Psychiatric History Taking

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Psychiatric History Taking


The amount of detail and the focus of the psychiatric history taking vary from case to case but the basic aims are the same it is not necessary to learn a separate interview for each condition.

Here are some synonyms for "psychiatric history taking":

  • Mental health assessment
  • Clinical interview
  • Psychiatric evaluation
  • Anamnesis (medical term for gathering information about a patient’s medical history)
  • Case history

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Presenting Complaints 

In this part of Psychiatric History Taking The interviewer should allow patients adequate time to talk spontaneously before asking questions, otherwise they may not reveal all their problems.

Psychiatric history taking is a structured interview conducted by a mental health professional to gather comprehensive information about a patient’s mental health concerns, including their current symptoms, past psychiatric history, medical history, family history, and social circumstances.

It forms the foundation for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning in mental healthcare. It allows the clinician to understand the patient’s unique experiences, identify potential contributing factors, and tailor the treatment approach accordingly.

  • History of the presenting problems
  • Background history
  • Family history
  • Personal history
  • Social history
  • Past medical history
  • Past psychiatric history
  • Medicines
  • Personality
  • Corroborative history

7 Category 

  • Family history
  • Personal history
  • Social History
  • Past Medical History
  • Past psychiatric history
  • Medicines
  • Personality

The information gathered helps the clinician identify patterns, rule out other potential causes, and match the patient’s presentation with established diagnostic criteria.

Information gathered includes:

  • Presenting complaint: The reason the patient is seeking help.
  • History of present illness: Detailed account of the current problem.

  • Past psychiatric history: Any previous mental health conditions or treatments.
  • Past medical history: Other medical conditions and medications.
  • Family history: Mental health conditions in the family.
  • Social history: Lifestyle, relationships, occupation, etc.
  • Substance use history: Use of alcohol, drugs, or other substances.
  • Mental status examination: Assessment of the patient’s current mental state.
  • General well-being
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Memory
  • Alcohol and illicit drugs

Yes, patient confidentiality is strictly maintained, except in situations where there is a risk of harm to oneself or others.

Excerpts (Summary)

Psychiatric History Taking: Unveiling the Path to Mental Wellness

Psychiatric history taking is the cornerstone of mental healthcare, providing a comprehensive understanding of a patient's mental health concerns. This crucial process, conducted by trained mental health professionals, involves gathering detailed information about the patient's current symptoms, past psychiatric and medical history, family history, social circumstances, and substance use. By exploring these facets, clinicians can accurately diagnose mental health conditions, identify potential contributing factors, and develop personalized treatment plans that foster healing and recovery.

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