Puls. doesn’t have any true synonyms in the world of homeopathy. However, it does have some common names it’s referred to by herbalists including:
- Puls.,
- Pulsatilla Pratensis,
- Pulsatilla nigricans
- Windflower
- Meadow anemone
- Pasque flower
Phlegmatic temperament:
Hahnemann gives in masterly fashion the picture of the Puls. disposition and temperament; a timid, lachrymose disposition with a tendency to inward grief and silent peevishness, or at all events a mild and yielding disposition, especially when the patient in his normal health was good-tempered and mild (or even frivolous and good-humouredly waggish).
It is therefore especially adapted to slow, phlegmatic temperament.
Phlegmatic temperament means slow respiration, and sluggish in reaction (Ref. Stedman’s medical dictionary).
But according to Chambers’ 20th century dictionary it means calm, quiet and unexcitable.
On the other hand, it is but little suitable for persons who from their resolutions with rapidity and are quick in their movements, even though they may appear to be good tempered. (Ref. Clarke’s dictionary of Materia Medica).
Promptitude, dogmatism, vehemence are traits unknown to her. This is one main reason why she is so much loved by everybody that knows her. She is unexcitable; thus, never quarrels with her husband.
Unnatural brooding:
N. M. Chowdhury reports that the Puls. patient is so gentle that she can hardly say a cruel word to anybody.
A Puls. wife never quarrels with her husband.
She is very different from those hasty, irritable housewives that return tenfold of what they get.
Person is little indecisive in her character. She keeps on brooding for hours as to what course to follow.
Lachrymal mood
Choleric disposition, cries and weeping. The only fault in her character is her weeping mood. She can’t relate her symptoms without weeping.
The least thing throws her off her balance. In fact, she cries even when nothing has happened, or at least it is very difficult to account for the reason of her crying at all.
Thus, for example, when she comes to her doctor for a trivial ailment, which a patient of a more cheerful disposition would overlook, she will almost break her heart crying while telling him about it.
This tendency to weep as, Dr. N. M. Chowdhury considers the most important feature of the Puls. patient.
There are several remedies we have, for lachrymal mood viz.; Nat. Mur., Stannum., Sepia, Lyco. but when the totality of Puls. corresponds, that must be the Puls.
Note: Dr. Tyler said, remember, it is not the disease but the drug that matters, and it must match, in its mentality and its strange, rare, and peculiar symptoms, those of the individual with that disease.
Note: Dr. Allen said in Stannum. chapter, that crying makes her worse. (Natrum Mur., Stannum., Sepia and our Puls.).
Silent peevishness:
Farrington reports that patients are never irascible, although at times peevish. Thus, in the case of a child with some gastric ailments. Puls. may be used when it is peevish, pale, chilly and satisfied with nothing.
Tyler has given a case of Puls. "Irritable, changeable, laughs and cries easily fear of the dark; of death; suspicious, loathes fat and dreams of cats. Puls. has all these symptoms in the highest type and has caused dreams of cats.
It is interesting to note that our lamented Kent has kept Puls. in first grade amongst irritable remedies .
Our Master Kent said, Puls. woman is remarkably irritable, not in the sense of pugnacity, but easily irritated extremely touchy (-snappish, Chamo.), always feels slighted.
Amelioration from consolation:
The Puls. woman is rather mild, tearful and easily discouraged. It acts best when there is a disposition to chilliness and adipsia.
Sometimes she is full of anxiety, with forebodings of some impending disaster.
This anxiety comes from the epigastrium, and is very likely to be associated with indigestion.
It is often accompanied by chattering of teeth. palpitation of the heart and flushes of heat.
The peculiarity of the mental symptoms of Puls. is all mental condition ameliorated by consolatione., the patients seek consolation.
This is the differential point of distinguishing of Puls. patient from other remedies of lachrymal disposition (Ref. Farrington.).
Farrington also reports that, Ignatia. patient hides her grief but Pulsatilla shows it through weeping.
Boericke said that the patient likes sympathy.
Timid, taciturn-madness:
Kent said Puls. is sensible to every social influence. Fixed ideas concerning the scriptures, the patient misuses and misapplies the scriptures to her own detriment, dwells on sanctification until she becomes fanatical and awkward; thinks the pt. is in a wonderfully sanctimonious state of mind, or that she has sinned away her day of grace. This goes on until the patient becomes awkward on other subjects, and then the tendency is to sit day after day in a taciturn way.
Puerperal insanity in a woman who was mild, gentle and tearful, later sad and taciturn and then she sits in her chair all day answering nothing or merely modding her head for "Yes" or "No".
N. M. Chowdhury illustrates that she becomes really unbelievable, subject to the strongest hallucinations occasionally.
The idea of going to bed is dis-tasteful to her. She imagines that somebody is lying naked, wrapped up in the same bed-cloths. Strange as it may seem, such symptoms are not very infrequent. We have other remedies with somewhat similar symptom like Rhus Tox., Chloralum., Euphorbium.
Covetous with sullen cold, and wandering sigh. (Clarke).
The pt. is an indecisive in her character. Dr. N. M. C. discussed the delineation of the mental condition of Puls. She is prone to menstrual irregularities and particularly at this time her mental phenomena undergo strange transformations. She becomes gloomy and morose. A sort of dread, pervades her whole being the dread of eternal damnation.
The bright light of hope that leads on all human being, gets extinguished as far as she is concerned. At night the world seems to be on fire and the devil dances all round in the light of that unshallowed fire. Sometimes she rushes to seize her and she screams and cries, pleading to be rescued.
Great anguish and inquietude mostly in precordial region, sometimes with inclination to die himself (Clarke).
Like April day – changeable mood:
Nash said that changeability of the symptoms like April day.
One of the characteristic symptoms is changeableness of symptoms (Ign., Nux. M.) is also found in the disposition. The patient is now irritable, then tearful again, or mild and pleasant but, even with irritableness is easily made to cry.
Nash also says we sometimes have patients come into the office, and find in trying to take their case no "head or tail “to it. It is mixed. Puls. will often clear up and cures the case.
Farrington has described the changeableness of mental symptoms. He said that in the mental symptoms, too, are of the same fickle nature, the patient now being irritable, then tearful and again mild and pleasant.
