Gelsemium, a flowering vine with beautiful yellow trumpet-shaped flowers, also has many other names! Here are some of the most common synonyms:
- Yellow jessamine or confederate jessamine: This name refers to the yellow color of the flowers and its resemblance to jasmine.
- Carolina jasmine or jessamine: Similar to yellow jessamine, this name highlights the flower’s color and likeness to jasmine.
- Evening trumpetflower: This name is descriptive of the flower’s shape and the time of day it blooms.
- Woodbine: Be aware that this name can be confusing as American ivy and honeysuckle are also called woodbine.
- False Jasmine
- Faux Jasmin (French)
- Jasmin de Caroline (French)
- Jasmin Jaune (French)
It’s important to remember that while gelsemium is sometimes called jasmine, it is not actually a true jasmine. True jasmines belong to the genus Jasminum, while gelsemium belongs to the genus Gelsemium.
Great paralyser:
Dr. John Henry Clarke said ‘Gels. is a great paralyser produces a general stat of paresis-complete relaxation and prostration of whole muscular system, with entire motor para lysis.
There is lack of muscular co-ordination. This paretic condition is shown in the eyelids, causing ptosis (-Nash’s trio of ptosis medicines. Caust, Gels, Sep.), paresis in the eye-muscles, causing diplopia; in the oesophagus, causing dysphagia: in the anus which remains open, –functional paralysis of all description (Ref. Clarke).
Excessive weakness:
Dr. Harvey Farrington said weakness and languor are the earliest symptoms to appear.
The pt. feels tired and weary, wants to lie down. Dr. Farrington clearly emphasized that this is prodromal state of practically all ailments where Gels. is indicated.
This weakness is characterized by 3 D dullness, dizziness and drowsiness: dullness of intellect resulting mental prostration.
Limbs heavy:
Dr. Clarke said limbs feel so heavy that pt. can hardly move them. The great heaviness of limbs has also been discussed by Master Kent. Heaviness also marked in eyelids causing ptosis (Caust, Coni., Gels, Graph., Sep., Rhus. tox.).
There are big chills, chills running up and down the back in rapid. wave-like succession from sacrum to occiput: shuddering as if ice were rubbed up the back, with heaviness of the limbs.
Stimulants ameliorates:
Dr. Clarke said alcoholic stimulants relieve all complaints where Gels. is useful.
Excitement causes diarrhoea:
Our Gels. is a grand remedy for anticipation diarrhoea (Arg Nit.). Diarrhoea results from nervous excitement. Kent said, complaints from fear, from shock that is attended with fear, from sudden surprises.
Master Kent elucidated it in a masterly fashion-‘a solider going into the battle has an involuntary stool. Doctor Kent in his Repertory grouped Gels. as the only remedy and in first grade under the sub rubric. diarrhoea from exciting news, Gels.1 (-Excitement diarrhoea, Arg. Nit.1, Gels.2, Phos. Ac.2, Thuja2.-diarrhoea as before theatre, Arg. Nit.2).
Marked thirstlessness:
Master Kent said, pt. in general is thirstless (Apis, except the chill stage of the intermittent fever: Aeth., Puls, Ip., Nux Mos).
This thirstlessness is esp. evidenced during the chill.
Dr. John Henry Clarke said, Gels. is adapted to irritable, sensitive, excitable persons-there is great irritability, does not wish to be spoken to.
Urination ameliorates headache:
This is a characteristic feature of Gels. where headache is ameliorated by profuse urination (Acon., Ign., Sil, Sang.Can., Ver. Alb.) (Ref. Nash.).
The characteristic dull, tired headache at the base of the brain (Ref. Nash) or begins from occiput or in the cervical spine, extends over the head. Preceeded by dim vision or blindness (Iris., Kali Bi., Nat. Mur.).
Marked tremor:
Dr. Clarke said tremor is a keynote of the remedy. Trembling of tongue, hands, legs: of the entire body.
Dr. Nash said, during chill, pt. wants to be held because he shakes so.
Dr. Harvey Farrington also ascribed that trembling is an important characteristic. The hands tremble when the pt. attempts to use, then he is no longer able to guide the fingers in writing-writers’ cramp.
