Calcarea Carb

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Calcarea Carb


Calcarea Carbonica, often abbreviated as Calc Carb, is a popular homeopathic remedy derived from the middle layer of oyster shells. It’s a polychrest remedy, meaning it’s used for a wide range of health issues.

Calcarea Carb/Calcarea carbonica has several other names depending on the context:

  • Calcium carbonate: This is the chemical name for the main component of Calcarea carbonica, a naturally occurring mineral compound.
  • Oystershell calcium: This highlights the fact that Calcarea carbonica is often derived from oyster shells.
  • Eggshell calcium: Similar to oystershell calcium, some forms come from eggshells.
  • Hahnemannian Calcarea: This refers to Calcarea carbonica prepared according to the methods of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy.


  • In homeopathy, it might be simply referred to as "Calcarea carb" or "Calcarea C" for brevity.
Choosing the Right Name:
  • Scientific Context: Use "calcium carbonate" for the scientific identification of the compound.
  • Homeopathic Context: "Calcarea carbonica" or "Calcarea carb" are appropriate for discussing the homeopathic remedy.
  • Informal Context: "Oystershell calcium" or "eggshell calcium" might be used if referring to the source in a casual setting.

Important Note:

  • When discussing Calcarea carbonica, be mindful of the context. If referring to the homeopathic remedy, it’s crucial to distinguish it from its use as a calcium supplement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Adenopathy, Arthritis, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Colds, Connective tissue disease, Constipation, Mononucleosis, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Nasal polyps, Otitis media, Phobic disorder, Premenstrual syndrome, Scleroderma, Scoliosis, Seizure disorder, Systemic lupus, Tonsillitis, Uterine fibroid. [2]

i) Calcarea carb. i.e.:

Late learning to walk in children due to curvature of bones especially, spine also long bones. Bones soft, crooked, deformed; irregularly developed. Besides this, Defective assimilation: imperfect ossification-children have no disposition to walk and will not try.

ii) Baryta carb i.e.: 

Late learning to walk-children both physically also mentally weak. Memory deficient: child can’t be taught for as it cannot remember.

iii) Causticum i.e.:

Children slow in learning to walk due to disturbed functional activities of brain also spinal cord, resulting paralytic weakness of the brain.

iv) Silicea i.e.: 

Slow in learning to walk due to weak ankles; resulting in late walking which is also characterised by malnutrition-constitution suffer from deficient nutrition, not because food is lacking in quality or in quantity, but from imperfect assimilation.

 i)  Firstly, Antim. crud. ii) Secondly, Calcarea carb. iii) Thirdly, Ammon. carb. iv) Fourthly, Graphites, v) Lastly, Pulsatilla.

 It is prepared from two sources i.e.:

i) Animal kingdom: Specifically From the middle layer of oyster shell (Most common). ii) Mineral kingdom: Specifically From Calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

i) Firstly, Calcarea carb.

ii) Secondly, Phosphorus.

iii) Thirdly, Pulsatilla.

 Master Hahnemann’s trio of anti psoric: (Ref. Tyler’s Lyco. chapter).

i) The king of the kingdom of psora: Sulphur. ii) The prince of the kingdom of psora: Lycopodium. iii) The queen of the kingdom of psora: Calcarea carb.

i) Firstly, Calcarea carb.

ii) Secondly, Lycopodium.

iii) Thirdly, Silicea.

3 Medicines are given below

i) Firstly, Calcarea carb.

ii) Secondly, Pulsatilla.

iii) Thirdly, Sulphur.

i) Free sweat i.e.: Bryonia.

ii) Children who sweat easily i.e.: Calcarea carb.

iii) Profuse perspiration attends nearly every complaint i.e.: Mercurius.

 I)Location i.e.:

a) Mostly on back of head and neck.

b) On chest and upper part of body (Silicea).

c) Sweat in single parts; head, scalp wat & cold; nape of neck; chest, axillae, sexual organs; hands, knees, feet, etc.

ii) Character i.e.:

i) Firstly, Head sweats profusely while sleeping wetting the pillow far around.

ii) Secondly, Rawness of soles of feet from perspiration.

iii) Thirdly, Blisters and offensive foot sweat.

iv) Fourthly, Sweat in patches (Kent).

v) After that, Sweat is sour smelling.

vi) Lastly, Suppressed sweat sometimes in children.

i) Calcarea carb. i.e.: Large head fontanelles also sutures open; bones soft, develop very slowly.

ii) Silicea i.e.: Scrofulous, rachitic children, with large head, open fontanelles also sutures


