic doses. (J.S. Mitchell.)
17.Neck & Back of Verartrum Album
- Muscles of the neck seem paralyzed.
- Paralytic stiffness extends from the back up to the neck.
18.Extremities of Verartrum Album
- Soreness and tenderness of joints.
- Sciatica; pains like electric flashes.
- CRAMPS IN CALVES. Neuralgia in brachial plexus; arms feel swollen, cold, paralytic.
19.Skin of Verartrum Album
- Blue, cold, clammy, inelastic; COLD AS DEATH. Cold sweat.
- Wrinkling of skin of hands and feet.
20.Sleep of Verartrum Album
- Sleep, lying with head bent backwards.
- Sleeplessness before midnight; awaking too late, from a deep, stupefying morning – nap.
21.Fever of Verartrum Album
- Chill, WITH EXTREME COLDNESS and thirst. (4)
Keynotes / Redline of Verartrum Album:
- Profuseness of all discharges, leading to prostration and collapse, violent vomiting with profuse diarrhoea.
- Cold perspiration on forehead with all complaints.
- Thirst for large quantity of cold water.
- Craving for acrid, cold drinks, juices and refreshing things.
Guiding of Verartrum Album:
- For children and old people; extremes of life, persons who are habitually cold and deficient in vital reaction. Young people of nervous, sanguine temperament.
- Adapted to patients with rapid sinking of vital forces, complete prostration and collapse.
- Sudden and violent onset.
- Profuseness of discharges.
- Cold perspiration on forehead with nearly all complaints.
- Attacks of fainting with least exertion, excessive weakness.
- Icy coldness of face, tip of nose, feet, legs, hands, arms and many other parts. Cold feeling in abdomen.
- Thirst – intense unquenchable, wants everything cold. Sinking feeling during haemorrhages.
- When Spigelia and Silicea failed.
- Taste-peppermint like.
- Craving for acids, sour, sour fruit, lemon, salt, ice, fruit, sardines, juicy refreshing things.
- In spite of nausea and vomit, gnawing hunger, voracious appetite.
- Violent vomiting with profuse diarrhoea, followed by tremendous weakness, ‘collapse’. Surgical shock. –Vomiting excessive with nausea and great prostration < drinking < least motion, great weakness after.
- Dyspepsia from chewing tobacco.
- For Asiatic cholera with rice-water stools. Retention of urine in Cholera.
PQRS of Verartrum Album:
- Haughtiness, self-righteousness, delusions of being Christ.
- Restlessness.
- Despair of salvation.
- Coldness, collapse, weakness.
- Simultaneous vomiting and diarrhoea.
Confirmatory of Verartrum Album:
- Profuse diarrhoea and vomiting with great prostration.
- Cold sweat on forehead concomitant to all symptoms.
- Icy coldness of various parts.
Nucleus symptoms of Verartrum Album:
- A picture of collapse, coldness, weakness, blueness, is seen in the remedy.
- COLDNESS runs throughout the remedy.
- Blueness.
- Violence and suddenness.
- Fainting.
- Profuseness. (2)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Verartrum Album:
- Angina pectoris, Apoplexy, Asthma, Cholera, Colic, Collapse, Constipation, Cramps, Debility, Diarrhoea, Epilepsy, Gastric and abdominal disorders, Headache, Influenza, Intermittent fever, Labour, Mania, Melancholia, Meningitis, Menstrual disorders, Rheumatism, Vertigo, etc.
Modality of Verartrum Album:
Aggravation of Verartrum Album:
- Least motion, after drinking, before and during menses, during stool, when perspiring, after fright, after stool, change of weather, cloudy weather, wet cold air, foggy weather, from exertion, eating beans, peas, cabbage, from beer, tea, fruits, potatoes.
Amelioration of Verartrum Album:
- Warm food, covering, lying, walking about. (1)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship:
Complimentary of Verartrum Album
- Arn.
Follows Well of Verartrum Album
- Am-c, Arn, Ars, Bov, Camph, Carb-v, Cinch, Cupr, Ip, Lyc, Nux-v.
Antidoted By of Verartrum Album
- Acon, Camph, Chin, Staph.
It Antidotes of Verartrum Album
- Ars, Chin, Cupr, Op, Tab.
