Nitric Acid
There are some synonyms for Nitric Acid in homeopathic medicine.
Nitricum Acidum, Aqua fortis, HNO3 Solution, Acid Nitricum
Homeopathic remedies typically use the name of the substance itself, though sometimes abbreviated. In this case, Nitric Acid might bebreviated as: Nit-ac
Nervous trembling:
Our Nitric Acid pt. has nervous trembling.
After continued loss of sleep, long lasting anxiety, overexerties, of mind and loss of sleep, long lasting sick the pt. trembles.
N M Chowdhury said, he trembles in all his limbs.
Master Kent also reported this nervous trembling due to prolonged suffering in broken-down constitution.
Indigestible things:
Nitric Acid has craving for indigestible things, such as chalk, charcoal, stone-chips etc. (Alumina., Calc.*, Calc.Phos Others, Cina, Cicutta. Psor.).
Note: Great thirstlessness (Ref: Kent)
Tremendous offensiveness:
Master Kent said, offensiveness is a marked condition of the patient, often putrid odors.
Offensive leucorrhea, catarrh, breath, foetid foot-sweat, strong odors from the body, offensive urine like that of a horse, -in such cases Nitric Acid find its, similimum, if the other symptoms agree.
Dr. Clarke said, offensive, thin, excoriating discharges is the characteristic.
Red bloody hemorrhage:
It is one of our leading haemorrhagic remedy (Arn.¹, Bell., Calc.¹, Carbo Veg., China., Crot. Hor.¹, Ham.¹, Ipec., Lach., Melli., Merc.¹, Nat. Mur.¹, Nit. Ac.¹, NuxVom.¹, Phos. Puls., Sabina.¹, Sep., Sulph.¹, Acon., Bov., Elaps., Kali Phos., Trill.) (blood does not coagulate, Lach., Nit. Ac.¹, Phos.¹,).
Haemorrhage from bowels in typhoid or typhus (Crot., Mur.Ac.), after miscarriage, from over-exertion of body; bright or dark, profuse haemorrhage.
Irregular edges of ulcers:
Ulcers. easily bleeding, in corners of mouth (Nat.) splinter-like pains, especially on contact (Hep.) zig zag irregular edges, base looks like raw flesh exuberant granulations, after mercury or syphilis or both engrafted on a scrofulous base.[7]
Cracks and fissures:
Dr. Clarke said, the localities in which the action of Nit.Ac. is very strongly marked-the muco-cutaneous orifices and adjoining parts, Cracks and fissures in these selected parts with splinter like pain, calls for Nit. Ac.
Master Kent said. fissures forms in many places, canthi, corners of the mouth, above the anus; the skin cracks and all these have the splinter sensation.
Evening and at night, after midnight contact, change of temperature or weather, during sweat, on waking while walking.[7]
Comes and goes suddenly-pains:
The pains of Nitric Acid are very characteristic.
Cause: On change of temparature or weather.
Onset: Comes suddenly, disappears suddenly (Bell., Mag Phos. ).
Character: Sticking, pricking as from splinters (Master Kent in his Repertory classed pain: sensation of splinters, Agar.¹, Arg Nit., Hep., Nit. Ac.). Pains growing here and there as from ulcer forming.
Note: Master Kent said, even these pains are aggravated from noise.
In affected part splinter like sensation:
Sensation of splinter in affected parts, ulcers, piles, throat: sensation of a band around head, around the bones (Carb Ac., Sulph.).
Dr. Kent remarked, sticking in throat like splinter and can be bracketed with (Hepar, Natrum. Mur., Alum., Arg. Nit., Dolichos). Master Kent said, sensation as though a splinter felt in inflamed parts, in ulcers and in nerves
As in any other acids; debility and general weakness (Ref: Kent) is another denoting feature of deep acting Nitric Acid.
Our sagacious Kent has reported great general weakness, feeble reaction-pt. greatly broken-down by long sufferings, finally anemia and emaciation are marked – Nitric Acid rescues such cases. [3]
Nervous temperament: brunette rather than blonde.
Irrestible desire to curse and swear :
It is our Nitric Acid where irritability is a marked feature.
Pt. has irrestible desire to curse and swear.
Master Kent placed it in first grade. (cursing, Anac.¹, Nit. Ac.¹, Ars., Hyos., Lyco., Nux Vom., V.A.).
Tired of life.
