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Causticum Homeopathy Medicine Memory Tip Symptoms Constitution Use Disease Dose Potency Repetition Drug Picture Mann Homoeopathic Clinic Rajkot



Causticum has a few other names depending on the context:

  • Kali causticum: This is the chemical name for potassium hydroxide, the main substance used to prepare Causticum.
  • Hahnemannian Causticum: This refers to Causticum prepared according to the methods of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy.

Less Common Names:

  • Tinctura acris sine: This is a historical name for Causticum.

Informal Context (avoid in medical settings):

  • Causticum Hahnemanni: This is a combination of the chemical and Hahnemannian names, but not commonly used.

Choosing the Right Name:

  • Medical Context: Avoid using Causticum as a substitute for a medical diagnosis or treatment.
  • Homeopathic Context: "Causticum" or "Kali causticum" are appropriate for discussing the homeopathic remedy.

Important Note:

  • Causticum is a substance with various uses. When referring to Causticum, be mindful of the context to avoid confusion. If discussing the homeopathic remedy, distinguish it from its use in other contexts (e.g., as a chemical).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

a) Causation i.e.:

  1. Firstly, From exposure to cold, draught of cold air.
  2. Secondly, After pertussis.
  3. Thirdly, Cough during pregnancy.

b) Character of the cough i.e.:

  1. Firstly, Mostly dry, sometime loose.
  2. Secondly, Hollow, racking cough. It sounds as if he were coughing into barrel (Kent).
  3. Thirdly, Inability to expectorate; sputa must be swallowed.
  4. Fourthly, Expectoration chiefly at night.

c) Modalities:

Agg. i.e.: i) Firstly, On expiration, ii) Secondly, In clear fine weather. iii) Thirdly, On bending forward.

Amel. i.e.: i) Firstly, By drinking cold water, ii) Secondly, In damp, wet weather.

d) Concomitants i.e.:

  1. Firstly, During cough: pain in hips.
  2. Secondly, Involuntary urination from coughing.
  3. Thirdly, Rawness also soreness in the throat & chest.
  4. Fourthly, Hoarseness and aphonia which agg. in the morning.
  5. Lastly, At night unable to get an easy position or lie still a moment.

Toothache i.e.: Ameliorated by holding ice-water in the mouth, but returns when water becomes warm. (Bry, Cham Puls.).

i) Constitution i.e.: 

Children with dark hair and eyes, delicate, sensitive; weakly, yellow, shallow complexion with psora in the back-ground.

ii) Character of symptoms:

a) Mile-stones i.e.:
  1. Firstly, Children slow in learning to walk.
  2. Secondly, Unsteady walking and easy falling of little children.
  3. Thirdly, Disturbed functional activity of brain and spinal cord, from exhausting disease or severe mental shock.
b) Skin i.e.:
  1. Firstly, Skin prone to intertrigo during dentition (Lyco).
  2. Secondly, Warts: large, jagged, often pedunculated, bleeding easily: exuding moisture; small, all over the body on eyelids; face; on the nose.
c) Stool i.e.:
  • Constipation in children, stool tough and shining, like grease.
d) Urine i.e.:
  1. Firstly, Urine involuntary, when coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose.
  2. Secondly, Urine passes unconsciously day and night.
  3. Thirdly, Nocturnal enuresis in children.
e) Mental i.e.:
  1. Firstly, The least thing makes the child cry.
  2. Secondly, Melancholic mood.
  3. Thirdly, Sadness, weeping of children.

 Modalities i.e.:

  1. Firstly, in clear fine weather.
  2. Secondly, in damp, wet weather.

5 Homeopathic medicines for night watching.

i) Firstly, Causticum,

ii) Secondly, Colchicum,

iii) Thirdly, Ignatia,

iv) Fourthly, Nitric acid,

v) Lastly, Nux vomica

Hahnemann’s Tinctura acris sine Kali.

 1) Look of the skin i.e.:

  • especially burns and scalds; freshen up, becomes sore again.
  • Warts, large, jagged, often pedunculated, bleeding easily, exuding moisture small all over the body; on eyelids, face; on the nose.
  • Skin prone to intertrigo, especially during dentition.

2) Burns and scalds i.e.:

  • Bad effects of burns also scalds. They freshen up. become sore again; old injuries re-open; patients say, ‘they never been well since that burn."

3) Soreness i.e.:

  • Soreness in folds of skin, back of ears, between thighs etc. with rawness.

4) Warts and condylomata i.e.:

  • All over the body; large, jagged, often pedunculated especially on eyelids, face, on nose etc, which bleeds easily (Nit. acid).

5) Cicatrices i.e.:

  • Cicatrices freshen up. Old injuries re-open.

6Vein i.e.:

  • Vericose vein.

