Agaricus Muscarius
Common Name: Fly Agaric, Toadstool
Agaricus Muscarius, commonly known as Fly Agaric, is a homeopathic remedy derived from the mushroom. It’s primarily used to address conditions affecting the nervous system, particularly those involving twitching, spasms, trembling, and unusual sensations. Agaricus is considerd usefull for chilblains and neurological disorders.
Aversion to conversation
Don’t want to talk , indifference to society.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Experiences mental giddiness and confusion, particularly after mental exertion. Difficulty in thinking clearly and a sensation of mental cloudiness. This can lead to mistakes in speech and writing.
[Boericke’s Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica]
Displays marked absentmindedness and difficulty concentrating on tasks. Apathy towards usual activities and surroundings is noticeable. They may appear indifferent and emotionally detached.
Reality perception lost
Perception of relative size of objects is lost, takes long steps and jumps over small objects as if they were trunks of trees — a small hole appears as a frightful chasm, a spoonful of water an immense lake.
[Materia Medica By Boericke W.]
Indisposition to work
Indisposed to perform any labor, especially mental.
[Condensed Materia Medica By Hering C.]
Mental confusion, with difficulty in coordinating thoughts. They may experience contradictory impulses and difficulty in making decisions.
[Gibson’s Studies of Homoeopathic Remedies]
Urge to sing
Makes verses, sings songs,talks incoherently.
[materia medica by Dr.S.R.Phatak ]
Exhibits sensitivity to external stimuli, such as noise and light. They may be suspicious and distrustful, often misinterpreting the intentions of others. [Morrison’s Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms]
Exhibits neuralgic pains, particularly sharp, shooting, or burning sensations along nerve pathways. These pains are often accompanied by sensations of coldness and numbness.
[Phatak’s Materia Medica of Homoeopathic Medicines]
Shows marked sensitivity to external stimuli, such as noise, light, and touch. They may be easily startled and overreact to minor disturbances, displaying nervous excitability.
[Morrison’s Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms]
Marked by involuntary twitching and spasms in various muscles, especially facial muscles and limbs, and choreic movements, characterized by involuntary, jerky, and uncoordinated motions. These motions are reactions that are often associated with nervous excitability and emotional disturbances.
[Kent’s Lectures on Materia Medica]
Displays mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, and a lack of mental clarity. This may be worsened by mental exertion and emotional stress. The mental and physical reactions are erratic. [Vermeulen’s Concordant Materia Medica]
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Common name:
- Toadstool
- Bug agaric, Champing flou
Family / Group / Class / Order:
- Fungi
Habit and habitat / Description:
- It is found in Europe, Asia and America; in dry places,
especially in dry pinewoods
Name of prover:
- Dr Stapf, a disciple of Dr Hahnemann and two years later by
Dr Hahnemann himself.
Introduction and history:
- Mushrooms are among the articles of diet
forbidden to people having a hydrogenoid constitution as described by him, in
which the patients are exceedingly sensitive to cold air. It can be thought of in
different heart and heart related disorders.
Parts used:
- Triturating the carefully dried cap, or tincture
is prepared from the fresh fungus.
- Triturating the carefully dried cap, or tincture
is prepared from the fresh fungus.
Active Principles :
- This fungus contains
several toxic compounds, the best known of which is ‘muscarin’.
Physical make up:
Persons with light hair, skin and muscles lax.[1]
Saguine (3), Choleric (3) [2]
Relation with heat & cold:
Psoric, Sycotic, Tubercular
–Anxiety, Bell’s palsy, Chilblain, Chorea, Delirium, Depression, Fasciculation, Lumbago, Multiple sclerosis, Neuralgia, Neuromyopathy, Paraesthesia, Sciatica, Seizure disorders, Tremor, Twitching.
-Paralytic weakness in the lower limbs after becoming pregnant may lead to Agaricus (Homoeopathic Records Aug 1932).