Low Spirit-Fear:
Clarke reports that Puls. has great fear. Fits of anxiety. with fear of death, or of an apoplectic attack, with buzzing in ears, shivering, and convulsive movements of fingers, apprehension, anthropophobia, fear of ghosts at night or in evening, with an impulse to hide or to run away, mistrust and suspicion.
"As evening comes on, begings to fear ghosts" (Clarke).
Hering gives these additional touches to the Puls. type: sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face easily moved to or tears, affectionate, mild, timid, gentle, yielding disposition, inclined to be fleshy, easy disposition.
Notes: 1) Besides this, Dr. Kent says that, it has melancholia, sadness, weeping, despair, religious despair, fanatical, full of notions and whims, imaginative, extremely excitable. She imagines the company of the another sex a dangerous thing to cultivate. They imagine that certain articles of diet are not good for the human race. Aversion to marriage is a strong symptom. A man takes it into his head that it is an evil thing to have sexual intercourse with his wife and abstains from it; religious freaks.
2) Mental calmness indicates Puls.
- (contraindicates, Acon. Cham.) (Guernsey).
3) It is especially applicable to those states of hypochondriacal depression preceded or accompanied by profuse catarrhal discharges, and by inflammatory condition of the genital organs in both sexes (Talcott).
4) Dr. Hering has described Puls. pt. fatigued by mental labour; after slight emotions difficult breathing.(5)
The pains are changeable and erratic. Character of the pain is drawing, tearing. They come and go and keep on changing their locations.
Pains rapidly shifted from one part to another (Kali. Bi., Lac. C., Mang. Ac.). As Master Hering said. "Wandering pain shifts rapidly from one part to another, also with swelling and redness of joints".
According to Dr. Clarke, "The wandering pains of Puls. are generally distensive again suggesting congested vessels; and the headaches are congestive: <on stooping forward;>by tightly bandaging.
N. M. Chowdhury said, "another peculiarity of the pain is that it is almost accompanied by chills, the severity of the chills being measured by the intensity of the pain. The association of these two symptoms has always been for us a great index and it has scarcely ever disappointed us".
Pains: ‘appears suddenly, leave gradually or tension much increases until very acute and then "lets up with a snap"; on first motion (Rhus.) (Ref. Allen).
Pain is relieved by pressure and lying on affected side and by cold application. Pain is aggravated by hot application and lying on painless side.
Master Kent says, "Pulsatilla has wandering pains; rheumatism goes from joint to joint, jumps around here and there; neuralgic pain fly from place to place."
Thus, let us sum up:
i) Onset: Pain appears suddenly leaves gradually or vis-a-vis.
li) Character: Pain rapidly shifting from one part to another (Kali. Bi., Kali. S., Lac. Can.,Mag. P., Phyto.).
iii) Modality: Pain is relieved by pressure and lying on affected side (Am. C. Bry).
iv) Concomitant: Pain is accompanied by chilliness, greater the pain greater the chilliness. (-pain accompanied by profuse sweating. Chamo-with fainting. Hopar.: -with frequent micturition, Thuja: with delirium, Veratrum.) (Ref. Nash).
Uncommon peculiar thirstlessness:
Thirstlessness is one of the index of Puls, it persist nearly all complaints. As Master Kent says, "a striking feature of the Pulsatilla patient is that, he never wants water. But exception in high fevers, -there may be some thirst" (Ref. Dr. Kent. ).
Clarke said, "another keynote of Puls. is thirstlessness, and Dr. Teste gives a useful clue in suggesting that, it depend on the congestive action of the remedy.
The loss of thirst and even aversion to liquid food is "as if one had an instinctive dread of increasing the excessive fullness of the vessels" (Ref. Dr. Teste. ).
Lachrymal disposition or weeping disposition is one of the most important symptoms of Puls. The patient weeps easily. It is almost impossible to detail her ailments without weeping (-weeps when thanked, Lyco).
Kent said, it is especially for tearful blondes. Tearful, ameliorated by walking in the open air, especially when it crisp, cool, fresh and bright (Ref. Kent). "Weeps about everything; can hardly give her symptoms on account of weeping." (Ref. Dr. Hering). Crying all the time but crying makes her worse (Nat. Mur., Sep., Stannum.) (Ref. Allen), yet consolation ameliorates. Dr. N. M. Choudhury said, "this tendency to weep is, I consider, the most important feature of the Pulsatilla patient."
"Wide awake in the evening, does not want to go to bed; first sleep restless, sound asleep when it is time to get up: awakes languid, unfreshed." (Ref. Dr. Allen).
Patient sleeps on the back with hands over the head. Cannot sleep on the left side as it increases the palpitation and suffocation. Late falling asleep; sleeplessness on account of flushes of heat. (Ref. Dr. Kent.) He moves about in his sleep. Sleeplessness from ebullition of blood. He starts up in fright in his sleep. Chattering in his sleep.
Constant sleepiness and comatose sleep. with agitation and disquieting fancies, day or night. Great tendency to sleep during the day. principally in evening or afternoon. During sleep, chattering, talking, delirium, convulsive movements of mouth. eyes, limbs, cries and moans, night mare; starts from fright. (Ref: Dr. Clarke’s Dictionary Vol. III).
Changeableness is another feature of the Pulsatilla. This changeableness is a general characteristic of this remedy and we find it is manifested in all its symptoms.
This is the characteristic changeableness of Pulsatilla, manifested in the mental as well as in physical sphere.
A) Changeableness in mental sphere:
While she is mild, gentle and tearful, yet she is remarkably irritable, not in the sense of pugnacity, but easily irritated, extremely touchy, always feels slighted or fears she will be slighted; sensible to every social influence. (Ref. Kent’s lecture.);
Nash said, "the patient is now irritable, then tearful again; or mild and pleasant, but even with the irritableness."
B) Changeableness in physical sphere:
"No two chills, no two stools, no two attacks are alike; very well one hour, very miserable the next; apparently contradictory" (Ref: Allen.)
Pains shifts rapidly from one part to another. A striking feature of the bowel symptom, it is continually changing; in summer complaints, when Puls. is the indicated remedy, there will be hardly two stools are alike. This is the characteristic of Puls. in general; the pains wander; complaints change by metastasis; the patient is ever twice alike.
Diarrhoea alternates with constipation. -menstrual flow stops and starts, intermits and changes. In the patient, you never know what you will find the next. Now dysenteric stool, next stools may be diarrheic. Patient is scarcely ever twice alike. (Ref. Dr. Kent’s lecture).