Violent trembling of the whole body simulating a chill. (4)
Anticipation of any unusual ordeal, like preparing of church, exam, etc. brings on complaints. Utter lack of courage. Nervousness
Answers questions slowly and imperfectly, cannot think properly or fix attention.
Apathetic regarding his illness.
Answers slowly. Inability to concentrate
Apathetic regarding his illness. Great depression of spirits Vanishing of thoughts on mental exertion.[3]
Sadness with inability to cry. Depression
Stage fright. Helps acutely the terror before performance.
Susceptible to mental disturbances such as sudden excitement or emotion, any bad news or fright. [ 3]
Cowardice. Timid. [3]
Exhilaration, can recall things long forgotten. [3]
Nervous dread of appearing in public. [3]
Dullness of mental faculties; with languor, listless and inability to fix attention.
Drowsy dazed.
Doesn’t wish to speak or have anyone near her, even if the person be silent.
Desires to be left alone.
Dullness; Dizziness; Drowsiness, Trembling.
Great depression of spirits. Wants to throw himself from a height. Wants to die by suicide.
Delirious sleep; half waking and incoherent talk. [3]
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Gelsemium
Common name:
- Yellow jasmine, Evening Trumpet flower
- Bigonia sempervirens
Family / Group / Class / Order:
- Vegetable kingdom, Loganaceae
Habit and habitat / Description:
- It is found in USA, Virginia, Mexico, Europe and India.
- It is a climber, an evergreen plant growing to a great height, ascending large trees.
- Its stem is smooth, leaves opposite and lanceolate, flowers large and yellow with a delicious odour.
- It is grown in rich and moist soil. (1)
Name of prover:
- Dr John H. Henry in 1852 and Dr E.M. Hale, also Dr E.M. Payne.
Introduction and history:
- This is a great homeopathic remedy.
- It is a great paralyzer and that is why it is called the ‘King of Polio.’
- It is a polychrest remedy, having a broad range of action.
- The name Gelsemium is from the Latin word ‘gelsimion’ meaning jasmine and ‘sempervirens’ meaning evergreen.
- It is a right sided and an acute remedy. (1)
Doctrine of signature:
- The yellow colour of the flowers of Gelsemium can be related to jaundice as there is – yellowish-white coating on tongue, yellowish colour of the stools, deep yellow leucorrhoea, moist yellow skin, yellow face and yellow saliva. (1)
Active principles:
- The main alkaloid of Gelsemium is gelsemine puvarine and gelsiminine.
- It has a fixed oil and a phytosternile resin.
- It also contains a gelseminic acid. (1)
Constitution of Gelsemium
Physical make up:
- It is best suited to young persons and children. Especially suited to women who are chaotic, nervous, plethoric and sensitive, also anaemic girls and old people. (1)
- Nervous 3, Phlegmatic 2, Melancholic 1
Relation with heat & cold:
- Hot (3)
- Sycotic, Syphilitic (3)
Clinical conditions of Gelsemium
- Anxiety, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Diarrhoea, Diplopia, Fever, Hay fever, Headache, Influenza, Insomnia, Laryngitis, Migraine, Multiple sclerosis, Myasthenia gravis, Paralysis, Tremor, Vertigo. (3)
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics:
- Nerves, brain, muscles, sexual organs, mucous membranes, blood, right side, spinal cord, eyelids, occiput, vision.
Causation (Causes / Ailments from):
- Heat of the sun or stove, mechanical injury, fright, damp weather, fear, self-abuse and alcohol, bad news, mental excitement, warmth or cold, thunderstorm.
Physiological action:
- Gelsemium is a powerful motor depressant producing paralysis of motility and depression of sensibility by its action on spinal cord centres. It also affects the vasomotor.
- In moderately small doses, Gelsemium causes languor, diaphoresis, enfeebling relaxation of voluntary muscles, slowing of heart rate, lowered blood pressure, drooping of eyelids and dilated pupils.
