Mercurius Solubilis

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Mercurius Solubilis

Mercurius Solubilis


Merc Sol is a homeopathic remedy that is a preparation of Mercurius solubilis, which is a mercuric chloride compound. Here are some synonyms for Merc Sol:

  • Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni
  • Mercury soluble
  • Quicksilver

It is important to note that homeopathic remedies are not a substitute for medical care. If you are considering using Merc Sol, it is important to speak with a qualified homeopathic practitioner.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

i) Pryalism tenacious, soapy, stringy, profuse.

ii) Foetid, coppery, metallic-tasting saliva. 

iii) Morning sickness with profuse salivation, wets the pillow in sleep. 


Character of pain: Pulsating, tearing, lacerating, shooting pain into face or ears. 

Crowns of teeth decay, roots remain.


  • a) Agg. in damp weather or evening air.
  • b) Agg. from warmth of bed, from cold or warm things.
  • c) Amel. from rubbing the cheek.

Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni 

Sexual symptoms 

i) Male

Nocturnal emission stained with blood.  

ii) Female 

a) Leucorrhoea

  • i) Acrid, burning, itching with rawness. 
  • ii) Always worse at night.
  • iii) Pruritus agg. from contact of urine which must be washed off. 

b) Mammae

  • i) Painful, as if they would ulcerate at every menstrual period. 
  • ii) Milk in the breast in place of menses.

c) Morning Sickness

  • Profuse salivation, wets the pillow in the sleep.

Urinary Symptoms 

a) Character of Urine 
  • i) Urine is scanty, dark, turbid, bloody, albuminous and very o Greenish discharge coming from urethra.
  • ii) Quantity of urine is voided is more than the amount of water
b) Before Urination
  • i) Vesical region sore to touch,
  • ii) Frequent urging to urinate,
c) During Urination
  • i) Burning in the urethra on beginning to urinate. (Ref. Boericke)
d) After Urination
  • i) Green discharges becoming turbid and foetid. 
e) Modalities

  Agg. i) At night, ii) Burning just after urination.

f) Concomitants
  • i) Large, flabby, moist tongue having imprint of teeth with profuse
  • ii) Thirst for large quantities of cold water.

Dysentery Symptoms 

  • i) Fright.
  • ii) Suppressed foot-sweat.
  • iii) Abuse of crude mercurial preparation.
Character of stool  
  • Slimy (++), bloody (+++) with slight mucus (+) (Ref. Farrington), excoriating the anus. Stools, acrid, knotty, containing pus, viscid.
Odour of stool  
  • Very offensive (++)
  • "Can’t finish sensation". Never ‘get done’ feeling, though no more stool to come. 
  • i) Tenesmus (++). require much straining to pass (Ref. Farrington). Tenesmus during and after stool e. not relieved by evacuation is a indication of Merc. Sol.
  • ii) Colic: as from worms, with cold clammy hands (Ref. Farrington). Cutting, gripping. stabbing pain in the abdomen. 
  • i) More the blood and pain, better Merc. Sol. is indicated (Ref. Tyler).
  • ii) Dry tongue and absence of thirst (even in dysentery) is a contraindication. (Ref. Clarke)
  • a) Aggravation: Agg. at night, from uncovering (Ref. Farrington). in cool evening air (Colic Agg.). (Ref. Farrington)
  • b) Amelioration: Whilst lying down colic a bit (Ref. Farrington)
  • a) Creeping chilliness and thirst.
  • b) Colic and just before evacuation, a sick, painful faint feeling, accompanies the colic.
  • c) Flabby, moist, salivated tongue with imprint of teeth.
  • d) Prolapsus ani, when

Skin symptoms 

Ailments from
  • i) Abuse of crude mercurial preparations.
  • ii) Stings of insects.
  • ii) Vapour of Arsenic or Copper. 
  • iv) Suppressed gonorrhoea and syphilis, Clinical Boils and abscesses, Psoriasis, Herpes, Zona Eczema and eruptions. (Ref. Farrington)
Appearance of the skin 
  • i) Skin is rough, unhealthy, with profuse, offensive, non-relieving sweat.
  • ii) Constantly moist skin.