Nash said, ‘Puls. will often clear up those cases which have no "head or tail" to them; in which the symptoms are always changing and contradicting”.
Hemorrhage apparently stops and, in a few hours, -returns, Alternate pale and redness of face. When one set of symptoms comes and another vanished (Ref. Dr. Clarke).
Just by only the meaning of the chilliness, it seems that ordinarily it is a common symptom; but this chilliness becomes highly characteristic of Puls.; due to its constant association with the other complaints and modalities effecting it. As because we know that severity of the chills being measured by the intensity of the disease.
Chilliness from emotional excitement; external chilliness and internal heat with diarrhoea-after fright; anxiety with shivering; chattering of the teeth and hot flushes; in short, chilliness in a warm room; even when warmly clad, passing off in the open air. (Ref. Harvey Farrington, M.D.)
The Puls. pt. is chilly, but at the same time there is extreme aversion to heat. The three characters, "chilly; aggravated by warmth; thirstless; serve to define the fever of Puls. in whatever form it may be met, –measles, mumps, typhoid, bilious, catarrhal, intermittent, rheumatic etc. The chilliness may be one sided, and associated with numbness, it may be flitting, in spots now here, now there. (Ref. Clarke).
‘Chilliness one looks up Puls, as one of the "warm remedies". But it has produced and cured chilliness, as we go through its black letter symptoms among other things, it has chilliness in a warm room’. (Ref. Dr. Tyler.)
Derangement at puberty, all the complaints are caused by derangement at pubertal age. Has never been well since that time.
First serious derangement of health is referred to the age of puberty, "never been well since."- bronchitis, phthisis’. (Ref. Dr. Clarke).
"Desire for sour, refreshing things," often desires things he cannot digest; lemonade, cheese, pungent things, highly-seasoned things, juicy things, ("aversion to: meat, butter, fatty food, pork, bread, milk, smoking").
Craves ice cream, craves pastries, yet they will not digest, and makes him worse; craves things which makes him sick. This is not uncommon. The whisky drinker craves liquor, yet knows it will kill him.
So, in Pulsatilla with regard to pastries. Craves butter cakes, with maple syrup, yet knows they will be vomited. Craves highly spiced sausage, yet averse to pork alone (Ref. Master Kent).
The discharges from all the mucous membranes are thick bland, greenish yellow.
But Dr. Kent says, leucorrhoea may be sometimes acrid and excoriating, causing rawness of the part.
The discharges are also non-irritating; seldom are they thin and watery, sometimes leucorrhoea becomes acrid, causing rawness & biting of the vagina (Ref. Harvey Farrington).
Discharges are often offensive, sometimes bloody, watery, but even then, mingled with yellow green purulent fluid (Ref. Dr. Kent).
Only or usually at night, watery, greenish yellow, very changeable; soon as they eat; from fruit, cold food or drinks, ice-creams (Ref. Allen); diarrhoea, changeable, stools preceded by rumbling and cutting in the abdomen: worse at night; from fruit or ice-cream (Ref. Dr. Harvey Farrington).
Diarrhoea, when it is very changeable and no two stools are alike, diarrhoea during menses, particular, if it comes at night. (Ref. Dr. Clarke’s Dictionary: Vol-III).(6)
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Pulsatilla
Common name :
- Wind flower
Synonyms :
- Anemone, Pulsatilla pratensis, Pasque flower
Family / Group / Class / Order :
- Ranunculaceae Family
Habit and habitat / Description :
- It is found in Scandinavia, Denmark, Germany, some parts of France, Russia, Turkey and Asia.
- It was first cultivated in England in 1731. by Mr Miller. It is a perennial plant. Stem is 1.5 metres high.
- Stem is simple, erect and rounded. Leaves are feather-like, pinnatifid with linear segments.
- Flowers are numerous bell-shaped; Colour varies from dark violet to light blue.
- They appear from March to May. Root is thick and short, sending off several strong fibre.
- The whole plant is covered with silky hair. When the plant is rubbed, its exhale’s acrid vapors. It has an acrid and burning taste. (1)
Name of prover :
- Dr Hahnemann in 1805
Introduction and history :
- It is a polychrest remedy of inestimable value to homeopathy. It is pre-eminently a woman’s remedy.
- It is one of those remedies which we are apt to select in a large measure on the basis of its mental symptoms.
- There is scarcely any disease where this remedy is not useful.
- Pulsatilla is always found in groups, as if seeking company, never or rarely, as a single specimen.
- The plant grows on dry sandy soil, having small need for water. It appears early, thriving in the cool air of first spring, but still has to be protected against chill by fine, soft hairs covering stems and leaves.
- The flower, on its gently curving stem, hangs downwards; it yields to the slightest breath of air, moving about, constantly changing its position, as the direction of wind changes.
- The name, Anemone pulsatilla is derived from the Greek word ‘anemos’, meaning ‘wing’, and from the Latin ‘pulsare’ meaning ‘pulsating with the wind’, as well as the name Wind flower expresses this characteristic.
Other points
- A popular English name for the plant is ‘Shame-faced maiden’, as though the common people have gained this impression from its appearance.
- As the position of the flower keeps changing, so does the character of soil which it seeks; some species prefer soil rich in calcium others avoid it.
- The greatest ‘changefulness’ is apparent in the enormous variety; there are more than a hundred subspecies of Pulsatilla.
- The same characteristic ‘changefulness’ exists in the colours.
- The name Pulsatilla is derived from the Latin word ‘pulsatus’ meaning to beat or to strike.
- The flowers pulsate from the growing winds; hence, the name Pulsatilla.
- Nigricans is derived from the word ‘nigger’, meaning dark colour as the flowers of this plant are usually of a dark colour.
- The flower is so tiny that it moves with the wind and so the common name is Wind flower.
- It was first employed by Arabian physicians as an external application for ulcers, and also in inflammation of eyes, toothache and headache.
- It was introduced into homeopathy in 1805 by Dr Hahnemann. (1)
Doctrine of signature :
- Pulsatilla is prepared from Wind flower and its doctrine of signature is as follows:
- As the plant grows in the desert, patient has a dry mouth.
- The plant needs less water to grow; likewise, the patient is thirstless.
- As the flowers of the plant droop downwards, the patient is very shy.