Poisonous doses
- produce, in addition to exaggerations of the above, vertigo, diplopia, staggering gait, drop jaw, laboured respiration, lowered temperature, feeble heart action, extreme muscular weakness, almost complete anaesthesia, loss of speech and profuse sweating. Death is caused by asphyxia from paralysis of the muscles of respiration. Consciousness is maintained up to the point of stupor.
- Gelsemium acts differently on humans and on the lower animals. (1)
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis:
Respiratory centres
- It acts upon the respiratory centre causing paralysis and resulting in asphyxia.
Motor Nervous system
- It acts upon the motor nervous system of the spinal cord and produces a general state of paresis – physical and mental that results in cutaneous anaesthesia.
- It has an action on the pupils, paralysing third and sixth nerves of the eye muscles causing diplopia, ptosis, squint and drooping of the eyelids.
Muscular system
- Acts upon the entire muscular system producing complete relaxation of muscles; limbs feel heavy.
Vasomotor Nerves
- Acts upon the vasomotor nerves and blood, producing passive congestion. It reduces the blood flow and consequently the temperature.
- It acts upon the heart, lowers the force and drops the blood pressure along with the temperature.
Urinary Bladder
- It acts upon the motor nerves of the urinary bladder producing paralysis of the bladder causing incontinence.
- Acts upon the nervous system in general causing tremors and functional paralysis of the organs.
- Acts upon the mind causing stupefaction and sluggishness of mental powers.
Mucous Membrane
- Acts upon the mucous membranes causing irritation and catarrhal inflammation. (1)
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Gelsemium
‘D’ in the mental sphere:
- • Dull • Delirium • Dazed • Dread • Dampness • Depressing emotions • Delirium in sleep, half waking with incoherent talk • Depression of spirits, anxiety following a somewhat cheerful, careless mood • Desire to be quiet, does not wish to speak, wants to be left alone, does not want anyone near her • Doddering (trembling) • Depression (in vitality).
- Dullness, dizziness and drowsiness are the most important characteristic symptoms of Gelsemium.
- Incapacity to think or fix attention. Dullness of mental faculties, better from profuse micturition.
- Irritable, sensitive and greatly nervous, dread of appearing in public.
- Complaints from bad or exciting news, from some unusual order.
- Loquacity, shooting pain through temples and nasal sinus, brilliant eyes and fever.
- Strong inclination to die by suicide or to throw oneself from a height.
- Lack of courage to die, fear of death with nervousness.
- Very excitable stage; fear, nervousness before to appearing for an examination, though prepared very well.
- of any unusual order, when going for an examination, to a theatre, for a public meeting, to court, preparing for church – all these bring on diarrhoea.
- starts from the occiput with diplopia, loss of sight, dim vision, seems intoxicated.
- Sensation of a band around the head, above the eyes; scalp sore to touch.
- Fears that unless he is in constant motion, heart will cease beating.
- Children fear falling, grasp or seize the bed.
- Mental exertion causes a sense of helplessness from brain weakness.
- Unconsciousness, immobility with dilated pupils, closed eyes but conscious. (1)
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Gelsemium
G-General depression from heat of the sun of summer.
E-Exciting news: causes ailments: engagement or excitement causes diarrhoea.
L-Lack of muscular co-ordination.
S-Sensation of band around the head, above eyes.
E-Eyelids: heaviness. Tyler’s trio of ptosis (Caust, Sepia).
M-Motor paralysis.
I-Insidious onset of symptoms.
U-Urination ameliorates headache.
M-Moves, otherwise heart will cease beating.
1. Generalities
- Tremulous weakness; with profuse micturition.
- Weakness; pallor, nausea and trembling of the lower limbs; (>) open air. Weakness, with vertigo. General motor paralysis.
- More rarely convulsions.
- Deep-seated pains, with loss of control over the painful part.
2. Head
- VERTIGO, spreading from occiput. Heaviness of head; BAND- FEELING around and OCCIPITAL headache.
- DULL, heavy ache, with heaviness of eyelids; bruised sensation; better, compression and lying with head high.
- PAIN IN TEMPLE, EXTENDING INTO EAR and wing of nose, chin. Headache, with muscular soreness of neck and shoulders.
- Headache preceded by blindness; better, profuse urination. Scalp sore to touch. Delirious on falling asleep.