Comparison of Verartrum Album
Acon, Agar, Alum, Ambr, Anac, Ant-t, Apoc, Ars, Aur, Bell, Bry, Calc, Camph, Cann–i, Carb-an, Carb-v, Cast-eq, Cham, Chel, Cocc, Colch, Coll, Coloc, Con, Croto-t, Cupr, Dulc, Elat, Ferr, Gels, Hell, Hyos, Ign, Iod, Iris, Jatr, Lach, Lob, Med, Nat-m, Nux-v, Op, Ph-ac, Phos, Plb, Podo, Puls, Rheum, Sec, Sep, Spig, Stann, Stram, Sul-ac, Sulph, Tab, Tarent, Val, Valer, Zinc, Ziz. (2)
Potency of Verartrum Album
- 6 to 30 potency and higher.
- In diarrhoea, sixth potency and upwards.
- In mental cases 200 and higher.
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000
Duration of action of Verartrum Album
- 20 to 30 days (1)
- MM by J.D. Patil 2013, Section-II,Chap> Veratrum alb
- Zomoeo Lane MM Chap > Veratrum alb
- Manual of MM,Therapeutic and Pharmacology by Blackwood Alexander Leslie Chap> Veratrum alb
- MM by Boerike Chap> Veratrum alb
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by DR.S.K.BANERJEA, Vol -I, Chap-1, >Veratrum alb
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by DR.S.K.BANERJEA, Vol -I, Chap-2, >Veratrum alb
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by DR.S.K.BANERJEA, Vol -II, Part-1, >Veratrum alb
Botanical/Pharmacological Terms
- Veratrum album: The scientific name for the plant commonly known as white hellebore or false hellebore.
- Liliaceae: The plant family to which Veratrum album belongs, also known as the lily family.
- Alkaloids: Naturally occurring nitrogen-containing organic compounds found in Veratrum album, responsible for its medicinal and toxic properties.
- Jervine, protoveratrine: Specific types of alkaloids present in Veratrum album, known for their potent effects on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
- Tincture: An extract of Veratrum album used in homeopathic preparations.
- Homeopathy: A system of alternative medicine that uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s healing response.
- Potentization: The process of diluting and succussing (vigorous shaking) a substance in homeopathy, believed to increase its therapeutic effect.
Medical/Symptomatic Terms
- Hypotension: Low blood pressure, a condition Veratrum album is sometimes used to treat in homeopathy.
- Bradycardia: Slow heart rate, another potential indication for Veratrum album in homeopathy.
- Collapse: A sudden loss of strength or consciousness, a possible symptom of Veratrum album poisoning.
- Cholera: A severe diarrheal disease, historically treated with Veratrum album in some traditional medical practices.
- Gastroenteritis: Inflammation of the stomach and intestines, sometimes accompanied by symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea, for which Veratrum album may be considered in homeopathy.
- Cold sweats: Profuse sweating accompanied by a feeling of coldness, a characteristic symptom associated with Veratrum album.
- Prostration: Extreme physical weakness or exhaustion, often seen in cases of Veratrum album poisoning or in individuals needing this remedy.
Cautionary Terms
- Toxicity: The poisonous nature of Veratrum album due to its potent alkaloids.
- Poisoning: The adverse effects caused by ingesting or absorbing excessive amounts of Veratrum album.
- Overdose: Taking more than the recommended or safe amount of Veratrum album.
- Side effects: Unwanted or unintended effects that may occur even with appropriate use of Veratrum album.
- Contraindications: Situations or conditions in which Veratrum album should not be used due to potential harm.
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Homeopathic Websites and Resources
- Reputable homeopathic websites often have sections dedicated to Materia Medica, where detailed information about remedies like Veratrum album can be found.
- Online homeopathic journals and publications may contain research articles or case studies related to Veratrum album.
- Homeopathic forums and communities can be a good place to ask questions and get recommendations for reliable sources of information.
Libraries and Bookstores
- Libraries, particularly those with a focus on alternative medicine or homeopathy, may have books and journals dedicated to homeopathic remedies, including Veratrum album.
- Homeopathic bookstores or online retailers may also carry books and reference materials on Veratrum album.
Homeopathic Practitioners
- Consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner. They will have in-depth knowledge about Veratrum album and can provide personalized information and guidance.