- As the flowers are so delicate, they change their direction by a draft of wind, changeability of signs and symptoms is marked.
- Since the flowers are always present in a group, the patient also likes to be in a group (likes company), does not want to be alone.
- As the stem of the plant is delicate and covered by small hair-like structures to protect it from the wind during the chilly phase, the patient likes to go into open air after putting on coverings. (1)
Preparation & Parts used :
- Mother tincture is prepared from the whole plant when flowering. Higher potencies are prepared from the mother tincture. (1)
Active principles :
- The chief constituents of this drug are potassium sulphate, anemonic acid, oil of anemon, anemon camphor, isoanemonic acid, saponin, anemonin.(1)
Constitution of Pulsatilla
Physical make up of Pulsatilla:
- It is best suited to people of slow, phlegmatic temperament who are indecisive and of timid, tearful disposition.
- Usually indicated in ladies who are fair and beautiful but inclined to be fleshy with fine hair and blue eyes, soft and lax muscles, anaemic and chlorotic with a pale face at puberty. (1)
Temperament of Pulsatilla :
- Phlegmatic 3, Melancholic 2, Sanguine 1, Nervous 1
Relation with heat & cold :
- Chilly or hot patient
Miasm :
- Psora and sycosis (1) (3)
Clinical conditions of Pulsatilla
In Homeopathy Pulsatilla medicine use by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of following Disease Conditions
- Amenorrhoea, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Conjunctivitis, Cough, Cystitis, Dementia, Depression, Dysmenorrhea, Eczema, Endometriosis, Food allergy, Gastritis, Menstrual disorders, Menopause, Metrorrhagia, Migraine, Mumps, Orchitis, Otitis media, Premenstrual syndrome, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Urethral stricture, Urethritis, Uterine prolapse, Varicose veins, Vertigo. (3)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
- Mind, veins, mucous membranes, tongue, stomach, bowels, vagina, urinary organs, female organs, eyes, ears, uterus, etc. (1)
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
- Eating fatty food and starchy food, ice cream, chill, getting feet wet, abuse of mercury, abuse of quinine, abuse of sulphur, tea and coffee, abortion, ovarian and uterine troubles, worm affections, indigestion, irregular, menses etc. (1)
Physiological action
- Pulsatilla pratensis is an active irritant to the skin producing a phenomenon ranging from tingling and burning to vesicular or pustular dermatitis.
- When the powdered root is inhaled, itching of the eyes, colic, vomiting and diarrhoea may result.
- Administered internally, the fresh juice causes burning and tingling of the tongue followed by numbness.
- It is a diuretic, diaphoretic and emmenagogue; a cardiac and vascular sedative, lowering arterial pressure and body temperature.
- In large doses, Pulsatilla affects all mucous membranes, induces nausea and vomiting, slimy diarrhoea, coryza and cough, skin eruptions, ocular pains and faulty vision.
- It produces spinal irritation at first and later, motor and sensory paralysis with stupor and coma.
- Fatal doses are followed by a slow and feeble pulse, low blood pressure, slow breathing, lowered temperature, diarrhoea, paralysis of extremities, dyspnoea, dilatation of pupils, stupor and death.
- Autopsies of poisoned cases show congestion and oedema of the lungs, hyperaemia of meninges, especially in the area of medulla.
- The heart is relaxed and together with large vessels, is filled with clotted, dark blood. In other parts, the blood is liquid.
- The liver, kidneys, spleen and other abdominal organs are not pathologic. (1)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
- It acts prominently on all mucous membranes, synovial membranes, veins, eyes, ears and sets up a catarrhal inflammation.
- It acts on skin producing a tingling and burning to vesicular or pustular dermatitis. It is an active irritant.
- It acts on the genitourinary system, especially that of females where its action is very marked producing contractive pains in the uterus; leucorrhoea of various kinds; scanty, delayed and often painful menses.
- In males it acts upon testes producing swelling of testes and pain in the spermatic cords.
- Acts on joints chiefly knees, ankles and small joints of the hands and feet producing arthritic or rheumatic inflammations.
- Pulsatilla has a diuretic action on the urinary system.
- Pulsatilla acts on the tongue producing tingling and burning of the tongue which is soon followed by numbness.
- Acts on the digestive system and produces nausea and vomiting with slimy diarrhoea.
- Acts on the kidneys and bladder, thereby producing copious discharge of mucous in the urine.
- It acts on ears where it causes catarrhal inflammation, deafness and otalgia.
- Pulsatilla is a diuretic, diaphoretic and emmenagogue; a cardiac and vascular sedative, lowering arterial pressure and body temperature.
- It produces spinal irritation at first and later, motor and sensory paralysis with stupor and coma.
- After fatal doses, it causes a slow and feeble pulse, low blood pressure, slow breathing, lowered temperature, diarrhoea, paralysis of extremities, Dyspnoea, dilation of pupils, stupor and death. (1)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Pulsatilla
- Timid; sad, yielding disposition. Easily disposed to weep or laugh.
- Weeping tendency; cannot narrate her symptoms without weeping.
- She weeps at everything, whether it is joyful or sorrowful.
- Patient is mild, gentle, amiable in character, and sometimes timid too.
- Patient is better by consolation. All symptoms are relieved by consolation, it gives her immense comfort and relief.
- Weary of life, likes sympathy. Gloomy and melancholic mood.
- Anxiety at night as if from heat. Indolence and a constant desire to lie.
- Disgust with everything, satisfied with nothing, yet not vexed. Restless mood.
- Changeability of mental conditions is found through the whole medicine.
- The patient is highly emotional, fears to be alone. Fear of ghosts and darkness; fear of meeting the another sex.
- Religious insanity. Aversion to marry. Mania from suppressed menses.
- Anguish about the heart, thinking of dying himself.
- Fancies a naked man is wrapped in her bed-clothes; dreams of men.
- Fatigued by mental labour; head is affected. Confusion in head with pains, as after intoxication or night watching. (1)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Pulsatilla
- P-Pain: drawing, tearing, erratic: rapidly shifting from one part to another.
- U-Unable to breathe well, or is chilly in warm room.
- L-Lachrymal: weeps easily: impossible to detail her ailment without weeping.
- S-Symptoms ever changing no two chills, no two stools, even no two attacks are alike.
- A-All gone sensation in stomach, in tea-drinkers.