- Wants to have head raised on pillow.
- Ptosis; EYELIDS heavy; patient can hardly open them. Double vision. Disturbed muscular apparatus.
- Corrects blurring and discomfort in eyes even after accurately adjusted glasses.
- Vision blurred, smoky. [CYCL.; PHOS.] DIM-SIGHTED; pupils dilated and insensible to light.
- Bruised pain back of the orbits.
- One pupil dilated, the other contracted.
- Deep inflammations, with haziness of vitreous. SEROUS INFLAMMATIONS. Albuminuric retinitis.
- Detached retina, glaucoma and descemetitis. CHAOTIC AMBLYOPIA.
4. Ears
Deafness (from catarrh of the middle ear and Eustachian tube).
5. Nose
Sneezing; fullness at root of nose.
Dryness of nasal fossae. Swelling of turbinates.
Watery, excoriating discharge. Acute coryza, with dull headache and fever.
6. Face
Neuralgia of face.
Dusky hue of face, with vertigo and dim vision.
Facial muscles contracted, especially around the mouth. Chin quivers. Lower jaw dropped.
7. Mouth
Putrid taste and breath.
Tongue numbs, thick, coated, yellowish, TREMBLE, paralyzed.
8. Throat
- Difficult swallowing, especially of warm food.
- Itching and tickling in soft palate and naso-pharynx.
- Pain in sternocleidomastoid, back of parotid. Tonsils swollen.
- Throat feels rough, burning. POST-DIPHTHERITIC PARALYSIS. Tonsillitis; shooting pain into ears.
- FEELING OF A LUMP IN THROAT that cannot be swallowed. Aphonia.
- Swallowing causes pain in ear. [HEP.; NUX.]
- Difficult swallowing. PAIN FROM THROAT TO EAR.
9. Stomach
As a rule, the Gelsemium patient has no thirst.
Hiccough; worse in the evening.
Sensation of emptiness and weakness at the pit of the stomach, or of an oppression, like a heavy load.
10. Abdomen
Symptoms of intestinal catarrh, with persistent nausea; diarrhoea.
Hepatic symptoms, with vertigo, blurred vision, etc.
11. Rectum & Anus
Partial paralysis of rectum and sphincter.
12. Stool
- Diarrhoea FROM EMOTIONAL EXCITEMENT, fright, bad news. [PHOS. AC.]
- Stool painless or involuntary.
13. Urinary Organ
PROFUSE, CLEAR, WATERY, with chilliness and tremulousness. Dysuria.
Partial paralysis of bladder; flow intermittent. [CLEMATIS.] RETENTION.
14. Sexual Organ
Rigid os. [BELL.] Vaginismus. False labor-pains; pains pass up back. DYSMENORRHOEA, with scanty flow; menses delay. Pain extends to back and hips. Aphonia and sore throat during menses. Sensation as if uterus were squeezed. [CHAM.; NUX V.; USTILAGO.].
Spermatorrhoea, WITHOUT ERECTIONS. Genitals cold and relaxed. [PHOS. AC.] Scrotum continually sweating. Gonorrhoea, first stage; discharge scanty; tendency to corrode; little pain, but much heat; smarting at meatus.
15. Respiratory System
Slowness of breathing, with great prostration. Oppression about chest. Dry cough, with sore chest and fluent coryza.
Aphonia; acute bronchitis, respiration quickened, spasmodic affections of lungs and diaphragm.
16. Heart & Pulse
- Slow pulse. [DIG.; KALM.; APOC. CAN.]
- Palpitation; pulse soft, weak, full and flowing.
- Pulse slow when quiet, but greatly accelerated on motion. WEAK, SLOW PULSE OF OLD AGE.
17. Neck & Back
- Dull, heavy pain. Complete relaxation of the whole muscular system. Languor; muscles feel bruised.
- Every little exertion causes fatigue. Pain in neck, especially upper sternocleido muscles.
- Dull aching in lumbar and sacral region, passing upward.
- Pain in muscles of back, hips, and lower extremities, mostly deep-seated.
18. Extremities
- Loss of power of muscular control. Cramp in muscles of forearm. Professional neuroses. Writer’s cramp.