Tired of life: Indifference: anguish from the loss of his dearest friend.
as if delirious, with coldness of body and inclination to fall
hateful, vindictive, headstrong.[10]
Constant feeling of threat.
This threat is perceived in several spheres: health, work, relationships, and so on.[9]
Adamant but unmoved by apology:
This is peculiar, uncommon symptom that apolozy is in- capable of moving our Nitric Acid.
Dr. N. M. Chowdhury said, head-strong, obstinate, but apology, coaxing, love are equally incapable of moving him.
Sympathetic, cares for others, Ailments from night watching.[9]
tried of life; joyless; sadness before menses.[11]
of recovery. Hopelessness.[8]
Let’s discuss nitric acid in detail.
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Introduction of Nitric Acid
Common name of Nitric Acid
- Nitric Acid [1]
- Nitric acid [1]
Family / Group / Class / Order:
- Mineral kingdom [1]
Habit and habitat / Description:
- It is a fuming liquid which is very caustic and has a characteristically highly irritating odour.
- It is soluble in water and dilute alcohol in all proportions.
- It attacks most metals, evolving brown fumes.[1]
Formula / Symbols of Nitric Acid
- HNO3[1]
Name of prover
- Dr.Hahnemann [1]
Introduction and history of Nitric Acid
- This is one more of our polychaetes.
- It is a constitutional, long and deep acting remedy.
- It is very corrosive and an irritant.
- It is suitable for acute and chronic diseases.
- This remedy corresponds to all three miasms and therefore, is an invaluable remedy in the treatment of chronic diseases.[1]
Parts used
- Watery solution of nitric acid.[1]
Preparation of Nitric Acid
- Potencies are prepared from a watery solution of nitric acid.[1]
Constitution of Nitric Acid
Physical make up of Nitric Acid
- It is best adapted to lean, thin, debilitated and weak persons with rigid fibers, black hair, eyes and dark complexion. [1]
Temperament of Nitric Acid
- Irritable and nervous [1]
Diathesis of Nitric Acid
- Haemorrhagic [1]
Relation with heat & cold
- Chilly patient [1]
Miasm of Nitric Acid
- All three miasms – psora, syphilis and sycosis [1]
Clinical conditions of Nitric Acid:
- As Nit-ac patient begins to improve, skin symptoms may appear for a time, a favorable indication.
- hemorrhages from uterus after miscarriage.
- Metrorrhogia after curetting.
- Superficial erosion of cervix
- diarrhea after antibiotics
- For inflamed or ulcerated corns.
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
- Mouth, throat, muco-cutaneous junctions, skin, salivary glands, bones, liver, prostate gland, gastrointestinal tract,anus, blood, mucous membranes.[1]
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
- Long lasting anxiety, anguish from the loss of his dearest friend, loss of sleep, some virulent poison, overexertion of mind and body, nursing the sick, syphilis, abuse of mercury, riding in a carriage, repeated use of Digitalis.[1]
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis:
- It produces intense irritation resulting in inflammation and destructive ulceration of parts, even gangrene.
- The entire action of Nitricum acidum points to a violent dyscrasia or poison resembling either the syphilitic, scrofulous or mercurial miasm.
- It acts upon muco-cutaneous junctions of the body like, the mouth, the rectum, anus and vagina.
- It produces inflammation and destructive ulceration.
- Acts upon mucous membranes; has a particular affinity for the outlets of mucous surfaces where skin and mucous membranes meet.
- Acts upon the digestive tract causing hemorrhages and diarrhea.
- Acts upon blood, causing blood decomposition resulting in anemia.
- It produces blisters and ulcers in the mouth, tongue genitals; they bleed easily.
- It acts on the rectum producing fissures, with pain during stool; as if the rectum were torn.
- Acts upon the entire physical body producing great prostration and weakness.
- It acts on bones and joints producing arthritis.[1]
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Nitric Acid
- Fear of death, uneasiness regarding health, with anxiety about recovery.
- Weakness of intellectual faculties; unfit for mental labour.
- Weakness of memory; melancholia of syphilitic origin; suicidal disposition.
- Easily startled and frightened. Sadness, despondency.
- Attacks of rage, with curses and mal addictions.
- Nervous, excitable, especially after abuse of mercury. Vertigo in the morning, must lie down. Dull, Foolish.
- Loss of sleep; long lasting anxiety due to mental affections.