- T-Thirstlessness: with dryness of month.
- I-Impairment of health: since puberty: ‘never been well since’.
- L-Lying on painful side: ameliorates.
- L-Laughter or tears alternate: changeable mood.
- A-Affectionate, amiable: disposition.
Keynotes / Redline symptoms of Pulsatilla:
- Weeps easily, almost impossible to detail her ailments without weeping.
- Symptoms ever changing.
- Pains rapidly shifting, tearing, drawing, erratic, are accompanied with constant chill, appear suddenly, leave gradually.
- Thirstlessness, with dryness in mouth with nearly all complaints.
- Though chilly, craves fresh, open air.
- Dry cough in the evening, and at night; loose cough in the morning.
- Diarrhoea usually at night.
- Nervousness felt intensely about the ankle.(3)
Guiding Symptoms of Pulsatilla:
- The disposition also mental state are the chief guiding symptoms to the selection of Pulsatilla.
- It is pre-eminently a female remedy, especially for mild, gentle, yielding disposition.
- Sad, crying readily; weeps when talking; changeable, contradictory.
- The patient seeks the open air; always feels better there, even though he is chilly.
- Mucous membranes are all affected.
- Discharges thick, bland, and yellowish-green.
- Often indicated after abuse of Iron tonics, also after badly-managed measles.
- Symptoms ever changing.
- Thirst less, peevish, and chilly.
- When first serious impairment of health is referred to age of puberty. Great sensitiveness.
- Wants the head high.
- Feels uncomfortable with only one pillow. Lies with hands above head.(2)
PQRS Symptoms of Pulsatilla:
- Shy. Weeping. Consolation ameliorates. Dependence. Mildness.
- Craves and ameliorated by open air or in breezes.
- Discharges bland, greenish.(3)
Confirmatory Symptoms of Pulsatilla:
- A/F – Fat, rich food, ice-cream, pork, etc.
- Mild, gentle, yielding, nervous, affectionate, undecissive females.
- Weeps easily, almost impossible to detail her ailments without weeping.
- Thirstlessness with all complaints.
- Symptoms ever changing.
- Pains shifting from one part to another, attended with chilliness.
- Though patient is chilly, patient seeks open air.
- < Evening > Walking or gentle motion.
- Delayed menarche, menses late, scanty.
- Discharges are thick, bland also yellowish greenish, except leucorrhoea which is acrid.
- Dry cough in the evening and at night, loose cough in the morning. (3)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Pulsatilla
- Abortion, Acne, Amenorrhoea, Anaemia, Bladder affections, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Chest affections, Chilblains, Colic, Cough, Diarrhoea, Disorders of pregnancy, Distension, Dyspepsia, Ear and eye affections, Female genital organ affections, Fever, Glandular ophthalmia, Gout, Haemorrhoids, Headache, Heart affections, Heartburn, Labour, Lactation, Leucorrhoea, Measles, Menstrual disorders, Mumps, Respiratory troubles, Rheumatism, Sleep disorders, Toothache, Urinary affections, Varicose veins, etc.(1)
Modality of Pulsatilla
- In a warm and closed room, from hot food and drinks, after eating, overloading the stomach, lying on the left side, lying on the painless side with head low, feet hanging down, towards evening, before midnight, from violent emotions, sitting up, beginning motion, getting wet.
- In cool open air, from cold applications, change of position, gentle continued motion, rubbing, hard pressure, lying with head high.(1)(3)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Pulsatilla
- Arg-n, Lyc, Stann, Sul-ac
Follows Well
- Ars, Bell, Bry, Ign, Kali-bi, Lyc, Nux-v, Phos, Rhus-t, Sep, Sulph
Antidoted By
- Cham, Coff, Ign, Nux-v
It Antidotes
- Ant-t, Bell, Cham, Chin-s, Cinch, Coff, Colch, Ferr, Gels, Lyc, Mag-c, Plat, Sabad, Stram, Sul-ac, Sulph
- Abies-n, Acon, Agar, Agn, Alet, All-c, Am-c, Am-m, Anac, Ant-c, Ant-t, Apis, Apoc, Arg-n, Ars, Bar-c, Bell, Berb, Bor, Bov, Brom, Bry, Calc, Camph, Cann-i, Canth, Carb-an, Carb-v, Caul, Caust, Cham, Cinch, Cob, Cocc, Coll, Cup, Cycl, Dig, Fl-ac, Gels, Glon, Graph, Ham, Helon, Hydras, Ign, Iod, Ip, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lach, Lil-t, Lob, Lyc, Merc, Morbill, Mosch, Mur-ac, Nux-m, Nux-v, Pen, Phos, Puls, Ran-b, Rhod, Rhus-t, Ric, Rob, Sabin, Sec, Sel, Sep, Sil, Spig, Stram, Sulph, Thuj, Urt-u, Valer, Verat, Xan, Zinc.(3)
Dose of Pulsatilla
- From lowest to highest potencies
Potency of Pulsatilla
- 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000.
Repetition of Pulsatilla
- Maybe repeated in acute diseases. Single dose of high potency for constitutional ailments.
Duration of action of Pulsatilla
- 40 Days (1)
1. Pulsatilla
- Meaning: The genus name encompassing a group of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. They are commonly called pasque flowers or windflowers.
- Context: Used to refer to the plant itself, its extracts, or preparations used medicinally.
2. Anemone pulsatilla or Pulsatilla vulgaris
- Meaning: A specific species of Pulsatilla, often used interchangeably with the genus name, especially in older texts.
- Context: May be used to denote this particular species when discussing its medicinal properties or historical use.
3. Homeopathy
- Meaning: A system of alternative medicine based on the principle of "like cures like." Highly diluted substances are used to trigger the body’s healing response.
- Context: Pulsatilla is a frequently used remedy in homeopathy for various ailments.
4. Tincture
- Meaning: An extract of a plant or other substance.
- Context: Pulsatilla tincture is a common preparation used in herbal medicine.
5. Herbal medicine or Phytotherapy
- Meaning: The use of plants or plant extracts for medicinal purposes.
- Context: Pulsatilla has a long history of use in traditional herbal medicine systems.
6. Amenorrhea
- Meaning: The absence of menstruation.
- Context: Pulsatilla has been traditionally used to address menstrual irregularities, including amenorrhea.
