Ammonicum Carbonicum
Ammonium carbonicum (Amon. carb.), commonly known as Hartshorn, is a deep-acting homeopathic remedy derived from ammonium carbonate. It is particularly well-suited to individuals of a sluggish, corpulent constitution, often those who lead sedentary lifestyles and are highly sensitive to cold. This remedy addresses a wide range of ailments, with a prominent focus on respiratory complaints, weakness, and a characteristic mental state marked by sadness, aversion to company, and morning aggravation. Ammonium carbonicum is known for its effectiveness in treating conditions involving venous congestion, hemorrhages with dark, clotted blood, and a general lack of vital reaction, making it a valuable remedy for those exhibiting a diminished response to stimuli and a tendency towards collapse. It is important, as always, to consider the totality of symptoms when selecting this or any homeopathic remedy.
Common names:
- Baker’s ammonia.
- Sal volatile.
- Salt of hartshorn.
- Spirit of Urine.
- E503
A-Amelioration from lying on painful side
Amelioration:lying on abdomen , on painful side , in dry side.
[Allen’s keynotes]
M-Morning aggravation
Symptoms like headache,epistaxis etc. worse in morning.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
O-Obesity(Corpulent habit)
"Especially suitable to the complaints of corpulent persons with a sluggish, torpid habit and leading a sedentary life."
[[Homoeopathy and Homoeopathic Prescribing by Dr. Harvey Farrington]
Nosebleed : when washing the face [Arn. , Mag. c.] and hands in the morning, from left nostril; after eating. Ozaena, blowing bloody mucus from the nose frequently; blood rushes to tip of nose, when stooping.
[Aleen’s keynotes]
C-Cold sensitivity to
Very *sensitive to cold air. Great aversion to water, cannot bear to touch it.
[Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak]
Catarrh, with hardness of hearing, and burning in the stomach. Cough, with asthmatic oppression, particularly when in bed in the evening. Tickling cough, with expectoration. Cough only at night, or only by day, or in the evening, before going to sleep, or in the morning towards three or four o’clock, dry from tickling in the throat, as of dust. Cough, with stitches in the small of the back.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
R-Right side affections[Amelioration from lying on right side to!]
Clarke notes a general right-sided tendency, though not as exclusively as some other remedies. Farrington notes right-sided headache. Symptoms may manifest more intensely on the right side of the body.
[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Nosebleed,menses too early ,profuse;haemorrhagic diathesis.
[Allen’s keynotes]
Confusion (Mental fog)
Great absence of mind and weakness of memory.
[Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak]
Lost (Place, memory)
Impairment of the intellectual faculties.[Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.]
Outbursts (Irritable, anger)
"Ill-humored, irritable, easily angered." "Very irritable and angry."
[[Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica by J.T. Kent]
Unhappy (Sad, weeping)
The remedy is full of depression of spirits. She weeps much, has fainting fits, anxiety, uneasiness and exhaustion from motion.
[Lectures On Homoeopathy By Kent J. T.]
Dislike (Company, averse)
They have a grudge against their father, especially during puberty, when they start to become rebellious. As a child they idolize their father, seeing him as a sort of god, who can do anything and who knows everything. During puberty it dawns on them that their father is just an ordinary human being with all his faults and shortcomings. This causes them to be extremely disappointed with their father, who proved to be not so ideal after all, who ‘frittered away’ his ideals.
[Minerals Of Homoeopathy By Jan Scholten]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Mental Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms
Therapeutic Value
Remedy Relationship
Also Search As
Introduction of Ammonicum Carbonicum
Common name
Smelling Salt
- Baker’s ammonia.
- Sal volatile.
- Salt of hartshorn.
- Spirit of Urine.
- E503
Family / Group / Class / Order
Mineral Kingdom
Habit and habitat / Description
It’s important to note that commercial "ammonium carbonate" is often not pure (NH₄)₂CO₃. It’s usually a mixture of ammonium bicarbonate (NH₄HCO₃) and ammonium carbamate (NH₂COONH₄). This mixture is sometimes referred to as "ammonium carbonate" in older literature and even commercially, leading to some confusion. True ammonium carbonate is difficult to isolate in a pure, stable form.