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics:
It energetically acts upon nerves, mind, brain,
circulation, skin and mucous membrane.[4]
Causation (Causes / Ailments from):
Indolent circulation, bad effects of alcohol, debauch, blood
poisoning, fright, frostbite, mental exertion.
Physiological action:
Muscarin excites the
inhibitory nervous apparatus, slows the heart’s action and ultimately arrests the
heart in diastole. It also produces an intermittent and irregular pulse
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis:
1.Upon the cerebrospinal system it produces giddiness and drunkenness,
similar to that produced by alcohol; entire loss of consciousness also takes
2. The chorea-like twitching shows its irritating influence upon the anterior
spinal nerves but its special center of action is more upon the posterior spinal
3. The most peculiar effect of Agaricus is its septic influence upon blood.
4. Blood becomes fluid, the brain, lungs and liver being engorged with this
fluid – blood
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology):
1. Loquacity; patient sings, talks but does not answer.
2. Aversion to work.
3. Delirium with constant raving or tries to get out of bed, especially in typhoid
or typhus. Delirium is characterized by singing, shouting, muttering, singing
rhymes and making prophecies.
4. There is an indifference.
5. Fearlessness is very marked
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms:
This fungus contains several toxic compounds, the best known of which is MUSCARIN. The symptoms of poisoning do not develop at once, usually twelve to fourteen hours elapse before the initial attack. There is no antidote, treatment, entirely symptomatic. (Schneider). Agaricus acts as an intoxicant to the brain, producing more vertigo and delirium than alcohol, followed by profound sopor with lowered reflexes.[5]
VERTIGO FROM SUNLIGHT, and on walking. Head in constant motion. Falling backward, as if a weight in occiput. Lateral headache, as if from a nail. [Coff.; Ignat..] Dull headache from prolonged desk-work. Icy coldness, LIKE ICY NEEDLES, or splinters. Neuralgia with icy cold head. Desire to cover head warmly. [Silica] Headache with NOSE-BLEED or thick mucous discharge.
READING DIFFICULT, AS TYPE SEEMS TO MOVE, TO SWIM. Vibrating spectres. DOUBLE VISION [Gels.], dim and flickering. Asthenopia from prolonged strain, SPASM of accommodation. TWITCHING OF LIDS AND EYEBALLS. [Codeine.] Margins of lids red; itch and burn and agglutinate. Inner angles very red.
Burn and itch, as if frozen. Twitching of muscles about the ear and noises.
NERVOUS nasal disturbances. ITCHING internally and externally. Spasmodic sneezing after coughing; sensitiveness; watery non- inflammatory discharge. Inner angles very red. Fetid, dark, bloody discharge. NOSEBLEED IN OLD PEOPLE. Sensation of soreness in nose and mouth.
FACIAL; muscles feel stiff; TWITCH; face itches and burns. Lancinating, tearing pain in cheeks, as of splinters. Neuralgia, as if cold needles ran through nerves or sharp ice touched them.
Burning and smarting on lips. Herpes on lips. Twitching. Taste sweet. Aphthae on roof of mouth. Splinter like pains in tongue. Thirsty all the time. Tremulous tongue. [Lach.] Tongue white.
Stitches along eustachian tube to ear. Feels contracted. Small solid balls of phlegm thrown up. Dryness of pharynx, swallowing difficult. Scratching in throat; cannot sing a note.
Empty eructations, tasting of apples. Nervous disturbances, with spasmodic contractions, hiccough. Unnatural hunger. Flatulent distention of stomach and abdomen. Profuse inodorous flatus. Burning in stomach about three hours after a meal, changing into a dull pressure. GASTRIC DISTURBANCE WITH SHARP PAINS IN LIVER REGION.
Stitching pains in liver, SPLEEN [Ceanothus] and abdomen. Stitches under short ribs, left side.
Rectum & Anus:
Diarrhoea with much fetid flatus. Fetid stools.
Urinary Organ:
Stitches in urethra. Sudden and violent urging to urinate. Frequent urination.