7. Dysmenorrhea
- Meaning: Painful menstruation, often accompanied by cramps.
- Context: Pulsatilla is sometimes used to relieve menstrual cramps and associated symptoms.
8. Protoanemonin
- Meaning: A toxic compound found in fresh Pulsatilla plants.
- Context: Handling fresh Pulsatilla can cause skin irritation due to the presence of protoanemonin. This compound breaks down when the plant is dried, making dried preparations generally safer to use.
9. Anemonin
- Meaning: A less toxic compound formed from the breakdown of protoanemonin.
- Context: Anemonin is believed to contribute to some of the medicinal properties attributed to Pulsatilla.
10. Contraindication
- Meaning: A condition or factor that makes the use of a particular medication or treatment inadvisable.
- Context: Pregnancy is a contraindication for the use of Pulsatilla due to its potential effects on the uterus.
References of Pulsatilla
- Homoeopahic Materia Medica by Dr. J.D.Patil Edition 2013,Section -II,Chap >Pulsatilla
- Boricke MM Chap > Pulsatillla
- Zomeo lane > Materia Medica > Keynote> Chap > Pulsatilla
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by Dr.S.K.Banerjea Vol II, section 1,Chap> Pulsatilla.
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by Dr.S.K.Banerjea Vol I,Chap 1, > Pulsatilla.
- Synoptic Memorizer of MM by Dr.S.K.Banerjea Vol I,Chap 2, > Pulsatilla.
Also Search As
Pulsatilla Also Search As
Search Engines:
- Google: The simplest and most common method is to use a search engine like Google. Try using specific keywords, such as:
- "homeopathy Pulsatilla article"
- "Pulsatilla homeopathic uses"
- "Pulsatilla remedy research"
- "homeopathic materia medica Pulsatilla"
- Specialized Homeopathic Search Engines: Some search engines focus on homeopathic information, such as:
- HomeoIndex (https://www.homeoindex.com/)
- Hpathy (https://hpathy.com/)
Homeopathic Websites and Databases:
- National Center for Homeopathy (NCH): The NCH website often features articles on specific remedies, including Pulsatilla.
- Homeopathic Educational Services (HES): HES offers online courses and resources, including articles on various homeopathic remedies.
- Homeopathic Materia Medica: Digital or online versions of classic homeopathic materia medica books will contain in-depth information about Pulsatilla.
Online Libraries and Journals:
- PubMed: Search for research articles on Pulsatilla’s effectiveness using the keywords "Pulsatilla" and "homeopathy."
- Homeopathic Journals: Many homeopathic journals publish research and case studies. Look for articles specifically related to Pulsatilla.
Social Media & Online Forums:
- Homeopathic Groups and Pages: Search for homeopathic groups or pages on social media platforms like Facebook or Reddit. These groups often share articles and discuss remedy experiences.
- Homeopathic Forums: Online forums like Abchomeopathy can be a good place to ask questions and find information on Pulsatilla.
Tips for Effective Searching:
- Use specific keywords. Avoid generic terms like "homeopathy" alone. Combine it with "Pulsatilla" and other relevant terms.
- Utilize advanced search options. Search engines offer advanced search options to narrow down your results by date, language, or file type.
- Check source credibility. Stick to reputable homeopathic organizations, websites, and journals.
- Cross-reference information. Don’t rely on a single article. Look for multiple sources to confirm the information and gain a well-rounded understanding of Pulsatilla’s uses in homeopathy.
Caution: While homeopathy is popular, it is essential to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for any health concerns. Self-treatment can be risky, especially with potent remedies like Pulsatilla.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Pulsatila is used for which diseases?
Clinical Of Puls.
Amenorrhoea, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Conjunctivitis, Cough, Cystitis, Dementia, Depression, Dysmenorrhoea, Eczema, Endometriosis, Food allergy, Gastritis, Menstrual disorders, Menopause, Metrorrhagia, Migraine, Mumps, Orchitis, Otitis media, Premenstrual syndrome, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Urethral stricture, Urethritis, Uterine prolapse, Varicose veins, Vertigo. (3)
What is doctrine of signature of pulsatilla?
Doctrine Of Signature for Puls.
Puls. is prepared from Wind flower and its doctrine of signature is as follows:
- As the plant grows in the desert, patient has a dry mouth.
- The plant needs less water to grow; likewise, the patient is thirstless.
- As the flowers of the plant droop downwards, the patient is very shy.
- As the flowers are so delicate, they change their direction by a draft of wind, changeability of signs and symptoms is marked.
- Since the flowers are always present in a group, the patient also likes to be in a group (likes company), does not want to be alone.
- As the stem of the plant is delicate and covered by small hair-like structures to protect it from the wind during the chilly phase, the patient likes to go into open air after putting on coverings. (1)
State the diarrhoea of Pulsatilla.
Diarrhoea of Puls.
a) Causation:
- After taking fatty foods, pork etc.
- After taking fruits.
- After taking cold food or drinks, ice-cream etc.
- After taking rich foods.
- After meals-soon as they eat".
b) Time:
- Only or usually at night.
c) Character of stool:
- Stool is watery, greenish-yellowish.
- Very changeable, no two stools are alike.
- The stools constantly change in its colour. they are green, yellow, white, watery or slimy. This is also found in cholera infantum or entero-colitis of children occurring in hot weather. (Ref. Nash) iv) Kent says, diarrhoea alternating with constipation with frequent unsuccessful urging for stool is a keynote (Ref. Kent).
- Kent says, anus remains wide open like Apis and Phosphorus, vi) Dysenteric stool clear yellow or stools of deep green mucus. (Ref. Kent).
d) Modalities:
Agg. i) At night
ii) After taking fatty foods, ice-creams,
iii) The diarrhoea and bowel symptoms are aggravated in the evening, during night; from keeping perfectly still.
Amel. i) From gentle motion.
e) Concomitants:
- Dry tongue with thirstlessness.
- Changeability of every symptoms-no two symptoms are alike. You never know, what you will find the next. (Ref. Kent)
- Mentally very calm and quiet-mental calmness indicates Pulsatilla.
- Dr. Nash refers, increased inclination to micturate.
Indicate the abortion of Pulsatilla.
Abortion of Puls.
- Threatened abortion-appearance of show.
- Flow ceases and then returns with increased force-intermittent.
- Pains are spasmodic, excites suffocation and fainting.