- Anguish from loss of a dearest friend.
- Very peevish, easily angered at trifling matters, excitable and nervous.
- Great sadness before menses, very irritable and hateful.
- Constantly thinking about his past troubles, fear of cholera
- Patient is very sensitive to noise, pain, motion, jar and touch.
- Irresistible desire to curse and swear.
- Loathing of life, always sad, anxious, depressed, despondent with great
- indifference.
- Patient is unsympathetic, rude and adamant.
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms Of Nitric Acid
1. Generalities
Rapid emaciation.
Sharp pains in different parts of the body, seeming to be in the bones; suddenly appearing and disappearing; pains are felt even during sleep.
Tearing pains in the limbs and body, especially after becoming cold.
Weakness so great that he is constantly obliged to lie down.
General aggravation from washing with water.
Symptoms (<) evening and night.
Amelioration from riding in a carriage.
Generally indicated in people with dark hair, of "tense fiber" [2]
2. Head :
Feeling of rush of blood the head, with much heat in head.
Pulsating headache, as if the head were tightly bound, (>) binding the head tightly.
A feeling as though the head were in a vise, extending over the vertex, from ear to ear.
Shooting pains in the head (>) lying down.
Sharp pains in the head, with great sensitivity to noises.
Pains as if in the bones of the skull.
Pressing and drawing pains in the left side of the head, extending to the ears and teeth.
The hair falls out freely.
Moist eruption on the scalp.
The scalp is sensitive, even to the pressure of the hat.[2]
3. Eye :
Black spots before the eyes.
Very sensitive to light.
Double vision; shortsightedness.
Pupils dilated and dim. Eyes inflamed; after syphilis or abuse of mercury Iritis, which continually relapses; also, old cases spoiled by mercury. Pressure and stinging in the eyes.
Spots on the cornea. Staphyloma, as a preventive.
Eyes dim, sunken.
Region of eyes painful, sore to the touch. [4]
4. Ears :
Shooting pains in the ears.
Hearing blunted.
Cracking noises when chewing.
Swelling of the glands behind and beneath the ears.
The shooting and tearing pains are (>) warmth of the bed.[2]
5. Nose :
Nostrils sore, ulcerated, scabby.
Tip of the nose red and scabby.
Stinging in the nose on touch.
A feeling of distress at the root of the nose, with sticking pains, (<) sneezing and coughing.
Soreness in the nostrils, with itching.
Nose is stopped at night.
Discharge passes only into the throat.
Fluent coryza, and at the same time the nose feels stopped, with difficult breathing.
Shooting pains in the throat.
Nasal discharges offensive, yellow, bloody.
Discharges from the nose.
Caries of the mastoid bone, syphilitic or mercurial.[2]
6. Face :
Pale and bluish, pinched; veins turgid, with cyanotic lids; yellow; greenish; with deep lines of sufferings.
Sunken expression, anxious and worn out.
Cracking joint of jaws when chewing and eating.
Caries of the bones of the face, especially of the malar- bones; which become sore and painful as from splinters. [5]
7. Mouth :
Ulceration of the mouth; with great fetor; the ulcers spread rapidly like mercurial ulcers; but when touched they have sharp splinter-like pains; these ulcers extend into the throat and simulate diphtheria.
Great dryness of the mouth, tongue so dry that it adheres to roof of mouth;without thirst, with swollen, hot lips.
Tongue excoriated, sore, red, yellow, white, dry, fissured; with sore spots.[5]
8. Throat :
Inflammation and ulceration of the throat, with white patches and sharp pains, as from splinters, on swallowing.
Constant desire to hawk mucus from the throat, with sharp, stinging pains; with soreness as if raw and ulcerated.
Swallowing is difficult on account of inflammation and sharp, stinging pain.
Violent, shooting pain on swallowing; extends to ears and causes a wry face.[2]
9. Stomach :
Great hunger, with sweetish taste; weakness; appetite very variable. Thirst great.
Longing for indigestible things, such as chalk, lime, earth and fat.
Distress from eating milk.
Pain in the cardiac orifices of the stomach on swallowing food.
Shooting and sticking pain in the pit of the stomach.
Eructations sour, empty.
Nausea after eating; with heavy, dull head. Vomiting of tenacious or bloody mucus.[2]
10. Abdomen :
Flatulent symptoms: rumblings Cutting pains.
