Lycopodium Clavatum

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Lycopodium Clavatum


Lycopodium Clavatum

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3 Miser Remedies

 Ars Alb, Lycopodium, Sepia 

Right Sided Medicines 

i) Apis Mel., ii) Belladonna., iii) Bryonia, iv) Causticum. v) Lycopodium, vi) Rhus Toxicodendron. 

Constipation of Lycopodium Clavatum

a) Causation:
  • Since puberty. 
  • Since her last confinement.  
  • When away from the home. 
  • Of infants. 
 b) Character of Stool:
  • Hard, scanty stool. 
  • Stool passes with great difficulty.  
  • Ineffectual desire for stool. 
 c) Modalities:
  • Agg. from 4 to 8 P.M.  
 d) Concomitants:
  • Rectum contracts and protrudes during stool. 
  • With constipation there is tendency to develop piles. 
  • Discharge of blood from genitals with every stool 

Note: Dr. E. B. Nash refers that Nux Vomica constipation is caused by irregular peristaltic action where as that of Lycopodium seems to be caused by a spasmodic contraction of the anus.  

Child Symptoms Of Lycopodium Clavatum

1) Constitution: 
a) Physical make-up:
  • Old looking baby; weak and emaciated with well-developed head, but punny, sick body. (Ref. Nash) 
  • The characteristic feature is upper part of the body is emaciated and lower part is semi dropsical. 
  • Unhealthy complexion, anaemic and pale. Master Kent says: sallow, sunken and premature lines in face-i.e., why the baby looks older than he is (Arg. Nit., Se cale., Sanicula, Kreosote, Fluoric acid). 
b) Temperament:
  • Nervous but keen temperament (intellectually keen but physically weak). 
c) Miasm:
  • Covers all the 3-miasms. Still predominantly anti-psoric and one of the Master Hahnemann’s trios of anti-psorics (Lycopodium, Sulph., Calc.). 
d) Relation to Heat and Cold:
  • The child is sensitive to cold and there is marked lack of vital heat. Master Kent says, Agg. in general, from cold, cold air, cold food etc. Though Kent comments that pains are amel. from warmth except the head and spine. Patient desires open air which is a characteristic (Ref. Dr. J. H. Clarke). 
e) Diathesis:
  • Lithic and uric acid diathesis, predisposed to lung and hepatic affections. Dr. Clarke says, it is a lithaemic neurasthenic remedy’ (Lith emic causing an abnormally large amount of uric acid in the circulation of blood). 
2) Side of Affections: 
  • Predominantly affects the right side. Com plaints starts from right and proceeds towards left Kent says symptoms proceeds from above downwards, from head to chest. (Ref. Kent) 
3) Mind: 
  • Mentally the baby is very much irritable, peevish, cross, ugly, kicks off and screams. Dr. Nash says, baby pushes away the nurse or parents. 
  • A peculiarity is that baby cries all day and sleeps all night. 
  • The baby does not want to be alone and has dread of solitude. 
  • The child dreads the presence of new person or visitors. 
  • Child is greedy, very much sensitive and even cries when thanked. 
  • Dr. Farrington says. Child suddenly becomes obstinate; awakens cross Lycopodium will go a long distance out of his way to pick quarrel (Nux vomica, snappish when you go near him). (Ref. Dr. N.M. Chowdhury). 
4) Symptomatology: 
i) Nasal
  • Snuffles of children. Nose stops at night and must breathe through mouth. Child starts rubbing his nose during sleep. Dr. Farrington reports, Lycopodium has cured dry cough in feeble emaciated children, often there is sensation that lung is full of mucous and the child has marked rattling while asleep. (Ref. Dr. Farrington’s Comparative Materia Medica). 
ii) Urinary
  • Child cries before urination (Borax). The urine is dark; red sand in the urine, may be associated with right sided renal colic. Kent says, due to inactivity of the bladder urine is slow to flow. Flows in a feeble stream. Master Kent says, polyuria (frequent micturition) during night, whilst scanty during day. Backache ameliorated after urination (Medo). 
 iii) Gastro-Intestinal 
  • Child is prone to suffer from hepatic diseases, jaundice, infective hepatitis, whence liver is very much sensitive, dry ness of the mouth with sour taste. 
  • There is canine hunger but a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat. Master Kent explains that after a mere mouthful what he eats turns into wind and fermentation occurs, hence excessive accumulation of gas and flatulence. Nash points. gas esp. in lower abdomen (-whilst upper abdomen, Carbo Veg. and entire abdomen, China).
  • Canine hungeràEats àFew mouthfuls fill up to the throatà Fermentationà Gasà Distentionà Sour Stomach à Sour eructation and Vomitingà Canine hunger.
  • Agg. from 4-8 P.M.
iv) Stool:
v) Desires and Aversions:

a) Desires, rather intense craving for sweet,

vi) Skin:
  • Abscess beneath the skin. Dr. Farrington in Comparative Materia Medica reports of pedunculated warts. 
  • Dropsy especially of the ankles goes from right to left. 
  • Viscid and offensive perspiration (++) (Ref. Dr. Boericke). 
 5) Causative Factors: 
  • Fright, anger, mortification, reserved displeasure etc. 
 6) Modalities: 
  • Agg. From 4-8 p.m. 
  • Amel. From warm food and drinks, amel. in open air.  

i) Calcarea Carb., ii) Hepar Sulph., iii) Lycopodium.