- Excessive TREMBLING and weakness of all limbs.
- Hysteric convulsions. Fatigue after slight exercise.
19. Skin
- Hot, dry, itching, measles-like eruption.
- Retrocedent, with livid spots. Scarlet fever with stupor and flushed face.
20. Sleep
Cannot get fully to sleep.
Delirious on falling asleep.
Insomnia from exhaustion; from uncontrollable thinking; tobacco. Yawning.
Sleepless from nervous irritation. [COFFEA.].
21. Fever
- Pulse slow, full, soft, compressible. Chilliness up and down back.
- Heat and sweat stages, long and exhausting.
- foolish-ague, with much muscular soreness, great prostration, and violent headache.
- NERVOUS CHILLS. Bilious remittent fever, with stupor, dizziness, faintness; thirstless, prostrated.
- Chill, without thirst, along spine; wave-like, extending upward from sacrum to occiput. (2)
Characteristic of Gelsemium
Keynotes / Redline
- General depression from heat of summer.
- Nervous individual, with dread of appearing in public.
- Anticipatory diarrhoea while preparing for exams, etc.
- Fear heart will stop beating unless he moves.
- Headache preceded by blindness > profuse urination.
- Chills running up and down back.
- Child starts and grasps the nurse, screams as if afraid of falling.
- Aphonia, sore throat during menses. (3)
- chaotic subjects esp. women and children. Nervous symptoms predominate in all complaints.
- Mental and bodily lassitude, dull, drowsy, dizzy; wishes to be let alone; may be desire to throw herself from a height; or desire for expression in speech or writing with sense of increased power esp. of memory.
- Complaints from mental emotions esp. psychic diarrhoea.
Muscular system
- Complete relaxation of the whole muscular system with entire motor paralysis; general tremor; lack of muscular co-ordination.
- Spasmodic conditions or partial and local paralysis; in groups of muscles; professional neuroses (e.g. writer’s cramp).
- Dull, tired headaches at base of brain; or beginning nape of neck or occiput and extending over head to one eye (gen. right) or both eyes; commences with blurred vision and accompanied by vertigo. (<) 10 a.m., (>) profuse urination.
- First stage of fevers; asthenic tendency; patient languid and listless, wishes to be let alone; frequent, soft pulse; prostration, vertigo more or less aching in back and limbs; little or no thirst; slight sweat; chills run up and down the back.
- Acute catarrhal conditions with watery mucous discharges; much sneezing early a.m. influenzas with coryza.
- Female disorders with severe neuralgic pains shooting into back, hips and down the thighs. Excellent at parturition in atonic conditions.
- (<) warm, moist, relaxing weather. Mental emotions; tobacco smoking; thinking of ailments; heat of sun and in summer yet locally heat often (>) pains; (<) motion except heart symptoms; (>) stimulants. (5)
- Weakness (mental, emotional, physical), paresis, gradual paralysis.
- Cowardice, an inability to face challenge. Stage fright.
- Nervous diarrhoea, trembling, weakness, urgent urination.
- Thirstless.
- Feels heart will stop beating, causing him to jump up, fears heart will stop unless he stays in motion. (3)
- Symptoms of gradual onset.
- Dullness, dizziness, drowsy, trembling.
- Catarrhal complaints.
- Paralysis with complete prostration, relaxation.
- Thirstlessness.
- Anticipatory complaints (3)
Nucleus symptoms
- Indicated in people whose complaints come on from anticipation and depressing emotions.
- Especially useful in paralysis and neuralgias of various kinds, associated with dullness, dizziness, drowsiness, trembling and weakness -Useful in muscular incoordination and prostration.
- Thirstlessness accompanies most complaints. (3)
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value
- Brain affections, Cerebrospinal meningitis, Cold, Constipation, Convulsions, Cough, Deafness, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Eye affections, Fevers, Headache, Heart affections, Hysteria, Impotence, Locomotor ataxia, Loss of voice, Measles, Menstrual disorders, Myalgia, Paralysis, Ptosis, Rheumatism, Sleep disorders, Toothache, Trembling, Tremors, Urinary affections, Vertigo, Writer’s cramps. (1)
Modality of Gelsemium
- Summer, sun heat, thunderstorm, cold damp weather, mental excitement, when thinking of his illness, tobacco smoking, at 10 am, from bad news, sudden emotions.