- Must have fresh air.
State the labour pain of Pulsatilla.
Labour Pain Of Puls.
- Irregular, spasmodic, sluggish pain.
- During the labour pain, patient wants door and windows open.
- Cannot bear a stuffy room-feels suffocated.
- When given during last month of pregnancy. shortens labour, if symptoms correspond (Caulophyllum, Actea Racemosa).
Mention three medicines for lachrymal, weeping disposition.
i) Apis Mel, ii) Natrum Mur, iii) Pulsatilla.
Mention three women’s remedy.
Three Women’s Remedy
i) Graphites, ii) Ignatia, iii) Pulsatilla.
‘Woman inclined to be fleshy-name three medicines.
- Calcarea Carb,
- Graphites,
- Pulsatilla.
Patient refers: ‘never been well since – compare.
- Never been well since the effects of mechanical injuries: -Arnica
- Never been well since the effects of typhoid fever: Carbo Veg
- Never been well since the effects of haemorrhage: Cinchona.
- Never been well since that burn: Causticum.
- Never been well since climaxis-Graphitis, Lachesis,
- Never been well since puberty: -Pulsatilla.
- Menorrhagia, has not been well since her last miscarriage: Sulphur.
- Never been well since abortion-Secale Cor (Ref. Kent).
- Chronic headache, never been well since some severe disease of youth: -Silicea.
Mention three medicines for anaemia with their indications.
i) Cina:
- Face is pale, sickly white and bluish appearance around mouth; sickly, v with dark ring under the eyes; one cheek red, the other pale.
ii) Cinchona:
- Broken down constitution, face pale, Hippocratic, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins; pale, sickly expression after excesses profuse haemorrhage or sexual excess.
iii) Pulsatilla:
- Anaemia; the first serious impairment of health is referred to puberio age, have never been well since that time Patients: anaemic or chlorotic, who have taken much iron, quinine and tonics, even years before.
State five medicines for thirstlessness.
Mention two indecisive medicines those are unable to take, decisions.
i) Graphites. ii) Pulsatilla.
State two medicines where crying aggravates the complaints.
Feels crying all the time but crying makes her worse: -Natum Mur, Pulsatilla.
Mention three medicines those are adapted to cases where gastric symptoms predominate.
i) Antim Crud., ii) Ipecac, iii) Pulsatilla.
Indicate three medicines for shifting pain.
Three medicines for Shifting pain
1) Kali Bi., 2) Pulsatilla, 3) Phytolacca.
Headache ameliorated by tight bandaging indicate three medicines.
i) Apis Mel, ii) Argentum Nitricum, iii) Pulsatilla.
Great longing for fresh air-indicate three medicines.
A) Argentum Nitricum, B) Pulsatilla., C) Sulphur.
Burning of soles at night, puts feet out of bed-indicate three medicines.
i) Chamomilla., ii) Pulsatilla. ,iii) Sulphur.
One hand ice-cold, and the other warm indicate three medicines.
1) China, 2) Ipecac, 3) Pulsatilla.
Everything seems so dark, that it can grow no darker-indicate three medicines.
a) Lycopodium., b) Pulsatilla., c) Lac Can.
Pressure as from stone at the pit of stomach. ameliorated by eructation-indicate three medicines.
- Bryonia.,
- Nux Vomica.,
- Pulsatilla.
Involuntary urination while coughing, laughing. sneezing etc. indicate five medicines.
Vertigo from looking up-state two medicines.
State the ailments from causations of Pulsatilla in categorical manner.
General of Puls.:
- From fatty and starchy foods.
- Ice-cream, tea, coffee, pork, pastry.
- Abuse of Mercury, Quinine, Sulphur, Chamomilla.
- Chill.
- Getting feet wet.
- Badly treated measles.
- Ailments after grief, mortification and sorrow (Ref. Dr. N.M. Chowdhury)
Female Of Puls.:
- Abortion.
- Irregular menses. ovarian and uterine troubles from suppression or getting the feet wet.
- Suppressed menstruation.
Children Of Puls.:
- Worm affection.
- Indigestion.
Indicate the eye symptoms of Pulsatilla.
Eye symptoms of Puls.
i) Styes
- Location: Especially on upper eye-lid.
- Causation: From eating fat, greasy, rich food or pork,
- Character: i) Recurrent styes (Ref. Kent).
ii) Styes prior to menses, in young girls (Ref. Kent).
ii) Lachrymation discharge
- Every time patient catches cold it settles in the eye and nose-with profuse thick, yellowish green, bland discharge and lachrymation from eyes and nose.
State the gastro-intestinal complaints of Pulsatilla.
GI complaints of Puls.
a) Tongue- Dry, parched, yet no thirst.
b) Taste- Loss of taste (Ref. Nash), Sour and bitter taste.
c) Teeth- Toothache, Agg. from warm water and warm foods, from heat of the warm room; and Amel. by holding cold water in the mouth.
d) Stomach complaints:
Causation: From rich and fatty foods, cake, pastry, from taking fruits, ice-creams etc.
Note: 1) Dr. Nash categorically refers-fat-meat", resulting disorder of stomach.
2) The sight or even thought of food causes disgust.
i) Felt in the throat, as if worms are crawling.
ii) Kent says, nausea associated with vomiting.
Flatulence and Distension:
i) Master Kent says, hours after eating, patient eructation mouthfuls of sour, rancid, bitter fluid.
ii) Eating does not satisfy.
iii) Always bilious.
iv) Kent says, Pulsatilla stomach is slow to digest. Hours after eating, there is a sense of fullness in the stomach, a lump in the stomach, ameliorated by slow walking in open air.
v) Abdomen Bloated, distended, with colicky pain; whole abdomen, stomach, pelvic organs are sensitive to touch.
vi) Bloating especially after fat, and rich foods, general venous stasis.
Vii) Bloating of abdomen, has a stuffed feeling, has to throw off her clothes, wants to get into a loose dress extremely puffed, feet also puffed, so cannot wear her shoes. (Ref. Kent).
Desire and Aversions
- Kent says, desire for sour.
- Refreshing things.
- Highly seasoned foods.
- Dr. Nash says, whilst Nux Vom, agrees warm food best; but Pulsatilla prefers cold things. Kent says, cold foods are digested, while hot foods make the body warm, from which symptoms are worse. (Ref. Kent).