Sexual Organ:
Stitches in urethra. Sudden and violent urging to urinate. Frequent urination.
Respiratory System:
Stitches in urethra. Sudden and violent urging to urinate. Frequent urination.
Heart & Pulse:
IRREGULAR, TUMULTUOUS PALPITATION, after tobacco. Pulse intermittent and irregular. Cardiac region oppressed, as if thorax were narrowed. Palpitation with redness of face.
Neck & Back:
Pain as from fatigue and dislocation in the back, at the nape of the neck and in the loins. especially when sitting or lying down. Painful weakness in the muscles of the back. Sensation of soreness and great weakness in the back. Paralytic pain in the loins, increased by walking or by standing.
Stiff all over. Pain over hips. Rheumatism better motion. Weakness in loins. Uncertain gait. Trembling. ITCHING OF TOES AND FEET AS IF FROZEN. Cramp in soles of feet. Pain in shin- bone. Neuralgia in locomotor ataxia. Paralysis of lower limbs, with spasmodic condition of arms. Numbness of legs on crossing them. Paralytic pain in left arm followed by palpitation. Tearing painful contractions in the calves.
BURNING, ITCHING, REDNESS, AND SWELLING, AS FROM FROSTBITES. Pimples, hard, like flea-bites. Miliary eruption, with intolerable itching and burning. Chilblains. Angioneurotic oedema; rosacea. Swollen veins with cold skin. Circumscribed erythematous, papular and pustular and oedematous lesions.
PAROXYSMS OF YAWNING. Restless from violent itching and burning. On falling asleep, STARTS, TWITCHES, AND AWAKENS OFTEN. Vivid dreams. Drowsy in daytime. Yawning, followed by involuntary laughter.
Very sensitive to cool air. Violent attacks of heat in evening. Copious sweat. Burning spots.
Important characteristic features
Keynotes / Redline:
1. Involuntary, irregular, uncertain and exaggerated movements > during sleep < after coition.
2. Touch to the back, makes him laugh.
3. Frost bite and chilblains.
4. Angioneurotic oedema.
5. Sensation as if ice needles were piercing the skin.
6. Complaints appear diagonally, upper left and lower right side.
7. Cough ends in a sneeze. Sneezing in sunshine.
8. Yawning before all complaints.
Acts on cerebrospinal axis. Its action on brain produces more vertigo and delirium.
-Affection of spinal cord, nerves and medulla produces irregular, angular, uncertain and exaggerated motions.
Cold sensations-sensation as if pierced by cold needles or hot needles; as if a cold drop or cold weight on the parts.
-Trembling, twitching, jerking or fibrillar spasms here and there are very marked.
-Nervousness and restlessness. Chorea > during sleep.
-Tubercular diathesis-catarrhal condition of chest with night sweats; cough and pus-like sputa, small globules of mucus.
-C.N.S.-Painful twitching, then the parts become stiff and cold.
-Convulsions-after coition
-from suppressed milk
-after being scolded or punished
-In epilepsy and convulsions, the physical strength is increased, can lift heavy weights.
-Young nervous, married women who faint after coition.
-Children walk and talk late on account of brain complaints.
1. Delirium with constant raving.
2. Involuntary movements while awake; spasmodic motion and chorea.
3. Uncertainty in walking; stumbles over everything on the way.
4. Twitching and trembling run through the whole remedy.
5. Great sensitiveness of the entire body.
6. Chilblains and frostbite, with itching and redness and burning intolerably.
7. Complaints appear diagonally: Upper left arm and lower right leg (Anac., Arn.,
alic., Led., R.tox., Thuja). Upper right arm and lower left leg (Ambra, Caust.,
Lyco., Medo., Phos., Sulp.ac.).
8. Pain as if ice touched or pierced by needles of ice, is very characteristic.
9. Violent bearing down pain in females.
10. Ailments from : Indolent circulation, bad effects of alcohol, debauch, sexual excess,
suppressed eruption.
