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Infographic about the homeopathic remedy Gelsemium, highlighting its uses, symptoms, and characteristics. Provided by Mann Homeopathic Clinic. Gelsemium homeopathic medicine information, including indications, aggravations, ameliorations, and dosage, from Mann Homeopathic Clinic in Rajkot.



Gelsemium, a flowering vine with beautiful yellow trumpet-shaped flowers, also has many other names! Here are some of the most common synonyms:

  • Yellow jessamine or confederate jessamine: This name refers to the yellow color of the flowers and its resemblance to jasmine.
  • Carolina jasmine or jessamine: Similar to yellow jessamine, this name highlights the flower’s color and likeness to jasmine.
  • Evening trumpetflower: This name is descriptive of the flower’s shape and the time of day it blooms.
  • Woodbine: Be aware that this name can be confusing as American ivy and honeysuckle are also called woodbine.
  • False Jasmine
  • Faux Jasmin (French)
  • Jasmin de Caroline (French)
  • Jasmin Jaune (French)

It’s important to remember that while gelsemium is sometimes called jasmine, it is not actually a true jasmine. True jasmines belong to the genus Jasminum, while gelsemium belongs to the genus Gelsemium.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

a) Causation 

  • i) From heat of the summer.,
  • ii) From fright, emotions.
  • iii) From sun, self-abuse, etc.

b) Location

  • Occipital headache, begins from the cervical spine spreads over the whole head and lastly settles over the forehead and eyes. 

c) Sensation

  • i)Bursting sensation in the forehead and over eyeballs.
  • ii) Sensation of band around the head; above the eye sore to touch.
  • iii) Dull pain in the backpart of the head, after breakf agg. when morning or stooping. (Ref. Clarke)  

d) Modalities

  • i) From mental exertion.
  • ii) From smoking. 
  • iii) From heat of the sun. 
  • iv) When lying with head low. 
  • v) From sudden movement of the head and walking.
  • i) By profuse urination; by vomiting
  • ii) When lying down with head high.
  • iii) From sleep. 

e) Concomitants

  • i) Dim vision or blindness before the headache.
  • ii) Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and trembling, associated with giddiness and fainting.
  • iii) Thirstlessness. 
  • iv) Vertigo spreading from occiput, with heaviness of head


Frequent desire to urinate at night and if not responded headache severely aggravates. (Ref. Clarke) 

i) Causticum,

ii) Gelsemium.,

iii) Sepia. 


  • It is a suitable remedy for remittent, intermittent and continuous-all types of fever, Dr. John Henry Clarke refers that it is a leading medicine in typhoid fever. 

(A) Remittent fever 

a) Causation
  • i) Heat of the sun.
  • ii) From taking cold; in damp weather
b) Onset-
  • Insidious, slow and gradual.
c) Physical symptoms:
  • i) Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and trembling, with a sense of fatigue at every afternoon at 4-5 P.M.(Clarke) 
  • ii) Tongue: – Constant trembling of the tongue. 
  • iii) Thirst-Complete absence of thirst.  
  • iv) Headache: -Severe headache, amel. by
  • v) Pain: -Well marked muscular pains. 
  • vi) Limbs: -Cold with oppressed breathing.
  • vii) Chill: -Chilliness every day. esp. in the morning, at same hour. 
  • viii) Face: -Face is flushed, crimson colour. (Ref. Clarke) 
  • ix) Paroxysm: -Comes at 10 A.M.
 d) Mental symptoms:
  • i) Stuporous condition.
  • ii) Desire to be quiet.
  • iii) Wants to be let alone. 
  • iv) Does not want to speak.
 e) After fever
  • Paralysis occurs affecting the various groups of muscles.  

 B) Intermittent fever

a) Physical symptoms
  • i) Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness and trembling.
  • ii) Tongue: -Trembling of the tongue. Tongue is the coated.
  • iii) Thirst: -Complete absence of thirst.  
  • iv) Headache: -Severe headache amel. by profuse
  • v) Muscular pain: -All over the body with heaviness of the limbs.
  • vi) Pulse: Slow, weak and intermittent. Pulse is accelerated by motion. 

Note: -Hot face, red eyes and a grand feature is feeling of great weight and heaviness in the entire body limbs and is a denotable feature of Gelsemium. 

b) Mental symptoms:
  • i) Desire to be quiet.
  • ii) To be let alone. 
  • iii) Does not want to speak. 
  • iv) Stuporous condition.
c) Chill stage:
  • i) Chill begin in the comes at 10.A.M. head, running up the back.
  • ii) Running up and down in the back, along the spine.
  • iii) Wave-like succession from sacrum to occiput, 
  • iv) Chill with heaviness of the limbs and thirstlessness.
d) Heat stage:
  • i) Drowsiness.
  • ii) Great prostration.
e) Sweat stage:
  • i) little sweat does not ameliorate.
  • ii) Slight thirst may be present.
  • iii) Prostration is marked with heaviness of limbs.  
  • iv) Perspires from slight exertion.

Note: -In all the stages wants to cover up. (Ref. Clarke) 

f) Modalities:
  • Agg. from: –

Heat, damp-weather when thinking of his ailments.  

  • Amel. from: –

Profuse urination, continued motion, alcoholic stimulant. (Ref. Clarke)  


Note: –Motion aggravates most of the complaints but the muscular pain is only ameliorated from motion (Ref. Clarke) 

1. Ailments from:

  • i) Damp-weather, cold, thunderstorms. 
  • ii) Fright, anger; exciting and bad news.
  • iii) mentally ill symptoms in cigar-makers.  
  • iv) After febrile attacks; post diphtheria paralysis.
  • v) Nervous affections of onanist of both the sexes.