Shooting pains in the region of the liver: (<) motion.
Pressure and shooting in the region of the spleen.
Swelling and suppuration of inguinal glands, with splinter-like pains.[2]
11. Rectum & Anus :
Stitches; splinter-like pains during and after stool, with spasmodic constriction in an us.
Pain during stool as if it would be torn asunder.
Itching and burning in anus, at night, on walking, in the morning extending to perineum.
Ineffectual desire and inability to evacuate feces on account of inactivity.
Haemorrhoids, with bleeding after every stool.
Soreness and moisture of haemorrhoids, with shootings pains.[2]
12. Stool :
Diarrhoea, frequently slimy offensive.
Stools bloody, with tenesmus, fever and headache.
It consist only of mucus, with cutting pains and straining, also with burning in rectum.
Constipation, with evacuation of hard, scanty masses, with burning and cutting in the rectum and anus.
Following, the stools, great irritability of mind and general exhaustion.[2]
13. Urinary Organ :
Frequent urging at night, with scanty micturition.
Micturition in a thin stream as from stricture.
Ineffectual micturition.
Stinging in the orifice of the urethra.
Burning and smarting during and after micturition.
Urine offensive, scanty, dark- colored.
It is cold when passed. Urine deposits a red sediment. [2]
14. Sexual Organ :
Ulceration of the penis; the ulcers are elevated, with sensitive edges, sharp, splinter-like pains.
Soreness and burning in the glands penis and beneath the prepuce when urinating.
Ulcers on the corona glands, exuding an offensive matter.
Excrescences offensive and bleeding on touch.
Menstruation earlier; soreness and itching of the external genitals, with the development of ulcers, exuding yellow or bloody matter, which is offensive.
Leucorrhea brown, flesh- colored, stringy, greenish, offensive, (<) after menstruation.
The hair on the genitals of both sexes falls off.[2]
15. Respiratory System:
Voice hoarse, especially after long talking, with scratching and stinging in the trachea.
Cough usually short and dry, caused by a feeling of constriction in the throat, (<) fore part of the night, preventing sleep until towards morning, with a feeling as if the chest were tightly bound, often with stitches in the small of the back. Dry, barking cough in the evening after lying down.
It causes anxiety and vomiting of mucus and food.
Stitches in the sides of the chest. Whistling rales on inspiration.
A feeling of soreness in the chest when coughing and breathing.
Chest seems filled by a rush of blood, with heat and anxious palpitation.[2]
16. Heart & Pulse:
Anxious constriction about the heart, sometimes with palpitation in the evening in bed, or on ascending steps, with anxiety.
Pulse small and weak; intermittent, irregular and fluttering.[2]
17. Neck & Back:
Stiffness in the nape of the neck with stitches between the scapulae.[2]
18. Extremities:
General uneasiness, with drawing pains.
Tearing and drawing in the arms, especially below the elbows. also lower extremities as if in the bones.
A feeling of gnawing in the bones and pulling in the sinews of the lower extremities, (<)night.
Legs restless in the evening. Weakness of the knees. Cramp in the calves when walking.[2]
19. Skin:
General yellowness, with constipation.
Dark spots like freckles. Redness and heat in the hands and feet as though they had been frozen, or like chilblains.
Stinging or burning pains in old ulcers or in warts.[2]
20. Sleep:
Starts in fright on falling asleep.
Frequent waking and inability to fall asleep again after a long time. Sobbing during sleep, with anxious dreams.[2]
21. Fever:
General external coldness.
Constant chilliness. Heat and sweat, with great weakness after eating. Dry heat at night, with much thirst. Sweat usually in the morning, especially on the soles of the feet, causing soreness, with sticking pains as if walking on pins.
Sweat offensive at night, especially in the feet and in the axillae.[2]
Characteristic Of Nitric Acid
Keynotes / Redline :
- Affections of muco-cutaneous junctions.
- Splinter is like pain in affected parts.
- Amelioration riding in a carriage.
- Corrosiveness, offensiveness of all the discharges.
- Ulcers-bleed easily from the slightest touch.
- Headstrong, vindictive.
Guiding symptoms of Nitric Acid:
- Cracks and ulcers, particularly found around muco-cutaneous junctions.
- All discharges are thin, dirty brown, offensive and excoriating.
- Urine dark brown, scanty, turbid.
- Hardness of hearing, relieved by riding in a carriage or train.