1. A/F :-Coition, suppressed eruptions.
-When being scolded or punished.
-Alcohol, debauches.
2. Complaints appear diagonally-right lower and left upper.
3. Extreme sensitiveness to cold air, sensation as if hot or cold needles are pricking in different parts of body.
4. Chorea, twitching < coition > during sleep.
5. Chilblains, frost bite, all consequences of exposure to cold, especially in face.
6. Nervous prostration after sexual debauches in both the sexes.
Nucleus symptoms:
-Nervous (mental) disorders with involuntary movements while awake, cease during sleep, chorea.
-Great sensitiveness of the body to pressure, to touch, to cold air.
-Skin itches, burns-as if hot or cold needles pricking in the skin.
Therapeutic Value
Aggravation :
After eating, after coitus, cold air, mental application, before thunderstorm.
Amelioration :
In open air and warm application.
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship
Follows Well:
Bell., Cale., Mere., Op., Puls., Rhust., Sil.
Antidoted By:
Charcoal; Coffea, Camphor.
Agar, Ars, Bov, Cann-i, Cic, Cimic, Cod, Coff, Lach, Mygal, Op, Stict, Stram, Tarent, Verat
Third to thirtieth and two hundredth potency. In skin affections and brain exhaustions give the lower attenuations.
- Potency:
- Duration of Action:
40 days
[1] Therapeutics Of Fever By Allen H.C.
[2] Temperaz Expert system
[3] Zomeo
[4] Materia Medica by Dr.S.K.Dubey
[5]Materia Medica by Boericke
[6]Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.
Also Search As
Also Search As
Main Ways
1. Understanding the Keywords:
Agaricus muscarius:
This is the full, formal name of the remedy, derived from the Amanita muscaria mushroom (Fly Agaric). Using this full name is generally best for precise scientific and homeopathic literature searches.
Agaricus musc: A common abbreviation. Useful, but might yield slightly fewer results.
Amanita muscaria:
The botanical name of the mushroom. Searching with this will bring up more botanical and toxicological information, but some homeopathic resources will also use the botanical name. It’s worth trying, but be prepared to filter.
Fly Agaric:
The common name. This will yield the least specific results for homeopathy, but might be helpful for very general introductory information or folklore. Avoid this for serious research.
Homeopathic Materia Medica:
This is a key phrase. "Materia Medica" refers to the body of knowledge describing homeopathic remedies, their provings (symptom pictures), and their uses.
Homeopathic Repertory:
Another essential phrase. A repertory is an index of symptoms, listing the remedies associated with each symptom. You won’t find full articles in a repertory, but it helps you find which remedies are associated with specific symptoms you might be researching.
This refers to the process of testing a substance on healthy volunteers to determine the symptoms it produces. Searching for "Agaricus muscarius proving" can lead to original proving data.
Clinical Cases:
Look for "Agaricus muscarius clinical cases" or "case studies" to find examples of how the remedy has been used in practice.
2. Utilizing Search Engines Effectively:
Google Scholar (scholar.google.com):
This is your primary tool for academic and peer-reviewed research. Use the advanced search options:
"with all of the words":
Enter "Agaricus muscarius" (in quotes) to ensure both words appear together.
"where my words occur":
Choose "in the title of the article" for highly relevant results.
Date Range:
Limit your search to specific years, especially if you’re looking for historical information or the most recent research.
Example Search: "Agaricus muscarius" "homeopathic materia medica" "clinical cases"
3. Specific Homeopathic Resources (Online and Offline):
Homeopathic Materia Medicas (Online):
Hpathy.com Materia Medica: Hpathy is a major homeopathic website. Many online materia medicas are available, often based on classic texts. Search directly within the site.
Minimum.com: This website has a large collection of materia medica, often by different authors. It will include Kent, Boericke, and other classic materia medicas.
Includes materia medica.
Interhomeopathy.org: An online homeopathic journal; has an archive of articles.