- Bending forward, open air, profuse urination, stimulants, continued motion, closing the eyelids. (1)
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship
Follows Well:
- Bapt, Ip
Antidoted By:
- Atro, Cinch, Coff, Dig, Nux-m, Op
It Antidotes:
- Mag-p
- Bell, Bor, Bry, Caulo, Caust, Cocc, Con, Cur, Ferr-p, Hyper, Ol-an, Phos, Verat. (3)
Dose of Gelsemium
- 3x to 1M.
- Bears frequent repetition very well
Duration of Action:
- 30 days (3)
- MM by J.D. Patil Chap> Gelsemium
- MM by W. Borieke Chap> Gelsemium
- Zomoeo lan Chap> Gelsemium
- Synoptic memorizer of MM by Dr. S. K. Banerjea, Vol-I, Chap- 2, > Gelsemium
- Decachoards arranged by Gladstone Clarke Chap> Gelsemium
- Synoptic memorizer of MM by Dr. S. K. Banerjea, Vol- II, Part-1, Chap > Gelsemium
Homeopathic Terminology
- Provings: Systematic tests where healthy individuals take a substance and record their physical, mental, and emotional reactions. This information is used to understand the substance’s potential effects when used as a homeopathic remedy.
- Guiding Symptoms: The most characteristic and unique symptoms a person experiences that indicate a specific homeopathic remedy might be helpful for them.
- Keynote: A particularly distinctive symptom that strongly suggests a specific remedy.
- Modalities: Factors that make symptoms better or worse (e.g., better from rest, worse in the morning).
- Polychrest: A homeopathic remedy with a wide range of applications for various conditions.
- Repertory: A comprehensive index of symptoms and the remedies associated with them, used by homeopaths to choose the most appropriate remedy.
- Materia Medica: A detailed reference book describing the properties, uses, and symptoms associated with homeopathic remedies.
Terminology in the Gelsemium Article
- Great Paralyzer: Gelsemium’s tendency to cause weakness, heaviness, and even paralysis of muscles in certain cases.
- Excessive Weakness: A core symptom of Gelsemium, often characterized by dullness, dizziness, and drowsiness.
- Limbs Heavy: Another key symptom reflecting the remedy’s effect on the muscular system.
- Anticipation Diarrhoea: Diarrhoea triggered by anxiety or anticipation of an event.
- Marked Thirstlessness: A lack of thirst, often seen with Gelsemium.
- Marked Tremor: Trembling of the tongue, hands, or whole body.
Other Terms
- Ptosis: Drooping of the eyelids.
- Diplopia: Double vision.
- Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing.
- Aphonia: Loss of voice.
- Plethoric: Having an excess of blood.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
State the headache of Gelsemium.
a) Causation
- i) From heat of the summer.,
- ii) From fright, emotions.
- iii) From sun, self-abuse, etc.
b) Location
- Occipital headache, begins from the cervical spine spreads over the whole head and lastly settles over the forehead and eyes.
c) Sensation
- i)Bursting sensation in the forehead and over eyeballs.
- ii) Sensation of band around the head; above the eye sore to touch.
- iii) Dull pain in the backpart of the head, after breakf agg. when morning or stooping. (Ref. Clarke)
d) Modalities
- i) From mental exertion.
- ii) From smoking.
- iii) From heat of the sun.
- iv) When lying with head low.
- v) From sudden movement of the head and walking.
- i) By profuse urination; by vomiting.
- ii) When lying down with head high.
- iii) From sleep.
e) Concomitants
- i) Dim vision or blindness before the headache.
- ii) Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and trembling, associated with giddiness and fainting.
- iii) Thirstlessness.
- iv) Vertigo spreading from occiput, with heaviness of head
Frequent desire to urinate at night and if not responded headache severely aggravates. (Ref. Clarke)
What are the Dr. Tyler’s trio of ptosis?
i) Causticum,
ii) Gelsemium.,
iii) Sepia.