- Pain comes suddenly and goes suddenly.
- Sensation as if a band was around the affected parts or around bones.
- Skin is very dirty; ulcers with syphilitic, sycotic or scrofulous base.
- Haemorrhagic tendency; hemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid
- Great straining as if faces remained and cannot be expelled.
PQRS symptoms:
- Offensiveness and corrosiveness of all discharges especially urine, Faeces and perspiration.
- Sensation of band in any part of the body.
- Difficulty in hearing > riding in a carriage.
- Constant urging and tenesmus, very exhausting.
- Short breath on going upstairs [6]
Confirmatory symptoms of Nitric Acid:
- Affection of muco-cutaneous junctions, ulceration, fissure.
- Splinter is like pain.
- Acrid, offensive discharge.
- Ulceration with bleeding from slightest touch.
- Pains like splinter in anus for hours after stool.[6]
Nucleus symptoms of Nitric Acid:
- Obstinate, suspicious, restless.
- Profuse sweat of hands feet. [6]
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value Of Nitric Acid
- Abdominal troubles, Anus fissures of, Bright’s disease,
- Bronchitis, Bubo, Chancres, Chronic catarrh, Condyloma, Constipation, Corns,
- Diarrhea, Dysentery, Eye and ear affections, Glandular swelling, Haematuria,
- Hemorrhage, Hemorrhoids, Headache, Herpes, Menstrual troubles, Rickets,
- Skin troubles, Syphilis, Tongue affections, Ulcers, Urinary disorders,Urinary
- disorders, Warts, Whooping cough.[1]
Modality of Nitric Acid
- At night, from change of temperature or weather, in the evening and at midnight, from noise, during sweat, cold, while walking, hot weather, on waking.
- While riding in a carriage, wrapping up.[1]
Remedy Relationship
Dose of Nitric Acid
From lowest to highest potencies.[1]
3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000, 10M.[1]
Duration of Action
40 to 60 days. [1]
Terminology used in Article Nitric Acid
Nitric Acid:
The common name of the homeopathic remedy derived from nitric acid.
Other names for nitric acid, such as Nitricum Acidum, Aqua fortis, HNO3 Solution, and Acid Nitricum.
An abbreviation sometimes used for Nitric Acid in homeopathic practice.
Guiding Symptoms:
The key symptoms a homeopath looks for to determine if Nitric Acid is the appropriate remedy for a patient.
The physical and mental characteristics of a person who may benefit from Nitric Acid.
A predisposition to certain diseases or conditions, in this case, a hemorrhagic diathesis, meaning a tendency to bleed easily.
In homeopathy, a miasm is a predisposing factor to chronic disease. Nitric Acid is considered to address all three primary miasms: psora, syphilis, and sycosis.
Factors that may contribute to the need for Nitric Acid, such as long-lasting anxiety, loss of sleep, overexertion, etc.
The way Nitric Acid affects the body, producing inflammation and ulceration, especially at mucocutaneous junctions (where skin and mucous membranes meet).
The most essential and characteristic symptoms of Nitric Acid, such as splinter-like pains, offensive discharges, and aggravation from cold and change of weather.
Factors that make the symptoms of Nitric Acid better or worse. Aggravation: night, cold, change of weather. Amelioration: warmth, riding in a carriage.
Remedies that work well in conjunction with Nitric Acid.
Follows Well:
Remedies that may be helpful after Nitric Acid.
Remedies that should not be used with Nitric Acid.
Antidoted By:
Remedies that can counteract the effects of Nitric Acid.
Reference Of Nitric Acid
- Textbook of homoeopathic Materia medica by Dr. J. D. Patil
- A Primer of Materia Medica by T. F. Allen.
- Synoptic-Memorizer v2
- Condensed Materia Medica by Hering C.
- Thousand Remedies by Boericke.
- Zomeo lan Chapter >Nitric acid
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Mention three medicines suitable for rigid or firm fibred constitution.
- Dark complexion, firm muscular fibre: Bryonia.
- Dark hair, rigid fibre: Causticum
- Thin persons of rigid fibre, dark complexions: Nitric Acid
Who takes cold easily-mention five medicines.
Five Medicine
- Belladonna.
- Calcarea Carb.
- Hepar Sulph.
- Rhus Tox.
- Nitric Acid.
State the ear symptoms of Nitric Acid.