Note: Persistent dryness of the skin contraindicates Merc. Sol.  

  • iii) Skin is dirty, yellow, rough, flabby. (Ref. Farrington’s Comparative Materia Medica).
Nature of skin disease
a) Abscesses
  • i) Due to unhealthy skin, every little injury suppurates. (. Hepar., Graph. Sulph.. Petrol).
  • ii) Suppurative process is slower than Hepar
  • iii) Abscesses at the root of teeth, suppurative tonsillitis. (Ref. Farrington) 
b) Ulcers
  • i) Spreads superficially, feels raw, excoriated, lardaceous surface.
  • ii) Ulcers are of irregular shape with underlined.
  • iii) The margins are everted like raw meat and the base is covered with caseous coat, having a dirty unhealthy look.  
  • iv) Ulcers bleeds easily when touched with tensive pain, 
  • v) Rapidly decomposing ulcers on legs.
  • vi) Cold abscess: slow to suppurate. 
C) Eruptions
  • i)Humid, fortid eruptions, thick yellow charge of yellow crusts from scalp. 
  • ii) Violent and voluptuous itching over whole body, principally in the evening
  • or at night. (Ref. Farrington’s Comparative Materia Medica).  
  • iii) Scratching causes bleeding. (Farrington)
D) Modalities:
  • Agg at night in wet damp weather. 
  • Agg. by perspiration. Agg. in warm room, bed. 
  • Amel, in the morning, from scratching. 

Characteristics Symptoms 

  • It is the king of antisyphylitic medicines. 
  • All complaints are agg at night: (from sunset to sunrise) and from the warmth of bed: Dr. Clarke refers all the complaints are Agg. by heat and Amel, from cold. 
  • Excessive offensive perspiration, which aggravates all complaints, Master Kent says, more he sweats, worse he is’. 
Offensive discharges 
  • All the discharges are very offensive; sweat, stool etc. even breath. 
  • There is intense thirst for large quantity of cold water although the tongue is moist. salivated, large, flabby, showing imprint of teeth. 
  • Dry tongue with no thirst is a contraindication.
  • Tremor and trembling of the parts from exertion is a general characteristic of Merc. Sol. (10) 

Respiratory symptoms 

a) Catarrh
  • i) Catarrh with much sneezing.
  • ii) Fluent, acrid, corrosive discharge.
b) Nostrils
  • Nostrils raw and ulcerated. 
c) Discharges
  • Discharges from throat or from nose are yellowish-green, foetid, pus like.
d) Nasal pones
  • Nasal bone swollen at night.
e) Pneumonia

1) Stage – Hepatisation and resolution stage. 

2) Site – Lower lobe of right lung is affected. 

3) Character of Cough – Dry fatiguing cough stitches through the back. 

4) Modalities 

Agg. i) At night., ii) When lying on right, iii) From warmth of bed,  

5) Lung – Suppuration of lung, after haemorrhages. 

f) Cough

1) Character of Cough  

  • i) Cough dry, fatiguing, racking.
  • ii) Cough appears in two paroxysms.
  • iii) Cough with utter inability to lie on right side. 
  • iv) Sputa is horribly offensive. putrid or salty taste.
  • v) Offensive odour.
  • vi) Whooping cough with nose-bleeding (Epistaxis).

2) Modalities 


  • i) At night. 
  • ii) From warmth of bed
  • iii) From lying on right side; can’t lie on right side. 
  • iv) From damp.
  • v) From tobacco smoke (Ref. Boericke). 

3) Concomitants 

  • i) Creeping chilliness in the evening. Dread of air (Ref. Boericke) . 
  • ii) Swollen, flabby, moist tongue, shows imprint of teeth with profuse thirst.
  • iii) Fluent coryza.  
  • iv) Profuse perspiration which agg. all complaints.

i) Argentum Nit

ii) Cina.

iii) Merc. Sol. 

Excerpts (Summary)

Merc Sol is a homeopathic remedy derived from mercuric chloride, often used for conditions with syphilitic origins or those presenting symptoms like excessive sweating, intense thirst with salivation, offensive discharges, swollen glands, ulcers, chills, and tremors. Consult a homeopathic practitioner before use.

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