Formula / Symbols
Name of prover
Introduction and history
Ammon. carb. is a very effective remedy potentised from the pure salt-carbonate of ammonium. Hahnemann s masterly knowledge in Chemistry revealed to him the curative power of this powerful irritant, smelling salt.
The process begins with commercial ammonium carbonate, a mixture, not the pure compound. Due to its instability, the substance is first triturated with lactose, undergoing successive 1:100 dilutions and grinding up to the 3C potency. This solid-dilution phase is followed by liquid potentization, where the 3C trituration is dissolved and then serially diluted 1:100 with a water/alcohol mixture. Each dilution step is accompanied by vigorous succussion, a forceful shaking believed to be crucial for potentization. The resulting remedy, at potencies like 30C or 200C, contains no detectable molecules of the original substance, operating instead, according to homeopathic principles.
Physical make up
Stout, fleshy and delicate women who lead sedentarylife, with a "smelling-bottle" always in the hand.[1]
Phlegmatic 3, melancholic 1, nervous 1.
Relation with heat & cold
Very chilly patient
Tubercular predominant
Clinical conditions of Ammonicum Carbonicum
Asthma. Bronchitis. Cough. Dislocations, pains from. Emphysema. Enuresis.Epistaxis Erysipelas. Gums, sensitive. Haemorrhoids. Hysteria. Lungs, edema of. Measles. Military eruptions. Nose affections. Parotitis. Rickets. Scarlatina. Spotted fever. Sprains. Sternum, pain on. Toothache. Uremia. Whitlow.
Sites of action / Pharmacodynamics
It acts on blood, cardio-vascular system, respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract, female genital organs, nerves and bones.
Causation (Causes / Ailments from)
-Charcoal fumes
-Snake bite, stings of insects
-Exposure to cold, stormy, wet weather
Physiological action
Its action is mostly spent upon the ganglionic nervous system, through this it especially affects the blood, and the secretion of the mucous membranes. By its specific action upon the solar plexus, it rouses into augmented activity, temporarily, the heart, stomach and lungs. Under its influence the activity of nearly every organ in the body is for a short time increased.
Patho-physiological changes / Pathogenesis
Ammon. Carb. causes degeneration of blood and haemolysis, diminishes tendenceyto coagulation and oxygen carrying capacity affects the blood vessels resulting in
haemorrhage, irritates mucous membrane of respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract,
setting in catarrhal condition; snuffles of nose, cholera like symptoms, initiate profuse
menstruation; by its affection of nerves, it produces increased activity of blood vessels and heart.
Mental Symptoms
Characteristic Mental Symptoms (psychology) of Ammonicum Carbonicum
Active, but soon exhausted.
Forgetful, ill – humoured, gloomy, during stormy weather.
Headless and unruly, disobedience.
Depressed with weakness of intellect.
Vacant mind.
Loss of memory < vexation.
Hearing others talk or talking himself, affects him.
-Aversion to work.
Peevish, fretting, as if crime has been committed.
Disposed to weep, sadness.
Tendency to make mistakes in speaking, writing and calculating.
Timidity of character.
Great restlessness in the evening.
Quarrelsome during menses.
Talking in sleep about what he thought when awake, reveals secrets in sleep.
Fear of misfortune in the morning.
Aversion to women. Aversion to sea.
Reserved during menses.
Irritability after eating, during headache, during menses.
Oversensitive to sensual impression.
Guiding Symptoms
Guiding Symptoms of Ammonicum Carbonicum
The diseased conditions met by this remedy are such as we find often in rather stout women who are always tired and weary, take cold easily, suffer from cholera-like symptoms before menses, lead a sedentary life, have a slow reaction generally, and are disposed to frequent use of the smelling-bottle. Too frequent and profuse menses. Mucous membranes of the respiratory organs are especially affected.Fat patients with weak heart, wheezing, feel suffocated. Very sensitive to cold air. Great aversion to water, cannot bear to touch it. Malignant scarlatina, with somnolence, swollen glands, dark red sore throat, faintly developed eruption. Uraemia. HEAVINESS IN ALL ORGANS. Uncleanness in bodily habits. Swelling of parts, glands, etc. Acid secretions. Prostration from trifles.