Ear symptoms of Nitric Acid
- Hardness of hearing, ameliorated by riding in a carriage or train.
- Very sensitive to rattle of wagons over paved streets.
Ailments in broken down constitution-mention three medicines
- Carbo Veg.
- Cinchona.
- Nitric Acid.
Old people who are disposed to diarrhoea- mention three medicines.
Three medicines For Disposed to Diarrhoea
- Antim Crud Old people with morning diarrhoea.
- Nitric Acid Old people with great weakness and diarrhoea.
- Phosphorus Diarrhoea, in the morning, of old people.
Ailments from loss of sleep-mention four medicines.
- Causticum.
- Colchicum.
- Nux Vomica.
- Nitric Acid
The brunettes rather than blonde'-Elucidate –Brunette.
- The physical make-up characterized by rigid fibre, black hair and eyes, dark complexions-ugly look-up, as in Nitric Acid.
- Blonde
- The physical make-up characterized by sandy hair, blue eyes, affectionate, mild, gentle, attractive, beautiful looking persons, especially women as in Pulsatilla.
Pain appears suddenly, disappears suddenly- mention three medicines?
Three medicine for characteristics pain
- Belladona
- Kali Bich
- Nitric Acid
Sensation of a band around head-mention three medicines.
Three medicine of band around head
- Gelsemium.
- Nitric Acid.
- Sulphur.
Indicate the stool symptoms of Nitric Acid
Stool symptoms of Nitric Acid
- Nitric Acid patients are easily disposed to diarrhoea, rarely to those who suffer with constipation.
- Effects of virulent poisons.
- Bad effects of loss of vital fluids
- Broken down cachectic constitution
- Especially suited to thin persons of rigid fibre, dark complexions, black hair and eyes the brunettes
- Old people with great weakness and diarrhoea.
Character of stool
- Stool stained with blood accompanied with mucus.
- There may be undigested food-particles
- Bloody, putrid, green, slimy, acidic and excoriating (Ref. Kent).
- Sour and curdled, if milk is used as diet
Before stool
- Great desire for stool.
- There is frequent ineffectual urging for stool, as if faeces remained and cannot be expelled.
- Master Kent says constant fruitless urging like Nux Vomica.
During stool.
- Pain as if rectum or anus were torn or fissured.
After stool
- Violent cutting pains after stool, lasting for four hours.
- Agg. in the evening, at night.
- Amel. Dr. Boericke refers colic is ameliorated by tightening the clothes.
- Fissures in rectum; bearing, spasmodic pains during stools, lancinating, even after soft stools.
State the skin symptoms of Nitric Acid.
Skin symptoms of Nitric Acid
- In Nitric Acid, skin shows various manifestations after abuse of mercury and syphilis; or both; engrafted on a scrofulous or sycotic base.
Mucus outlets
- Affects specially the mucous outlets of the body where skin and mucous membrane joins-such as nose, mouth, rectum, anus, urethra, vagina etc.
- i e. mucocutaneous junctions.
Look-up of the skin.
- The skin is dry or scaly, yellow with deep cracks and fissures.
- Warts and condylomata; sycotic or syphilitic in origin.
- Large, jagged and pedunculated.
- Often bleeds especially on washing.
- Moist, oozes sticky fluid with sticking and splinter like pain in the affected parts.
- Condylomata: grows upon the genitalias; carbuncles at the orifice of urethra (Ref. Kent).
- Fungus growth, worse from application of cold water. (Ref. Dr. N.M. Chowdhury).
- Fissures in rectum, tearing, spasmodic pains during stool Lancinating pain even after soft stool.
- The nipples are fissured and tender (Ref. Kent).
- Spreading and phagadenic ulcers (Ref. Kent).
- Easily bleeding ulcers,
- Specially in the corners of mouth.
- Splinter like pains especially on contact in the affected parts.
- Irregular, zig-zag edges base looks like raw flesh, with exuberant granulations.
- Dr. Guernsey has cured one case: Sloughing of the entire integument of the penis, that leaves the organ entirely denuded.
- Constant itching, Agg. in open air.
- Old scars becoming painful in cold-weather and when weather changes to cold. (Ref Dr N.M. Chowdhury).
- Master Kent says brittle nails.
Discharges from skin eruptions.
- Thin, offensive, acrid,
- Brown or dirty, yellowish green.
- Rarely laudable pus oozes out. [3]