Additional Tips
- Be specific in your search queries to narrow down the results.
- Look for articles written by qualified homeopaths or published in reputable homeopathic journals.
- Cross-reference information from different sources to ensure accuracy.
- Remember that while Veratrum album can be a helpful remedy, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath before self-prescribing or using it.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Mention three medicines suitable for the extremes of life-for children and old people.
Medicines for extremes of life
i) Firstly, Baryta Carb
ii) Secondly, Lycopodium,
iii) Thirdly, Veratrum Album.
Mention three medicines for ‘silent disposition’ with their indications.
i) Gelsemium
- Desire to be quiet, to be let alone, does not wish either to speak or have anyone near her, even if the person be silent.
- Desire to be alone; additionally broods in solitude over imaginary troubles.
iii) Veratrum Album
- Persistently refuses to talk: in detail broods in silence.
‘Fainting disposition’ mention few remedies with indications.
i) Carbo.Veg, Sulphur, Veratrum Album.
- Attacks of fainting especially from least exertion.
ii) Ignatia
- Faints easily, in intense women.
iii) Nux Vomica
- Tendency to faint from odours, in morning, after eating; additionally after every labour pain.
iv) Phosphorus
- Odours of flowers causes fainting.
Name three medicines for patchy coldness: cold in spots.
i) Calcarea Carb.,
ii) Kali Bichromicum.,
iii) Veratrum Album.
State Master Hahnemann’s trio of cholera.
i) Camphor.,
ii) Cuprum Met.,
iii) Veratrum Album.
State the rheumatic pains of Veratrum Album.?
Rheumatic pain
i) Firstly, Pain in the limbs during wet weather.
ii) Secondly, Pains get worse from warmth of bed.
iii) Thirdly, Pains are better by continued walking, but due to continued walking: perspiration occurs, that perspiration aggravates the pain.
State the febrile symptoms of Veratrum Album.
i) Clinical i.e.
- In either congestive or pernicious intermittent fever.
ii) Chill stage i.e.
- Extreme coldness: face cold and collapsed, Skin cold also clammy.
iii) Heat stage i.e.
- Thirst, unquenchable, for large quantities of very cold water.
iv) Sweat stage i.e.
- Cold sweat on forehead.
v)Modalities i.e.
- at night, wet cold weather, Agg from perspiration. Amelioration from warmth.
vi) Concomitant i.e.
- Great prostration. Deathly pallor of face.
What are the bad-effects that Veratrum Album is capable of removing.
i) Firstly, Bad effects of opium eating.
ii) Secondly, Bad effects of tobacco chewing.
iii) Thirdly, Bad effects of excessive use of alcohol.
vi) Fourthly, Bad effects of excessive use of tobacco.
State the mental symptoms of Veratrum Album.
1) Manias
i) It has got all the three types of mania, i.e., the violent mania of Belladonna, the religious mania of Stramonium also the lascivious mania of Hyoscyamus, and these three alternates and each one of them tries to supersede, the another.
a) Violent mania
i) Desire to cut also tear things, especially clothes.
ii) Tries to escape.
iii) Wants to bite etc.
b) Religious mania
i) Firstly, Constantly talks about religious matters.
ii) Secondly, Always prays.
iii) Thirdly, Thinks without God all are vein in the world etc.
c) Lascivious mania
i) Firstly, Wants to expose the private parts.
ii) Secondly, Sings obscene songs.
iii) Thirdly, Lewd, lascivious thoughts.
2) Keeps silent
- Cannot bear to be left alone, yet persistently refuses to talk.
3) Hallucination
- Thinks she is pregnant or will soon be delivered.
4) Sensation
i) Firstly, Sensation of a lump of ice on vertex with chilliness.
ii) Secondly, Sensation as of heat and cold at same time on scalp.
iii) Thirdly, Sensation as if brain were torn to pieces.
iv) Fourthly, Sensation of some living animal in abdomen.
5) Liar
i) Great liar, never speaks the truth.