Write the fever symptoms of Gelsemium.
- It is a suitable remedy for remittent, intermittent and continuous-all types of fever, Dr. John Henry Clarke refers that it is a leading medicine in typhoid fever.
(A) Remittent fever
a) Causation
- i) Heat of the sun.
- ii) From taking cold; in damp weather
b) Onset-
- Insidious, slow and gradual.
c) Physical symptoms:
- i) Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and trembling, with a sense of fatigue at every afternoon at 4-5 P.M.(Clarke)
- ii) Tongue: – Constant trembling of the tongue.
- iii) Thirst-Complete absence of thirst.
- iv) Headache: -Severe headache, amel. by
- v) Pain: -Well marked muscular pains.
- vi) Limbs: -Cold with oppressed breathing.
- vii) Chill: -Chilliness every day. esp. in the morning, at same hour.
- viii) Face: -Face is flushed, crimson colour. (Ref. Clarke)
- ix) Paroxysm: -Comes at 10 A.M.
d) Mental symptoms:
- i) Stuporous condition.
- ii) Desire to be quiet.
- iii) Wants to be let alone.
- iv) Does not want to speak.
e) After fever
- Paralysis occurs affecting the various groups of muscles.
B) Intermittent fever
a) Physical symptoms:
- i) Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and trembling.
- ii) Tongue: -Trembling of the tongue. Tongue is the coated.
- iii) Thirst: -Complete absence of thirst.
- iv) Headache: -Severe headache amel. by profuse
- v) Muscular pain: -All over the body with heaviness of the limbs.
- vi) Pulse: Slow, weak and intermittent. Pulse is accelerated by motion.
Note: -Hot face, red eyes and a grand feature is feeling of great weight and heaviness in the entire body limbs and is a denotable feature of Gelsemium.
b) Mental symptoms:
- i) Desire to be quiet.
- ii) To be let alone.
- iii) Does not want to speak.
- iv) Stuporous condition.
c) Chill stage:
- i) Chill begin in the comes at 10.A.M. head, running up the back.
- ii) Running up and down in the back, along the spine.
- iii) Wave-like succession from sacrum to occiput,
- iv) Chill with heaviness of the limbs and thirstlessness.
d) Heat stage:
- i) Drowsiness.
- ii) Great prostration.
e) Sweat stage:
- i) little sweat does not ameliorate.
- ii) Slight thirst may be present.
- iii) Prostration is marked with heaviness of limbs.
- iv) Perspires from slight exertion.
Note: -In all the stages wants to cover up. (Ref. Clarke)
f) Modalities:
Agg. from: –
Heat, damp-weather when thinking of his ailments.
Amel. from: –
Profuse urination, continued motion, alcoholic stimulant. (Ref. Clarke)
Note: –Motion aggravates most of the complaints but the muscular pain is only ameliorated from motion (Ref. Clarke)
Describe the paralysis symptoms of Gelsemium.
1. Ailments from:
- i) Damp-weather, cold, thunderstorms.
- ii) Fright, anger; exciting and bad news.
- iii) mentally ill symptoms in cigar-makers.
- iv) After febrile attacks; post diphtheria paralysis.
- v) Nervous affections of onanist of both the sexes.
2. Onset:
- The onset is very gradual and insidious. There is relaxation and prostration of the whole muscular system progressing towards paresis and then to paralysis.
- Feeling of lassitude or general fatigueà Prostrationà Lies downà Drowsiness with weak and slow pulse but is accelerated on least motion. àTrembling of legs & hands on attempting to walk. àOn attempting to lift them upàTongue tremblesàLeds toàTrembling of the whole body (Stakes the patient as from a chill, but there is no true Chill). (Ref. E. B. Nash) àParesisàParalysis.
Note: This total symptoms-picture is being given by Dr. E.B. Nash.
3. Character:
- i) Dr. Farrington reports that the prominent and universal symptom is paralysis of the motor nerves.
- ii) Tremor is the keynote of the remedy.
- iii) There is complete relaxation and prostration of the whole muscular system with almost or quite entire motor paralysis. (Ref. Dr. Nash).