7Modalities i.e.:

  • Skin diseases agg. in clear fine weather also amel in damp, wet weather.

a) Causation i.e.:

  1. Firstly, From exposure to cold wind.
  2. Secondly, From draft of air.
  3. Thirdly, After typhoid fever or typhus or diphtheria etc.
  4. Fourthly, Bad effects of lead-poisoning (bad-effects of holding type in mouth of compositors).

b) Type i.e.:

Chronic variety. Disturbed functional activity of brain also spinal cord, from exhausting disease or severe mental shock, resulting in paralysis.

c) Side i.e.:

Mainly right-sided paralysis.

d) Onset i.e.:

Slow insidious: gradually appearing.

e) Character of symptoms i.e.:

  • Paralysis of single parts, i.e., in vocal organs, tongue, eyelids, face, extremities, bladder, etc.
  • Paralysis of single nerve (Ref. Clarke).
  • Neuralgia of the right cheek-bones to mastoid process aggravation especially at night.
  • Drooping of upper eye-lids; can’t keep them open.
  • Faint-like sinking of strength; weakness also trembling.

f) Sensation i.e.:

  • Sensation of rawness also soreness in the affected parts.

g) Modalities i.e.:

  1. Firstly, in clear fine weather.
  2. Secondly, in damp wet, weather.

h) Concomitants and associated symptoms i.e.

  • Very much sympathetic patient-intense sympathy for the suffering of others.
  • Allied to paralysis are convulsion, chorea. cramps, restlessness, etc.

 i) Firstly, Argentum met, ii) Secondly, Causticum, iii) Thirdly, Argentum Nitricum, iv) Fourthly, Phosphorus.

I.  Paralysis i.e.:

  • Nash’s trio of chronic rheumatism also paralysis, others are Rhus tox and Sulphur.
  • Paralysis of single parts; generally, of sight sided: which appears gradually.

II. Rawness and soreness i.e.:

  • Rawness also soreness of all the affected parts; of scalp, throat, respiratory tract, rectum, anus, urethra. vagina etc.

III. Delayed mile-stones i.e.:

  • Late learning to walk in children, unsteady walking and easy falling of little children due to disturbed functional activity of brain also spinal cord.

IV. ‘I have never been well since’ i.e.

  • Cicatrices, especially burns, scald, freshen up, become sore again; old injuries reopen: patients say, or they never have been well since that burn".

 V. Sympathetic i.e.:

  • Patient is extremely sympathetic i.e.: sympathy for the suffering of others.

VIAilments from i.e.:

a) Physical i.e.
  • Loss of sleep, night watching.
  • Suppressed eruptions.
  • They have never been well since that burn.
  • Disturbed functional activity of brain also spinal cord, from exhausting diseases.
b) Psychical i.e.
  • Long lasting grief also sorrow
  • Sudden emotions
  • Fear, fright
  • Joy
  • Anger also vexation. (9)

Burns, Convulsions, Diphtheritic paralysis, Enuresis, Epilepsy, Facial paralysisFistula, Herpes zoster, Impotence, Influenza, Intermittent fever, Lead poisoning, Leucorrhoea, Locomotor ataxia, Neuralgia, Pemphigus, Prostatitis, Ptosis, Rheumatism, Scabies, Small-pox, Stammering, Tongue paralysis, Urethritis, Urine disordered, Varicose veins. Voice lost, Warts, Whooping-cough.(10)

i) Firstly, Causticum, ii) Secondly, Gelsemium, iii) Thirdly, Sepia 

i) Antim. crud. i.e.: Disposition to abnormal growths of the skin, large horny corns on soles of feet, very sensitive when walking, esp., on stone-pavements.

ii) Causticum i.e.: –Warts: large. jagged, often pedunculated, bleeding easily: exuding moisture small, all over the body: on eyelids, face; on the nose.

iii) Nitric Acid i.e.: -Warts, condylomata: sycotic or syphilitic; large, jagged, pedunculated; bleeding readily on washing; moist, oozing with sticking pain. (Other medicine for warts: a) Thuja: Fig warts, condylomata also wart-like excrescences upon mucous membranes and cutaneous surfaces. Warts: large, seedy, pedunculated).

Five Homeopathic medicines

i) Argentum met i.e.: Hoarseness of professional singers, public speakers. Agg. when talking, singing. reading aloud.

ii) Calcarea carb i.e.: Painless hoarseness, agg. in the morning.

iii) Carbo veg i.e.: Hoarseness agg. in the evening; damp evening air; warm weather; fails when exerted.

iv) Causticum i.e.: Hoarseness with rawness, and aphonia; agg. In the morning.

v) Phosphorus i.e.: Hoarseness, agg in the evening.

Dr. Nash refers, "If Hahnemann had never given to the Homoeopathic school any remedy but Causticum, the world would still be to him under lasting obligations."

 i) Firstly, Causticum. ii) Secondly, Rhus tox. iii) Thirdly, Sepia.

Causticum is one of the celebrated polychrest. Still then, Dr. Allen refers, "subject to affection of respiratory also urinary tracts."

As in general, medicines having hydrogenoid constitution are worse in damp wet weather, yet then the peculiarity of Causticum is it feels better in damp wet weather.


i.e.: It antidotes the abuse of Sulphur in scabies.

Excerpts (Summary)

Causticum is a powerful homeopathic remedy known for its effectiveness in treating a wide range of physical and mental conditions. Its unique symptom profile and versatility make it a valuable tool in the hands of a skilled homeopath. If you're experiencing symptoms that resonate with Causticum, consider consulting a qualified practitioner to determine if this remedy is right for you.

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