Pulsating forehead; better, pressure and in warm room. Shocks through head.
Burning of eyes with aversion to light. Eye-strain. [Nat. mur.] Asthenopia. Sore canthi.
Hardness of hearing. Shocks through ears, eyes, and nose, when gnashing teeth.
Discharge of sharp, burning water. STOPPAGE AT NIGHT, WITH LONG-CONTINUED CORYZA. CANNOT BREATHE THROUGH NOSE. SNUFFLES of children. EPISTAXIS AFTER WASHING AND AFTER EATING. Ozaena, blows bloody mucus from nose. Tip of nose congested.
Tetters around mouth. Boils and pustules, during menses. Corners of mouth sore, cracked, and burn.
Great dryness of mouth and throat. Toothache. PRESSING TEETH TOGETHER SENDS SHOCKS THROUGH HEAD, EYES, AND EARS. Vesicles on tongue. Taste sour; metallic. Cracking of jaws on chewing.
Enlarged tonsils and glands of neck. Burning pain all down throat. Tendency to gangrenous ulceration of tonsils. Diphtheria WHEN NOSE IS STOPPED UP.
Pain at pit of stomach, with heartburn, nausea, waterbrash, and chilliness. Great appetite, but easily satisfied. Flatulent dyspepsia.
Noise and pain in abdomen. Flatulent hernia. Stools difficult, hard, and knotty. BLEEDING PILES; WORSE DURING MENSES. Itching at anus. Protruding piles, worse after stool, better lying down.
Rectum & Anus
Constipation. Difficult evacuations. Slow, hard evacuations, in small pieces. stool difficult, hard, knotty. Soft or loose slimy evacuations, followed or preceded by cutting pains. After and during an evacuation, discharge of blood from the anus. Haemorrhoids in the anus, sometimes bleeding, with smarting pains. Protrusion of haemorrhoids from the rectum during the evacuation, with much pain afterwards.Haemorrhoidal tumors protruding before, during, and after stool. Nocturnal burning and itching in the anus. Excoriation between the legs and at the anus.
Urinary Organ
Constant inclination to make water, even at night, with scanty emission. Frequent desire to urinate, with continued pressure on the bladder. Frequent and copious micturition, especially in the evening. Passing water at night, during sleep (morning). Wetting the bed. White, sandy urine. Reddish urine, like water mixed with blood. Emission of blood from the urethra.
Sexual Organ
Forcing (wurgend) pain in the testicles and seminal cords; sensitiveness of testicles to touch, aggravated by erections.Testicles and scrotum relaxed, necessitating a supporter.Erections without sexual desire, mornings.Violent sexual desire, almost without erections.Seminal emission almost every night.Itching of the genitals.
Respiratory System
*Increasing difficulty in breathing, it wakes him, better cool air. Much oppression in breathing worse every effort, entering a warm room. Emphysema. *Rattling in chest but gets up little. Hoarseness. Pulmonary oedema. Cough, after influenza. Hypostatic congestion of lungs. Expectoration; of pure blood, after cough.[6]
Heart & Pulse
Frequent palpitation, with contraction of epigastrium and weak feeling in the pit of stomach.Audible palpitation, with attacks of great anxiety, as if dying; cold sweat; involuntary flow of tears; unable to speak; loud, difficult breathing and trembling of hands. Angina pectoris.Pulse hard, tense, frequent.[5]
Neck & Back
Parts lain on become numb. Cramps, in calves and soles. Fingers and hands swell, when arms are hanging down. Inclination to stretch limbs. Whitlow. Tearing pain better by heat of bed. Right foot numb. Ganglion. Aching in bones better change of weather. Right arm heavy and weak.
Red or mottled skin. Erysipelas; in aged. Malignant scarlatina.
Sleepiness during day. Wakes up with strangling. The sooner one goes to bed the better one sleeps.
*Coldness. Burning heat with thirst.
Important characteristic features of Ammonicum Carbonicum
Keynotes / Redline
1. Nosebleed when washing the face and hands in the morning, from left nostril, after eating.
2. Pressing teeth together sends shocks through head eyes and ears.
3. Cholera-like symptoms at the commencement of menses.
4. Children dislike washing.
-Ammonium carbonicum is adapted to stout, fleshy women, with various troubles in consequence of leading a sedentary life. Delicate women, who must have the smelling bottle constantly at hand.