Diseases arising from defective assimilation; furthermore imperfect ossification.

a) Constitution:

i) Psoric, chilly, scrofulous, leucophlegmatic.

ii) Fair, fatty and flabby. In detail, Disposed to grow fat, corpulent, unwredy.

iii) large head also anterior fontanelle also sutures are open.

iv) Abdomen swollen like an inverted saucer.

v) Puffy face.

vi) Children with red face, flabby muscles; additionally pale, weak, timid, easily tired.

vii) Who sweats easily also take cold readily in consequence.

viii) Children prone to brain troubles (Bell., Hell., Tuber.).

b) Physical symptoms:
1) Bones i.e.:

i) Firstly, Delayed ossification; additionally bones soft, develops very slowly.

ii) Secondly, Curvature of bones especially spine, and long bones.

iii) Thirdly, Extremities are crooked, deformed.

iv) Fourthly, Bones irregularly developed; so, late learning to walk.

2) Head i.e.:  

i) Firstly, Large.

ii) Secondly, Fontanelles also sutures are open,

3) Teeth i.e.: –

Difficult also delayed dentition.

4) Tonsil i.e.: –

i) Firstly, Tendency to enlarge, due to tubercular diathesis.

ii) Secondly, Cold settles in the tonsil.

5) Abdomen i.e.:

i) Firstly, Enlarged abdomen.

ii) Secondly, Pit of the stomach swollen like an inverted saucer, also painful to pressure.

6) Desire i.e.:

i) Firstly, For indigestible things, such as clay. chalk, etc.

ii) Secondly, Desire for either yellow portion of the egg or boiled egg.

iii) Thirdly, Longing for fresh air which inspires. benefits and strengthens.

iv) Fourthly, Insatiate craving for salt.

7) Stool i.e.:

i) During dentition.

ii) Either Clay or white coloured.

iii) Diarrhoea of children, sour smelling (Hepar).

iv) Feels better in every way when constipated.

v) During constipation– stool has to be removed mechanically.

vi) Constipation: stool large, hard, impacted, so that it requires mechanical aid

8) Sweat i.e.: 

i) Firstly, Profuse head sweats while sleeping.

ii) Secondly, Mostly on back of head and neck, or chest also upper part of the body.

iii) Thirdly, Wets pillow far around.

iv) Fourthly, Sour sweat-sour odour of the whole body.

c) Mind:

 i) Firstly, Desire to be magnetised

ii) Secondly, Full of fear: can’t bear to be alone: fear of darkness; anxious if they listens the tales of quarrel. In the evening his imagination is so excited; sees visions of rats, mice, etc.

iii) Thirdly, Night terrors in children.

i) Firstly, lung diseases of tall, slender, rapidly growing youth.

ii) Secondly, In children and young people, who grow too rapidly (Phos. acid, Calc phos.

   i) Firstly, Argentum nitricum. ii) Secondly, Calcarea carb. iii) Thirdly, Apis mel. iv) Fourthly, Pulsatilla, v) Lastly, Sulphur.

a) Suitability i.e.:

I) Firstly, Suited to those, whose menarche (first menstruation) commence at an early age.

ii) Secondly, Girls who are fleshy, plethoric and grow too rapidly.

b) Time i.e.: –

Too early; additionally premature.

c) Quantity i.e.:

i) Firstly, Too profuse.

ii) Secondly, Sometimes scanty or suppressed menses.

d) Duration i.e.:

Too long lasting with subsequent amenorrhoea.

e) Character of blood i.e.

Bright red blood.

f) Before menstruation i.e.:

i) Firstly, Swelling, painful sensitiveness and tenderness of breasts (Clarke).

ii) Secondly, Disposition to be frightened.

iii) Thirdly, Headache before menses (Clarke).

g) During menstruation i.e.:

i) Firstly, Feet feels habitually cold and damp, as if they had on cold damp stockings.

ii) Secondly, Rush of blood to the head.

iii) Thirdly, Vertigo with heat in the head.

iv) Fourthly, Toothache, nausea, colic during menses (Clarke).

v) Lastly, Sour vomiting.

h) After menstruation i.e.:

Pleasurable sensation especially in the parts.

i) Modalities i.e.:

Agg. Specifically, From least mental excitement, which causes profuse return of menstrual flow (Sulphur, Tuber.).

j) Concomitants i.e.

i) Firstly, Great anxiety and palpitation of the heart.

ii) Secondly, Back of the head and upper part of the body sweats profusely.

iii) Thirdly, Craving for sour foods and eggs.

iv) Fourthly, Coldness in general and in single parts.

