Argentum Metallicum
Common Names:
- Pure silver
- Silver leaf
- Precipitated silver
Argentum metallicum is prepared from Precipitated Silver. It is mainly a left-sided remedy like Lach. It is generally indicated in tall, thin and irritable persons; patients with hollow eyes, pale skins and with a tendency to caries, cancers and deep ulcerations. They are as a rule extremely forgetful. Restlessness, anxiety, ill humour and disinclination to talk are marked features of the patient.
Ailments from abuse of mercury
[Allen’s Kenotes]
Rheumatism without swelling
Articular rheumatism without swelling. Parts feel bruised when pressed on.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Great weakness
Great weakness of chest , worse left side.
[Allen’s Kenotes]
[Materia Medica By Boericke W.]
Nervous Affections.
Upper limbs feel powerless. Legs weak and trembling worse descending stairs. Calves feel as if too short on going down stairs.
[Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak]
Throat affections are main.
Feels raw and sore, during expiration or when swallowing or coughing. Viscid, grey-jelly like mucus easily hawked up; in the morning. Tension in throat worse yawning. Hawks. Fauces numb.
[Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak]
Uterine prolapse with ovarian pain
Prolapsus uteri, with pain in left ovary and small of the back, extending in front and downwards.
[Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak]
Mucus membrane of throat and eye affected.
Causing opthalamia neonatarum and copious look like boiled starch or gray jelly and are easily ejected.
[Homoeopathic Materia Medica Of Graphic Drug Pictures By Pulford]
Dierbach tells us that Silver has been repeatedly observed to cause fatal dropsy when given against epilepsy; Vogt also says that it has caused cachexia, emaciation, and dropsy, although he tells us that it used i olden times in the dropsy, ulcerous cachexia, and other obstinate, disease has been supplanted by a fatal dropsy, complicated with induration of the liver.
[Manual Of The Homoeopathic Practice By C.J.Hempel]
Exhausting fluent coryza with sneezing.
[Materia medica by Dr.S.K.Dube]
Testicular pain
Crushing pain in testes.
[Allen’s keynotes]
Extreme forgetfulness.
[Gems materia medica by Dr.Patil]
Aprehensive Anxiety
Restless anxiety which drives him from place to place. Time passes slowly.
[Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak]
Ill-humor, with disinclination to talk.
[Text Book Of Materia Medica By Adolph Von Lippe]
Raised as performers.
The situational Materia Medica of Argentum metallicum is that he has been forced by his parents to perform, to be a performer, to demonstrate his intellect, his skill, his talents, his brain power. The parent expects the child to show the world how talented he is and the child feels this as the condition for acceptance by his parents.
[The Soul Of Remedies By Rajan Sankaran]
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
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Introduction of Argentum Metallicum
Common name:
- Silver
- Pure silver, Silver leaf, Precipitated silver[1]
Family / Group / Class / Order
- Mineral Kingdom
Formula / Symbols
- Ag
Name of prover
- Dr Samuel Hahnemann
Introduction and history
- It is mainly a left sided remedy. It is Luna of the alchemists. It corresponds to deep seated insidious diseases. In the mental sphere, it affects the intellect more than the other spheres.
- It is prepared from precipitated silver.
Physical make up
Tall, thin, irritable people
Relation with heat & cold
Clinical condition
Blepharitis. Brain-fag. Caries. Chlorosis. Cough. Diabetes. Enuresis nocturna. Epilepsy. Epithelial tissue, affection of. Exostosis. Heart, affections of. Hip-joint.Joints, affections of. Laryngitis. Ovaries, affections of. Phthisis. Pollutions. Rheumatism. Uterus, cancer of, prolapse of. Voice, loss of.[2]
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
Mucous membrane of the throat
and respiratory tract, cartilages, joints and bones, cartilage of the ear, nose, eustachian tube, male and female genital organs.
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
1. Through the great sympathetic system, it especially acts upon the
cartilaginous system affecting the cartilages of the ears, eustachian tube,
tympanum, cartilage of the nose, false ribs, tarsal cartilages, muscles,
tendons, ligaments, particularly those in the neighborhood of joints.
2. It also acts upon the heart, testicles, salivary glands and skin.
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Argentum Metallicum
1. Patient is restless, anxious and ill-humoured.
2. Patient has a disinclination to talk.
3. Patient is extremely forgetful.
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Emaciation, a gradual drying up, desire for fresh air, dyspnoea, sensation of expansion and left-sided pains are characteristic. The chief action is centered on the articulations and their component elements, bones, cartilages, and ligaments. Here the small blood vessels become closed up or withered and carious affections result. They come on insidiously, lingering, but progress. The larynx is also a special center for this drug.[3]
Dull paroxysmal neuralgia over left side, gradually increasing and ceasing suddenly. Scalp very tender to touch. Vertigo, with intoxicated feeling, on looking at running water. HEAD FEELS EMPTY, HOLLOW. Eyelids red and thick. Exhausting coryza, with sneezing. Pain in facial bones. Pain between left eye and frontal eminence.
Itching in eyelids and canthi. Abundant purulent discharge. Lachrymal stricture. Eyelids and tarsi become thick.[4]
Itching of ear lobes. Itching; has to scratch until it bleeds.