-It is adapted to fat patients, with weak heart, with wheezing and suffocative feeling.
-Ammonium carbonicum has haemorrhagic tendency-blood dark, degenerated, watery, offensive and noncoagulable blood.
-Ammonium carbonicum produces diphtheria, when nose is stopped up, membrane extends to upper lip.
-Nosebleed when washing the face and hands in the morning, from left nostril after eating.
-Female genitalia-Cholera like symptoms at the commencement of menstruation.
-Menses-too frequent, profuse, early, copious, clotted, black
-with colicky pains and hard, difficult stool
– fatigue, especially of thighs
-with yawning and chilliness
-with toothache, sadness.
A marked sensitivity to cold, wet weather, which can also trigger or worsen feelings of sadness and emotional unease.
Premature and heavy menses, often preceded or accompanied by digestive disturbances like diarrhea or vomiting.
Difficulty breathing, often accompanied by a feeling of weakness and fatigue. This can be worsened by exertion.
Especially in the morning, or after eating. Also the blood rushes to the nose when stooping.
This is a very prominent symptom, where the person experiences significant nasal blockage, particularly at night, forcing them to breathe through their mouth.
1. Stout, nervous, fleshy women leading a sedentary life.
2. Nosebleed when washing the face.
3. Stopping of nose mostly at night, must breathe through the mouth; snuffles of infants.
4. Cough < 3 – 4 a.m.
5. Cholera like symptoms at commencement of menses.
Nucleus symptoms
-Weak, nervous, persons of a lymphatic or nervous temperament; stout, sedentary women who always have the smelling bottle at hand, unclean in body habit.
-Inflammation of mucous membranes tending to ulceration and gangrenous states.
-Sluggish circulation causing lividity, weakness, drowsiness and low vitality, with lack of reaction.
Therapeutic Value
Modality of Ammonium carbonicum
Cold, wet weather; poultices; from washing, during menses
Lying on abdomen, on painful side, in dry weather and warmth.
Remedy Relationship
Remedy Relationship of Ammonium carbonicum
Follows Well
Ars, Bell, Bry, Calc, Graph, Hep, Kali-c, Lyc, Merc, Nux-v, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sil, Sulph
Am-br, Am-m, Am-p, Ant-t, Apis, Arn, Ars, Aur, Bell, Calc, Cocc, Hep, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lach, Laur, Nat-m, Phos, Puls, Rhus-t, Ruta, Staph, Sulph, Verat
Antidoted By
Arn, Camph, Hep, Rhus-t
It Antidotes
Brom, Cench, Piloc, Rhus-t
Lower potencies deteriorate with age.
Sixth potency best for general use.
Duration of Action
40 Days[7]
General Homeopathic Terms:
Materia Medica:
A reference book that lists homeopathic remedies and describes their symptoms and indications. It’s the primary source of information about a remedy’s effects.
An index of symptoms, listing the remedies associated with each symptom. It’s used to help find the most similar remedy to a patient’s case.
The degree of dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) a homeopathic remedy has undergone. Common potencies include 6X, 30C, 200C, 1M, etc. The higher the number, the more dilutions and succussions.
The process of testing a substance on healthy volunteers to determine the symptoms it produces. This is how the symptom picture of a remedy is built.
The homeopathic remedy that most closely matches the totality of a patient’s symptoms. This is the ideal remedy to prescribe.
Totality of Symptoms:
The complete picture of a patient’s symptoms, including physical, mental, and emotional aspects, as well as modalities.
A factor that makes a symptom better or worse (e.g., time of day, temperature, position, motion). Modalities are crucial for differentiating between remedies.
A worsening of symptoms after taking a remedy. This can sometimes be a sign that the remedy is working (a "healing aggravation"), but it can also indicate the wrong remedy or potency.
An improvement of symptoms after taking a remedy.
Guiding Symptom (or Characteristic Symptom or Keynote Symptom):
A particularly strong and distinctive symptom that strongly points to a specific remedy.