State the constipation of Veratrum Album.
a) Character of stool
- Stool large, hard, round, like black balls.
b) Desire for stool:
i) Firstly, No desire is felt, inactive rectum.
ii) Secondly, Frequent desire felt in the epigastrium.
iii) Thirdly, Followed by pain in rectum and anus in infants and children, when Lycopodium and Nux Vomica has failed.
c) Sensation
- No desire is felt in the rectum.
- Desire is felt epigastrium.
d) Concomitants
i) Firstly, Cold perspiration often found on the forehead.
ii) Secondly, Cutting pain in abdomen as from knives.
iii) Thirdly, Stool followed by pain in rectum and anus of infants and children.
State the diarrhoea of Veratrum Album.
a) Causations
i) Firstly, After fright,
ii) Secondly, From taking fruits.
iii) Thirdly, After eating also drinking.
b) Character of stool
i) Stool is profuse, watery also greenish.
ii) Frequently gushes out also mixed with flakes.
iii) Stool forcibly expelled.
iv) Besides this, Stool large, with much straining, until exhausted, with cold sweat.
v) Lastly, Extremely exhausting discharge.
c) Before stool
- Violent cutting pain in abdomen, as from knives.
d) During stool:
i) Firstly, Violent colicky pain in abdomen.
ii) Secondly, Cold sweat on forehead.
iii) Thirdly, Cramps commencing in hands and feet, spreading all over.
e) Modality
Agg. i) After eating also drinking, ii) Specifically From least movement.
f) Concomitants
i) Firstly, Cold sweat on the forehead.
ii) Secondly, Diarrhoea before and during menses.
iii) Thirdly, Unquenchable thirst for large quantities of sour, cold, water.
State the cholera symptoms of Veratrum Album.
- It is one of the members of Hahnemann’s trio of Asiatic cholera (Camphor, Cuprum Met.).
a) Causation i.e.
i) Firstly, From fright.
ii) Secondly, From taking impure water.
iii) Thirdly, From dietic errors etc,
iv) Fourthly, From fruits.
v) Thirdly, From bad-effects of opium also tobacco chewing.
b) Character of stool i.e.
i) Profuse, rice-watery stool.
ii) greenish stool, gushes out forcibly.
iii) Stool is followed especially by great prostration.
c) Features i.e.
i) Discharges
ii) Sweat
- Cold, clammy sweat all over the body especially on the forehead.
iii) Face
i) Firstly, Hippocratic, blue, pale face.
ii) Secondly, Features are of sunken eyes, sunken cheeks: malar bones are prominent.
iii) Thirdly, blue ring around the eyes.
iv) Cramps
- Cramps commences in hands and feet, then spreads all over the body.
v) Collapse
- Due to rapid sinking of vital force, complete prostration, collapse with blueness; extremities are cold, as if dead.
vi) Sensation
- Sensation as if a lump of ice on vertex.
vi) Vomiting
i) Firstly, After every drinking.
ii) Secondly, Excessive vomiting with nausea.
iii) Thirdly, Followed by great prostration.
viii) Coldness
i) Icy coldness of the whole body, of face, of tip of the nose, feet, legs, hands, arms etc.
ii) Persons who are habitually cold also deficient in vital reaction.
ix) Craving
- Craving for either acids or refreshing things.
x) Pain
- Cutting pain in abdomen as from knives.
xi) Thirst
- Unquenchable thirst specifically for large quantities of very cold water.
d) Modalities i.e.
Agg. i) After eating also drinking. ii) From least motion.
e) Concomitants i.e.
- Cholera like symptoms before menses also during.
Elaborate the abdominal colic of Veratrum Album.
Abdominal Colic
a) Causation
i) Firstly, From fear, fright, shock etc.
ii) Secondly, From taking opium, tobacco, alcohol, fruits etc.
iii) Thirdly, From loss of vital fluids, during diarrhoea.
iv) Fourthly, From menstruation etc.
b) Character of pain
i) Firstly, Cutting pain in abdomen as from knives.
ii) Secondly, Cutting colic during diarrhoea.
c) Modalities
Agg. i) During stool.
ii) Before and during menses. iii) From taking icy cold water.
Amel. i) By bending double.
d) Concomitants
i) Firstly, Cold sweat on forehead.
ii) Secondly, Cold feeling in abdomen.
iii) Thirdly, Unquenchable thirst for large quantities, of very cold water.
Enumerate the menstrual symptoms of Veratrum Album.