Violent fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, causing exhaustion. Nose bleed, with tickling; worse blowing nose.
*Pale, *sallow, with *weakness. Red. Sudden heat, with palpitation.
Dryness in the mouth.Fetid breath. Scirrhus uteri.[5]
Raw, hawking, gray, JELLY-LIKE MUCUS, and throat sore on coughing. PROFUSE AND EASY morning expectoration.
Burning in stomach, ascending to the chest. Anxiety and pressure in the pit of stomach. Appetite increased or repugnance to all food. Hiccough on smoking. Nausea in dreams.
Loud croaking, with hunger in abdomen. Painful soreness of abdomen worse riding in a carriage. Vomiting during stool.
Rectum & Anus
Frequent urging in lower part of rectum, with discharge of small quantities of soft stool.Dry, stool, like sand, after dinner.Alvine evacuation irregular, often lienteric diarrhoea.Diarrhoea with constant pain in left side of stomach.Sore between the nates, around anus, and in groin, on moderate walking.
Urinary Organ
Copious and frequent urination. Diabetes; if there is swelling of the ankles. Urine, like whey, of sweet odour. Chronic urethritis.
Sexual Organ
Crushed pain in (right) testicle. Clothing increases pain when walking. Seminal emissions without sexual excitement, and erection. Yellowish green discharge.
Respiratory System
Hoarseness and aphonia worse using voice. Total loss of voice in professional singers. Larynx feel sore and raw. Cough worse laughing. *Easy expectoration of grey, gelatinous or starchy* mucus. Feeling of raw spot near suprasternal fossa. Great weakness in the chest (left), stitches in chest impeding breathing, while reading aloud or talking. Boil near the last rib, Neuralgic pains along the entire border of left lower rib.
Heart & Pulse
Stops, then trembles, then throbs, better inspiration. Palpitation with cardiac unrest, better by lying on left side. Palpitation during pregnancy; better deep inhalations. Pulse intermittent and very irregular, during palpitation.
Neck & Back
Severe backache must walk bent. Icy cold feeling near sacrum.
Upper limbs feel powerless. Legs weak and trembling worse descending stairs. Calves feel as if too short on going down stairs. Swelling of ankles (Diabetes). Contraction of the fingers, with partial paralysis of the forearm. Writer’s cramps. Limbs feel numb or stiff. Burning in corns.Electric shocks on dropping to sleep. Nausea in dreams.
Nervous itching, crawling, tickling on various parts.
Electric shocks on dropping to sleep. Nausea in dreams.
Hectic fever at noon. Sweat only on abdomen and chest.
Important characteristic features of Argentum Metallicum
Keynotes / Redline
Seminal emissions: after onanism; almost every night; without erection; with atrophy of penis. Crushed pain in the testicles [Rhod.]. Prolapsus: with pain in left ovary and back, extending forward and downward [right ovary, Pal.]; climacteric haemorrhage. Exhausting, fluent coryza with sneezing. Hoarseness; of professional singers, public speakers [Alum. , Arum t.]. Total loss of voice with professional singers. Throat and larynx feel raw or sore on swallowing or coughing. Laughing excites cough [Dros. , Phos. , Stan.] and produces profuse mucus in larynx. When reading aloud has to hem and hawk; cough with easy expectoration of gelatinous, viscid mucus, looking like boiled starch.
-For broken down constitutions, suffering from loss of muscular power and trembling.
-Epileptic attacks followed by delirious rage, jumping about, striking those near.
-It affects the CARTILAGES, bones, condyles, joints, larynx and mucous membranes. Thickening of the tissues, especially cartilages, larynx. Ailments with thickening, infiltrations, induration, cysts, tumours, ulcerations and epithelioma.
-Secretions of mucus membranes are thick, gray or tenacious or like boiled starch.
-Ill effects of onanism and sunstroke.
-Emaciation, a gradual drying up.
-Desire for fresh air, dyspnoea.
-Symptoms appear gradually or suddenly, disappear suddenly.
-Left sided pains are characteristic.
-Loss of control over MIND or body.
-Tremulous weakness of the whole body, hands and feet. Palpitation with general trembling.
Hoarseness worsens with prolonged speaking.
Sharp pains occur along the shinbone.
A pervasive weakness affects the limbs.
Fine tremors manifest in the hands.
Joints ache with a feeling of instability.
1. Secretion of mucous membranes are thick, gluey, tenacious, gray, like boiled starch.
2. Raw spot at the bifurcation of the trachea.
Nucleus symptoms
1. Indicated in nervous and broken down constitution who are always chilly.
2. Ill effects of onanism, sunstroke, anger, fear, fright.
3. Affection of mucous membranes, cartilages, bones.
4. Secretions of mucous membranes are thick, gray or tenacious or like boiled starch.
5. Rheumatic complains from damp weather, with swelling of joint.
6. Great weakness of the chest with easy expectoration.
Therapeutic Value
Therapeutic Value of Argentum Metallicum
Aphonia, Brain fag, Cough, Diabetes, Exostoses, Heart
affections, Hoarseness, Impotency, Laryngitis, Rheumatism, Throat affections,
Uterine prolapse, etc.