v) Lastly, Eruption on face of young women, esp. during scanty menses (Bellis.,Eugenia., Psor., Sang. can.).

a) Suitability i.e.:

i) Firstly, In little girls.

ii) Secondly, Before puberty or at the time of puberty.

iii) Thirdly, Leucorrhoea in children from atony (Millefolium).

b) Ch. of leucorrhoea i.e.:

i) Firstly, Cervical leucorrhoea.

ii) Secondly, Milky white, mucus also albuminous; acrid in character.

iii) Thirdly, Leucorrhoea before also after menses.

iv) Fourthly, Burning, itching of the vulva and cervix.

v) Lastly, Leucorrhoea during the emission of urging (Clarke).

c) Associated symptoms :

with great lassitude also debility.

Causation i.e.: –

i) Firstly, Uraemic or other diseases brought on by standing on cold, damp pavements.

ii) Secondly, Working while standing in cold water.

iii) Thirdly, Modellers or workers in cold-clay.

Apis mel., Calcarea carb., Pulsatilla., Aurum. met., Lachesis. PAR (Ref. Lac. can. chapter of Allen’s key-note).

Medicines given below:

i)Coldness of single parts i.e.: Calc. carb., Kali bi.

ii)Icy coldness of face, tip of nose, feet, legs, hands, arms, and many other parts i.e.: Veratrum alb.

iii)Cold feeling in abdomen i.e.: Colchicum., Veratrum alb.

iv) Awakens from cold knees at night i.e.: Apis., Carbo. veg.

v) One hand icy cold, the other warm i.e.: China., Ipecac. Puls.

vi) Hydrocephalus: deathly coldness in forearm of children i.e.: Arnica.

vii) Heat of upper part of body, coldness of lower i.e.: Arnica,

viii) In the last stage of disease, with ‘cold tongue i.e.: Carbo veg.

Three medicines given below

i) Firstly, Calcarea carb.

ii) Secondly, Cina.

iii) Thirdly, Lycopodium.

(Ref. Lac. can. chapter of Allen’s key-note).

i) Firstly, Calcarea carb. ii)Secondly, Graphites. iii) Thirdly, Sulphur.

i) Firstly, Calcarea carb. ii) Secondly, Phosphorus III) Thirdly, Lycopodium. iv) Fourthly, Sulphur.

3 Medicines are given below:

i) Firstly, Calcarea carb.

ii) Secondly, China.

III) Thirdly, Hepar sulph (Other Digitalis)..

1.Anti psoric i.e.: –

It is one of the members of Master Hahnemann’s trio of anti psoric. (-others, Lyco podium also Sulphur). (Ref. Lycopodium chapter of Dr Tylers’ Drug pictures).

2.Chilly i.e.

i) Firstly, Constitution is deficient of a (Alumina, Silicea).ii) Secondly, Sensitive to cold, take cold readily. Animal,  iii) Thirdly, Aversion to cold right through her.

3. Coldness i.e.:

 i) Firstly, Generalized, ii) Secondly, Of single parts viz. of head, stomach, feet and legs.


i) Location i.e.:

a) Mostly on back of head also neck., b) on chest also upper part of the body.

ii) Character i.e.:-

a) Head sweats profusely, while sleeping wetting the pillow far around., b) Sweat is sour smelling.

5.Desires i.e.- 

i) Firstly, Longing for eggs., ii) Secondly, Desire to be magnetised., iii) Thirdly, Longing for fresh air, iv) Fourthly, Craves indigestible things.

6) Discharges i.e.: –

All the discharges are sour in character-sour vomiting and diarrhoea, sour perspiration; additionally sour odour of the whole body.


(Esp. the children who catch cold easily, sensitive to draughts of air, suffers from congestive attacks of fever, headache, catarrh, etc. and controlled by Belladonna in acute stage; these cases find similimum in Calcarea carb. provided the constitutional totality corroborates-it removes such dyscrasias) [6]

Excerpts (Summary)

Discover the potential benefits of Calcarea Carb, a homeopathic remedy derived from oyster shells. Learn how this natural approach might support individuals struggling with fatigue, anxiety, skin issues, digestive problems, and more. Explore if Calcarea Carb aligns with your individual health needs and consult a homeopathic practitioner for personalized guidance.
Uncover the potential of Calcarea Carb, a natural homeopathic remedy derived from oyster shells. Learn how this gentle approach might support individuals struggling with a range of health concerns, including fatigue, anxiety, skin problems, digestive issues, and more. Explore if Calcarea Carb aligns with your unique health needs and seek guidance from aqualified homeopathic practitioner.

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