The inherent physical and mental makeup of an individual, often influencing their susceptibility to certain illnesses and their response to remedies.
Vital Force:
The energy and the self healing power of a body.
Terms Specific to (or Frequently Used with) Amon. carb.:
Having a large or bulky body. This describes a common constitutional type for Amon. carb.
Characterized by much sitting and little physical exercise. This lifestyle is often associated with Amon. carb. indications.
Venous Congestion:
A sluggish flow of blood in the veins, leading to a buildup of blood in the tissues. This is a common feature of Amon. carb. pathology.
Bleeding, especially profuse bleeding. Amon. carb. is known for hemorrhages with dark, clotted blood.
Nosebleed. A frequent symptom of Amon. carb., often occurring after washing or eating.
Having an irritatingly strong and unpleasant taste or smell; causing irritation. Often used to describe discharges (e.g., menstrual flow) in Amon. carb.
Mentally or physically inactive; lethargic. This describes the sluggishness often seen in Amon. carb. patients.
extreme physical weakness or emotional exhaustion.
A strong dislike or disinclination. Amon. carb. has a marked aversion to company.
Respiratory distress.
[1] Materia medica by Dr.S.K.Dubey
[2]Dictionary Of Practical Materia Medica (All 3 Vol.) By Clarke J. H.
[3]Characteristic Materia Medica By William H.Burt
[4]Materia Medica By Boericke W.
[5]Condensed Materia Medica By Hering C.
[6]Concise Materia Medica Of Hom. Remedies By S.R. Phatak
[7] Zomeo
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Also Search As
1. Direct Remedy Name (and Variations):
This is the most straightforward approach. Users who already know the remedy’s name (or its common name/abbreviation) will directly search for it, often adding "homeopathy" or "materia medica" to refine their results. This indicates a pre-existing familiarity with the remedy.
2. Symptom-Based Searches (Specific & General):
Users experiencing particular symptoms (e.g., nosebleeds, sadness) will search for homeopathic solutions to those problems. They may use specific symptom descriptions or broader terms, reflecting their level of knowledge about their condition and homeopathic terminology.
3. Condition-Based Searches (Related Conditions):
Individuals who suspect they have a specific condition (e.g., bronchitis, emphysema) that Ammonium carbonicum might address will search for homeopathic treatments for that condition. This approach indicates the user is exploring potential connections between their ailment and known remedies.
4. Combining Remedy and Symptom/Condition:
These searches show a user who has some prior knowledge of Ammonium carbonicum and is trying to confirm its suitability for a specific symptom or condition. They are seeking validation or further information about a potential remedy match.
5. Authoritative Source Searches:
Users familiar with key homeopathic authors (Kent, Boericke, Clarke, Allen) might search for their specific writings on Ammonium carbonicum. This indicates a desire for in-depth, reliable information from respected sources within the homeopathic tradition.
6. Misspellings (Representing Common Errors):
These searches reflect common typographical errors or variations in spelling the remedy’s name. While unintentional, websites should still account for these misspellings to capture all relevant traffic.
7. Advanced Search Techniques (Examples):
Experienced searchers might use advanced operators (quotes, minus signs) or site-specific searches to find very precise information. This demonstrates a higher level of search proficiency and a targeted information need.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What are the key respiratory symptoms associated with Ammonium carbonicum?
Respiratory symptoms
Notably, it addresses nighttime nasal obstruction, often forcing mouth breathing. Additionally, it helps with nosebleeds, hoarseness, and a feeling of suffocation.
How does Ammonium carbonicum address circulatory problems?
Specifically, it can help with feelings of heaviness and fatigue due to poor circulation. Also, it is used when there is a tendency to feel cold.
What makes Ammonium carbonicum a unique homeopathic remedy?
Indeed, its unique combination of respiratory and circulatory symptoms, along with a sensitivity to cold, distinguishes it. Consequently, homeopaths prescribe it based on these specific and peculiar symptoms.
Who is a typical "Ammonium carbonicum" patient?
Guiding symptoms
Generally, this individual tends to be sensitive to cold, damp weather and have a tendency to poor circulation. Additionally, they may have respiratory troubles, that are worse at night.