2. Onset:

  • The onset is very gradual and insidious. There is relaxation and prostration of the whole muscular system progressing towards paresis and then to paralysis
  • Feeling of lassitude or general fatigueà Prostrationà Lies downà   Drowsiness with weak and slow pulse but is accelerated on least motion. àTrembling of legs & hands on attempting to walk. àOn attempting to lift them upàTongue tremblesàLeds toàTrembling of the whole body (Stakes the patient as from a chill, but there is no true Chill). (Ref. E. B. Nash) àParesisàParalysis. 


Note: This total symptoms-picture is being given by Dr. E.B. Nash. 

 3. Character:

  • i) Dr. Farrington reports that the prominent and universal symptom is paralysis of the motor nerves.
  • ii) Tremor is the keynote of the remedy. 
  • iii) There is complete relaxation and prostration of the whole muscular system with almost or quite entire motor paralysis. (Ref. Dr. Nash). 
  • iv) Weakness and trembling of the tongue, hands, legs and entire body, with heavy limbs and pain, patient can hardly move them.
  • v) Lack of muscular co-ordination is well-marked.
  • vi) Muscles refuses to obey the will.

 4. Clinical:

i) Paretic condition
    • both voluntary and involuntary muscles. It acts upon C.N.S, through the anterior columns of the spinal cord. 
ii) In post-diphtheria paralysis
    • Gelsemium is the leading remedy. One sided paralysis, with loss of control over the muscles. with thick and heavy speech. (Ref. Dr. Farrington). In this stage there is paretic weakness of oesophagus and muscles of deglutition, so that when swallowing something it does not go down but goes up into the nose, through which it comes out with dysphagia (Ref Dr. Farrington’s Clinical Materia Medica).
iii) Drooping of eyelids 
    • (one of the Nash’s trios: others Sepia, Caust; others Caulo. Graph, R.T., Morphi, Syphi, Zincum Met). In ptosis, Dr. Farrington remarks that the eyeballs feel sore. Soreness agg. on moving the eyes; associated with thick speech and suffused redness of the face (Ref. Dr. Farrington). Blood vessels are enlarged from defective vaso-motor control. (Ref. Farrington).. 
iv) Paresis
    • of the muscles of the eye-resulting diplopia.
    • of the laryngeals muscles-results aphonia.
vi) Writer’s cramps
    • and professional, paralysis. Dupuy tren’s contracture. (Ref. Dr. Clarke)
vii) Functional paralysis
    • of all descriptions: Viz,  a) In anus → remains  b) In eye muscles diplopia. 
viii) Locomotor ataxia, paraplegia etc. 

 5. Modalities:

  • Agg. from heat, damp weather, tobacco, smoking, while thinking of his complaints, before a thunderstorm, mental emotion, excitement. bad news etc.
  • Amel. from stimulants. 

 6. Concomitants:

  • a) Dullness, dizziness, drowsiness with trembling: tremor and prostration, are well-marked along with the paralytic symptoms: fatigue from least exercise.
  • b) Lassitude is expressed by the patient (not expressed Acid). 
  • c) Thirstlessness is well-marked.
  • d) Mentally the patient is extremely nervous, mind sluggish, seeks solitude, dullness. languor, listless, apathy regarding his illness. (Ref. Boericke).
  • e) Confusion of the mind. (Ref. Dr. Lippe).

1. Tremor:

Is the key-note of the remedy. Tremor all over the body, such as trembling of the tongue, hands, legs. of entire body. 

 2. 3D:

Stands for Gelsemium-dullness, dizziness and drowsiness associated with trembling, but Dr. Clarke refers consciousness is not clouded,

3.Onset and development:

The symptoms develop slowly and insidiously, taking a long time to reach the maximum development of the symptoms. 

4. Paresis and paralysis: 

It produces a general state of paresis: mental and physical. 

 1. Mental Paresis 
  • Weakness of memory. dullness, confusion. 
 2. Physical Paresis 
  • The limbs feel so heavy that he can hardly move them. (Ref. Clarke). 
  • Complete relaxation and prostration of the whole muscular system with entire motor paresis leading to paralysis.  

 5. Thirstlessness:

Is a marked feature of Gelsemium. Thirstlessness especially during the chill stage of fever when there is complete absence of thirst. (Ref. Allen)

 6. Summer complaint:

There is general depression from heat of the sun or in summer, Complaints result from heat of the sun is also a denotable feature of Gelsemium. (6)

i) Argentum Metallicum.,

ii) Gelsemium.,

iii) Nux vomica. 

i) Gelsemium.,

ii) Ignatia.

iii) Pulsatilla. 

i) Arsenicum Alb.,

ii) Gelsemium.,

iii) Nux vomica 

i) Baryta carb.

ii) Gelsemium,

iii) Nux Vomica. 

i) Aconite.,

ii) Gelsemium.,

iii) Ignatia. 

Three medicines for the bad-effects of sun-heat

  1. Antim crud.,
  2. Gelsemium.,
  3. Lachesis.  

Excerpts (Summary)

Gelsemium: The Homeopathic Remedy for Anxiety, Weakness, and Fear

Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or physically weak? Gelsemium, a powerful homeopathic remedy, might be your natural solution. Discover how this "great paralyzer" can address trembling, headaches, fever, and even performance anxiety. Learn the key symptoms, uses, and why homeopaths consider Gelsemium a must-have in their arsenal.

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