Mental Symptoms of Lycopodium Clavatum 

1) Precocious Mentality 
  1. i) Mentality precocious: -intellectually keen but physically weak.
2) Wants to be Alone 
  • Wants to be alone, does not like company but fear of being alone; dread of solitude, wants someone be present nearer. 
3) Weeping Mood 
  • Even cries when thanked. 
  • Weep all day (in case of children).  
  • Cannot calm herself without weeping. 
4) Mental Causations 
  • From fright. 
  • From anger. 
  • From mortification.  
  • From vexation. 
  • From reserved displeasure. 
5) Greedy: Miser 
  • Avaricious, greedy, miser, malicious, pusillanimous i.e., mean-minded. 
6) Irritable 
  • Irritable, peevish and cross on contradiction. In a Dr. N. M. Chowdhury refers Lycopodium patient will go a long distance out of his way to pick quarrel with neighbour. 
7) Fears 
  • Feeling of complete incompetence and inability to undertake the task, although he has the ability to do so. 
  • Dread of appearing in public; often hesitates, mumbles and stumbles but finishes the job with competency. 
  • Loss of self-confidence. 

Urinary Symptoms of Lycopodium Clavatum

  • It is a leading medicine of lithic and uric acid diathesis and commonly indicated in right sided renal colic. 
a) Character of Urine:
  • Red sand in the urine. 
  • Scanty, dark red, albuminous, with strangury.  
  • Deposition of Calculi in the urine. 
  • Scanty urine during day but copious and frequent urination during night. 
  • Master Kent says, inactivity of the bladder Lycopodium Clavatum as in rectum. Urine is slow to flow and flows in a feeble stream.  
b) Before Urination:
  • Child cries before urination due to pain in the back.  
  • Terrible pain in the right kidney, generally referred as renal colic, which passes along the course of right ureter, up to urethra.  
  • Drawing, aching pain, starts from umbilicus goes to the right ureter, extends up to urinary bladder and then to right thigh. 
c) During Urination:
  • Pain in back, especially in right kidney. 
d) After Urination:
  • Back pain relieved by profuse urination. 
  • Deposits of Calculi or red sand in the urine. 
e) Modalities:
  • Agg. i) 4 to 8 P.M, ii) At night. iii) Before urination. 
f) Concomitants:

Medicines For Bad Effects Of Onions

i) Lycopodium, ii) Thuja.

Respiratory Symptoms of Lycopodium Clavatum

a) Nose:
  • Alaenasi: flapping, fan-like motion.  
  • Dry nose with catarrh. 
  • Nose stopped at night, must breathe through the mouth. 
  • Snuffles, child awakes from sleep and rubs nor its nose. 
b) Throat:

1) Location: i) Right side is affected and complain goes from right to left.  

ii) Affections proceed from above down

2) Sensation: i) Constriction feeling in the throat. 

3) Character of pain: i) Stitching pain in the throat, aching and drawing type   of pain. 

4) Look-up of the throat:  Brownish-red colour of the membrane amply singles out Lycopodium. 

5) Modalities:

Agg. i) From 4 to 8 P.M, ii) From cold drinks.

Amel. i) From warm drinks. 

c) Cough

Character of Cough: i) Deep, hollow, dry coughii) Raising of mucus in large quantities, but it affords little relief. 

2) Modalities: Agg.

  • From 4 to 8 P.M. 
  • In alternate days.  
  • From stretching out of arms. 
  • From stooping or lying-down. 
  • In a warm room.
d) Diphtheria:

1) Fauces: Brownish red membrane. 

2) Spread: 

i) Deposits spread from right tonsil to th

ii) Descends from nose to right tonsil.

iii) Affection proceeds from above downwards. 

3) Modalities:   

Agg. i) After sleep, ii) From cold drinks, iii) 4 to 8 P.M. 

Amel. i) from warm food.

e) Pneumonia:

1) Introduction:

2) Stage: 

  • In advanced stage. 

3) Site 

  • Lower lobe of the right lung is affected. 

4) Character of Cough: 

  • Deep, hollow, shattering cough. 
  • Dry, teasing cough. 
  • Dry cough in emaciated boys. 
  • There is extreme dyspnoea. the cough sounds as if entire parenchyma of the lung were softened. (Ref. Nash) 

5) Character of Sputa: 

  • Profuse, yellowish, thick, purulent mu cous, affording little or no relief. 
  • Sputa is greenish, yellow, dirty or foetid. 
  • Rattling in the chest, flapping of the wings of the nose and inability to expectorate. (Ref. Kent) 

6) Look-up of the face:  i) Cyanosed. ii) Shallow and unhealthy complexion with cold-face.