Modality of Argentum Metallicum
Motion, open air, cough at night, while lying down,pressure,bandaging.
By rest, singing, reading, in cold wet weather, in a warm room,on exposure to sun during headache,descending stairs, eating sweets, drinking,eating
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship
Follows Well
Calc, Puls and Sep.
It Antidotes
Merc, Puls
Inflammation of cartilage: Arg-met, Nat-m
Dose of Argentum Metallicum
Sixth trituration and higher. Not too frequent repetition.
Duration of Action
30 Days[6]
Common Terminologies
Argentum Metallicum
Metallic silver, the base substance for the homeopathic remedy. Prepared through dilution and potentization.
HPUS (Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States)
The official U.S. compendium for homeopathic drug products, ensuring quality and standards in remedy preparation.
Dilution and Potentization
Core homeopathic processes. Dilution involves serial weakening of a substance, while potentization includes vigorous shaking to release its medicinal power.
CH (Centisimal Hahnemannian)
A dilution scale where the substance is diluted 1:100 repeatedly, indicating the level of dilution.
Small, usually sugar-based pellets used as a vehicle for homeopathic remedies, impregnated with the diluted substance.
Mother Tincture
The initial liquid preparation of a homeopathic remedy, created by soaking the raw material in alcohol.
Other Terminologies
Systematic testing of a substance on healthy individuals to record the symptoms it produces, forming the basis of its homeopathic use.
Factors that worsen or improve symptoms, such as time of day, temperature, or activity, used to individualize remedy selection.
Characteristic Symptoms
Distinctive and peculiar symptoms associated with a specific remedy, guiding the homeopath in prescribing the correct medicine.
Mental Symptoms
Emotional and mental states affected by the remedy, considered crucial for holistic prescribing in homeopathy.
Physical Generals
Symptoms affecting the whole body, such as fatigue, temperature sensitivity, and appetite, used to understand the overall picture.
Materia Medica
A comprehensive reference book detailing the symptoms and uses of homeopathic remedies, based on provings and clinical experience.
An index of symptoms and their corresponding remedies, used to find the most appropriate remedy based on the patient’s symptom picture.
Constitutional Remedy
A remedy that addresses the patient’s overall health and susceptibility, rather than just isolated symptoms.
Nerve pain, a common indication for Argentum Metallicum, often described as sharp, shooting, or burning.
[1] Gems textbook of materia medica by Dr.Patil
[2] Dictionary of practical materia medica by Dr.J.H.Clarke
[3] Materia Medica By Boericke W.
[4] Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak
[5] Condensed Materia Medica By Hering C.
[6] Zomeo
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Main ways
Online Homeopathic Databases and Resources:
- Websites of reputable homeopathic organizations often have articles, materia medica (information on remedies), and case studies.
- Websites that host homeopathic pharmacopeias.
Medical and Pharmaceutical Websites:
- Websites like 1mg.com or Truemeds.in, while also selling products, often provide detailed information about homeopathic remedies, including their uses and indications.
- Be aware that these sites often are also sales sites.
Academic and Research Databases:
- For more in-depth research, databases like PubMed may contain studies related to homeopathy, although the availability of robust studies can vary.
Books and Publications:
- Traditional homeopathic materia medica and repertories are valuable resources.
- Books written by experienced homeopathic practitioners.
Search Tips:
Use Specific Keywords:
- "Argentum metallicum materia medica"
- "Argentum metallicum homeopathic indications"
- "Argentum metallicum symptoms"
- "Homeopathy Argentum metallicum case studies"
Include "Homeopathy" in Your Search:
- This helps to filter out results that are not related to homeopathic medicine.
Look for Reputable Sources:
- Prioritize websites and publications from established homeopathic organizations, recognized medical institutions, or authors with expertise in homeopathy.
Be Aware of Variations:
- Homeopathic remedies can be listed with different potencies (e.g., Argentum met. 30C, Argentum metallicum 200CH). Understanding these variations is important.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Argentum metallicum?
Argentum metallicum
is a homeopathic remedy prepared from metallic silver. In homeopathy, it’s used to address a range of physical and emotional symptoms.
What are the primary uses of Argentum metallicum in homeopathy?
It’s often used for conditions involving the nervous system, mucous membranes, and connective tissues. Common applications include addressing hoarseness, throat problems, and certain types of nerve pain.
What symptoms is Argentum metallicum commonly used to address?
Symptoms may include:
Hoarseness and loss of voice, especially in public speakers.
Pain in the throat and larynx.
Nerve pain, particularly in the limbs.
Weakness and trembling.
Certain emotional states involving anxiety and apprehension.
Is Argentum metallicum safe to use?
In homeopathic preparations, the extreme dilutions used generally render it very safe. However, it’s always best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional, especially a homeopath, before use.
Can Argentum metallicum be used for anxiety?
In some cases, it may be used for anxiety accompanied by specific physical symptoms that match the Argentum metallicum picture. A homeopath would determine its suitability.
How often should I take Argentum metallicum?
Dosage and frequency should be determined by a qualified homeopath.