- iv) Weakness and trembling of the tongue, hands, legs and entire body, with heavy limbs and pain, patient can hardly move them.
- v) Lack of muscular co-ordination is well-marked.
- vi) Muscles refuses to obey the will.
4. Clinical:
i) Paretic condition
- both voluntary and involuntary muscles. It acts upon C.N.S, through the anterior columns of the spinal cord.
ii) In post-diphtheria paralysis
- Gelsemium is the leading remedy. One sided paralysis, with loss of control over the muscles. with thick and heavy speech. (Ref. Dr. Farrington). In this stage there is paretic weakness of oesophagus and muscles of deglutition, so that when swallowing something it does not go down but goes up into the nose, through which it comes out with dysphagia (Ref Dr. Farrington’s Clinical Materia Medica).
iii) Drooping of eyelids
- (one of the Nash’s trios: others Sepia, Caust; others Caulo. Graph, R.T., Morphi, Syphi, Zincum Met). In ptosis, Dr. Farrington remarks that the eyeballs feel sore. Soreness agg. on moving the eyes; associated with thick speech and suffused redness of the face (Ref. Dr. Farrington). Blood vessels are enlarged from defective vaso-motor control. (Ref. Farrington)..
iv) Paresis
- of the muscles of the eye-resulting diplopia.
- of the laryngeals muscles-results aphonia.
vi) Writer’s cramps
- and professional, paralysis. Dupuy tren’s contracture. (Ref. Dr. Clarke)
vii) Functional paralysis
- of all descriptions: Viz, a) In anus → remains b) In eye muscles diplopia.
viii) Locomotor ataxia, paraplegia etc.
5. Modalities:
- Agg. from heat, damp weather, tobacco, smoking, while thinking of his complaints, before a thunderstorm, mental emotion, excitement. bad news etc.
- Amel. from stimulants.
6. Concomitants:
- a) Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness with trembling: tremor and prostration, are well-marked along with the paralytic symptoms: fatigue from least exercise.
- b) Lassitude is expressed by the patient (not expressed Acid).
- c) Thirstlessness is well-marked.
- d) Mentally the patient is extremely nervous, mind sluggish, seeks solitude, dullness. languor, listless, apathy regarding his illness. (Ref. Boericke).
- e) Confusion of the mind. (Ref. Dr. Lippe).
State the characteristic symptoms of Gelsemium.
1. Tremor:
Is the key-note of the remedy. Tremor all over the body, such as trembling of the tongue, hands, legs. of entire body.
2. 3D:
Stands for Gelsemium-dullness, dizziness and drowsiness associated with trembling, but Dr. Clarke refers consciousness is not clouded,
3.Onset and development:
The symptoms develop slowly and insidiously, taking a long time to reach the maximum development of the symptoms.
4. Paresis and paralysis:
It produces a general state of paresis: mental and physical.
1. Mental Paresis
- Weakness of memory. dullness, confusion.
2. Physical Paresis
- The limbs feel so heavy that he can hardly move them. (Ref. Clarke).
- Complete relaxation and prostration of the whole muscular system with entire motor paresis leading to paralysis.
5. Thirstlessness:
Is a marked feature of Gelsemium. Thirstlessness especially during the chill stage of fever when there is complete absence of thirst. (Ref. Allen)
6. Summer complaint:
There is general depression from heat of the sun or in summer, Complaints result from heat of the sun is also a denotable feature of Gelsemium. (6)
Write three medicines for bad-effects of onanism.
i) Argentum Metallicum.,
ii) Gelsemium.,
iii) Nux vomica.
Mention three medicines for chaotic temperament.
i) Gelsemium.,
ii) Ignatia.
iii) Pulsatilla.
Mention three where patient desires to be let alone.
Name three medicines where complaints are agg while thinking of his ailments.
i) Baryta carb.
ii) Gelsemium,
iii) Nux Vomica.
Name three medicines where headache is ameliorated by profuse urination.
Name three medicines for the bad-effects of sun-heat, resulting summer depression
Three medicines for the bad-effects of sun-heat
- Antim crud.,
- Gelsemium.,
- Lachesis.