Menstrual Symptoms
a) Time i.e.
- Too early.
b) Quantity i.e.
- Too profuse.
c) Character of blood i.e.
- Dark also profuse.
d) Before menstruation i.e.
i) Firstly, Cholera like symptoms; vomiting and purging.
ii) Secondly, Lascivious mania, wants to kiss everybody: sexual mania. (Ref. Boericke)
iii) Thirdly, Cutting pain in abdomen, as from knives.
e) During menstruation i.e.
i) Cholera like symptoms. vomiting also purging
ii) She is so weak, can scarcely stand especially for two days at each menstrual nisus.
iii) Cutting pain in abdomen, as from knives (dysmenorrhea).
iv) Fainting specifically from least exertion.
v) Violent thirst especially for ice-cold water.
vi) Exhausting diarrhoea with cold sweat.
f) After menstruation i.e.
i) Firstly, Unbearable backache. ii) Secondly, Colic with diarrhoea.
g) Concomitants i.e.
i) Firstly, Cold sweat on the forehead, with coldness all over.
ii) Secondly, Rapid sinking of the vital forces: complete prostration; collapse.
State the collapsed state of Veratrum Album.
1) Clinical
- Collapsed state is characterized by extreme prostration; prostration as if from cholera; additionally a state of profound physical depression. In detail, It is one of the members of Master’s trio of Asiatic cholera (Camph., Cup. Met.).
2) Look-up of the face
- The face becomes blue, features sunken, cheeks are sunken, malar bones are prominent, blue ring around the eyes with Hippocratic face and cold sweat on forehead, amply singles out Veratrum Alb. in collapsed state.
3) Physical condition
i) Due to profuse dehydration, there is collapsed condition.
ii) The body is cold to touch with corresponding, blueness, fairly purple lips, blue also cold.
iii) Extremities are too cold, as if dead, face, mouth also tongue cold. (Ref. Dr. Farrington)
iv) Patient looks as if dying with rapid sinking of the vital force (+++).
v) Icy coldness of face, tip of the nose, feet, leg, hand with cold feeling in the abdomen, (Tabac.)
vi) Besides this, Breathing oppressed.
vii) Lastly, Heat has no palliative effect. (Ref. Farrington’s Clinical Materia Medica)
4) Sweat
i) Firstly, Sweat of Veratrum Alb. is very characteristic.
ii) Secondly, Cold and clammy sweat all over the body especially on the forehead.
5) Pulse
- Farrington in Clinical Materia Medica narrates that cardiac debility follows after acute disease, so heart muscles become weak, also the pulse is thread like.
6) After effect:
i) Complete prostration; additionally remarkable weakness (+++).
ii) After the collapse, patient may desire for large quantity of very cold water, refreshing things also acids etc.
iii) Dr. Farrington reports that cramps in the calves of the legs, also thighs, may be associated during and after collapsed condition also there might be profuse diarrheic condition during and after collapsed state.
State the characteristic symptoms of Veratrum Album.
i) Profuseness in Verartrum Album
- Profuseness of all the discharges i.e.: Vomiting. diarrhoea, menses, sweat etc. all are profuse which characterizes Veratrum Album.
ii) Collapse in Verartrum Album
i) Firstly, Rapid sinking of the vital forces.
ii) Secondly, Complete prostration. Additionally, Collapsed condition.
iii) Perspiration in Verartrum Album
i) Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints.
iv) Manias in Verartrum Album
It has:
i) Firstly, Violent mania of Belladonna,
ii) Secondly, Religious mania of Stramonium, and
iii) Thirdly, Lascivious mania of Hyoscyamus.
iv) Fourthly, These three manias alternate and one tries to supersede the other.
v) Thirst of Verartrum Album
i) Firstly, Intense, unquenchable for large quantities of very cold water and acid drinks
ii) Secondly, Wants everything cold.
iii) Thirdly, Craving for acids or refreshing things.
vi) Sensations in Verartrum Album
i) Firstly, Sinking feeling during haemorrhages.
ii) Secondly, Sensation of a lump of ice on vertex, with chilliness.
iii) Thirdly, Sensation as of heat and cold at the same time on scalp.
iv) Fourthly, Sensation as if brain were torn to pieces. (7)