Homeopathic Repertories (Online):
RadarOpus and other Homeopathic Software:
Many professional homeopaths use software like RadarOpus, Complete Repertory, or MacRepertory. These programs have extensive repertories and materia medicas built-in. They are usually paid software, but some may have free trials or limited online versions.
May have a free, basic online repertory function.
Kent Repertory Online: Some websites have Kent’s Repertory online.
Homeopathic Journals:
Homeopathy (Journal):
A peer-reviewed journal published by Thieme. You can often search the journal’s archives online (though full access may require a subscription).
The American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine: Another journal to consider.
Similia: The journal of the Australian Homoeopathic Association.
International Journal of High Dillution Research
Homeopathic Organizations:
National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) (USA): Their website may have resources or links to articles.
The Faculty of Homeopathy (UK): Another good source for information.
Australian Homoeopathic Association (AHA):
Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI): An international organization.
Libraries (Physical and Digital):
University Libraries: If you have access to a university library (especially one with a medical school or a history of science collection), check their online catalog and databases. They may have access to homeopathic journals and books.
Specialized Homeopathic Libraries: Some homeopathic colleges or organizations maintain their own libraries.
HathiTrust: A digital library that may contain digitized versions of older homeopathic texts.
Internet Archive: Similar to HathiTrust, it may contain public domain homeopathic books.
Classic Homeopathic Texts (Offline/Online – often digitized):
Materia Medica Pura by Samuel Hahnemann: The foundational text of homeopathy. Agaricus will be included, but finding it might require some digging through older language.
Lectures on Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent: A very influential materia medica.
A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke: Another classic, comprehensive work.
Boericke’s Materia Medica: A concise and widely used materia medica.
Allen’s Keynotes: Focuses on the key, distinguishing symptoms of remedies.
These books are often available as reprints and sometimes as free, digitized versions online (e.g., on HathiTrust or Internet Archive).
4. Advanced Search Techniques:
Boolean Operators:
AND: Narrows your search (e.g., "Agaricus muscarius" AND "anxiety").
OR: Broadens your search (e.g., "tremor OR shaking").
NOT: Excludes terms (e.g., "Agaricus muscarius" NOT "poisoning").
Main terminologies
1. Sensorium:
Meaning: Refers to the seat of sensation, perception, and consciousness. In homeopathy, it describes the mental and emotional state, including clarity, confusion, delusions, and altered perceptions, often crucial for understanding the patient’s overall condition and the action of Agaricus muscarius. It encompasses the patient’s awareness of their surroundings and internal sensations.
2. Twitching:
Meaning: Involuntary, rapid, and repetitive muscle contractions. In Agaricus muscarius, this symptom is prominent, indicating nervous system sensitivity and irritability. It can manifest in various body parts, from facial muscles to limbs, reflecting the drug’s affinity for the nervous and muscular systems.
3. Vertigo:
Meaning: A sensation of spinning or dizziness, often accompanied by nausea and imbalance. In Agaricus muscarius, vertigo can be a key symptom, especially when related to visual disturbances or nervous system involvement. It often presents as a feeling of swaying or falling, worsened by movement or exertion.
4. Chorea:
Meaning: A neurological disorder characterized by involuntary, irregular, and jerky movements. Agaricus muscarius is used homeopathically to address choreic symptoms, particularly when they are associated with nervous excitability, twitching, and emotional disturbances. The movements are often described as clumsy and uncontrolled.
5. Hypersensitivity:
Meaning: An exaggerated or excessive response to stimuli, whether physical or emotional. In Agaricus muscarius, this manifests as an extreme sensitivity to touch, noise, light, and emotional triggers. It indicates a heightened state of nervous system reactivity, where even minor stimuli can provoke strong reactions.
6. Formication:
Meaning: A sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin. In Agaricus muscarius, this symptom is common, reflecting the drug’s effect on the sensory nerves. This sensation can be intensely distressing and is often associated with other nervous system symptoms.