- Butter.
- Fat and rich foods (Ref. Kent).
- Milk.
State the abdominal colic of Pulsatilla.
Abdominal colic of Puls.
a) Causation:
- From taking fatty foods.
- From taking starchy foods.
- From ice-cream, tea, coffee.
- From irregular and protracted menstruation.
- From taking pork, cake, etc.
b) Character of pain:
- Pains are drawing, tearing, erratic.
- Rapidly shifts from one part to another.
- Pains are accompanied by constant chilliness.
- More severe the pain, the more severe the chill.
- Pain appears suddenly, leaves gradually, or tension much increases until very acute and then "lets up with a snap"; on first motion.
c) Modalities:
Agg. From warmth in general. ii) in the evening, at twilight.
iii) From taking pork or fat-meats, or from fatty foods.
Amel. By cold food and drinks.
d) Concomitants:
- Pain with constant chilliness.
- Thirstlessness with dry tongue.
- Changeability of the symptoms-no two symptoms are alike.
- A weak, empty feeling in the stomach, especially in tea-drinkers.
Describe the menstruation of Pulsatilla.
Menstruation of Puls.
a) Introduction:
- Delayed menses in young girls at the age of puberty. Delayed first menstruation.
- Patient refers, she is never been well since puberty.
b) Causation:
- From getting the feet wet.
- From cold.
Note: – Suppression of menstrual flow getting feet wet. (Ref. Kent)
c) Time:
- Delayed menses, menses comes too late.
- Irregular.
d) Duration:
- Too short.
e) Quantity:
f) Character of blood:
- Thick, dark and coagulated. (Ref. Boericke)
- Slimy, mixed with clots.
- Intermittent flow stops and starts again.
g) Before menstruation:
- Weeping mood, sadness and melancholic disposition.
- Great nervousness, chilliness.
- Severe abdominal colic with fainting.
- Paleness of the face.
- Dr. Clarke refers, fits occurring before and during menstruation.
h) During menstruation:
- Sadness, melancholy, weeping mood accompanies.
- She cannot breathe well in a warm room.
- Violent spasmodic menstrual colic with pain in the abdomen and small of back, causing her to bend double (Ref Kent).
- Pain with great restlessness and tossing about, more the pain more the chill. Master Kent refers, when the menstrual flow is present, there is milk in the breast of non-pregnant women, girls at puberty. (Ref. Kent)
- Dr. N.M. Chowdhury refers. Pulsatilla is prone to menstrual irregularities and particularly at this time her mental phenomena undergo strange transformations. She becomes gloomy and morose. A sort of dread pervades her whole being-the dread of eternal damnation. (Ref. N.M. Chowdhury) Dr. N. M. Chowdhury refers at night the world seems to be on fire and the devil dances all around-as the bright light of hope has been extinguished during menstruation.
- Feet red and swollen at the menstrual period, ameliorated by the menstrual flow.
i) After menstruation:
- Milky, thick, white acrid leucorrhoea.
- Contractive pain in the left side of the uterus, obliging her to bend double.
- Piles occurring during and after menses, (Ref. Clarke).
- Diarrhoea during and after menses (Ref. Boericke).
j) Modalities:
Agg. i) Flow is more during the day time.
- ii) When she walks about.
k) Concomitants:
- Thirstlessness with dry tongue.
- Mild, gentle, timid, yielding disposition.
- Chilliness: chilly in warm room.
State the leucorrhoea of Pulsatilla.
Leucorrhoea of Puls.
a) Subjects:
- Young girls, especially at the time of puberty.
- Never been well since puberty.
b) Character of leucorrhoea:
- Painless, thick, milky white.
- Acrid, excoriates and corrodes the vulva.
- Leucorrhoea with burning pain.
- Dr. Nash refers leucorrhoeal discharges is thick, bland, yellowish and green.
C) Modalities:
Agg : Before and during menses, When lying down.
d) Concomitants:
- Swelling of the labia
- Chilliness, sadness, and peevishness.
- Cutting pain in the lower abdomen.
- Gloomy, melancholy, full of tears: lachrymal disposition.
- Pain in back with tired feeling. (Ref. Boericke)
Indicate the mental symptoms of Pulsatilla.
Mental Symptoms of Puls.
1) Mild:
- Very gentle
- Yielding disposition.
- Mild, timid, affectionate.
- Calmness indicates Pulsatilla.
2) Lachrymal disposition:
- Inclination to weep.
- Weeps easily
- Almost impossible to describe her ailment without weeping.
3) Great changeability
- Great changeability of all the mental symptoms.
- Easily moved from laughter to tears.
- One moment happy, miserable the next.
4) Aversion
- Aversion to another sex.
- Aversion to marriage.
5) Fear
- Fear of darkness and ghosts.
6) Modality
- Mental symptoms are ameliorated by con solation.
State the characteristic symptoms of Pulsatilla.
i) Everchanging character symptoms Of Puls.
- Symptoms are ever-changing.
- No two symptoms are alike, extreme changeability.
- No two stools. no two chills, no two attacks are alike.
- Very well one hour, very miserable the next apparently contradictory.
ii) Thirstlessness
- Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints.
iii) Derangement
- The first serious impairment of health is referred to puberic age have never been well since puberty’.
iv) Mind
- Very gentle, mild, yielding, weeping disposition.
- Mental calmness indicates Pulsatilla.
v) Pains
- Rapidly shifting pain, shifts from one part to another.
- Pain with constant chilliness, more the pain more the chill.
- Pain appears suddenly, leaves gradually or vice-versa.
- Pains are drawing, tearing, erratic.
vi) Discharges
- Secretions from all the mucous membranes are thick, bland and yellowish green, except leucorrhoea which may be acrid.
vii) Menses
- Menses irregular too late, slimy, scanty, protracted, suppressed from getting feet wet.
- Flows mostly during day.
viii) All gone sensation
- All gone sensation in stomach, especially in tea drinkers.
ix) Sleep
- Wide awake in the evening; does not want to go to bed.
- First sleep restless.
- Sound sleep, when it is time to get up.
- Awakes languid, unfreshed, tired.
x) Modalities
- From warmth in general and Amel. from cold and from open air.
- Master Kent says, the inflammatory symptoms, neuralgias and rheumatism are better by cold, from eating and drinking cold things and cold applications.(4)