Nitric Acid 

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Informative infographic on Nitricum Acidum homeopathic remedy, highlighting its uses, mental and physical symptoms, aggravations, ameliorations, and dosage.

Nitric Acid


There are some synonyms for Nitric Acid in homeopathic medicine.

Nitricum Acidum, Aqua fortis, HNO3 Solution, Acid Nitricum

Homeopathic remedies typically use the name of the substance itself, though sometimes abbreviated. In this case, Nitric Acid might bebreviated as: Nit-ac

Let’s discuss nitric acid in detail.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Dark complexion, firm muscular fibre: Bryonia.  
  • Dark hair, rigid fibre: Causticum 
  • Thin persons of rigid fibre, dark complexions: Nitric Acid 

Five Medicine 

Ear symptoms of Nitric Acid

  • Hardness of hearing, ameliorated by riding in a carriage or train. 
  •  Very sensitive to rattle of wagons over paved streets. 
  • Carbo Veg. 
  •  Cinchona. 
  •  Nitric Acid. 

Three medicines For Disposed to Diarrhoea

  • Causticum. 
  • Colchicum. 
  • Nux Vomica. 
  • Nitric Acid 
  • The physical make-up characterized by rigid fibre, black hair and eyes, dark complexions-ugly look-up, as in Nitric Acid. 
  • Blonde 
  • The physical make-up characterized by sandy hair, blue eyes, affectionate, mild, gentle, attractive, beautiful looking persons, especially women as in Pulsatilla. 

Three medicine for characteristics pain

  • Belladona 
  • Kali Bich 
  • Nitric Acid 

Three medicine of band around head

  • Gelsemium. 
  • Nitric Acid. 
  •  Sulphur. 

Stool symptoms of Nitric Acid

  1. Introduction
  1. Causation
  • Effects of virulent poisons. 
  •  Bad effects of loss of vital fluids 
  1. Adoptability
  • Broken down cachectic constitution 
  • Especially suited to thin persons of rigid fibre, dark complexions, black hair and eyes the brunettes 
  • Old people with great weakness and diarrhoea
  1. Character of stool
  • Stool stained with blood accompanied with mucus. 
  • There may be undigested food-particles 
  • Bloody, putrid, green, slimy, acidic and excoriating (Ref. Kent). 
  • Sour and curdled, if milk is used as diet 
  1. Before stool
  • Great desire for stool. 
  •  There is frequent ineffectual urging for stool, as if faeces remained and cannot be expelled. 
  •  Master Kent says constant fruitless urging like Nux Vomica. 
  1. During stool.
  •  Pain as if rectum or anus were torn or fissured. 
  1. After stool
  • Violent cutting pains after stool, lasting for four hours. 
  1. Modalities
  • Agg. in the evening, at night. 
  • Amel. Dr. Boericke refers colic is ameliorated by tightening the clothes. 
  1. Concomitants
  • Fissures in rectum; bearing, spasmodic pains during stools, lancinating, even after soft stools. 

Skin symptoms of  Nitric Acid

  • In Nitric Acid, skin shows various manifestations after abuse of mercury and    syphilis; or both; engrafted on a scrofulous or sycotic base. 
Mucus outlets
  • Affects specially the mucous outlets of the body where skin and mucous membrane joins-such as nose, mouth, rectum, anus, urethra, vagina etc. 
  •  i e. mucocutaneous junctions. 
Look-up of the skin.
  • The skin is dry or scaly, yellow with deep cracks and fissures. 
  •  Warts and condylomata; sycotic or syphilitic in origin. 
  • Large, jagged and pedunculated. 
  •  Often bleeds especially on washing. 
  •  Moist, oozes sticky fluid with sticking and splinter like pain in the affected parts. 
  •  Condylomata: grows upon the genitalias; carbuncles at the orifice of urethra (Ref. Kent). 
  •  Fungus growth, worse from application of cold water. (Ref. Dr. N.M. Chowdhury). 
  •  Fissures in rectum, tearing, spasmodic pains during stool Lancinating pain even after soft stool. 
  • The nipples are fissured and tender (Ref. Kent). 
  • Spreading and phagadenic ulcers (Ref. Kent). 
  • Easily bleeding ulcers, 
  • Specially in the corners of mouth. 
  • Splinter like pains especially on contact in the affected parts. 
  • Irregular, zig-zag edges base looks like raw flesh, with exuberant granulations. 
  • Dr. Guernsey has cured one case: Sloughing of the entire integument of the penis, that leaves the organ entirely denuded. 
  • Constant itching, Agg. in open air. 
  •  Old scars becoming painful in cold-weather and when weather changes to cold. (Ref Dr N.M. Chowdhury). 
  • Master Kent says brittle  nails. 
Discharges from skin eruptions. 
  • Thin, offensive, acrid, 
  •  Brown or dirty, yellowish green. 
  •  Rarely laudable pus oozes out. [3]

Excerpts (Summary)

The Role of Nitric Acid in Homeopathic Treatment

Nitric Acid (Nit-ac) is a homeopathic remedy derived from nitric acid. It is commonly used for various health conditions, including skin problems (ulcers, cracks, fissures, warts), digestive issues (diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids), urinary problems, and mental/emotional issues (irritability, anxiety, depression).

Key symptoms include splinter-like pains, offensive discharges, cracks, aversion to cold, and irritability. It is often prescribed for thin, dark-complexioned individuals who are irritable and sensitive to cold. Consult a homeopathic practitioner for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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