7. Inebriation:
Meaning: A state of intoxication or drunkenness, often used in homeopathy to describe mental confusion, incoordination, and altered perception. Agaricus muscarius can induce symptoms resembling inebriation, including dizziness, confusion, and a feeling of unsteadiness, mirroring its effects on the nervous system.
8. Neuralgia:
Meaning: nerve pain, characterized by sharp, shooting, or burning sensations along the course of a nerve. In Agaricus muscarius, neuralgia can occur in various parts of the body, often accompanied by twitching and hypersensitivity. It reflects the drug’s influence on the peripheral nerves.
9. Stupor:
Meaning: A state of reduced responsiveness or consciousness, characterized by decreased awareness and sluggishness. In Agaricus muscarius, stupor can indicate a severe depression of the nervous system, where the patient is mentally and physically slow. It is a deeper level of altered consciousness than simple confusion.
10. Exaggeration:
Meaning: In homeopathy, this refers to the worsening of symptoms due to specific factors, such as movement, touch, or emotional stress. With Agaricus muscarius many of the symptoms are known to be exaggerated by cold, motion, and mental exertion. This is vital information for accurately selecting the remedy.
Other ways:
Materia Medica:
This is a foundational term in homeopathy. It refers to the body of knowledge that describes the symptoms produced by various substances (like Agaricus muscarius) when tested on healthy individuals. These symptoms form the basis for homeopathic prescribing.
A "proving" is the process by which homeopathic remedies are tested. Healthy individuals take the substance, and their resulting symptoms are meticulously recorded. This is how the characteristic symptom picture of Agaricus muscarius is established.
Characteristic Symptoms:
These are the unique, distinctive symptoms that set Agaricus muscarius apart from other remedies. For example, the characteristic twitching and choreic movements are key characteristic symptoms.
Modalities describe the conditions that worsen or improve symptoms. For example, knowing that Agaricus muscarius symptoms may be worsened by cold or improved by warmth is a modality.
Nervous Affections:
This is a general term that refers to disorders of the nervous system. Agaricus muscarius has a strong affinity for the nervous system, so this term is used frequently when describing its action.
This term refers to a state of severe confusion and disorientation. It is used when describing the mental state of a person that would require Agaricus Muscarius.
This term refers to nerve pain. Agaricus Muscarius is used to treat nerve pain in various parts of the body.
This is a key symptom of Agaricus Muscarius. It refers to involuntary muscle contractions.
This refers to a sensation of dizziness, or a sensation that the person, or the persons surroundings are spinning.
This refers to involuntary, irregular, and jerky movements.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Agaricus muscarius?
Agaricus muscarius,
commonly known as the fly agaric, is a poisonous mushroom with distinctive red or orange caps and white spots. It contains psychoactive compounds and has been used in various cultural and medicinal practices.
Is Agaricus muscarius used in homeopathy?
in highly diluted forms, Agaricus muscarius is used in homeopathy to address certain nervous system conditions
Where can I find information on homeopathic Agaricus muscarius?
Information can be found in homeopathic materia medica and reputable homeopathic websites. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using any homeopathic remedy.
What are the key symptoms associated with Agaricus muscarius in homeopathy?
Key symptoms include:
Involuntary muscle twitching
Choreic movements
Sensations of coldness
Mental confusion
How is Agaricus muscarius prepared for homeopathic use?
It undergoes a process of dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) to create homeopathic remedies, which significantly reduces the concentration of toxic substances.
Is homeopathic Agaricus muscarius safe?
When prepared according to homeopathic standards, Agaricus muscarius is considered safe. The extreme dilutions used eliminate the toxic effects of the original substance. However, it should only be used under the guidance of a qualified homeopath.
What are the modalities of Agaricus muscarius symptoms?
Symptoms are often worsened by:
Cold weather
Mental exertion
And improved by:
Can Agaricus muscarius help with restless legs syndrome?
It may be considered if the restless legs are accompanied by other characteristic symptoms like twitching and choreic movements, and the modalities match.