7) Concomitants:   i) Fan like motion of the alae-nasi with furrowing of the forehead. 

Characteristic Symptoms of Lycopodium Clavatum

i) Side Predominancy:
  • Right sided medicine, complaints begin in the right side, then traverses to the left side.
ii) Modalities:
  • All complaints are agg. from 4 to 8 P.M. and ameliorated by warm food and warm drinks. 
 iii) Hunger: 
  1. a) Canine hunger, but a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat. 
  2. b) Canine hunger: more he eats, more he
iv) Mind:
  • Nervous, miser, sensitive, cries when thanked dread of appearing in public. Wants to be alone yet dreads solitude. Intellectually keen but physically weak. 
v) Discharges:
  • Sourness of all the discharges. Everything tastes sour. 
vi) Desire:
  • Great desire for sweets, warm foods and drinks. (8) 

Gastro Intestinal Symptoms of Lycopodium Clavatum

1) Causation: 
  1. i) After a light meal.
  2. ii) Lycopodium patient can’t eat oysters, which seems to be poison (Ref. Kent).  
2) Character:  
  • There is canine hunger. 
  • Headache if the patient does not eat. 
  • But despite of insatiable appetite a few mouthfuls fill up to the throat. 
  • There is excessive accumulation of gas and flatulence especially in the lower abdomen. (Nash’s trio of tympanitic and flatulent: upper end. Carb Veg-whole Abd. China), with loud rumbling, rolling of the flatus as though fermentation were going on but not amel, by passing flatus and eructation. 
  • Lycopodium patients are always belching. 
  • They have eructation that are sour and acrid. sour stomach, sour vomiting, sour flatus, eructation, heart-burn, water brash etc. 
3) Sensation: 
  • Master Kent says, the abdomen is distended like a drum so that he can hardly breathe.  
  • Everything he eats turns into gas (Ref. Kent).  
  • After a mere mouthful he becomes flatulent and distended so that he can’t eat any more.
  • Whilst the abdomen is distended the patient is so nervous that he can’t endure and noise. 
4) Location: 
  • Distension is generally in the lower part of abdomen with Lycopodium generally the distension and flatulent condition very apt to occur in connection with chronic liver trouble (Ref. Nash). Rumbling and flatulence is often found particularly in the region of splenic flexure. Generally affecting right side; Symptoms proceed right to left. 
5) Digestion: 
  • Digestion is impaired which is manifested by ins tant fermentation after taking food.  
6) Pain: 
  • The more he eats, the more he craves: in this phase there might be some gastric colic, which is agg. after eating.  
7) Mouth and Taste: 
  • It is more of a sour taste with its belching (Ref.Farrington). Sour taste, everything tastes sour. 
 8) Modalities: 
  • Agg. by cold drinks, agg. 4-8 P.M. 
  • Agg. after eating (Kent). 
  • Amel. from warm drinks,  
 9) Concomitant: 
  • Fan like movements of the alae-nasi. Sour sweat, sour discharges, vomiting etc. Dr. N.M. Chowdhury says, patient is generally costive. Dryness of mouth and tongue without thirst. 
10) Desires and Aversion: 
  • Desire for sweet things, warm food and drinks. 
  • Aversion to tobacco, bread, coffee.  


Chamomilla, Lycopodium.,  Nux Vomica. 

Canine Hunger Medicines

i) Cina: Canine hunger: hungry soon after a full meal; craving for sweets  and indigestible 

ii) Lycopodium: Canine hunger; the more he eats, the more he craves. 

iii) Secale Cor: Un-natural ravenous appetite; even with exhausting diarrhoea; craves acids, lemonades. 

Five  Medicines for Lachrymal disposition 

i) Apis Mel:
  • Weeping disposition. 
  • Cannot help crying, discouraged and despondent. 
ii) Graphites:
  • Music makes her sad, causes weeping. 
iii) Lycopodium 
  • Weeps all day, cannot calm herself.  
  • Very sensitive, even cries when thanked. 
iv) Natrum Mur:
  • Marked disposition to weep.  
  • Sad, weeping mood, without any cause. 
  • Consolation from others, aggravates her troubles, others. 
v) Pulsatilla:
  • Weeps easily. 
  • Almost impossible to detail her ailments without weeping. 

i) Lycopodium is indicated in deep-seated progressive chronic diseases.

ii) But it is rarely advisable to begin the treatment of a chronic disease with Lycopodium, unless clearly indicated; it is better to give first another antipsoric.


 Colocynth,  Halleborus,  Lycopodium.

Differentiating Features

i) Lycopodium: Pre-mature emission.

ii) Natrum Mur: Re-tarded emission.

Excerpts (Summary)

Lycopodium Clavatum: A Versatile Homeopathic Remedy for Digestive, Liver, Respiratory, and Emotional Issues

Discover the healing potential of Lycopodium Clavatum, a widely used homeopathic remedy for various health conditions. Learn about its key characteristics, common uses, and how it can support your overall well-being. Consult a qualified homeopath to explore if Lycopodium is the right remedy for you.

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